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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Play Fair, Fight Dirty
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Prof. Bobby Bourbon Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

05-12-2023, 06:57 PM

Family fun and entertainment await around any corner at Amusement Mile, the finest Dave and Busters knockoff one can try to make at a fraction of the cost. It is here we see Charlie Nickles along with his children, Emily and Tyler, and meeting them is Bobby Bourbon, and he is followed by Genevieve Tote, an image consultant.

Mr. Bourbon, it’s very nice you are spending the day with Charlie, but you need to reconcile what happened at MayDay 2.

I lost. What’s to reconcile? Right now, Charlie is with his kids, and I haven’t met them.

Mr. Bourbon, you’re on the cusp of something, and running back to support your friends right now may…

This is what I want, Miss Tote.

Genevieve gives pause.

Yes, Mr. Bourbon.

Bobby approaches Charlie.

Hey bud! And I take it…

Bobby goes to one knee, going to eye level with the children.

You’re Emily and Tyler. I’m glad to finally meet you, your dad is one of the finest men I know, and talks about you both nonstop.

Emily and Tyler blush, smiling at the notion that someone finally had something nice to say to them about their dad. Charlie reaches into his back pocket retrieving his wallet as all five approach a large kiosk where employees are ready to help you convert your money into credits to play here. Using his XWF Company Credit Card, he buys game pass cards for he, his kids, Bobby, and Genevieve. Charlie’s kids go off to play, and Genevieve pulls out her tablet.

Miss Tote, Charlie didn't spend five-hundred of the company's dollars on your card for nothing, feel free to enjoy yourself.

Mr. Bourbon, I have a lot to do, using this down time will help with that.

Wow, Bobby, your date is a real workaholic!

Genevieve scoffs.

Mr. Nickles, I don't date clients.

Yeah, uh, Charlie, this is Miss Tote, she's an image consultant.

Neat, like you're a real celebrity or something!

Bobby nods, smiling. Bobby and Charlie find a table, sit, and prepare to do a little business with the XWF Universe.

So, what does your consultant do?

Genevieve, not at the table, is seen swiping and typing on her tablet.

Mostly that, all the clerical stuff I'm awful with.

So how are you polishing your image? Or our image? People think we're just being assholes still, like Mark Flynn.

Mark's a good guy now!

Yeah, and I'm the Queen of Spain. What's the plan? I don’t want my kids thinking I'm a shitty role model.

We’re going to do the right thing to the wrong people! Or, uh, the wrong thing to the wrong people.

We’re doing the wrong thing to the right people!

Bobby and Charlie glance at each other and smirk.

We’re going to fuck up fucked up people in fucked up ways.

Just like we always have!

Right, so, look, we’re Bros, but what about these other people?

I heard some knockoff Doc was supposed to be on the card, so we can only guess how that's going to go! A cheap imitation of the real deal, sure enough. And we all know there's a hundred versions of Jay Omega..but did you know that not a single one of them can pose a threat to BOB?

Fucker pinned me, what do you mean?

Charlie waves it away dismissively.

You can take all five thousand Jay Omegas and coat their hands in wax, and they still won't be able to hold a candle to us. You can take all ten million Jay Omegas, clip their best lines and best moves together like some sorta 1-Man Frankenstein, and he'll still be just another dead man walking when we meet inside that ring.

You keep saying "versions", I believe you mean "undiagnosed schizophrenia".

That Omega-Pussy can talk a big game before the show, but when he finally has to walk that walk he's going to be limping away- all one billion versions of his bitch-ass! I'm going to cut each and every tongue out of everyone of his lying mouths just because I can, just to show everyone I still have *it*.

Bobby cocks his head in confusion.


Charlie pulls out a rusty piece of twisted metal.

My tongue-cutter-outter! Why else do you think no one's heard from Jim Caedus since our last altercation? I haven't had a good chance to use it in a while, but this Omega-Pussy might be asking for it….

Bobby reaches across the table and grabs it.

We don’t need that shit. We're better than that. Jay Omega does his thing, and his partner? Alex Richards? GPS, I think I've heard of them, they're the guys who got blackballed from the entire state of Michigan for opening and running gloryholes in several nursing homes. They suck that hard, and they suck in an old school way.

Bobby releases Charlie’s hand. Charlie looks back at Bobby, tucking it away before his kids or the other people see it.

The rest of the XWF paints us one way all they fucking want, calling our tone whatever they want, we hit that tone because we take no mercy, we take no prisoners, we take no shit, and since they wanna tell us to stop fighting for what we fight for, they gotta be destroyed. You’re doing the right thing, fighting for your children, I’m along for that ride with you, bro, thick or thin, because we are bros. Me, well…

Bobby looks a little lost.

I forgot what I was fighting for somewhere, but I’m glad you’re here to point me in the right direction. Your kids are cool. Cooler than any other kids. Especially Lacklan.

Charlie's brow immediately furrows at the mention of her name. He can't help but curse her name under her breath.

Sarah fucking Lacklan…..

Well, damn, bro, she has your number and she spammed it to cold callers, I fuck her up like I’m sunlight, and if you thought that was rough for albinos OR vampires, imagine if you’re both, and here I am, on her team…

Bobby looks a little forlorn.

I guess I wasn’t good enough for some Bros.

Charlie awkwardly rubs the back of his neck as he looks off to the side.

Uh, if i was a captain I totally would have drafted you with my first round pick, Bobby…this time……

Bobby puts a hand up.

Neither here nor now, man. We’re here and I’m glad your family is having a good time, and you didn't have to draft me, I'm here, and between GPS, Team HSU, and us, BOB, well, we're going to dominate the acronym wars!

From in the distance, we hear a shriek as a portion of the massive plastic play area, resembling a hamster maze, falters. Bobby and Charlie look up only to see the massive play area set aside for kids was more a danger than it aught. Other parents looked on in horror as the structure buckled, and a section of the massive tube breaks. Children playing look on in horror as Tyler slides helplessly down the portion of plastic that broke, grasping helplessly and dangling.


Charlie rushes to the scene, Bobby alongside him. Charlie begins to climb, as best he can, his capability in a ladder match be damned, upward, on whatever he can.


Charlie struggles to find hold of anything to scale higher to ensure his son’s safety. He’d been at it for some time, but this restaurant and arcade was the last place in the world he expected to harm his children. Emily, Charlie’s eldest, screams in terror, watching her daddy ascent whatever he can trying to make sure her brother would be safe. Charlie’s mortified expression for his kids is heart wrenching; as wicked as the man had been, his children didn’t deserve this. As Charlie climbs, the whole structure shakes and wobbles, Tyler’s grip tightening as he looks on in surprise, his innate survival instincts kicking in to hold on longer, as though the will to never give up could be passed from generation to generation. As Charlie reaches some foothold, however shaky it could be, to reach his son, he reaches out, trying to grasp his son’s hand and hold him, bringing him to safety. This is when the ramshackle structure Charlie improvised fails, and Charlie plummets to the floor, landing squarely on an air hockey table. The whole plastic tubular playground shudders, and a sickening howl of bending metal is heard as whatever the huge maze was attached to gives way to agony. Another unsettling shake occurs, and Tyler, with all his bravery, can’t hold on.

As though he were born for the miraculous, Bobby Bourbon pretends to be Johnny, and is on the spot. Tyler lands squarely in the arms of Bourbon. Bobby puts the lad back on the ground, then rushes to catch two more children, ensuring their safety. With that the rest of the play structure also falls. The whole of the play place collapses, and the terrified screams resound. Once the wreckage is settled, we see Tyler, unharmed and standing but shaken. He looks around, the rest of the place safe and unharmed, save his dad and Bobby.

Tyler, you’re alright!

Tyler looks panicked and rushed to Genevieve, grasping her hip, mortified. The wreckage itself, though, isn’t finished. A massive portion of play area, a windowed plastic tube, bright blue and eight feet long, shudders, and is slowly lifted from the ground as Bobby and Charlie both stand from beneath it, eventually tossing it aside. Both men immediately scramble through the wreckage looking for survivors.


Bobby waves Genevieve off continuing with Charlie.

They’re safe.

There’s more kids!

We need to get them out of here!

The whole of the place watches as Bobby and Charlie throw vibrantly colored pieces of deathtrap sold as children’s play equipment about, until they halt and survey the area. There were no casualties here, nobody hurt, nobody harmed. Parents all hold onto their children as Charlie immediately bolts to his boy’s side, kneeling and gripping him as daughter also rushes beside him.

You already saved all the kids.

Genevieve looks pleased, her client having done well for his image.

Are you okay?


I want to leave here!

Tyler starts to cry into his father’s shoulder as Charlie looks overwhelmed, tears streaming from his eyes as well. Bobby looks at all of this, the people looking on, then at Genevieve. He then turns his attention abruptly around, spotting the kiosk all the patrons needed to play here. Bobby kicks a piece of children’s play tube, whatever they make McDonald’s play places out of, out of his way. As Charlie stays on the ground, holding his son, his daughter also very shaken by this and embracing them both, Bobby marches to the place one goes to get their gameplay cards.

Who’s the manager here?

A short stocky man steps forward.

I'm the owner, what’s the problem?

Bobby glares at him, gesturing to the wrecked playground behind him. Before he can speak, Charlie, holding his son in one arm and daughter in the other, walk up to the desk.

The problem? Your fucking playground almost killed my son you son of a bitch!

The man looks indignant.

Well, if your son wasn’t so fat my business wouldn’t be ruined!

In short order, Bobby grabs the stocky prick by the throat. He marches him backwards, and reaching with his opposite hand, he opens a door that says “Authorized Personel Only” and hurls the owner of the establishment inside.

Those were kids you mother…

Before we hear the end of Bobby’s statement, the door slams shut behind him and the owner.

Pray for the owner.

[Image: DtUCPfZ.png]
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