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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » Leap Of Faith 2023 RP Board
Una historia terrible más allá del reino de las posibilidades
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Reggie Estrada Offline
Hombre sin plan en la vida.

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

07-27-2023, 05:50 PM

Due To Reggie Dealing with personal issues, plus flying to Paris which will take him about 35 hours or so…. Here’s a promo that doesn’t involve him…Enjoy, i guess!

[We open to a Hansel and Gretel type of world, where their was a boy and a girl wandering in a forest. The Girl was running deep into the forest, and the boy was reaching to a house that was made out of Gingerbread. Then they stop in their tracks, and they see a Wolf like person dressed up in Mastermind’s clothing come up to them.]

Boy: Please Sir, we don’t mean no harm!

Wolf-Mind: Oh don’t worry about that… I know that person in that house, and she’s a nice lady who feeds me well.

Girl: Do you know her name?

Wolf-Mind: Well, not really… she only comes outside of her house when it’s Blood Moon outside. Speaking of which, it’s kinda cold outside, would you want my I Master’d the mind Of the Wolf?

[Then he pulls out two shirts for them, and they look on with glee. Then Wolf-Mind went along his way, before they went into the Gingerbread house, they walk down to a patch where their was fruits and veggies galore. As they walk to a fence, they are stopped by a Bear-Flynn who growls at them.]

Girl: We mean no harm, Bear!


You mean no harm?

That’s a lie!

You dare step on my property of foods!

I shall tear you both limb from limb!

[Then the boy throws a rock at Bear-Flynn in the head, and it turns to the boy. Snarling at him in disgust.]


Oh that’s it!

Oh I will tear you from limb to limb

After I bring up how superior I am!

When you throw that rock at me, I am offended!

I am supposed to be savior of the land!

This is how you treat me!

I might as well bring out my trusty case full of paperwork!


[Then a Crow like Graves flys around them to drop a case which flung open full of incriminating evidence on Bear-Flynn, which caused him to flounder on the ground to pick up the files of him. Then the boy and girl snuck past Bear-Flynn and hopped over the fence to see the garden. As they walked further down, they open a shed to see Scarecrow T and Lion.B. sitting around a table playing spades. Then they see the intruders, and pulls out some magik wandz from their pockets.]

Scarecrow T:Who- - Who  - - Who are you people?

Lion.B.: yeah who are you folks?

[Then the Girl came up to Scarecrow T, handing him an apple, which he couldn’t eat due to not having any teeth, so he gave it to Lion.B. to eat. Then the Boy comes up to them and explains why they stumbled upon this shed.]

Boy: We originally came from our parent’s house and my older sister decided it would be good idea to explore the forest. We come in peace!

[Then the boy hands Lion.B. a picture of a locked away Reggie Tha Poobut in a cell somewhere they have been in before.]

Lion.B: Wait I know that cell, he’s in that gingerbread house where Lucy The X-Treme Witch is locking him right now. T, you think we should go up there with em?

[Scarecrow T was flipping through a magazine of hay bales, licking his lips then Lion.B smacks him across the head to get him to pay attention. He nods quickly in a approval, and he goes back to his magazine. Lion.B checks outside the field and see that it was Blood Moon above them. He heads back inside, and all of them walk out of the field to the fence. As they pass the fence, they encounter Bear-Flynn, CROW-VY who block their way.]


Ah Boy And Girl Comes Back!



I DON’T NE- - - -

[Then Lion.B just shoots the shit out of Bear-Flynn with his Gemini Ring off  his paw-gers, and CROW-VY tried to lunge at the, but Scarecrow T does the Flinstones Bam Bam thing where it ended up flying away from them, smashing itself on tree headfirst. As they traveled back to the Gingerbread house, Wolf-Mind comes towards them with new shirts.]

Wolf-Mind: Hey folks, I got new t shirt merch! It’s - - -

Scarecrow T: Shut it, Wolf-Mind. Don’t you got a shitty nursey rhyme to share to one of the LOST people in your area?

Wolf-Mind: I mean I do, but still… I like to annoy people with my shitty itty bitty chin chin.

Scarecrow T: Then go annoy them elsewhere, I think your house was blow into bits down the block from here.

[Wolf-Mind sees his house get blow into pieces not by fire, but with rainbows and sprinkles as he ran back to it’s house in sadness. Then the girl opens the gingerbread door, and they open to see it being full of treats of candies. Then Lion.B smacks Scarecrow T to not touch the foot shaped lollipop that was on a counter, then smoke comes into the room and they see Lucy The X-Treme Witch (portrayed by Sandy Honig)  in her silver dress and heels with red long gloves on. They end up trying to figure out what her deal is with Reggie Tha Poobut.]

Scarecrow T: Look, we here for Reggie Tha Poobut, where he at?

Lion.B: yeah… where he at!

Lucy: That’s not how you greet your host. Reggie Tha Poobut is locked away, being consumed with guilt with not being able to achieve his plan to dethrone Bear-Flynn. So he’s locked in the basement, with reruns of me and Bear-Flynn making love!

[“DaFu1'' was on their faces as she randomly was caressing a picture of Bear-Flynn, then she noticed them staring at her. Then she randomly drops them through a trap door. From this point, the budget of this animation ran out so we managed to see all the villains being tied and gagged while the gingerbread crumbled from the blood rain, as they saved Reggie Tha Poobut who had his jar of honey as they fled back to the shed for some shelter from the rain. This story end with a…]

[Image: yee-dinosaur.gif]

“I got to say, whoever did the animation was ingenious, well really I did it because I felt the need to give animators on the stateside something to do. I paid them some really good money within the contest I had made up to see who could make a shitty fairytale plot go terribly wrong. I think I found one, and I had to make sure it hit its mark. Who knows? I might make use of that style infrequently when I am too ugly to show my face around these parts.

Well, yeeeeeeeeeeee… to Leap of Faith!

Yeeeee….. For a really LONG flight from four different airlines to Paris!

My last Yeeeeeeeeeeee… to my chances at being a 4x X-Treme Champion!

Because I know full well how much this company values a so-called good guy Flynn. I know the fans are tired of seeing him being one of the goodie two shoes that would make Bob Buckland proud, i’m shocked he hasn’t gone off the deep end and started Chicken Winging people or telling a fan to name all 58 states of America in order to get  an autograph. Shit, at this rate he could be next line to be a present to fuck up America even more, than what ratfink Trumpa did to that wall.

Flynn, I think you have misunderstood me, you think I actively want to be a deviant like T? I don’t go around sniffing panties or whatever, i’m more más raro than that. And what I said might have been problematic, but it was all just for shock value, but I know you wouldn’t care to know and run it off as a fact. The fact is, Flynn, your time isn’t up but the fans think it is which is why you are stuck in limbo when they want to cheer for you or boo for you. I guess its truly up to the fans on who they want to walk out as the X-Treme champion.

I’ve seen it play out where the fans would turn their back on those who deem to be full of it, and I guess you are a part of that game Flynn. No matter how long you held that belt, the fans are more likely to turn against you until you go off the rails or rouge, your chippy attitude can get you so far up there, until it’s too late.

Mastermind, man… you must know damn well that LOST is a knock off Gillian’s Island, because both shows fucking suck out the chalupas out your brainstems. I know your little cute rhyme thing might appease a baby shark viewer on youtube, but it doesn’t work for me at all gringo. I’m honestly not shocked that Flynn on tha brain of yours. Well, I guess that’s how it is to take on a guy who might as well start wearin jorts and pump kicks to the ring with a “Let’s Go Flynn/Flynn SUCKS” chant to match. That’s okay if you are more fixated on flynn, just means i can fuck you up some more.

You see, I might not have the top tier achievement, nor a sense of what is really shock value or consent, but what I do have is all the balls in the world to know that, yes I maybe not be in line to break Flynn or Mastermind’s streak of awesomeness. I know that I am not going to walk away with shit on my name, but what I will do is come out with someone’s blood on my fucking hands. I am going to make sure that Flynn or Mastermind will not be recognized in the streets of Paris or anywhere else on this planet, because I have a clear advantage of this shit.

At least, I don’t have to consent to maim either those two gringos. ¡No necesito ningún consentimiento para hacerlas mi propia perra, maldita sea, solo estoy pensando en convertirlas en mis perras!

So fellas, get Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee’d out of Paris, because I am walking away with a murder case in my hands.”

[From there, it just fades to black.]

A Flithy Animal
[Image: socialist-fist_design.png]
3x X-Treme Champion
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