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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » War Games 2023 RP Boards
Belief Comes In Many Forms
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Mr. Oz Offline
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(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

05-27-2023, 05:13 PM

"In this world, you can admit several things are truths.

There are Kingmakers.

There are the Downtrodden.

There are the poor.

There are the wealthy.

Soon, we'll all be at each other's throats. These games we play, make us all equals, in the end.

Bastards against Bastards. Brother versus brother. Sister versus Sister.

These games are all about supremacy, and who is the top dog. I tend to lose my War Games matches, though my first one showed how stand out of a performer I was. Now? I'm an old man. I've changed, and no longer the New Breed. I'm no longer that New Kind of Monster. I'm just, Me.

The things I knew back then were limited, I was able to throw myself out into the wild and take bodies when I first started. I broke people, showed how everyone why they should watch me. I've grown complacent with my age. The world no longer fears me.

That's fine, though. I don't need the world to fear me. I just need them to Believe.

Believe, in me.

Bobby Bourbon, my brother in arms. You and Thunder Knuckles have believed in me more than most, and it is sad that we could be on the same team once more, but I understand. We were too fluid of a group. It cost us in the end. No one was at fault, but you were the one picked to win for the team. You failed us, significantly. You were the sole survivor of Team B. O. B. and you fumbled it. You had everything at your fingertips and you squandered your role as the breadwinner for the group. You cost us those War Games. It's a sad thing to say, because deep down, I do love you like a Brother. But it's tough love that you need, Bobby. You need to understand that you hurt us by not winning for our team. Maybe you'll win this time. Maybe you won't. Maybe we'll have to face each other in the finals, but we'll see, won't we? After all, there's others in your group that have noteworthy accomplishments.

We've got Noah Jackson. A two time Television champion. A tag champion. Very good job. I'm proud of how far you've come, Noah. I remember when you were just a little gnat, flying and annoying others. Now you're a leech. Sucking onto the flesh of Bobby and Sarah. But, you're not Vita Valenteen. No. You're someone who looks at her accomplishments and says 'I can do better' but fails, instantaneously. You are nothing more than a fly now. Slightly bigger than a gnat, but twice the annoyance.

We've got, what was this? Lexi Gold? I, don't know this person. Have they done anything of note? Someone get back to me, because if they haven't, we will need to save their poor soul from the fires of obsoletion.

Finally, we have Sarah. The Captain. THE Girl Boss. A woman amongst men amidst Giants. You are just as special as my Brother. But there's something you should do.

Believe in me.

This isn't so much a mind game kind of tactic, no. I want you to believe in me, because I can do things that will make you scream in terror. Will make you spit blood as I crush your neck, batter your body. Believe in the things I do, because they are diabolical in nature, and sadistic at worst.

But in spite of all this, I could help you in the long run. You have tasted the top of the mountain, you've been Universal Champion a couple times, and I could lead you back there as well. Just ask Sidney. When I faced her in the tournament, she became battle tested for the fights that came after. She won and not just became Queen of the XWF, but she became a Universal Champion. I didn't have to be there physically, but mentally, knowing she had someone believing in her, someone that she could turn to if push came to shove, she could rely on me, to make sure she surpassed any obstacle.

I, my dear Sarah, am the Kingmaker in the XWF. Those who have surpassed me, immediately are thrust into situations that they normally would fail at, but by believing in me, believing in them, giving them that spiritual support, they can do many a beautiful thing.

I can do the same for you.  But if you choose to not believe in me, then I would have no choice than to dismantle you. Make sure you do not reach the end of these Games. I do hope you believe in me, because the road will be paved with blood if you do not. Not mine own, but yours, my Sister.

The world is a cruel place for people like me, and I!

I have witnessed all sorts of depraved and twisted stuff that you could never imagine! I lived in the crack dens because I'd rather die making it on my own than touch a cent of the money I covet now. I would rather make it by the slimmest margins than live in a lap of luxury! I did this, because I needed to test myself. Of my own mental state, of my own fortitude.

Do you know what it's like to live in a broken down buildings, condemned because they could fall at the slightest movement? I doubt you do. Worlds collapse under the weight of one's ego, and I chose to keep my ego at bay so that I would have no glass houses built around me. My houses would be made from fire and brick and none can tear me down easily.

But now, I fight, to show the world of my true abilities. To help those in need of guidance, and help them reach the mountaintop. Not many in this business is so devoted to letting themselves be the stepping stone to bring forth the younger generations. The new bloods in this business. I'm a giving person, Sarah. I'm a loving person, my Sister. You could join me and know that love, that willingness to help build people up so sturdily that breaking them down is such a monumental feat that it's neigh impossible. All I ask is to do something so simple.

Believe, in me.

Believe in me and the world will become your oyster once more. When War Games happens, lay down, let someone pin you, and then join me as we set the future on fire and blaze the path in the imagery that we choose, instead of relying on the fates to pave one for us to walk across.

This also isn't an offer solely for you, either.

This is for my Brother. This is for the rest of your group. Lay down. Let the Kitty Cat Kaijus win, and the future will become so bright it will be as if you are staring into the blazing glory of the sun.

I hope you understand me. If not, you will understand me, in time. Because the future is a place that is cold and I plan on warming it with blood and fire if I need to. I would rather it be made with allies, with family. If I have to do this by using my enemies, then I know not what the future will hold for those who treat me as poorly as others have.

But, in the end, all of this is moot. For deep within, the darkness brews. It swirls inside me. That God that once brought me from the depths of despair, has begun to gather its energy. It has started to stir, and it wants this fight more than I do.

At War Games, if you do not fall on your own, and let us through to the final match, then you will face It. The creature that bled darkness, that required so much power and planning to contain, will be let out. I will not be responsible for what happens if it is let out.

Finis et Principium, The End and Beginning. That is what it represents. For in the beginning there was darkness, and in the end, there will be darkness.

And it fights to be unleashed. Continue down this path, continue to defy me, continue to not adhere to my warnings, and it will come out to meet you, and you will hate yourselves for it.

Words are nothing but the sweet honey for the ears, and while mine may not always be as sweet, I will always tell you the truth. I will never tell you a falsehood. So when I tell you, I can take your people to the mountaintop, I tell no lies. When I tell you, if you choose to not believe in me, you will face a future worse than death, you will know I speak no lies. You deal with a man that would die in order to call you Family. A man that would go to the ends of the earth in order to show you the love and devotion that no one else will.

Believe in me, and the pain will be kept at bay.

But if you choose to fight me, choose to not accept my offer, then you will have to face the thing that has been hidden within and I have fought hard and long to keep at bay, in the hopes that it would never get the nourishment of the negativity that comes from those who refuse to heed my words.

Believe in me, and this monster will not be released.

Help me, to keep you all safe from It. Or else, your end will come and you will hate everything that comes after.

Lay down your arms, let me go into battle and carry your fight to the next and you too, will win. We can win these games as a united front rather than eight people spread apart, kept apart by the very cruel nature of these War Games, instead of being Brothers and Sisters in battle.  All I ask of you...

is to believe, in me."

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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Angelica Vaughn (05-27-2023), Dolly Waters (05-27-2023), Mark Flynn (05-27-2023), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (05-27-2023), Theo Pryce (06-04-2023), Thunder Knuckles™ (05-27-2023), Vita Frickin Valenteen (05-28-2023)

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