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PlaceMarker Oh Boy...
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HGH Offline
Active in XWF

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08-16-2023, 05:48 PM

The scene opens to HGH sitting on a chair in his study.

"Ladies and Gentleman, DO I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION NOW?"

HGH looks straight into the camera.

"Good! It seems that people may have forgotten just who  the hell I am. JB two Anarchy's in a row then Roger. Did you honestly think, that little pip squeak even stood a chance against me? Then there was John Black, two losses in a row to yours truly. Did it piss him off? Maybe, but it's what he did after those losses that count. When approached he didn't hesitate. He followed the old saying, if you can't beat 'em join 'em. and so the wheels were in motion with one member in the fold the others followed suit. Then, you have LSM returning and much to everyone's surprise she aligned herself with JB, Tommy and Reggie. Oh, but then the shocker, my music hits and oh how you people loved it. It made you think that maybe, just maybe HGH had a change of heart. THat I would come to the ring and save Sidney from a beat down, oh how you loved it, it had you sitting on the edge of your seat, thinking finally HGH was coming out to be the hero. Then... BOOM! HGH hits good old Sidney with a Double Dose, and when I locked in that arm bar, as i wrenched and wrenched and wrenched on her arm. I was hoping I would rip that son of a bitch off and we'd see the last of Sidney Grey."

HGH chuckles.

" If only we would have been that lucky. So now what's next for HGH. It's simple really run straight through every single person on this roster until I am finally given my due. Alas, I fear it wont be anytime soon, as EDWARD has his hands full with Molly "Finally won a match" Barnes. We will see you soon enough my friend, don't you ever think I will forget. So that brings us to this coming Anarchy, where I go one on one with Chelsea "The choke artist" LeCl...

Just then LSM enters the room, she walks over to HGH and whispers something into his ear. HGH shrugs his shoulders and looks back at the camera. 

"Well, holy hell, Chelsea finally got smart and packed her bags, now I have Dick Powers. Well, shit, I guess I don't know Dick. However, even if I did it wouldn't matter. It's not like I haven't stepped inside the squared circle his caliber before? Wait? He is good right? Like, no bullshit, is he?"

HGH looks over at LSM as she approaches and again whispers in his ear.

"No shit? Shut up. Really? He's a former Television champion. Well, well, well, finally someone who isn't a scrub. This means that this match just became all the more fun for me. You see, Dick, this is MY show, people watch this show because of me. Sure, EDWARD may be called the champion, but that belt he carries belongs to me and he knows it. That means that Anarchy is MY show and I'll be damned if you're gonna waltz on to MY show and think you're beating me.

HGH pauses for just a moment as LSM hands him a glass of water. He takes a drink, hands it off and continues.

"No, no, no, you see, people that step in the ring with me, they never leave the ring the same ever again. What makes you think you're so special? Couple of dick jokes here, some dick jokes there. Who the fuck really cares? I for one sure as hell don't. What matters the most Dicky boy, is you bring your very best Thursday night. If you don't, you'll be in for the longest night of life. I will beat you down, I will systematically shut you down. No matter what you do, you will not win."

"Let's be real Dick, you're just another pawn thrown in my way. You're expendable to management. They put you in the ring with me knowing full well of the bodily harm I will inflict upon you Thursday night. By the time I am finished with you, not even your family will recognize you. You will leave the Eleanor R. Baldwin Arena broken, battered, and beyond repair. You will never again walk the same life path you once did. Everything you have ever known will be non existent after our match. For I am the true face of Anarchy no matter what anyone else says. I am the one constant on this damn show and I will prove that you have no business being on MY show.

HGH stops only for a few moments to collect himself.

"Dick, what happens to you come Thursday, the blood is not on my hands. However, I won't say I won't enjoy every single solitary moment of watching you cower and squirm in my presence as I graciously accept your valiant sacrifice. The pleasure to demoralize you in front of everyone in the arena and those watching at home, it makes me smile. I smile, because causing bodily harm to my victims, it's what keeps me going. It's why I do what I do, it's why I am the best wrestler on this show. I'm not the clown, I'm not the scrub you may think I am, but what I AM. I"M YOUR WORST FUCKING NIGHTMARE COME TO LIFE! Come Thursday, Dick, I am coming to Boca Raton, Florida to end you and everything that you are. Try all you want, you can tell me you can win, but you won't. I won't allow myself to be beaten by the likes of you. Just because you're a former Television champion, doesn't mean you even belong in the same ring as me. So show up if you dare. I'll be waiting."

"Show me what's beyond my eyes."

Scene fades to black.
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