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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Walls Closing In
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Jason Cashe Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

05-03-2024, 02:41 PM

“The walls are closing in..”

I heard the words and they took me on a mind drift to various thoughts. Most of them were directly placed upon my upcoming match at Warfare. Dolly Waters was special and I have had a respect for her for a while now. The memory of it gave me a grin and I could have gotten lost in that feeling. “I need a Hero.. Hoagie!” I let myself smile with the words.

“Cashe!” The voice brought me back to reality as I blinked through a slightly blurry vision and tried to remember where I was. Sitting on a bar stool at the local bar (Frenemies) owned by Sloane’s Father, Patrick. I pulled the phone from my ear, looked at the screen having forgotten who I was even on a call with. The phone said ‘ELM’ and I nodded before putting the phone back to my ear.

“What's up, kid?”

“I’m freaking out here, that's what's up!” His voice came through the phone with a sense of worry.

“What's going on? Where are you?”

Reaching on the bar counter, I grab the fresh shot glass of tequila that Patrick placed before me. Tilting it back, I let the burn roll down my throat. It was a good burn and as I slammed the glass back to the counter, I got a response from Elm.

“I’m in the basement.. I think he is home!”

His whispered voice had some fear embedded in it. Initially I wanted to ask who’s basement but something deep inside of my chest, near the beating of my heart, I knew who he meant. In that moment of realization, there was no longer a buzz that had come from taking down a few shots.

“You idiot!” I scolded him as I spun around on the bar stool and stood up. “Get out of there, fool..”

“I can't!” He wouldn't dare remove the whisper to his voice. I imagine he was huddled down in a corner of the basement as he heard footsteps against the ceiling above him. Scared because of who those foot falls belonged to.. I couldn't get there to help, he was in Montana and I was in Chicago. “The walls feel like they are closing in around me..” There was a shaking to his voice.

“Damnit Elm!” Turning, I gave a nod to Patrick and he lifted a hand to wave me off. My pace picked up as I headed for the door. I had to at least try to get where he was. “I’m coming, just sit tight..”

“Three times you have held the position I currently hold! Three times you have been XWF Television Champion, the cursed workhorse of the company. A crown you first won way back in 2016 when you were what, 14 years old?

The yesteryears of this company have had some questionable moments. Yet with any of it, you being a badass at 14 is not one of them. You have always had the ability to just KICKASS when you put forth the effort and really, most of the time you only need half an effort and you have proven to still shine!


So why are you back? Was it the itch? Was it just missing the grind and finding the time to sharpen the tools to get back to the waterboarding that your little bitty ass drowns the competition in when you're ON?

Maybe like JoJo Sawa, you never had a true childhood and this is the only thing you know. The only outlet that you can feel normal with.. I doubt that's the case but I’ve come to know that what I know about you and not the athlete but you, the person, is minimal. Really, I almost want to question if YOU know who you are or what you want out of this next run of service in XWF.

Do you want the Television Title? To be booked every show, never getting a chance to breath with competition. Main eventing only when other titles less defended aren't on the marquee? The other champions who rank higher but who are far less consistent than what this belt asks of its Champion.. As of late? Not many are up for the task.

As the current Champion, I can't begin to believe my run will last. The odds are against those who wear this over their shoulder or around their waist. Yet in all my boooshit, all my troubles, I left TPW because I wasn't being booked without signing a permission slip every other week.

I am not an opt-in kind of guy. I’m signed to the roster, book me. It's real simple and with this Championship, I get that very lane to compete in.

Is that what you want? Then come take it. I’m waiting and I have wanted the increase of competition and you SURE as fuck are a few steps up from Razor Blade, Cypher and Latoya Hixx. All of them NEED someone else to elevate them but none of them can handle the load. Not like you, you have proven capable of being the IT in this bITch before! You are a worthy challenger, a gateway for me even. Beating you? It opens the doors for others to come play and I’m all hands, let's get it!”


“Is that you, Jason?” Sloane’s voice calls out as I enter the apartment. The TV was on but I didn't see her.

“Yerrp!” I respond before adding. “I have to go help Elm.. The boy done got himself into some trouble.” Moving across the living room, I headed towards the back room. “Where are you?”

“Bathroom. I’ll be out in a minute.”

I didn't hear the shower. Was she pooping? Part of me wanted to burst in and get a reaction. Over dramatic I knew she would be if she was sitting on the shitter. I asked her to hold my hand once while I was dropping a deuce and she gave me the silent treatment for almost a full 24 hours.

I enjoy fucking with her..

Yet I couldn't go off course. I had a plan in place and had to execute. Entering the bedroom, I hear her call out again. “I got you something. It's on the back of the bedroom door.”

“Alright..” I say as I turn to the door and swing it closed. There, I found an outfit hanging. “What the hell is this?!” I questioned but I immediately recognized it. It was a Han Solo costume.

“Do you like it?” Sloane calls from the bathroom.

“I’m not wearing this..” I responded.

“Ummm.. Yes you are, mister!” I could hear the pouty jazziness in her voice. “I cut out the right nipple of the outfit! Nip Solo!”

Her laughter came through the bathroom louder than her speaking voice did. A nickname that Cassandra Savage had given me a while back. I only had a left nipple and these motherfuckers were bullies about it.

“It's not Halloween..”

I hear the bathroom door open and turn to find her stepping out in a very tight white outfit. Her hair was done with side buns. She was decked out in a Princess Leia costume.

“Gaaaawwleee…” Was all I could manage to say as I let my eyes travel the curvy edges of the gown that hugged her much better than it did Leia in the movies. “Hi..”

Behind her smile, she returns the greeting. “Hi!”

“Are we roleplaying tonight?” I asked because I couldn't recall any plans.

“May the Fourth be with you!” Her arms shoot to her sides as if wanting a hug. It was a declaration. “Warfare is on the 4th so we're going to show up themed for it!”

“And you went with Leia?”

Her grin turned to confusion. “If you're Nip Solo then yeah, I’m Princess Leia!”

“I just thought..”

“Thought what?” I could tell that she was starting to think I didn't like the idea.

Shrugging, I just said what was floating in my head. “I figured you’d have gone with a Sexy Chewbacca costume..”

“What?!” Her hands press firmly against her hips as she stares at me with a stern gaze. As if she could tell I was staring at her eyebrows, she stepped towards me. “Is that an eyebrow joke?” There was a grrr to her voice.

It was and now I was trying to speak behind a laugh. “What? No!” My hands hold up at her to slow her approach. She might try and hurt me. “I just meant that they are Besties! Solo and Chewie?”

Clearly I was trying to save my own ass but I feel it was a good attempt. Still, I got stiff armed in the chest as she stepped closer to me. “You don't like my outfit?”

“I haven't been disappointed yet..”

I wasn't in the right state of mind to really appreciate the gesture she was trying to make with the costumes. Between my upcoming title defense to whatever trouble Elm might be in, I was being pulled in different directions.

“I have to go..” I paused because the next part of my sentence would register concern. “To Montana.” Sure enough, she pulls away from me and looks up into my eyes.

“Oh?” She said with a sigh. “I thought you were going to wait until you had more information?”

She was right. I had the address to my ‘Fans’ house but I wasn't yet positive that it was truly his residence. I had put it off and maybe I have done so because in part, I had concerns. He could get the upper hand or see me coming and then what? He goes after those I care about.. I had reason to hesitate but now it was feeling like feet dragging through soggy sand.

“Elm went in like a Scrappy Doo..” Letting my head sway from side to side. “Then he turned into Shaggy and is hiding in the basement. He called me scared.”

“I’ll get changed and go with you.”

She turns to do as she said but I grab her arm and pull her back to me. “Let’s not get Hasty!”

“You have a match in a few days. You can go into the unknown like that!”

She had reason to have a little attitude about it and you could hear it as much as you could see it. Princess Leia angry and I have never been into Leia but right now, in this moment? Mmm.. Lemme tell you..

“Speaking of my match..” Another thing lingering in thought, I couldn't help but have questions. “How does one train for a Garbage Compactor match?”

“Oof.. I have no clue..” She spoke and then had a question to add herself. “So are one of you really going to get crushed? To death?”

“I doubt it. They wouldn't put Dolly at risk like that..”

“Oh but they would you?”

“You’ve met Theo right?” We both laughed. Reaching out, I touch the right hair bun at the side of her head. “When I get back, we will discuss this costume idea.”

She didn't care for the idea of me going by myself. She has been consistent about wanting me to be safe. She tried to get me to let the Police deal with it. She has been.. A real friend in the process. Part of me had concern with that as well. Now wasn't the time to let those thoughts linger though.

“Fine..” She said, sounding defeated. No doubt she or anyone would get tired of dealing with my shit. I don't even want to deal with it sometimes. “Do you want me to book you a flight?”

Her shared company. Solid no. I didn't say that but my head shook from side to side. “Nah, I got it. Thank you though.. I’ll be back before you know it.”

“You better!” She tried to add some of her cheerfulness back to her voice. I felt like I was letting her down but knowing my track record? That wasn't anything new.

I was gone within the hour.

“We had ONE match where we Teamed up. Do you remember? I do. Anytime I look back, I’ve had plenty of part time tag partners and you are one of the cooler ones I have put in work with. Top Five at the very least and that list includes people like Shawn Warstein, Cyrus Riddle, Jair Hopkins and Chris Madison. The latter three are some of the oldest friends I have had in this business, people I still to this day consider family.

I don't have many friends and most are long gone from this sport but that gives me an advantage that most can't handle having. I have less people to please, less people to walk on eggshells around and that means I can truly be me without worrying about backstabbing and unhappy endings.

Yet with you Dolly? I don't consider us friends but there is a respect from me to you that would indicate friendship with anyone else. Friendship like respect is overly applied to those who often haven't earned it properly. Like Legend or Goat labels, we see so many of these terms blossom and decay like a rose in a vase. I have no time to invest in friendships that don't put weight on the table but friendship isn't something on either of our plates heading into this match.

You will step into a Garbage Compactor on the Death Star 2 with me. Fifteen minutes like fame chased by a streamer on TikTok. We will do business but when that 15 minutes comes to an end, I will be the one more willing to DIE to keep you from taking this Title from me.

I didn't beat the brakes off Raion Kido to stumble into a TV Title run only for it to be a transitional reign so you can return to the ring with your hands held high in victory..

People have called me trash. Said I was a garbage piece of shit which means I will be at home amongst the rubbish found inside that Compactor but I imagine you will dive into it like it was a ball pit at a Chuck E Cheese. None of our preparations matter if neither of us can follow through but in a 15 minute time limit, we are in a race against time.

Time and Walls..

Both are closing in on us.”


I didn't know what to expect. Arriving in Montana, I kept in contact with Elm as I got a rental and started towards his location. I knew the address like it was my own at this point. I had been there a few times, scouting, observing the surrounding area. Trying to see if I could spot my ‘Fan’ but nothing has produced any proof that it was indeed his house.

Elm had stayed overnight in the basement. Unsure if he would be found by someone who by all accounts was willing to kill someone just to send me a message. A fan that nobody wants but one that literally tried to leave me for dead back in November.

“How are you doing in there?”

Looking down at my phone, I read the text that I had sent Elm out loud. No response. That was almost a half hour ago. He was quite chatty before that so something was off.

You’d think I would have come prepared but I wasn't. I had the same tools I have had my entire life to defend myself, hands and teeth. Like any fight, I was willing to bite, kick, claw, and squeeze nuts and nipples if I needed to. So why was I so hesitant with this fucking guy, this ‘fan’ who obviously wanted to have beef.

“Fuck it.”

Grabbing the lever on the driver side door, I push it open and step out from the rental. Looking around, I had parked on the street at the end of his driveway. I couldn't see anyone but you can never trust that eyes weren't on you when you are doing something remotely wrong or dangerous. This could be both.

The closer I got to the front door, I began to relate to the first thing Elm told me. I started to feel a connection to even my upcoming match because with every step, I felt the walls of the world closing in on me.

I needed to put aside real world worries and do what I do, just react. “I could have stayed home and felt my wife’s walls closing around me but noooo..”

I let out a long sigh. “Fuck it.” I knocked on the door and in that moment after my knuckles stopped beating on the door, silence filled the area around me as I waited for a response.

“I want this, Dolly..

No, I need this..

I’ve won three Titles in the time I have been in XWF. Xtreme, Tag and now Television and already, I have done more with the TV than I was able to do with the others. Even with Kido as my Tag Partner, we never defended the Titles. Our first outing as Champions was when I walked out on him. I couldn't stand his goodie two shoes wearing ass to be honest.

With Xtreme, it was something I didn't even want! No, no, for the life of me, what I wanted in those days was the Anarchy Title and I couldn't even grab hold of that!

I have spent far too much time basking in misery, doubting myself and worrying about whatever gash I happened to be fucking at the time. Truth be told, I’ve had as many girlfriends in XWF as I have had titles and like the Championship runs, the relationships haven't lived up to their hype.. And I’m the problem!

The TV Title is something I want because it is the path in which puts me in the ring more often than not. It is the ground floor of a war zone and in that zone, I enjoy the warfare that comes with it. The bullets we dodge, the strays that hit us, the blood, the defeat and victory that we all find on this battlefield.

XWF is where I belong!

With the walls closing in on us during this match. I am not fighting in just another bout. I have something on the line MORE than just a Championship! I have self worth on the line. I have a need to hold onto some relevance to my name on this roster because at one time, Theo recruited me to be something and up until now? I’ve failed to be that.

I can't let you win this match, Dolly. I can't let what respect I have for you play a part in my hesitation to put you down and not just put you down but keep you down. If the walls are to end a life, it will not be mine meeting its fate come Saturday..

I can't allow it to be me. It HAS to be you and I apologize to you in advance for the things I must do to make that happen. So talk to Patel, talk to the Seers, grab a magic 8 ball or use your whispering eye to look into the future and ask the question:

Will you become a FOUR time XWF Television Champion or will the Mountain top waiting for you have a detour?”


I walked around the house after not getting a response at the door. Checking windows, trying doorknobs on both front and back doors. I even got down on my hands and knees, took a deep breath and put my head through the doggie door in the backside of the house. That was risky.

No signs of life yet I knew that Elm was in there.. Or at least he was or had led me to believe he was. I started to question him at this point. I had a habit of questioning too much when I was stuck overthinking.

I broke a window and got inside using the B&E method. The glass shattering should have alerted someone but I no longer held that concern. I was ready for anything..

Well, almost anything. What I didn't expect as I crept through this house that wasn't mine. Where my protege might be in danger and where a ‘Fan’ that plans to unalive me might live, I found something I sure as fuck didn't have on my Bingo Card.

“Whaaaat the fuck?!” I said, full of surprise. A shrine? A display of all things Me? The man has sent ransom-like letters to me using letters cut out of magazines but this was next level weird. “Is that my nipple?!”

I step closer to the vanity desk that had pictures of me, old titles that I recognized from years past. What caught my eye most were two jars and inside them were what appeared to be a leathery circular piece of skin. I reached down and touched my chest through my shirt, feeling where my nipple used to be. The other jar had teeth in it..

“Geezus.” I knew those teeth well as my tongue rolled over the replacements I had in my mouth currently. “That was 2014.” I reminded myself. “This guy is beyond nuts..”

I heard the floor creak somewhere behind me. Whipping around, ready to throw hands. I find Elm standing and staring past me at the shrine.

“Elm!” I blurted as I stepped towards him. He looked like he had seen some sheeeeit and was just out of it.

“... We have to go..” He says with a shaky voice.

“Is he home?” I questioned. 

“I don't know but.. We need to leave..” Slightly, Elm stood in place and swayed. His eyes never leaving the shrine behind me. “He’s..” Taking what seemed like a very dry gulp, Elm continues.

“He’s changed.”

The room we were in was as normal as you could imagine for a house like this. He had no neighbors but this was a family home. It was clean. It had a nice rose petal aroma to the air in the house. Other than this fucking shrine, you’d think someone GOOD lived here.

“What do you mean, changed?” I asked and tried to get into Elm’s line of sight so he would see me. “Hey! Changed how?”

“He.. Looks like that..” Leaning to see past me, Elm points at the shrine. “Like you..”

“Say huh?” Confused, I turned to see what he was pointing at specifically. Walking to the shrine and measuring where he was pointing, I grabbed a picture off the shelf. “This?”

[Image: Mr6x5aV.jpeg]

“Yeah.. I watched him scream..” Elm’s eyes close and tears actually fall from the corners of each of his eyes.

“What the fuck are you talking about?” He wasn't making any sense whatsoever.

“He came down to the basement..” Breathing heavier as he continued to describe what he had seen. “He was naked. Bleeding from his chest.. He.. He cut off his right nipple..”

I took a step back. My mouth fell open. Elm wasn't done.

“He took pliers and.. Pulled out teeth..” His breathing picked up as if he were about to have a panic attack. “We need to leave NOW!” Full panic was setting in and Elm turned and took off!

“Hold up!” I turn back to the shrine before snatching the mason jar that held my nipple off the shelf. It was filled with some kind of gel but I didn't care, I had my nipple back.

After that, we left in a hurry. Not even being courteous enough to shut the door behind us. Handing the nipple jar to Elm as we piled into the car, I started the engine and glanced back to the house just in time to see the front door slam shut. “Next time, bitch.. Next time!”

[Image: z9f1KQC.jpeg]
[Image: OZdvB4F.png] x1 
[Image: l6KRzu8.png] x1 w/Kido Raion
[Image: jtHw5j1.png] x1
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Dolly Waters (05-03-2024), Thunder Knuckles™ (05-03-2024)

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