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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
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Mastermind Offline
Champions get their name in red!
TITLE - The TV Champion

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

10-18-2024, 01:28 PM



Mastermind walks into what resembles a gym in Grovedale, British Columbia, Canada.  He had been given the address to this place by an old Canadian contact of his.  He had been searching for the person who is looking for, for a couple of weeks.  He has the XWF Television Championship Belt draped over his shoulder.

He looks around.  At first he thinks he might have come at the wrong time, because the person he was looking for, might not be here.  Then he spots her.  In a corner of the gym of all things, she looks to be shadow kick boxing a dummy.

He walks towards her.  She is putting in a lot of effort, and taking the time to destroy the dummy.  She is all sweaty and she looks tired.  Very tired.

Mastermind picks up a towel from a nearby table, and walks cautiously towards the woman calling herself Scarlet.  He knows her as Scarlet the Hunteress.  She is a long way from looking like Scarlet the Hunteress though.  This Scarlet was dressed in a black unitard, and she looked a mess.

He stops not far away and decides if he should approach her.  He turns to leave, but thinks better of it.  He has to do this.

Mastermind turns back to the corner, and throws the towel.  It lands beside the crash dummy, and Scarlet looks down at it, picks it up, and turns towards who threw it.

At first she stood without saying anything, but her eyes were giving it away.  She was angry.  Angry to be looked over.

SCARLET: “Go home…… Boss.”

There she said it.  She stood there menacing.  Mastermind stood his ground.

MASTERMIND: “I want to bring the Misfits back together.”

SCARLET: “Really?”

MASTERMIND: “Yes really.”

SCARLET: “Like I said go home,”

MASTERMIND: “Not without you.”

Scarlet rubbed the pouring sweat from her face with towel.  She stares at Mastermind.

SCARLET: “I see you won the Television Belt.  Is that from the XWF?”


SCARLET: “Well good for you.  You were always after the Television and the Xtreme Championships again.”

MASTERMIND: “It sought of fell into my lap by accident,”

SCARLET: “Whatever.  You are the XWF Television Champion now, wear the title with pride.”


SCARLET: “Bullshit you are.  I saw your latest lost against Summer Page at Thursday Night Anarchy.”

Mastermind stood there feeling lost.  He needed Scarlet, but he didn’t want to be bullied at the same time.

MASTERMIND: “Yeah that didn’t go so well,”

SCARLET: “Well you got your title defense on Monday against Razor Blade, good luck with that.  Let me get back to my training.”

MASTERMIND: “Look Scarlet, I’m sorry you think I ran away, I didn’t.  I needed time out.  I was exhausted.  I couldn’t put up a fight with myself let alone run a group like the Misfits.”

Scarlet went back to shadow kick boxing the dummy, but stopped when she heard Mastermind.  She stood there for a few seconds, and turned back to face Mastermind.

SCARLET: “You say you are sorry?”


SCARLET: “What made you come back now?”

MASTERMIND: “One last run, and I was ready to come back mentally.”

SCARLET: “And you say you want to bring the Misfits back?  You know what happened when you ran away?”

MASTERMIND: “The Misfits had no choice but to disband.  But you could have stayed together.”

Scarlet laughed and turned back to the dummy.

MASTERMIND: “Please Scarlet.  I came all this way to get you back.”

Scarlet looked at the dummy, and shook her head.  She turned back to Mastermind.

SCARLET: “Why is this time different?”

MASTERMIND: “Because like I said I am mentally stronger, and this time I will let you guys decide on what matches you want, and won’t stand in your way, but I need the Misfits to create havoc again.  I can’t do it by myself.”

SCARLET: “No it doesn’t look like you can.  Ned Kaye isn’t even responding to you.”

MASTERMIND: “Ned Kaye will get his…. in time.  I need you though.  Will you help me?  Please!!!  I am begging you now."

Scarlet turned back to the dummy and gave it a few kicks before turning back to face Mastermind.

SCARLET: “I will come back, only, and I mean only, if you get Kris.  Manage to persuade him, and I will come back.  Melanie and Victor will fall into line if they see Kris falling into line.”


SCARLET: “You do know out of the 5 of us, Kris was the most active, but you side lined him.”

MASTERMIND: “I know, and you are rate.  Because where I was at mentally I sidelined Kris a whole lot more than I should of.  He would be on fire by now.”

SCARLET: “You know what you must do then.  IF KRIS says yes, I’m in.  Now if you can excuse me, your interrupting me.”

Mastermind watched as Scarlet returned to kick boxing the dummy.  Once again sweat forming on her face, and falling off.  He turned, and walked out of the gym.

Quote:Beware the quiet man. 
For a while others speak, he watches.
And while others act, he plans.
And when they finally rest…. He strikes


The camera is turned up and shows Mastermind walking through a group of other people towards T Mobile Arena in Nevada.  He finds a space where he can talk from, and walks over to it.  The camera follows as people go walking about their business on the other side.  He is holding the XWF Television belt over his shoulder.

“Razor Blade, we meet once again, and it is for my XWF Television Championship.  I just want to wish you good luck for I am a man looking for redemption after my loss to Summer Page on Thursday Night Anarchy.

“In my book, you aren’t that clever, you aren’t that good.  Please, oh please remember the quote.  Beware The Quiet Man.  I am that Quiet Man.  For a while others speak, he watches.  I let people talk about me.  I really do.  They talk about one thing that they can put me down, my win loss streak.

“So while they act my down full, I plan their own destructive way of beating them.  So when they finally rest, he strikes.  I strike when they think they have matches won against me, and then I turn the tide, and win the match,”

Mastermind smirks his infamous smirk, and then claps his hand.  The camera is turned off.

When it next comes back on, Mastermind is seen inside what looks to be a dressing room.  He seems to be sitting down on the floor cross legged.

“Razor Blade, I have been given the green light from management to destroy you, and so that is my plan on the up coming Warfare.  To destroy you.

“I know about you, I do Razor Blade, and I’m going to tear the truth out of you, and you are going to wish that we would have never met for this beautiful title of mine.”

Mastermind picks up the XWF Television Title, looks at it, and gives it a kiss, before putting it on his shoulder.

“You are such a damn liar Razor Blade, and I’ll expose you for all you are worth when we step foot inside that ring, because that’s who I am at the end of the day, I expose people.  Whether for the good or the bad.  And this time it’s very bad.

“I want you to think about something Razor Blade.  Think to the ocean.  Think about the Great White Sharks.  They have huge big teeth, why?  To chomp things with.  Now think about me being a Great White Shark, and I’m going to chomp you into tiny little pieces so much so that management will have to get you out of the ring early.  Because I am going to bite you so much that you will scream.  And by bite I mean destroy you with my arsenal.”

Mastermind once again seems to enjoy is his little taunting session, that he claps, and once again the camera is turned off.

When the camera comes back on, it shows Mastermind standing in the ring, with his arms on the ropes looking out at the emptiness of the arena, at that time, and then he looks at the camera.

“Razor Blade, I really hope that you feel empty in side.  Because I am going to hurt you so badly after my loss to Summer Page, that you are going to wish that you weren’t even here.

“Have I frighten you yet?  Have I destroyed your chances yet?  Have I placed mistrust in your little abilities?  Because I am going to wipe the floor with you and then I am going to have Management clean up afterwards because after all they were the ones to put you in this match, after my big loss to Summer Page.  I should have been ready for that.  But I wasn’t.

“But do you know what I hear right now, Razor Blade.  Your downfall.  The rejection that your own mind, your own body is going to battle.  You are going down.  You are going to squeal to give up, and then you are going to cry.  I want to make you cry.  Because I don’t give a god damn any more.  Not after my loss to Summer Page.  She is more of a competitor than you are.

“I see where you walk, I see when you talk, I see you here, I see you there, and I see you everywhere.  Give in to temptation now!  Do not come anywhere near me, because I am going to be the monster that you wish you do not come up against or anyone else better not get in my way.

“I’m keeping this belt against you Razor Blade, and I’m keeping this belt after you, for a while, for as long as I want to.  No one, and I mean no one will want to take it off of me.  I will be the last one left standing.

Mastermind smirks again and claps his hand and the camera fades out.

The camera fades back in, to complete darkness, but can only see the XWF Television Championship Belt seemingly hanging in mid air, and a pair of eyes.  Then Mastermind can be heard talking:

“I won’t let this go Razor Blade.  I can’t let it go.  Management have given me the opportunity to take you on in a last man standing match that you won’t get up from.  I’m in one hell of a mood since my loss to Summer Page, and no one can beat me after she did.  She made a fool out of me, so I’ll make a fool out of you and much more.

“Management gave me the green light, I’ll destroy you, bit by bit until you can’t get up, and I’ll carry on.  You won’t.

“I truly wish Summer Page hadn’t beaten me because then I would go lightly on you, but I can’t and won’t let it go.  It’s time Razor Blade to destroy you and move on.  After all I AM the DEMON of your DREAMS and I WILL be very brutal in the way I ACT against you because my time truly is NOW.”

A clapping noise can be heard again, and the camera turns off fully this time.

Overall - 64 Wins 105 Losses 8 Technicals 2 Draws 1 No Contest
Comeback Record - 4 Wins 3 Losses
8th Year Record - 2024 - 4 Wins 3 Losses
7th Year Record 2023 - 5 Wins 16 Losses
6th Year Record 2022 - 5 Wins 8 Losses 1 Draw
5th Year Record 2020 - 7 Wins 12 Losses 1 No Contest
4th Year Record 2019 - 12 Wins 1 Draw 21 Losses
3rd Year Record 2018 - 6 Wins 2 Losses
2nd Year Record 2015 - 1 Wins 9 Losses 2 Technical
1st Year Record 2014 - 24 Wins 34 Losses 6 Technicals

February 2020 Star of The Month
November 2014 Star Of The Month

Current 2x XWF Television Champion
Former XWF Thursday Night Anarchy Champion - 2022 - 1 Successful Defence
Former Three Time X-Treme Champion
Former Two Time Ark of the Covenant Champion
Lost in the 1st Round of the Woodstock Open - Wrestlestock 2019
Semi Finalist in the XWF King of the Ring 2020

50TH CAREER WIN vs TOMMY WISH - Wednesday Night Warfare - 2ND SEPTEMBER 2020

100TH CAREER LOSS vs BOB D - Weekend Warfare - 12TH AUGUST 2023



Check out my page for victories and losses


[Image: misfits.png]

[Image: Misfits2.png]
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