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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Resurgence of Legends
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Christian_Andrews Offline
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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

08-04-2023, 12:01 PM

"All connections are infused with dreams of what is possible in the future. Thus, when we lose something or someone important to us, we aren't just grieving the loss, we are grieving the shattered dream."
- Bill Crawford, Ph.D.

The Golden 1 Center in the Stade De France, Paris, France, buzzes with excitement as Leap of Faith unfolds. Among the sea of fans, sits an unrecognizable man lurking in the shadows, his once clean-cut appearance now hidden under an overgrown beard and unkempt hair. He wears a tattered hoodie and torn jeans, looking almost homeless. Little does anyone know that this man is Christian Andrews, the former X-Treme Champion, who disappeared five years ago.

[Image: 1136b1c6e272573c01f373437c90b5401534cdcb.gif]

As the crowd erupts with cheers and gasps, the man's attention is fixated on the massive titantron displaying the intense first match between Edward and Mr. Oz. Edward executes a powerful Spartan kick, sending Mr. Oz flying off the Arc de Triomphe to retain his XWF Anarchy Championship. The crowd goes wild, but the man remains stoic, his eyes filled with emotions hidden behind a façade of anonymity. Despite the captivating spectacle in front of him, memories of his past glory flood Christian's mind. He remembers the roar of the crowd when he won the X-Treme Championship, but now he stands unnoticed, just another face in the sea of fans. As he watches the triumphs and defeats unfold on the titantron, he can't help but feel a mix of nostalgia and heartache.

The man's heart weighs heavy with the memories of the past, the joy of victory, and the agony of loss. He has traveled a long, arduous journey in the last five years, seeking redemption for what he believes are his failures and mistakes. He recalls the day he left it all behind, abandoning the fame and fortune of wrestling, believing that he could never find solace in a world that had taken so much from him. Throughout the night, the man observes the wrestlers in the ring, each one representing a piece of his past life. He wonders how the people he once called friends have moved on without him. Jason, Anna Grace, and Nick were his pillars of support, and he left them without a word, carrying the weight of his pain alone.

The eruption from the crowd snaps Christian out of his thoughts, as he looks on to the familiar melancholy opening tunes of "Identify" begin. Christian had been watching from the shadows prior to this event, so Christian recognized the new but formidable champion that now hangs claim to the Universal Championship, but there is something different about him.  As Corey's images on the titantron showcase his fantastic moves, Christian notices the eerie blur effects obscuring Corey's features.

Thunder Knuckles, who has demanded this match against Corey, steps forward toward "center stage". Christian is intrigued, wondering why Thunder Knuckles would demand this particular match against Corey. But as Thunder Knuckles starts speaking, Christian's attention is fully captured. The revelation that Thunder Knuckles burnt down Corey's home leaves the crowd in shock. Christian can feel the collective gasp around him as the scene plays out on the titantron. His eyes lock onto Corey's face, which remains stoic, but Christian senses the storm of emotions brewing within him. The revelation stirs up emotions among the spectators, and Christian can't help but feel a twinge of sympathy for Corey. Despite not knowing him personally, seeing the champion's home destroyed leaves Christian feeling unsettled.

As the chaos escalates in and out of the ring, with Corey and Thunder Knuckles engaging in a heated confrontation, Christian remains a silent observer. He watches as Corey's emotions fuel his relentless pursuit of vengeance, and he realizes that beneath the bravado and championship glory, despite what is shown outwardly, Corey is still a man driven by his own demons. It may not explicitly be The Engineer anymore, but there's no doubt the struggle is there, the emotions are still churning within him. Leaving the arena incognito as the event draws to a close, Christian takes quiet steps through the streets of Paris. He avoids attracting attention, conscious that he might inadvertently become part of the spectacle he just witnessed inside the Golden 1 Center. The cool night breeze brushes against his unkempt hair, and the city lights cast a faint glow on his unrecognizable face. As he walks through the illuminated streets, Christian replays in his mind the past glory days of his undefeated streak as the X-Treme Champion. He remembers the cheers, the adrenaline-fueled matches, and the camaraderie he had with his friends and fellow wrestlers, including Jason, Anna Grace, and Nick. But he also knows that things have changed during his absence, and he wonders how he will fit back into the current landscape of the XWF.

As he fades into the night, he can't shake the anticipation of stepping back into the ring and proving himself once again. It's a chance for redemption and a chance to continue the legacy he left behind five years ago. Unbeknownst to him, the universe is already weaving the threads of their destinies, intertwining the paths of Christian Andrews and Corey Smith. The XWF universe will soon bear witness to a collision of champions, each with their own struggles and triumphs, and an unexpected similarity that will only add depth and intensity to their impending clash. In less than two weeks, the world of professional wrestling will witness a confrontation that transcends mere competition for the Universal Championship. It will be a battle that delves into the very essence of their beings, revealing untold stories and unearthing the emotions that have been dormant for years. With determination in his heart and the weight of the unknown future on his shoulders, Christian Andrews steps further into the heart of Paris, ready to embrace the challenge of his return and the destiny that awaits him in the XWF.

In the heart of Miami, Florida, Christian Andrews sits at his desk, surrounded by wrestling memorabilia and old championship belts. The city's warm breeze wafts in through the open window, carrying with it the scent of the ocean. With his newfound determination to return to the XWF, Christian has been diligently preparing for his comeback.

"Alright, Ms. Johnson, please make sure everything is set for our flight to Seattle in two weeks for Warfare,"

The Personal Assistant, a young woman with a professional demeanor, quickly taps away on her tablet, handling the flight booking with utmost efficiency.

"Mr. Andrews, your flight for Seattle on the 10th has been successfully booked," she informs him.

However, Christian's mind is still preoccupied with thoughts of the past and the future, and he doesn't catch the first part of her statement.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"Your flight to Seattle for the 10th has been booked, Mr. Andrews."

A spark of realization glimmers in his eyes. "Ah, thank you," he acknowledges with a nod, finally grasping the information. But as he contemplates the booking, a flicker of concern crosses his face.

"Wait a minute," he interjects,

"I've just realized, we're booking a flight to Warfare without even being formally booked for the event."

He sighs, running a hand through his hair. 

"This is risky. I don't want to jump the gun and assume I'll be welcomed back let alone booked right away."

Emily smiles reassuringly.

"I understand your concern, Mr. Andrews. However, I believe you have every reason to be optimistic about your chances. Your legacy in the XWF and your popularity with the fans make you a strong contender for a spot on Warfare."

Christian leans back in his chair, contemplating her words. The uncertainty gnaws at him, but he knows he must have faith in himself and in his abilities. It's been a lot tougher preparing for his return without his trusted trainer Jason, his best friend Nick, or even his old friend Anna Grace but he couldn't possibly think about reaching out to them again. Not after how he left, and abandoned them when they trusted him, and put their lives on halt to assist him. Christian knew what he was capable of, and he knew what he could do, there was no room for doubt.

"You're right," 
he finally responds, a newfound determination settling in his voice.

"I've been gone long enough, it's time to remind the XWF who I am. Or more importantly, why I went there in the first place, and why I have returned."

Emily, the Personal Assistant nods in approval.

"Very well, Mr. Andrews. I'll ensure everything is in order for your travel arrangements. Besides, if by any chance the event doesn't materialize, we can always make adjustments accordingly."

As the Personal Assistant gets back to organizing the other tasks on her list, Christian feels a rush of excitement mixed with trepidation. The idea of stepping back into the ring after five years stirs a myriad of emotions within him. He thinks about the obstacles he's faced during his absence, challenges that have shaped him into a stronger individual both in and out of the wrestling world. Today is the Monday following the exhilarating event of Leap of Faith. Corey Smith's name lingers in his mind, as does the revelation of his recent struggles. While Corey's journey is his own, Christian knows that wrestling offers a unique platform to confront personal demons and find redemption. Leaning back, Christian gazes out the window, his mind drifting to the future in Tampa, where he will be relocating soon. But right now, all his focus is on the opportunity to step back into the ring and wrestle again. The road ahead is uncertain, but Christian is ready to embrace the challenges, knowing that he's about to embark on a journey that will redefine his legacy and unravel the intertwining destinies of the XWF universe. As he contemplates the coming weeks, he can't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the support he's received from his fans and friends throughout the years. He knows that his return to the XWF will be a momentous occasion, not just for him, but for all those who have been eagerly waiting for this day.

Christian's gaze drifts from the bustling Miami streets outside his window back to his desk, cluttered with relics from his wrestling career. The nostalgia is palpable – the belts, the photographs, the memorabilia – all bear witness to the journey he's taken. He's not just returning to the ring; he's reclaiming a part of himself that he thought he'd lost forever.

"Ms. Johnson, Em, would you please hold all of my calls or texts for a moment?"

Christian requests, his tone thoughtful.

"I need to take a moment to reflect."

"Of course, Mr. Andrews. Take your time,"

Emily replies with a respectful nod before stepping out of the room, leaving Christian alone with his thoughts. As the door closes, Christian's mind starts to wander through the annals of his memories. He recalls his early days in the wrestling world, the adrenaline of stepping into the ring for the first time, the camaraderie shared with his fellow wrestlers, and the elation of his first championship win. And then there were the challenges – the injuries, the setbacks, the moments of doubt. Wrestling wasn't just a physical sport; it was a mental and emotional battleground. As he reminisces, his eyes fall on the old wrestling mask that rests on a shelf. It's the mask he wore during his El Duende que Camina days, a persona that represented not only his agility and strength but also the resilience that allowed him to overcome personal AND professional demons. He had embraced the role with fervor, not just as a character, but as a philosophy – a belief in the power of wrestling to inspire and heal.

With a deep breath, Christian rises from his desk and heads to his closet, ready to change into his workout attire. As he stands before the mirror, he dons his El Duende que Camina mask, feeling a rush of determination coursing through him. He's not just preparing for a return to the XWF; he's preparing to embody the spirit of his persona once again – the spirit of the wandering spirit who overcomes adversity and inspires others to do the same. As he heads out of his office and into the main corridor of the business building, heading to the gym, thoughts of Corey Smith's struggle resurface. The thoughts of overcoming adversity and personal struggles can only mirror the embodiment of that man, and Christian wonders if he'll succeed or succumb to the challenge. The universe has its own way of weaving narratives however, and he's prepared to embrace whatever challenge lies ahead. Christian's heart swells with a renewed sense of purpose as he steps toward the main entrance, get to the gym, and push his body and mind to their limits.

But before he can step out of the office, he reaches for the doorknob, twists it, and pulls the door open. His breath catches in his throat as he finds himself face to face with someone he never expected to see – Jason, his former Personal Trainer. The shock on both their faces mirrors the countless emotions that have been stirred by Christian's unexpected return. For a moment, time seems to stand still as they lock eyes, their shared history and the unspoken words between them creating an almost tangible tension in the air. Christian's voice catches in his throat, and all he can manage is a whispered, "Jason?"

The man who had been there with him through the highs and lows of his wrestling career, who had trained him and pushed him beyond his limits, stands before him now, a living reminder of the past he's been longing to reconcile.
Jason's expression mirrors the surprise and nostalgia Christian feels. He clears his throat, finding his voice.

"Christian... I can't believe it's you."

The unexpected reunion hangs in the air, charged with unresolved emotions and memories. As Christian's mind races, he realizes that his journey of return is intertwined not just with Corey Smith but with the ghosts of his own past as well. The echoes of the past are catching up, and he's faced with the chance to confront them head-on. The moment lingers, pregnant with unspoken words and unfinished conversations. As Christian and Jason stand face to face, it's a symbolic representation of the journey Christian is embarking on – a journey of redemption, reconnection, and the unearthing of stories that have yet to be told.
Jason's voice breaks the silence, his words tentative but filled with a mix of emotions.

"I heard rumors, you know. Rumors that you might be coming back."

Christian's gaze doesn't waver as he nods slowly.
A myriad of emotions flicker across Jason's face – surprise, nostalgia, and something deeper that Christian can't quite decipher.

"Christian, you disappeared without a word, without any explanation. You left us all wondering, worrying..."

Christian's gaze drops to the floor, guilt and regret gnawing at him.

"I know, Jason. I can't change what I did back then. But I'm back now, and I want to make things right."

Jason's expression softens, and his voice carries a hint of understanding.

"A lot has changed since you left, Christian. The wrestling world, the XWF – it's evolved. And we've all had to evolve with it."

Christian meets Jason's eyes once again, his gaze steady.

"I've changed too, Jason. I've spent the past five years... reflecting, learning, growing. I can't promise that I have all the answers or that I've completely overcome my past, but I'm here with a renewed sense of purpose."

Jason's silence hangs in the air for a moment before he finally speaks.

"You've always had a fire in you, Christian. I've seen it burn bright in the ring. If you're really back, if you're ready to step into the spotlight again, then you'll need to face your past – the good and the bad."

Christian nods, his heart heavy with the weight of his choices and their consequences. Jason's gaze softens, a flicker of pride in his eyes.

"Well, if you're serious about this, then you'll need to work harder than ever before. The wrestling world doesn't wait for anyone."

"I'm ready,"

Christian declares, a fierce determination in his voice.

"I know it won't be easy, but I've faced challenges before. And I have a new perspective now, one that I want to... share with this next generation of wrestlers."

Jason offers a small smile, his reservations giving way to cautious hope.

"Alright, Christian. If you're truly committed, then I'll help you get back in fighting shape. But this time, it's not just about the physical aspect. It's about confronting your demons, both on and off the mat."

Christian extends his hand, a gesture of gratitude and a pledge for a fresh start.

"Thank you, Jason. I can't change my past, but I can shape my future. And I want you to be a part of it."

Jason hesitates for a moment before firmly grasping Christian's hand.

"Welcome back, El Duende que Camina."

The weight of those words – his wrestling persona – settles on Christian's shoulders. It's a reminder of who he once was, who he can become again. With Jason by his side, he's ready to embark on this new chapter, ready to embrace the challenges and seize the opportunities that lie ahead. As they stand in that moment of reconnection, the echoes of their past intertwine with the promise of their shared future. The journey of return is now more than just about stepping back into the ring; it's about finding redemption, rekindling old bonds, and facing the uncharted path that lies ahead. Christian Andrews, once lost to the wrestling world, has found his way back – not just as a competitor, but as a symbol of resilience, growth, and the unwavering spirit that defines a true champion.

[Image: The-Beautiful-Mind-Of-A-Hero-Why-Dean-Wi...ADHD_1.png]

.:: Win / Draw / Loss ::.
4 / 0 / 0

- 1x IWF X-Treme Champion

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