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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » The Revelry 2024 PPV Board
Series Finale (Part Two)
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Dionysus Offline
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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

06-01-2024, 07:18 PM

The void feels...cold...

This darkened, elongated face...

Its piercing, red eyes...

It was as if it could stare directly into my soul.

The chorus around it...laughed loudly.

Becoming even more cluttered in a dense soundscape of noise.

As if a wall of sonic force was buffeting my eardrums.

Instinctively, I clutched at my ears.

...To no avail.



"WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?!" I shouted, to no avail. A sickening cough, between a clearing of the throat and choking on one's own bile, was my only reply.

The chorus returned...with a slow roll of applause.

First silent...then once again deafening.

"I-" I tried speaking aloud, but my words were caught in my throat. I clenched at my ears, growling in pain. "I don't know what-"


Suddenly, a sharp pain crossed my eyes. I winced in pain, as images flashed into my mind.

First, a flash of bright white light.






There was me. With my mother.

At the airport. All those years ago.

A moment frozen in time, as we waved good-bye to my father, presumably for the last time.

Another flash.

Now on a snowy winter road in the middle of the night. The road was to the right of me...and the car was slowly flipping into the ditch. I turned to face the passenger next to me.

The long face stared back, as another flash of white light hit me.

There was...a farm...

...Yes, The Brotherhood Compound.

Another flash.

My arms being held aloft with a world title in my hands. But when I went to look...

...The front plate was replaced by the face I now dread.

Its distended jaw opened wider, consuming my entire being.


The only falling...

The void had swallowed me whole...








I awoke to the sound of something snapping.

My face was damp, in a cold sweat. My ears were ringing. My eyes, burning.

...But I could feel my heart. I was still alive.

I felt a familiar sofa underneath me. Elbrook's.

Okay, this is normal, I thought to myself. I turned to look at my least favorite clock in existence.

It had broken. Shattered into a million pieces...with the fragments floating in midair.

That...that was not normal.

I definitely was in Elbrook's office, but something Like I wasn't supposed to be in this place. I gently set both my feet on the ground, checking to see if the floor was real. Satisfied with the answer, I slowly stood. The haze from whatever ordeal I had been in still lingered. I stumbled, slowly, to the door. The handle was cold to the touch as I tried to turn it.

...But the knob did not turn.

I stared again at the door. A nameplate was the most prominent feature. But for some reason, I couldn't make out the name. It was simply a haze.

"Come in."

There was a gentle voice on the other side of the door. I heard the latch of a lock, and trying the knob again, I was led into...a similar looking room.

Only there was a person inside.

Along with two easy chairs and a projector.

The man standing inside...I really couldn't tell you what I made of him. He seemed like an average person; looked to be about six feet tall, with short brown hair and blue eyes behind glasses. His beard definitely needed some work, along with his physique. But there was something behind those eyes.

They felt...welcoming.

...And at the same time, intimidating.

There was a file folder in his hands when he turned to face me. He smiled, greeting me with, "I was wondering when we would finally meet."


He held a hand up to silence me. "I understand you have a lot of questions, but lets start with the easiest one. I called you here myself. You are safe in this space."

"...But Predieu-"

The man...chuckled? "Ah yes, him. He is a strange one, isn't he? Just one of my many creations. I'm sure he left a number on you mentally, but I can assure you he will do you no harm here."

I looked at him in confusion. "Your...creations?"

"Well yes," he replied matter-of-factly. "Much like you are, in a manner of speaking."

Those words struck me like a bolt of lightning. I took a slow step forward. "'re telling're...God?"

"...What?" he responded confused. Then, in realization of the statement, he said, "Oh, fuck no. Nothing like that at all. Its...difficult to explain, but what Predieu'cier had said had...some...truth to it." He gestured to the seats. "Come, sit. I will explain everything." Still unsure, I decided to approach the chairs with caution. As we both took a seat, the projector immediately snapped on. There was nothing playing, just a warm, white light against a projector screen. The man set the folder on the table, behind the projector, before looking me in the eye.

"So...who exactly are you?" I finally asked after a moment of silence.

The man sighed, thinking about his response. "Lets just say...I have a vested interest in you." As he said that, the projector went through different moments of my life. It was myself and my father, sitting in front of the television, watching my first wrestling match. "I've known you for as long as you have been alive, Dionysus. Though good times and bad. Its because...well, the idea of who you are is something I created. Because you are a story that I have been telling to others for many years now."

It made me think. "So...anything bad that happened to me...that was you?"

The man frowned. "I'm...sorry about that. You see, a story is only as good as the trials someone has to overcome. If I made your life an easy one-"

"You made me suffer for no reason, then," I interrupted. The projector started to show the darker days of living in the old gym, barely scraping by, staging unsanctioned fights around back to barely make the rent...all while my uncle reaped the benefits of my identity. "Everything that accident, my financial situation...everything with my uncle...that was your design, right? But howcould you do that to me?"

The man nodded. "You are a man of strong will and resilience, Dionysus. The scenarios placed before you shaped you into the man you are today. A simple life, free of complications, was never going to be the life you lead. There would always be something to stand opposite of you. Whether it was someone you considered a friend..."

The projector showed many different faces, people I had long forgotten and chose to leave in my past.

"...Or even family."

Then the image changed to a picture of my uncle...and eventually, my father.

"But why do all this?"
I asked him. "Why put me through all of these horrendous life-changing ordeals?"

The man looked at me, a sad expression on his face. "It was not my intention to make you suffer. Your life was set up that way. My goal wasn't to continue to make you suffer, but for you to succeed, despite your trials."

The projector shifted once again, this time to the various titles I had held, to when I finally overcame my criminal uncle and his machinations, to the recent courtroom victory.

...To finally reuniting with my father after all these years.

"All of these moments," I said, gesturing to the screen, "You created them?"

"Indeed. We just talked about this."

"So...none of the choices I made matter in the end, is that right?" I challenged.

The man blinked. "What? No. Do you take me for some kind of manipulative asshole?"

"Well no, but we did just meet. I really don't know what to make of you, and you haven't been really forthcoming with information about all this."

The man raised a finger to object, paused, then shrugged. "That's fair. After all, I'm making something of a revelation about your life."

"So about my decisions..."

"Ah, right," the man remembered. "Every situation you were forced into was created by me, but those scenarios were influenced by your decisions. Didn't you think that the ends you were reaching were a bit too convenient? It was due to me responding to you. Some of your choices even surprised me!"

"Really? I just acted as I normally would."

"Yes, but you have to understand; I had to plan for any possibility." He gestured to the folder. "Its all in there. Every aspect of your life. Your family. Your friends. Everyone you have ever met. Everything you have ever done. Every last detail has been carefully crafted...except for one thing."

"And...what would that be?"

"This conversation, of course. It has just been the two of us talking to one another. And of course...the future."

It was a lot to process all at once.

Every aspect of my life...was crafted to bring me to this moment?

"...What about The Many Faces? Or Doctor Elbrook? William?"

The man stood up, stretching his back. "What do you think they are?"

I thought long and hard about that question. Elbrook was a patient man who approached problems with logical solutions. Daniel's hard attitude held a deeper passion inside. Wade's calm demeanor held a comfort in himself that I never thought I would achieve. And Devin's inquisitive mind led him to further his own curiosity. William was meek, but acted as a guide through my life.

"They are...reflections of myself, aren't they?" I concluded.

The man nodded. "They are real people, but were specifically designed to help you reflect on your own personality, and adapt it. Your mind was in a very fragile state for a number of months, do you recall?"

"Yes, but over time I was realizing what was truly wrong with me."

"What do you mean?" the man asked. "There was nothing ever wrong with you."

I looked back at him even more confused. "...But the voices...they were definitely-" And I paused, realizing what had happened. "...What...were those voices anyway?"

The man simply smiled. "Surely you have seen a sitcom before?"


A live studio audience. Of course.

This son of a bitch subjected me to a live studio audience.

"Clever, right? It was to mask the fact that others like me have had an interest in your well as yourself."

"This is...this is a lot to take in."

"Well eventually you-"

"No, 'eventually' my ass," I said angrily. "You are telling me nothing in my life was real. That everything was set up so I could be...what, some sick form of entertainment? And you're telling me that 'eventually' I'm going to just be okay with all this?! This is my life you messed with!"

The man sighed. "No. You weren't here to entertain. You were here to inspire." He placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Listen, I know this is difficult to process, but there are a lot of us rooting for you. We want to see you not just to succeed, but to persevere and overcome. In truth, we want what's best for you, and you always work toward a better life. Its why I called you here. To say thank you." He smiled at me. "You have given me great hope all these years, and now I just want to watch you thrive."

I didn't know how to process my feelings in the moment, but I acknowledged that this man did genuinely care for his own strange way. "I don't think I'm ready to forgive...but I'll still need to think about everything."

"Of course. You will return unharmed." He gestured behind me. "Come; I'll see you out."

I stood beside him then, and looked over at the door. "...Before we leave," I began.


"I was wondering...can you make those closest to me...real?"

The man laughed. "Dionysus, of course they are real. Why are you asking for that?"

"I mean, as they are now. I'd hate for any of them to vanish."

"Believe me, Dionysus. They are as real to you as they are to me." He gave me a gentle pat on the back. "Besides...weren't you going to talk to one of them now?"

The door opened into a warm embrace of light. "...You're right. And I know what to do," I finished, taking a confident step out of the room. In that moment, I tuned back, shouting, "Wait a minute! How do I come back here if I want? What even is your name?!"

"It will always be here for you!" The man shouted back. "And my name is A-"

A rush of wind prevented me from hearing the rest.

Everything faded back into white.

And out of the void I came.




Whatever trance I was in, I started to come out of it.

I was inside the homestead on the vineyard. I was about to go see Doctor Elbrook.

...On second thought, maybe I'll cancel on him.

I have something more important to do.

[Image: IMG-2218.webp]

No myth encapsulates the spirit of professional wrestling quite like Sisyphus.

A man who cheats death time and time again.

Only to live in eternal torment by pushing a boulder up a hill, only for the same boulder to roll back down.


And over...



It really gets you to think about the man, doesn't it?

Seeing as he had no choice but to push the boulder, what do you imagine he was going through in his mind?




...Or perhaps something different?

All fantastic questions leading into The Revelry, isn't it? A time of celebration and jubilance, something I have built toward these past few months. The work and dedication to this craft have led me to this opportunity.

The opportunity to capture gold once again.

But this time, with much higher stakes.

While not in my own home, The Revelry could be considered my home field. A time of merriment concealing the desires of others to throw their absolute worst at one another.

And yet, in the main event, it is myself vs Sebastian Everett-Bryce.

A man I have gone to war with before.

The names we have made for ourselves since that chance encounter, huh SEB?

You see, I could spend this time throwing around how unconventional a champion he is. How he hasn't truly proven his worth as a champion as he has yet to beat me one-on-one. But those words ring empty. I could call SEB's meteoric climb to the top of XWF an outsider's approach to success; sign a high-profile name and watch the weight of that name carry them to the loftiest heights. But if that were true, then where would that place me?

I have a respect for what SEB has done in a short amount of time. Uniting with strong talents under one banner, entering a high stakes rumble match, capitalizing on that victory to achieve greatness. What you did in a few short weeks many do not achieve in their lifetime, let alone a career.

...And yet, how easy you made it look is exactly what I take issue with.

It could be a shade of envy that I possess currently, but when I debuted here not but one year ago, I thought my own rise was meteoric. But to see another immediately be catapulted to the top of the mountain...

I will admit, it rubbed me the wrong way.

My philosophy has always been to prove your worth to everyone, to not just let reputation precede you. The weight of a name is only backed by your ability to get the job done. That even if you are to fail, that you give so much of yourself that there is no question to how good your opponent was.

Just ask Spencer Adams, your fellow Pantheon member. We've gone to war many times over the years, and in our last singles outing, while he was successful, he knew I gave him a hell of a fight. Corey Black may not share those same sentiments, but even he knows the depth of my ability. And I'm sure that in preparation for our match, you have spoken with them, to get an idea of what makes The Lord of the Vine tick.

I'm sure what they would tell you is that I am not here to be the best wrestler in existence.

I am here to simply be great.

Greatness comes in many shapes or sizes. It could be multiple titles, hall of fame recognition everywhere you go, the adoration and respect of your peers. But for me, greatness is giving my all and letting everyone know I am a force to be reckoned with.

Think back to each time I fell short in a title match during my tenure. Yes, we'll even count the gorilla, if that helps you.

Was there any signs of stumbling? Of continually failing to make expectations?

Of course not.

Because for me to succumb to my losses would mean the end of my career as it currently is. I can be disappointed in a loss, but then I must learn from it; see where I made mistakes, observe where I could have made certain moves. If you do not learn, how does one hope to advance? It is like Sisyphus and the boulder; with each climb, he must have learned other ways to bring the boulder to the peak. While it would inevitably slide back down the mountain, he would no doubt remember what brought him there in the first place.

It took years to figure out what my own self-worth was. I slaved away thinking that just hard work would be enough to get me ahead. And when that philosophy clashed with others, I knew I had to strike out on my own, with a boot on my ass and a "good riddance" from those that wanted to see me fail.

And yet, I thrived. I didn't need them, or anyone, for that matter. I only needed to be myself...and believe in me too.

The boulder becomes closer to the pinnacle once more, and you stand at the top, a foot placed against it, preventing my progress. So at this stage, only two possibilities present itself.

Either the boulder rolls back down the hill again.

Or you are forced from the precipice.

My bet is on the latter.

And the joy of holding that title will be all the sweeter, knowing that failure does not mean the end. It simply means a new journey will commence.

No matter what happens, my life begins anew after this match.

Either way, I face you head on with a smile on my face and a song in my heart.

For I am happy.

As we must imagine Sisyphus happy.

"Hey, Ellie."


"Yes, I know it's early. But I wouldn't have called if it wasn't important."


"I think its time we talked...about us."

[Image: Many-Faces.png]
1x XWF Xtreme Champion (November 2023)
2x XWF Television Champion (May/August 2023)
2x RP of the Month (March/October 2023)
2023 Rookie of the Year
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