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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
he's The Worst Champion ever
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Latoya Hixx Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(Physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes.)

04-17-2024, 09:24 PM

after what happened this past Friday on Anarchy We see The Irresistible Force Latoya standing in the back with Steve Sayours while talking to her
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Steve Sayours: Latoya. last Friday on Anarchy you were eliminated by one of those men and which is shy you'll be main evening against Jason Cashe. for his XWF TV Championship on Warfare. care to explain Ms Hixx.
XWF Cheers  at Latoya
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Irresistible Force| Latoya Hixx: ever since I came to XWF I always ended up losing to Warfare and Anarchy and then this past Friday at Anarchy when I was in the battle royal I was tempted to win the battle royal and look what happened I ended up getting thrown out of the battle royal with a bunch of men but that's cool though cause when I Main event with Jason Cashe. and remove that Championship off of his waist then I will be their new XWF Television Champion The Irresistible Force Latoya Hixx.
Steve Sayour: and what if he ends up retaining his TV Champion when you two collide with each other on Warfare?
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The Irresistible Force| Latoya Hixx: See that's when you're wrong Steve. Cause when he held that Championship in his triple threat that's when I knew he had to defend it against me and I know I'm not gonna win that TV Champion not by a long shot and I know this main event is gonna be awesome and I may say that Jason Cashe. is a great competitor and when it comes down to him this Saturday then I'll be the newest TV Champion of all time once I take it away from him this week at Warfare in Memphis, Tenn
XWF Cheers for Memphis, Tenn
Steve Sayours: do you think you could actually defeat Jason Cashe? when he just won his TV Champion a couple of months and now you get to fight him in this week's Main event for the first time on XWF.
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The Irresistible Force| Latoya Hixx: Technically Steve. this will be the first time that I get to the Main Event at Warfare but this Main event is not just a match oh no this match is for his TV Championship and when I win or lose I'm still a better wrestler than any man or woman on the XWF roster and that's why come Saturday I am leaving out as the newest Television Champion against Jason Cashe. on Warfare at XWF.
Steve Sayour: can you even defeat Jason Cashe? this Saturday.
The Irresistible Force| Latoya Hixx: depends on how the match turns out cause these people are right here Steve. want me to be the next TV Champion and I am planning on walking out as the Champion when I win this Main Event this Saturday on Warfare at XWF.
in by the way Steve. I freaking hate most men and women.
Hixx walks away when Steve Sayours continues talking
Steve Sayours: thanks for the support, Latoya. and good luck on Saturday.
Steve Sayours: we hope that Latoya. can actually win her match when she takes out Jason Cashe. for his Television Championship in the main event at Warfare and we will see who leaves out of Memphis as the new or still Champion on XWF.
The camera fades when Latoya heads back to her locker room before Warfare begins this Saturday
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