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The American is coming to Anarchy
Author Message
Razor Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(Physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes.)

09-01-2024, 08:17 PM

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When the lights go off and they hear Wrestling has more than one royal family Kingdom bursts through the arena smoke appears on the entrance stage and fireworks burst Razor comes out walking gets down on one knee spreads his arms and fist pumps walks down the aisle and slap a few kids and adults hands  in  sign autographs and hits down the steel steps and climbs o the top rope and spread his arms one last time and fireworks hits off in the back Entrance area and he gets down and enters inside the Anarchy ring and heads over towards the timekeeper area for a microphone while talking to the XWF Universe

XWF Universe Chants Razor, Razor Razor Razor Razor Razor!
[Image: intro-1689103624.jpg]
American Nightmare | Razor Blade: Beach, Florida What do u wanna talk about?
XWF Universe cheers for Beach Florida and Razor
[Image: intro-1679590867.jpg]
American Nightmare | Razor Blade: eight days ago on Warfare me and Latoya. was in this very ring when we went up against Madison and Misty Waters. in a tag team but we didn't win the match then a week later we both were in a Twelve man battle royal to determine the new Anarchy Champion and we both got eliminated at the same time which brings me to this that at Anarchy I get to fight for the Revolution Championship and my Opponent is none other than Matthias Syn. and he gets to choose the stipulation for our match this Friday on Anarchy when we both collide against each other in the same ring together and I will be your new Revolution Champion on Anarchy at XWF.
XWF Universe Cheers for Razor
American Nightmare | Razor Blade: Matthias Syn. has to pick a stipulation for him for his Revolution Championship on Anarchy at XWF.
XWF Universe Chants What's The Type, What's the type What's the type What's the type?
American nightmare| Razor Blade: honestly I don't know yet but we will find out this Friday when I snatch that Revolution Championship away from Matthias Syn. waist and I become your new Revolution Champion at Anarchy on XWF.
XWF Universe Cheers for Razor and Mention winning the Title on Anarchy
American nightmare| Razor Blade: So what's it gonna be Matthias Syn. what type of match that you and I are gonna have on Anarchy for your Revolution Championship at XWF?
XWF Universe Chants We Want to know, We want to know We want to know We want to know!
American Nightmare | Razor Blade: you hear that Matthias. they want to know what type of match you and I are gonna have this Friday on Anarchy when you defend that Revolution Championship against me at XWF.
American Nightmare | Razor Blade: Because The American Nightmare is going to bring everything that he has got when you choose a stipulation for our match this week and it doesn't matter what type of match it is as long as I defeat your sorry ass right here in this middle ring when beat you in front of thousands of people who will see me destroy you and I'll be your new XWF Revolution Champion.
XWF Universe cheers for American Nightmare when he finishes up he has one final word to say to Matthias Syn.
[Image: 112416_fsl-ekdwyaedbmb_1680314854.jpg&op...=870&h=435]
American Nightmare | Razor Blade: now our match is gonna be awesome and once we give everything that you and I got inside of this ring then you won't be leaving Beach, Florida as still Revolution Champion oh no cause The American Nightmare is leaving as your new Revolution Champion until you decide which stipulation that you and I are gonna be in and like I said it doesn't matter rather it's a Steel Cage, or a Last man standing or Xtreme rules match you name it but all I know is this Matthias. you bring your Championship and I'll bring myself and you and I are gonna throw down like it's not a thing cause I'm winning this match rather you cheat or screw me over or not I'm going to kick you out until I win this match and become the new XWF Revolution Champion The American nightmare Razor Blade.
American Nightmare | Razor Blade: and by the way Matthias. I make sure that I'll be seeing you real soon because The American Nightmare. is coming to Anarchy.
Blade drops the mic when Kingdom hits and he exits out of the ring slaps a few kids and adults five walks back up towards the ramp and heads back to his locker room before his huge match begins this Friday
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (10-13-2024), Jett Sterling (09-04-2024)

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