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Shooting a commercial
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Matt Lennox Offline
I cry like a baby

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07-17-2013, 07:48 AM

The scene opens up to the shooting if part of an XWF commercial where a couple wrestlers are telling everyone why XWF is the better wrestling company. Matt Lennox was luckily picked as one person. Matt is sitting in a chair facing the camera.

Director- Alright Matt, remember all you are saying is why XWF is better than let's say WWE. Ready action!

Matt-XWF, is the future of professional wrestling. It's a place where you get to see new and some old talent. It's also a place where Paul Heyman kisses Shane Carvers ass!

Director- Cut! Matt, you can't say that for the commercial. This is going on some channels that may not appreciate you cursing.

Matt- You're kidding me right? This is XWF! The home of no rules! Right! Or does the management not like that either. Give me a fucking break!

Director- Lets give this another try. Please take this serious Matt. Take 2, and action!

Matt- XWF is the future of professional wrestling. It's home to new talent, and old talent. It's also home to losers such as Hunter Payne, and Andrew Aldway.

Director- Cut! Damn it Matt!

Matt- I didn't even cuss!

Director- You are supposed to be promoting XWF, not down playing it!

Matt- Hey I am speaking the truth. You don't have to wrestle these freaks!

Director- I don't care who you wrestle! I'm getting paid a lot of money to shoot this commercial. I didn't ask you to be part of it, I was told to include you so you wouldn't complain about not being part of it.

Matt- Who the fuck told you that?

Director- The management of the XWF.

Matt- Oh go fucking figure. They think they know what they're talking about. Alright let me try this one more time.

A shadowy guy now is standing behind the director as Matt gets a little smirk on his face.

Director- Take 3, and action!

Matt- Hey director, turn around!

Director- What?

The director turns around and gets hit with a barb wire bat. He falls to the ground as Adam Rollins steps from the shadows. Matt gets up from the chair for the commercial.

Adam- Cut.

Matt- Welcome to the team Adam. I am glad to have you here backing the incredible people.

Adam- The pleasure is mine, I'm glad I can help.

Matt- That fucker had it coming. Here get behind the camera real quick. And you, XWF official! You are going to upload this next shot to and label it, "The beginning of the disconnection ".

Official- Yes sir.

Adam gets behind the camera and begins shooting Matt standing in front of the blank wall.

Matt- Good evening XWF fans and colleagues. You all know me as The Incredible One Matt Lennox. I was just shooting a commercial until you know the director and I had a disagreement. Here get him Adam.

Adam points the camera at the now bloody director laying on the ground. Adam comes into view with the thumbs up.

Matt- Notice I said Adam, not any other member of the incredible people. I'd like you all to meet our newest member Adam Rollins. Although he is a Wednesday Warfare guy he is now part of the team. It is great to see that people are finally seeing the Incredible way because as I have said before, the incredible way is the right way. This Monday I have a match or shall I say we have a match meaning we the incredible people. We are going up against a new group called The Connection. This group thought they could make an impact on Leap Of Faith by taking out The Crimson Knights. They didn't do us any favor because the crimson knights were nothing in this match. Our only real competition was The Academi. I've been reading that people are calling us ungrateful due to the fact that we never said thank you to these people for taking out the competition. Well guys, when you are incredible there are no need for thanking people. Especially peasants like yourselves.

Matt moves in a little closer and grabs the director off the ground and sits him against the wall in camera view.

Matt- Alright mister director, lets play a game. I'm gonna ask you a couple questions. If I don't like the answers, I hit you with the barb wire bat again. Got it!

Director- Fuck you!

Matt swings at the director and nails him in the fore head with the bat. The director is screaming loud in agony as blood pours from his head.

Matt- Not off to a great start here. Alright first question, who is going to win on Monday?

Director- I don't even watch XWF that often?!

Matt- Oh really let me just....

Director- Wait wait! You! You will win. All hail the incredible people!

The director begins bowing at Matt in mercy.

Matt- You catching this Rollins?

Adam- Sure am Matt. How pathetic.

Matt- Get up! Stand against the wall ass hole!

The director gets up and Matt swings at his gut with the bat and then to the back of the head making him drop in his pool of blood.

Matt- See this Adam, this is how we roll here. Now that your are in the incredible people, you gotta always be ruthless! And not care about a damn thing but you!

Adam- I think I can adjust pretty well.

Matt- Thats what I like to here. Alright let me move this fucker and we can continue our little shoot for So we got the connection on Monday. They sure did make an impact didn't they, I mean they took out two guys who are pretty big here. Here's the thing, I bet you things would be different had they not ambushed them. If you look at these guys they couldn't go 5 minutes one on one with the crimson cobra or knight mask. I bet a couple of those losers couldn't even beat Swift Ion if you remember that guy. Now listen, Andrew Morrison before you go and say "oh I already beat him". That part obviously wasn't put at you then so don't get your panties in a tangle. Lets look at this team, I'm not gonna go on all names just a couple. John Austin ! Well John we meet again in the squared circle. You beat me in our debut match and let's see at Wild Card Weekend although you didn't win, I didn't either. So I guess you could say its still 1-0 with me and you. This time though I will be picking up the victory, me and my incredible people. You can make fun of us all you want Mr. Austin, you are just jealous that you can't have perfection like us. You are stuck hanging out with hippies and such. So I guess that is what define the connection, losers! Moving onto my next man Ricky Desmond, I knew the word loser would make me remember his name. This ass hat comes out of nowhere, Adam have you heard of this guy?


Matt- Exactly! So Ricky how about you go back to the rock from where you came crawling out from and go do something they let special people do like pushing carts at a grocery store. Ricky you don't look like the brightest bulb in the world, if you need me to slow down when I speak just let me know ahead of time. This man comes into XWF thinking he's taking over this hell hole. He's got another thing coming because this is our turf. You know what this group reminds me of is The Nexus. The only difference is the nexus was a group of real me whom actually dominated the WWE for a little while. While the connection will fold quicker than Kim Kardashian and Chris Humphries marriage.

The director begins trying to crawl away but Matt puts his foot over him.

Matt- Last but not least Andrew Aldway. How many Andrews we got here, I got two. Do you have two Adam?

Adam- Yep, two!

Matt- Alright, Aldway you have a big mouth on you. The only reason I say that is because you're British and your teeth odor are coming off of you terribly. I know you Brits don't know what a tooth brush is but come on Andrew! Some mouth wash would be nice wouldn't it? You keep Telling everyone in XWF how you are undefeated, you sound like a broken record player. I guess nobody has gotten around to smashing you yet. Aldway, on Monday we all know you can talk the talk. Lets see if you can walk the walk. Monday night madness is the beginning of the disconnection.

Matt stomps down on the bloody director as he walks off camera view and the camera fades on medical staff helping the director.

[Image: 311kzti.jpg]

1 time XWF Xtreme champion
2 time FTW UFO E1999 champion
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