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Hawaiian Hardhead
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Hawaiian Hardhead Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:

(has an old school wrestling mentality; no nonsense; less appealing to some younger fans)

01-13-2024, 11:25 PM

[Image: oLWfWkF.jpg]

Wrestler's Real Name: Jack Hunter

Wrestler Age/Date of Birth: March 16, 1979

Height: 6' 8"

Weight: 313

Hometown: Tampa, FL

Alignment (Face? Heel? Antihero?): Heel

Pic Base: Umaga

Backstory/Important Character Details: Hawaiian Hardhead was born in Tampa, FL to a family legacy of the Hunters. He learn to wrestle early, eventually joining his father's local company alongside his brother, wrestling simply as "Hunter". After a fairly long stint with the company, his father's company closed down. Hardhead joined the XWF in late 2005 as Axe before redebuting in 2006 as Hawaiian Hardhead. He had a steady career in XWF until 2009 where he won the Hart Title twice and had a stint as the XWF Owner. After leaving in 2009, HHH joined PWE where he was fairly successful there. With no World Title to his name, he left PWE a couple years, joining the XWF during its Reboot. Following a few years between XWF and WGWF, HHH eventually retired from wrestling in 2013.

After years of participating in non-wrestling adventures that had aired for the XWF audience, he became a member of a trio of Council Leaders, with the Council being in charge of interdimensional affairs. For nearly a decade he held this role, all while dealing with his adopted son, David, having turn rebellious in the worst way and starting an interdimensional war. Once the war was finished and HHH was left to clean up the remains, he was ousted from his role. With nothing left to his name, a family that he doesn't want anything to do with (his daughter doesn't like him and his still-technical-wife can't reach him), HHH was left destitute.

In the early 2020s, he attempted return the XWF, but after a month, he found himself leaving due to the aforementioned issues. But in 2023, after years of no long term contact with wrestling, he was called upon by Max Daemon as a tag team partner in a tournament in J-ROK. Having realized that wrestling still has a lot more to offer him, and perfect willing to work for it, he returned to XWF in early 2024, the place where he started nearly 20 years later.

Strengths: 1. Strong - He's a big boy and a powerhouse build like a tank.
2. Tenacity - He can take a beating. He's a Hawaiian who can take a lot of what's thrown at him.
3. Veteran - HHH has been at this for a while. He knows the tricks of the trade and the tools that will lead him to the success he needs.
4. He's Insane - His nickname isn't just for kicks. The man's willing to do whatever it takes, no matter how ridiculous it'd be for himself. Need to fly out of the ring? Let's go. Gotta dive on a dude through barbed wire? Bet.

Weaknesses: 1. Rusty - It's been nearly a decade since HHH has been in wrestling full time. The game has certainly passed him by and the whole basis of wrestling has changed. There's things he can't account for because of this.
2. Worn Down - HHH is an old soul in an old body. He's in his 40s and he wasn't the safest wrestler in his youth. Now, with the full intention of continuing to be as unsafe as is necessary, age will finally definitely catch up with him if it hasn't already.
3. Apathetic - HHH doesn't care. Not about his body, not about his opponent, not about the XWF or his boss or Warfare. He doesn't care. And that's not a good thing for anybody, especially HHH.
4. He's Insane - The dude's still insane. His body isn't all it was and anything he's willing to do that fits into a strength is 100% a weakness, arguably moreso.

Entrance Theme Music (Provide YouTube link as well as name and version):

Ring Entrance (PLEASE write one out for use in match/show writing): "Heaven" by Los Lonely Boys hits on the PA system. The lights in the arena turn off, barring a spotlight on the stage. As the "VAMONOS!" is heard, HHH comes out under the spotlight, a scowl on his face. His signature Hawaiian shirt swishes around as he turns his back to the camera. He waits a bit for the guitar to play before turning around and punching the air as fireworks go off behind him. He walks down to the ring, ignoring the fans along the way. He throws his hair as he reaches ringside. He uses the stairs to enter the ring. When he does so, he throws his Hawaiian shirt off and tosses it aside. He raises a fist to the sky as he stares hard cam down.

In-Ring Style (Technician? High Flyer?): Powerhouse, hardcore

10 or More Standard Moves: 1. Big Boot
2. Harsh Clothesline
3. Spinebuster
4. Sidewalk Slam
5. Chokeslam
6. Reverse STO
7. Powerslam
8. Blockbuster
9. Flying Headbutt
10. Flying Elbow Drop

Trademark Move Name(s): 1. Hawaiian Suite
2. Hawaiian Death Roll

Description(s): 1. Elbow drop to the back of the opponent's head from the second rope

Finishing Move Name(s): 1. Hawaiian Hammer
2. Spear
3. Hawaiian-cater
4. Guerilla Warfare (last resort finisher)

Description(s): 1. Jackhammer
2. It's a Spear
3. Edgecater

Favorite Hardcore Attacks/Spots: Diving off things onto humans. His favorite weapon is a Barbed Wire Baseball bat. He's willing to do anything if it means hurting an opponent.

Additional Notes (What are some things that they would ALWAYS do? Or would NEVER do?): If I can think of anything else, I'll add it here.
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