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A Short Reign for a Paper Champ
Author Message
Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

06-25-2024, 11:40 AM

The camera pans down towards the ground slowly, revealing a desert. The light bright as the sun shines its brightest upon Earth. In the distance is a black speck, moving towards the camera, however as it focused on the speck, it seemed to go faster, move more erratically. As if time itself fast forward, with how quick the thing moved. Though, soon it was revealed it was Oswald, wearing his old Ghost Tank gear, with black tank top, black leather pants with G and T in bright neon green alongside the thighs. His hair dyed the same color. He would get to the camera, but continued to move onward as fast as he could move.

The camera panned horizontally, to catch up to the direction Oz had moved towards. Nearing his mark, several nondescript buildings were shown a few hundred yards away. The sound of gunfire, and the whizzing of bullets could be caught by the camera. Oswald seemed to move as if nothing could stop him, bits of his clothing and small red dots flew off his body.

The interdimensional camera zoomed after him, doing its best to stabilize the footage so as to not make a viewer hurl as they took in the sights of Oswald leaping through the air, landing on some poor bastard foot first, crushing his skull. The yells of the enemies coming out of the buildings and some getting set up for sniper shots, as they continued to shoot. Oswald ducked and dipped and slid around on the ground, avoiding the shots while grabbing other soldiers to use as cover before grabbing a fresher victim to be a bullet sponge for him, a human shield. His movements as fluid as his wrestling, making the weaker, more prone to fear fighters, stop as they fiddle with their magazines, only to realize as they feel bullets ripping through their least protected areas before giving them the mercy of death.

More shots fired, including sniper fire, but Oswald leaped between two buildings as soldiers came after him, only to see he had disappeared. A couple minutes later, the camera would pick up the sound of someone choking and flew over to it, revealing Oswald pulling his arm back, and the man grabbing at his throat before coughing up blood and then falling over the edge of the rooftop. Shots began to fire at the location but once more, Oz disappeared.

As if he were naught but a ghost, all trace of him seemed to disappear and so did the camera.

Then the transmission came back to life, as both him and the camera would appear at home in the mansion. Oswald cleaning himself of blood and sand, with blood from small wounds spilling out and into the drain of his shower. After a few minutes, Oswald came out of his shower, and began to dress in his normal attire before heading out of his bedroom and to the large kitchen.

There, his wife and child were waiting, as food began to be delivered for their lunch time meals, and the camera cuts away once more with Oswald smiling as he looks lovingly at them.

"The Revelry was supposed to be your shining moment, wasn't it? From one Chiraq native to another, you should know what it means to experience disappointment.

The Bears, the Chicago Fire, White Sox, Cubs, with the only team making some stride in trying to win for men being a fucking hockey team, the Blackhawks. I mean, the only recent win Chi-town that has had recently was the Chicago Sky, but that's the WNBA. Does anyone really count that? Because I never heard a single word of celebration about their win in '21. Did you?

I highly doubt it unless you're a WNBA fanatic, which very few people actually are.

I know disappointment. Chicago Illinois is a shit city, with shit people, with shit slogans and shittier food. Our city burned away because of a barn fire. Much like your paper thin reign. Like your inability to keep your title off of my shoulders, which is fine, because gold fits me better than a lowlife like you. I plan to keep it in my hands as well, once I beat you into nothing more than a shredded, bloody mass with skin and meat and hair from your body clinging to the metal of the steel cage.

No doubt you will try to fight back, but should you? Ask all of my opponents, because whether I win or lose, they get changed. They never walk out the same human being. I hardened John Black by constantly pushing him, time and time again. I wanted to see if you could beat him, and you did, but did you do it all by yourself?

No. For that, you are very welcome. I wore both of your spirits down, and made your victory even more sweet, before I took it away from you. The world is cruel and the XWF roster is crueler. I am a Bastard, through and through, and you will learn that in the cage the hard way.

My time in the XWF is coming upon 10 years. What better way to show off my dedication, my superiority, my tenacity, my sheer strength of will alone, to cap this year off as the XWF Revolution Champion? I say 'cap' because I plan on winning this belt 'officially', and then keeping it through the rest of the year, or at least until I'm done celebrating my 10 years on the roster.

Spencer, you faced John, but now it is time for you to face the Final Boss of Anarchy.


It's time for your reality check to come in, and I'm going to make you cash it out, when you're looking up at the lights from the view on your back.

I will see you at Anarchy.

Bring your A-Game. You'll need to.

Though it won't matter in the end.

The camera fades to black.

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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