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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Meet Your Angel of Darkness... Again: RP 2
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Sebastian Duke Offline
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XWF FanBase:
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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

07-16-2013, 05:15 PM

Tuesday, July 16, 2013 – 8:54 PM EST

A hooded Sebastian Duke sits in his throne in the middle of the ring in an empty, dark arena. The only light coming from torches secured to the ring posts. Behind him, stands various members of his Brotherhood of the Illuminatus.

The camera moves in close.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “The day has come! The day that the Angel of Darkness returns... to his playground. I've stated it before, but I must re-enforce the fact, that I'm not coming alone. Very soon the first of the Brotherhood will be revealed.

“See, on May 25 at High Stakes, John Madison told me that out of love for me that he spared me the guillotine.

“John Madison, you need to understand one damn thing.

“You really should have chosen the guillotine, boy!”

He stands to his feet and paces the ring.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “As I walk... As I talk... As I live and breathe... John Madison, your Angel of Darkness is coming for your head! Not only will I take your head, Madison, I will take everything you hold dear! Everything you hold close to your cold beating heart!

“Your Black Circle!

“You have ran around the Xtreme Wrestling Federation claiming to have beaten everybody there is to beat!




“At one time you and I were friendly, ya know?

“At one time you laid out an open challenge to anyone with the balls to accept it!

“Not a God damned soul took you up on that challenge except... for one man...

“You know it! I know it! The entire world knows it, John!


“Yet you ran around claiming no one would accept your challenge out of fear, while ignoring the fact that I did accept!

“John, I don't blame you for ducking me.

“Of course, those were different days and you and I were on the same side. See the fact is, you can't beat the Angel of Darkness. You can't beat anyone but that little bitch luggage dragger, Luca Arzegotti!

“Keep ducking me, John! It shows your lack of balls! It shows your lack of manhood!

“You fucking little puke! If I have to go through each and every man on this roster to get to you, John, that is exactly what I'm going to do!

“One day, I will get my revenge and no.... No, John... It won't be pretty and it won't be painless...

“Until the day I get to take out my aggression, everyone... Every last person that crosses my path need to be afraid of something because to me... You are ALL... John fucking Madison!

“What that means for you... Is pain... And lots of it!

“Whether you are that little piece of shit Alex Shawn all the way up to the man that carries my United States title, Neonero... You are all John Madison in my eyes and that spells nothing but hurt and pain and... Darkness... in your futures.

“John Madison, your path to enlightenment begins now!

“I am here, as your Angel of Darkness, to illuminate that path for you!

“I've been away from my playground for far.... far too long...

“Tomorrow night, it all begins again...

“Sebastian Duke.... comes home....”

He sits back down in his throne and lowers his hood.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Agent Orange. It sickens me to have to break the news to you, that you... are first. Then back and back and back the entire fucking roster will suffer the same fate. Hurt and pain and Darkness comes to all of you that stand in my way! Until I get what I want, you can all rest assured, that life will not be easy. Life will not be fun. Living life on Warfare, living life in the XWF will not be all fun and games because when I begin to unleash my Brotherhood... I'm quite literally unleashing HELL ON EARTH!

“You see, Agent Orange, you play the role of the funny man. Except you're not that funny. Hot Topic vagina. That's a good one. See? I'm laughing.

"No, you're right. I'm not. It's either you're not funny, or I'm not in a laughing mood. What will be funny is, suppose for a second you do beat me. Suppose you're lucky enough to shock the world and win the main event. You'll go on to face Mr. Satellite, according to your own promo, for the United States title.

"I'd love to see you challenge Mr. Satellite for a title he no longer holds. That just goes to show the entire world how much you're paying attention.

"That amazing interviewer asking the questions thought that maybe I was disrespecting you by not mentioning you more than I did.

"I got news for you, and everybody else. Respect is not awarded. It's earned. I've earned that. Mr. Satellite earned that. Neonero earned that. Sid Feder earned that. Peter Gilmour earned that. Soldier, Madison, Arzegotti, Mystery, Flynn! They've all earned that. While you, have yet to earn anything.

"Where were you when I torched Jesus Christ on national television? Where were you when Tristin Slayter was run out of the XWF? Where were you when Unknown Soldier shilacked me in my debut? Where were you when I became the first man ever to pin Soldier to the mat? Where were you when the Black Circle was beheading their own members? Where were you when Shane tried to run me over with a car? Where were you, Agent Orange, when I went toe to toe with a nearly unbeatable Mark Flynn and ruined his career, then took his United States title? Where were you when Angelus was round house kicking everything in sight, setting those things on fire? Where were you, Agent, when John Madison won a 30+ man gauntlet and walked away with the crown? Where were you when Peter Gilmour walked away a double champion when so many doubted him? Where were you when Sid Feder made Benjamin Crane a household name? Where were you, Agent Orange? Where were you when Cryen was actually a respected name on this roster? Where were you when this company was about to get flushed down the shitter? Where were you when I put this company on my back and dragged it back from the abyss? Where were you when I gave the Black Circle its legitamacy back!?

"I'll tell you where I was.




"So you can take your Connecticut backyard wrestling bullshit and shove it right up your fucking ass.

"There is a big difference between you and I, Agent. I, whether those that watch the XWF at home, or those that compete here, have earned respect amongst my peers. While you, are about to get your ass handed to you, just like so many others, by the Angel of Darkness!

"You're seriously talking about seeding? How you ranked just below Sweet Cheapshots? Okay, Okay, now that part was funny. You think you were put in this tournament because you have a shot at winning? No, see... I just needed a warm up. You know, shake off the ring rust a little before I go to town in the main event. It's funny you thought that though. Nice try.

“Mystica, Cheapshots, Eli the fourth... Eli the fourth... A new... alliance with the Black Circle is not what you want, champ! They will use you, abuse you, then discard you like yesterdays trash. Just like Cryen. Just like Lexi Sheckler. Just like NAZI. Just like... yours truly.

“I've watched you Eli. You're... not bad...

“But before you address the Angel of Darkness you need to check and then recheck your facts. I'm not a God. I never was and I never claimed to be. To group me with the likes of Sebastian Duke-lite-lite-lite-lite, otherwise known as Salvator, is a mistake...

“A mistake you won't get away with, because tomorrow night. I will defeat Agent Orange. And I will defeat you or anyone else in the main event.

“I will remind you Eli James, that I am the Angel of Darkness, and I am exactly that because I lurk in the shadows and I see evvvvverything. No misdeed goes unpunished and that's exactly why I exist, why I walk this planet! To torture and destroy those that do evil unto the innocent!

“You thump your fucking bible to your whores like Jesus fucking Christ to Mary Magdeline.


“Consider me the great balancing act between good and evil! For there is no true good in the world!

“Eli James the fourth, meet Sebastian Duke the first, the one, the only Angel of fucking Darkness. Andrew Morrison? Salvator? Imitators.


“They too shall be destroyed in due time!

“Speaking of Salvator, hey! Peter Gilmour called! He said Sebastian Duke wants his back!

"Sweet hooded robe, by the way. I got one just like it. I'm actually wearing it right now.

“Sebastian Duke.

"Always imitated.

"Never duplicated.

"It's kind of like carbon copies. Each time you copy something, it never quite turns out right. It fades just a little more each time. So allow me to inform you, Salvator... You're doing it wrong.

“Sweet fucking Cheapshots! Now there's a fool. HA! I remember this one time you and I squared off. It's like you were so damn scared you actually were at a loss for words. Then the match began and it was like you didn't even bother to show up!

"Good times, man. Good times.

“I do however, expect a better fight from you this time around. I mean, you get to face, assuming you can get a win in round one, of course, the famed Count Chocula! Can it get any sweeter than that?

“The fact is though, I just don't like you.

“Don't take it personally. I really don't like anybody. Its a shame though, you'll have to suffer yet another defeat at my hands simply because you're in the wrong place at the wrong time. It could be worse, you could face Alex Shawn every week and you'd be forced to sit through all those boring promos of his just to waltz into the ring and beat him in ten seconds.

“Hell is repetition, as they say.

“Boys, Wednesday night, your Angel of Darkness returns to his playground. Wednesday night...

“Warfare returns to Darkness.”

Duke replaces his hood on his head as the scene fades to Darkness.
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(07-16-2013), #MemeQueen Luca Torchwick (07-17-2013), DeathMerchant (07-16-2013), Peter Fn Gilmour (07-16-2013)

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