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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Anarchy Boards » Anarchy Results
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Anarchy 08/03
Author Message
Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

08-05-2023, 04:00 PM

08 - 03 - 2023

[Image: BbV3NBt.png]



- vs -

- vs -

- vs -
Open Challenge
Literally anyone can RP to try and take on the Lady King of the XWF

- vs -
Steel Cage
Pinfall or Submission Only, No Escape
The winner will be the number one contender to the Anarchy Championship

OOC: ANARCHY RULES is 1 RP with a 1K WORD LIMIT unless stated otherwise
Hard deadline for Anarchy will be WEDNESDAY, 08-02-2023 at 11:59pm board time. Good luck!


Rogers a little bit spooked when he steps onto the entrance ramp and the loud music hits the speakers. Alas, the brave man walks down the ramp and shakes a few hands until it's time to slide into the ring. That's when the pyrotechnics hit, but Roger stands confidently in the face of the fireworks for all of the sick and dying children of the world.

GATOR: Bloody hell, that man Roger looks confident tonight!

TODD: He sure does.

HGH's music hits, but the wrestler is nowhere to be seen. A few awkward moments go by before the boos from the audience slowly fade into silence.

GATOR: Ay, where is the bloke?

TODD: I'm not sure! I saw him hanging out near the thugs locker room earlier...maybe they get some revenge on him for his cheap win over John Black on the last Anarchy!

The referee and Roger look around warily, unsure of HGH's whereabouts and intentions. Is he up to something? The music is just about to be cut off, when, all of a sudden, HGH appears on the entrance ramp! He looks a bit annoyed, shaking his head in disgust a few times before he charges down the entrance ramp and straight into the ring!

GATOR: Looks like HGH made it to the show after all!

TODD: But I wonder why he was so late? Usually he's punctual!


- vs -

The referee calls for the bell only after HGH has speared Roger and begun hammering away at him with hammer fists. Roger wasn't at all ready for this level of intensity from HGH, but after a few big blows Roger is able to put his hands up defensively. After pushing away a few wild punches, Roger is able to squirm out from beneath HGH. Roger runs straight towards the corner, his shirt torn and his lip already bruised. HGH pounds the mat in frustration before charging after him!

GATOR: HGH is feeling bloody hot tonight!

TODD: I wonder what he's so worked up about!

HGH charges straight into the corner where Roger is with another spear- or rather, the corner where Roger WAS! Roger quickly slides out of the way, causing HGH to ram his shoulder straight into the post! HGH stumbles out of the corner awkwardly, slumped over slightly as he walks backwards. Roger senses a great opportunity, and capitalizes on it! Roger rolls up HGH, and the referee immediately drops down to count!




GATOR: That was bloody close!

TODD: HGH is so worked up he's not thinking straight!

HGH kicks out forcefully, sending him and Roger flying towards opposite sides of the ring. Both men pick themselves up quickly, rising right back to a standing position. HGH rubs his bruised shoulder with a look of hatred in his eyes. Roger meets that eye contact with far less intensity as he rubs his own busted lip.

GATOR: These gladiators are having the stare down of a century here!

TODD: Roger is even intimidating me with that blank stare of his!

Roger and HGH charge into the center of the ring, where HGH is expecting to lock up: but Roger isn't having any of that! Roger moves left, forward, back, and right- really every which way he can to avoid having to lock up with HGH in the clinch! This angers HGH greatly, so the big man lashes out with a wild right hand- but he misses! The momentum causes HGH to stumble forward, allowing Roger to kick his feet out from underneath him! The audience pops huge when HGH hits the mat, and Roger plays up to the crowd! Then, Roger begins kicking the everliving dogshit out of HGH! Kick! Kick! Kick! Stomp! Boot! Kick! Stomp! It's getting so bad that HGH starts clinging to the bottom rope, and that's when the referee has no choice but to force Roger to back away! Roger does so gracefully, fully understanding the rules: but Roger is looking way more hyper than usual! He's ready for more combat, man!

GATOR: That Roger looks ready for more combat, bruv!

TODD: Woah...deja vu.

GATOR: Who's that? Is that one of your celebrity crushes like the deja cat?

TODD: No it's....don't worry about it.

But there's plenty to worry about INSIDE the ring, as HGH has now pulled himself up to a standing position with the help of the ropes. Rogers stands in the center of the ring and confidently calls for HGH to come get some more of his tender loving. HGH shakes his head in a rage before walking up to Roger before raking him in the eyes with his unclipped fingernails! Roger screams in pain as the referee admonishes HGH and threatens to DQ him, but HGH tells the ref to shove it. Then HGH grabs a hold of a screeching Roger and hits him with the Injection Shot (rolling cutter)!

HGH flips Roger over and makes the pin!




WINNER VIA PINFALL - Harmon Greyson Hays

After pinning Roger HGH stands up and looks down at him with disdain. HGH considers taking things further, but decides against it. The referee comes over to raise HGH's hand, but Harmon has no time for that nonsense. HGH slips between the ropes before jogging right back up the entrance ramp from whence he came.

GATOR: Wow, what an opening match!

Todd: I'm not sure who's going to top that! But wait...where's HGH going? He's not even sticking around to have his hand raised!

GATOR: He probably wants to get the hell out of Oklahoma!

The beat kicks in and I Invented Sex echoes through the arena, the crowd cheers and parties! Balloons and streamers fall from the ceiling as Dick Powers saunters onto the ramp with a rose between his teeth and bounces his head smiling followed by his manager Riley Reed who smiles nodding his head to the rhythm. Dick drops to his knees and opens his arms wide, flaunting what he's got to the crowd as his pyro goes off behind him. He hops to his feet clapping, dancing and high fiving fans on his way to the ring. He jogs up the steps and climbs the top turnbuckle singing along to his theme as he poses to his adoring fans.

GATOR: I'm a huge fan of this bloke!

TODD: Yeah, everyone knows how much you like a good fuck machine.

GATOR: Everyone knows?

TODD: Well maybe not everyone, but a lot of people know!

We see the X-Tron come to life, and we see "John Black" name shot up with the .38 special, and we see him at the stage in a black and white setting as he is standing there taking in the mixed reactions. Then he walks down to the ramp, and he gives them some high fives, then he climbs on the steel steps and enters the ring, and he raises his fist in the air as he pounds his chest around the ring as his theme cuts off.


TODD: It's just "Black".

GATOR: I'm pretty sure his name is John you racist chav!

TODD: No it's..ugh...just nevermind.

- vs -


As the bell rings Dick and John begin circling each other around the squared circle. The two experience vets are taking stock of the situation, eyeing their opposition for any sign of weakness or lingering injury. Dick charges in cock-first, trying to lock JB up into a clinch: but it doesn't go well for Dick! A big boot to the gut keels him over, allowing JB to hit him with a DDT right out of the gate!

John Black sits up and looks over at Dick with a cocky smirk. Dick Powers, henceforth known as 'DP', looks over at JB and shakes his big uncut head, both of them, before rising up to a standing position, in both senses. It's truly a sight to behold, and behold it JB does. DP cums hard at JB, knocking him down to the mat with a powerful pounding.

GATOR: I love this stuff! This is great action!

TODD: Yeah let's, not do that anymore...

John Black quickly rises up to his feet and dusts some dirt off his shoulder. John looks over at DP with a sneer before charging forward and hitting him with a huge elbow to the jaw, knocking DP back into the corner. An uppercut quickly follows, and DP is starting to look a bit woozy as he uses the supporting ropes in the corner to prop himself up. That's when JB throws a few stiff body shots to DP's ribcage, forcing the fuckmachine to groan in a most displeasured manner. John Black then headbutts Dick Powers, busting the man wide open. A chasm of blood squirts out from the gaping wound.

GATOR: That bloody hole is gaping! My favorite kind!

TODD: John Black looks mad tonight! He's giving his opponent no quarter and no mercy!

John Black then grabs Dick Powers by the throat and raises him up out of the corner, forcing him to take a seated position on the top turnbuckle. John Black steps onto the second rope, but that's when DP snaps out of it. Dick Powers pushes John Black off the ropes, forcing the thug to fall backwards onto the mat. John Black quickly rolls back to his feet, but that one maneuver gave Dick Powers all the time he needed to recover! Dick launches into the air with a moonsault double footstomp!

GATOR: This move is one of the best!


JB dodges the devastating aerial assault just in time, causing DP's legs to land awkwardly on the mat. We hear a few snaps and a crack, and DP quickly falls over onto the ropes in pain. Dick Powers tries to push himself off the ropes to go get at JB, but his legs just aren't working right! A few pained steps is all Dick can muster before he unwittingly falls right into JB's grasp! John manhandles Powers, finishing the DP off with Tha Underground Noise (T.U.N)!

GATOR: Oh my god he might have just bloody killed him!

TODD: That's the nastiest, most dangerous piledriver in the business! This match has to be over!

JB flips over a seemingly comatose DP as he hooks the leg for a pin.





The referee raises John Black's hand for just a few moments before kneeling down to check on a very injured Dick Powers, who is for some reason holding his junk while groaning in pain and bleeding profusely from the forehead. John Black smiles at his handiwork before ducking out of the ropes and confidently walking back up the entrance ramp. Before the camera cuts back to Dick Powers, JB mouths the phrase 'I'll be back soon' to the camera.

TODD: What a great match between two XWF veterans! I wasn't sure how they would follow that banger of an opening match, but somehow they might have topped it!

GATOR: It's been a bloody violent show, that's for sure mate.

“Suffocate” by Cold begins to play as the lights dim all through the arena. Fog rolls through the entranceway as a bright light shines from behind it. A shadowy figure is projected through the fog, the sexy figure grinding to the beat of the music. Sidney Grey emerges and surveys the crowd as they boo her loudly. She smirks as she flips off the crowd and moves in time to the beat, going into yet another seductive grind, which ends in a tremendous eruption of pyrotechnics as she runs her hands all along her body, tosses her hair back, and heads to the ring with a laugh. Sid walks slowly down to the ring as she arrogantly taunts the crowd, blowing kisses to some and threatening to slap others all the while with a condescending smile on her face. Sid slides underneath the bottom rope and goes to the far corner of the ring as she stands on the turnbuckle and continues to taunt the crowd, while smiling sadistically as she waits for the match to begin.

TODD: Lady King Sidney is looking pretty miffed tonight.

GATOR: Are you surprised? Sid pinned EDWARD and instead of challenging for the Anarchy title she gets thrown into this last-minute booking!

TODD: Perhaps Atticus is potentially hyping up an upcoming Anarchy match at Relentless between EDWARD and Sidney?

GATOR: Or perhaps that fat cunt is part of the bourgeoisie and is keeping down someone who is a legit threat!


GATOR: Don't you "hm" me, dickhead... Fucking attitude recently. Have you eaten today? Why am I asking of course you have, look at ya... By the way what is actually happening is this like a gauntlet match or-

Gator is suddenly caught off guard as a theme blares from the PA system.

GATOR: Rude...

Some Guy...

Some Guy

Yeah, That Guy.

That Guy bursts through the curtains with a microphone.

He raps the opening bars of his entrance theme.


He walks along the side of the entrance ramp to the fans in the audience.


He holds the mic out to the crowd. No one says anything...

GATOR: Who's this clown?


He does it again... Nothing.

TODD: Y'all know who.


The same. Silence.

GATOR: No I don't that's why I'm asking.


He hands the mic to Kris "The Hammer" Von Bonn from the ring crew, as to not break it, before sliding into the ring, ready to go!


GATOR: NO I DON-wait did he say boysenberries?

- vs -
Open Challenge


GATOR: Oh so it IS a gauntlet match.

This guy in the ring tries to pump up the crowd with hand claps and foot stomps as he circles Sid who is amused yet confused; literally no one in the crowd joins in.

Grey has enough of the pantomime and snatches the guy's arm spinning him around before planting a forearm into his mush and knocking him on his ass; before hitting the ropes and landing a basement dropkick into the dude's breadbasket.

This guy crumples on the mat as Sidney goes over his body and hops onto the second rope!

GATOR: That's the most dangerous rope!!!

And bounces off looking for a knee drop but the guy rolls out of the way in time and Sid's knee hits the canvas. And the guy hooks under Sid and rolls her up for a pin! The ref slides in for the count!





The guy places his hands on his head in awe and demands it was a 3, no one cares.

Sidney gets up and lands a kick across the guy's chest before getting him to the mat with a DDT but instead of unhooking his head, Grey instead locks in a guillotine and has her opponent gasping for air.

YKW looks set to tap out- he’s gasping for breath and holding his hand just above the mat!

TODD: This could be it right here!

GATOR: He’s going to tap! He’s going to ta- wait, did he just grab the ropes? Awwww what a puss!

Sure enough, YKW is able to reach out and cusp the bottom rope with the tip of his middle finger. The ever-observant referee reluctantly forces Sidney to break the hold, and she looks absolutely incensed by it. She argues with the referee that ANARCHY shouldn’t have rules, but alas, this match includes rope breaks!

YKW pulls himself up to a standing position with the help of the ropes, but he’s not standing for long! After YKW rises Sidney Grey charges at him and nearly knocks his head off with a devastating lariat! YKW goes flying over the top rope, falling completely flat outside the ring. Sidney Grey smirks before she goes to step through the ropes, following after her fallen opponent.

That’s when a familiar theme song starts to blast over the PA speakers.



GATOR: What’s going on here?! We have more competitors joining the fray?!

TODD: It’s L-S-M! The former 2-time Anarchy champion has returned to take on the Lady King of the XWF!

The three goons immediately set to work, stomping the everliving dogshit out of YKW. The amount of feet going into YKW’s face reminds you of Steve Sayors’ only fans, but you keep that shit to yourself because it’s gross. Meanwhile, LSM slides into the ring and starts trading punches back and forth with Sidney Grey! Eventually Sidney Grey is forced back onto the ropes, but she comes charging off them with a full head of steam! Sidney tries to clothesline LSM, but LSM ducks. Sidney Grey hits the other set of ropes before charging back to LSM, who drops her back to the mat with an expectant dropkick! Both LSM and Sidney fall to the mat before quickly picking themselves back up and engaging in a tense staredown as YKW is brutalized by the three masked goons outside the ring.

GATOR: Who could’ve seen this coming?!

TODD: Sidney Grey may have gotten more than she bargained for tonight!

LSM and Sidney Grey lock up in the middle of the ring, with neither woman able to get a clear advantage. Sidney Grey is able to push LSM a few steps back, but LSM shifts her center of gravity before returning the favor, pushing the duo squarely back into the center of the ring. As the lock-up stalls to a draw, LSM breaks the hold by throwing a vicious knee into Sidney’s midsection. The Lady King of the XWF groans loudly as she’s forced to let go of the hold. That’s when LSM takes her turn on the ropes, bouncing off the nearest set before charging back to Sidney and bringing her down with a running bulldog! But instead of releasing the hold once the ladies hit the mat, LSM decides to lock in a chokehold of her own!

GATOR: LSM has taken the advantage in the ring!

TODD: She caught Sidney off guard, but if she makes a single mistake the former universal champion will know how to take advantage!

Back outside the ring, the three masked goons are now taking turns performing finisher maneuvers on YKW. The front row fans are loving it! YKW takes a Stone Cold Stunner, a Piledriver, and an Implant DDT all in quick succession!

But inside the ring, things aren’t going quite so well. LSM is hanging onto the chokehold, but Sidney Grey has worked her way up to a standing position! The chokehold just isn’t tight enough, but LSM won’t let it go. That’s when Sidney Grey picks LSM up and brings her down to the mat with a belly-to-side suplex, forcing LSM to let the chokehold go! LSM bounces off the mat and starts holding her head as Sidney Grey kips up to a tremendous pop from the audience.

GATOR: The Lady King of the XWF is proving why she’s had the most dominant year of any superstar on Anarchy!

TODD: But she needs to watch out for those goons at ringside!

The masked goons slide into the ring one at a time as they see LSM is down, and they get dispatched in that same order! One gets flung over the top rope, one gets dropped with a big shoulder block, and the last goon is forced to eat a SID-KNEE DROP! That’s when we see Y’all Know Who slide back into the ring, looking beaten and bruised beyond recognition. He’s literally seen crawling to the referee asking for help, asking for an ambulance assist. For some reason YKW is just crawling around the ring while the action unfolds, probably because his legs are broken.


TODD: And I don’t even think those masked men are part of the match!

GATOR: Well I mean, they might be! They are part of the world, aren’t they? Unless they’re aliens, and maybe THAT’S why they’re wearing masks!

Sidney Grey sees YKW begging for help from the ref, and she senses her opportunity to finish this off. LSM picks herself up by the ropes and senses the same weakness in YKW. Sidney grabs a hold of YKW by the neck and locks in a cranking chokehold. YKW is literally in tears from pain, probably because LSM has also picked up his leg in an an ankle lock!

TODD: Ya’ll know who is being gangbanged by LSM and Sidney in there!

GATOR: This is starting to get X rated for real!

With LSM cranking on his ankle and Sidney Grey cranking on his neck, Ya’ll Know Who has no choice but to tap out! LSM and Sidney Grey both release the hold, and raise their hands in victory as the bell rings: but the referee only grabs a hold of Sidney’s hand!

GATOR: Wait, so who won? Or isn’t it a gauntlet, what is a “vs. The World” match anyways?!

TODD: Gator, are you deft?! Of course Sidney Grey just won the match! It was her against the world, and she just made a representative of the world tap out! It’s over, Sidney wins, case closed!


As soon as the match ends the entire masked entourage slides into the ring under the bottom rope. The referee tries to tell the three interlopers off, but it's no use! One of the masked men kicks the referee in the stomach before grabbing hold of him for a KILLSWITCH ala Christian Cage! The referee is knocked completely unconscious, but that doesn't stop the other two masked men from kicking his lifeless body out of the ring!

GATOR: This is getting out of hand, even by my standards!

TODD: Who are these masked men and what do they want?! Why are they targeting innocent referees?

GATOR: I don't think the ref was the target...just collateral damage!

Sure enough, as soon as the referee has been dispatched all three men turn their attention towards Sidney Grey. The former universal champion immediately recognizes the danger she's in, and the ring empties out: but before Sidney can escape one of the masked men grabs hold of her by the hair, dragging her right back to the middle of the squared circle.

GATOR: I've seen a lot of home movies that start like this....


GATOR: I'm not sure those are BASTARDS, bruv! But it might be! Maybe they're getting revenge for what Sidney Grey did to Bobby Bourbon at March Madness!

TODD: But Sidney Grey won't make it easy for them, even in her current state!

Sidney Grey pushes the men away from her and raises her fists, clearly willing to go down fighting. The men form a half-circle around Sidney Grey, taunting and jeering at her. That's when Latina Submission Machina slides into the ring behind Sidney while gripping a steel chair. Just when Sidney looks set to pounce on the masked men, she's brought back down to earth by a SICKENING chair shot to the back of the head! Sidney collapses to a kneeling position, and that's when the rim of the chair is shoved forcefully into the back of her neck, pinning her to the mat!

TODD: L-S-M! No! Don't do this!

GATOR: Did she plan all of this?! Who are those bloody masked men!

TODD: Someone needs to come out here and help Sidney Grey! Gator, you're a former XWF champion, you should go stop this madness!

GATOR: Madness? Sorry, my XWF contract only covers Anarchy!

LSM releases the chair, chucking it to the side. Sidney Grey tries to scurry away, but the three masked men immediately put that idea to rest. The masked men deliver a slew of big boots to the grounded woman's back, and they don't seem intent on stopping anytime soon! The three-man curb stomp carries on for an uncomfortably long amount of time as LSM crosses her arms with a satisfied smirk.

GATOR: I thought Sidney Grey said she was going to try and make new friends this week!

Suddenly the curb stomping comes to an end. LSM and the masked men all share a jolly guffaw in the middle of the ring while Sidney Grey lays battered and bruised on the ground beneath them. That’s when the men take off their masks to reveal….IT’S REGGIE ESTRADA, TOMMY WISH, AND JOHN BLACK!

TODD: It must not have worked! It looks like Sidney only made enemies of THE THUGS!

But then, a familiar video package and theme song come to life throughout the arena.




Sure enough HGH runs down the ramp to a surprising chorus of cheers. The muscled-up beefcake slides under the bottom rope before ripping his shirt off to a momentous applause from the audience. The thugs and LSM all take a step back, as if in shock. HGH looks around the crowd, and then down to Sidney Grey, who is starting to move his way.

TODD: HGH has the chance to be the savior tonight! This could be a major turning point for his career!

GATOR: HGH as a good guy! I never saw this coming, but maybe him and Sidney bonded over their shared arrogance and holier-than-thou attitudes!

That’s when HGH cocks the world’s smarmiest grin. He grabs a hold of Sidney Grey as everyone else in the ring leans back on the ropes; but instead of taking her to safety, HGH takes Sidney Grey back down to the mat with his patented “Double Dose”!



Sidney Grey furiously taps the mat but it’s no use, Harmon isn’t letting this hold go anytime soon! The thugs all take turns laughing in Sidney’s face as Harmon keeps the pressure applied. LSM, meanwhile, leans back against a turnbuckle while trying to suppress the slight look of concern spreading across her face.

TODD: Gator, can’t you see?! HGH was never coming out here to make the save, he was in on this conspiracy from the beginning!

GATOR: But I thought he and John Black hated each other, why are they working together now?!

TODD: Maybe it has something to do with that returning Luchadora!

Eventually, the vicious mockery comes to its end. HGH releases Sidney Grey and lets her battered body lay flat on the mat. Latina Submission Machina, Reggie Estrada, John Black, and Tommy Wish all raise their arms in unison before we cut to a commercial break.

TODD: It’s been quite a show, but it’s time for the Main Event, eh? This match will decide the Number One Contender for EDWARD’s Anarchy Title!

GATOR: Somehow, despite both of these competitors losing to Sidney Grey last week, they’re both ahead of her in line. Who runs this shitshow anyway?!?

TODD: …You do, Mister Gator.

GATOR: Damn right! And don’t you forget it!

“Chelsea" by STEFY hits

The fans cheer as Chelsea LeClair walks through the curtains, poised, confident and determined to make things happen in this match as she begins to walk down the aisle. She soaks in some cheers a bit as she gets to ringside and at this point, she's all business as she slides into the ring.

TODD: Chelsea LeClair turned just about every head when she debuted this March! In near record time, she rose to the top of the Anarchy card and came within inches of beating EDWARD for his Anarchy Title at WarGames! But she didn’t get the job done. If she gets a second chance, is she ready to rule XWF’s Thursday Nights?

GATOR: …Wait, Todd, have you been talking to me this whole time?

TODD: …No, Mister Gator. I was providing play-by-play, setting up the storylines for the match.

GATOR: Oh, Thank God. It just dawned on me, ‘shit, was I supposed to be listening to you this whole time?’


Soaking things in a bit more, she climbs up the corner to the second rope with a smile, a fist raised in the air and a quick point to the crowd before she hops back down to the corner, leans against it and waits for the match to begin.

“I Predict a Riot" by Kaiser Chiefs hits

Molly flies down the ramp on a Razor scooter doing cool tricks that win over the fans.

GATOR: Oh snap! Triple Kick-flip!

TODD: Molly Barnes started off one of the brightest stars on Madness… Then, that show went on a mysterious extended hiatus and she found herself competing regularly on Thursday Night Anarchy!

GATOR: Ollie McTwist!

TODD: She’s electrified the fans, but with mixed results in the win-loss column! Can she score her first Anarchy Title shot tonight!

GATOR: 1080 Dunkaroo!

TODD: Some tricks, huh, Mister Gator?

GATOR: What tricks? Molly got to the ring two minutes ago, I’ve just been yelling words to affirm I’m listening to you.

Molly parks her scooter ringside and slides under the bottom rope.

The moment she enters the ring, the cage begins to lower around the competitors… Before securing neatly into place!

The official affirms both competitors are ready… Then signals for the bell!

- vs -
Steel Cage
Pinfall or Submission Only, No Escape
The winner will be the number one contender to the Anarchy Championship

Chelsea steps forward, hands raised, looking to secure a collar-and-elbow tie-up with Molly.

TODD: Oooh, Miss LeClair definitely has more in-ring experience. She’s looking to exercise it and possibly work Molly to an early disadvantage.

Molly lifts her right arm, as if she’s amenable to some grappling.

Chelsea goes to gra-

IN A FLASH, MOLLY SWINGS HER ELBOW ACROSS, catching LeClair straight across the skull with a vicious elbow!

The crowd oohs, as LeClair backpedals a step or two!

GATOR: GahDAMN! LeClair got her world rocked by that strike!

TODD: Barnes may be the less experienced of the two, but she knows her strengths! Some out-and-out scrapping!

LeClair rubs her scalp… But Barnes is already on her, securing a side-headlock! Followed by a flipping takedown across her thigh, slamming LeClair on her back!

The crowd pops, surprirsed that Barnes is so on her game, considering LeClair mocked her for her recent string of losses.

Barnes lifts her right arm to the crowd, riding their excitement.

”Anarchy, innit?”

LeClair, seeing her opponent distracted, quickly wraps her arms around Barnes’ left leg, tripping the Manchester brawler facefirst to the ground!

TODD: Ooooooh, Barnes opens the match with an impressive volley… But, when you’re in the ring with an opponent like Chelsea LeClair, you never want to take your eye off the ball!

GATOR: What ball? There’s a ball in this match? I can’t see it through the cage!

Barnes tries to scramble back to her feet, but LeClair effortlessly locks her biceps around Molly’s left leg and twists her into a Single-Leg Boston Crab!

TODD: Ooooh! Wise of Chelsea to go for a submission that saps Barnes’ ability to move! She won’t be able to climb the cage walls with a bum leg, eh?

Barnes tries to twist herself back on her front… Unfortunately, LeClair’s submission ability is a little too much for an enthusiastic amateur like Barnes to overcome! Her efforts to counter out are reversed and prevented at every avenue!

…Barnes snarls, frustrated… She grabs the mat… And forces one arm over the other! Overpowering LeClair and dragging herself…


The official steps up, starting a count on LeClair to break the hold!

TODD: Barnes escapes but she was in that hold for quite a while… Has too much damage been done for Barnes to stay in this match?

Indeed, from the ground, Barnes favors that left knee, as she tries to crawl back to her feet using the ropes…

But, LeClair, seeing Barnes on shaky footing, grabs Barnes, wraps her in a front facelock aaaaaaaaand

SNAP NECKBREAKER! The crowd howls! What an impact!

Barnes cradles her skull, as LeClair crawls into position, hooking the leg!

The official counts!




TODD: Incredibly, Barnes survives that devastating move! But, you have to figure she’s gotta worry about LeClair’s further offense. Barnes doesn’t wanna get Cancelled!

GATOR: Neither do I, Todd. That’s why I set my Twitter to private and I don’t eat bananas when I’m in Amsterdam!

TODD: I… Wait, what are you talking about?

GATOR: What are YOU talking about?

Sure enough, LeClair stomps Barnes once in the chest, before climbing to the top rope, looking to finish the match with her finishing move, CANCELLED! (a corkscrew moonsault)!

TODD: LeClair is looking to end this match! Barnes is in rough shape! This one might be over!

LeClair ascends to the tope rope… She releases the ropes, ready to fly… As Barnes stirs below… Slowly making her way back to her feet!

TODD: Phew, Barnes gets off the mat! LeClair might’ve underestimated Barnes’ ability to take high-impact moves and keep on coming!

Barnes stumbles forward to LeClair, still on that top turnbuckle… LeClair extends her foot to boot Barnes in the face! Barnes turns around… LeClair locks in a guillotine, looking for a swinging reverse DDT.

LeClair leaps off the top rope…


Through sheer strength, Barnes shifts LeClair in her grip, heaving LeClair from her back to over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes!

TODD: Oh dear! LeClair had grown accustomed to Barnes’ inferior wrestling ability, and she just put herself in a zone of great danger! Barnes has LeClair right where she wants her!

Barnes twists LeClair’s head toward the ground aaaaaaaaaaaand!

BARNESTORMER! The sudden jolt to LeClair’s spine and vertebrae as her face COLLIDES DIRECTLY INTO THE MAT makes her entire body straighten and immediately crumple!


GATOR: That registered on the Richter scale! I know because I carry a Richter scale with me wherever I go. Mostly for prop comedy reasons, but sometimes for wrestling!

LeClair looks stunned, as Barnes flips LeClair onto her back, and hooks the leg!

TODD: This would be a huge upset! Can Barnes get the win!

The official counts…



Through sheer reflex and force of will, LeClair kicks out!



TODD: Incredible! LeClair had taken complete control of this match, but a series of miscalculations proved dire! And Molly Barnes has secured a ticket to an Anarchy Title match!

GATOR: Great showing by both competitors, but Molly Barnes wins this day! Can she do it again and secure her first ever Anarchy championship reign?

TODD: Wow, great question, sir!

GATOR: No, I’m doing an impression of you. This is what you sound like.

GATOR: You should be soooo embarrassed right now with how I just GOT you.

Once again sorry for the lateness, work and all that jazz.

A huge thank you to those that helped write matches and sent in segments.


And thank you to those that RPed this week

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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