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XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

04-21-2023, 08:47 PM

 [Image: Hwa5ovF.gif]

Sidney Grey and Gina Van Zyl were thicker than thieves after the two had a meeting of the minds following the revelation that Gina had attempted to sabotage Sid’s very first defense of the Universal Championship.  Sid’s unreasonable fear of heights had prompted Gina to make her match against Raion Kido a ladder match, all but ensuring that Sid would fail to retain, just as she had failed to retain her Anarchy Title.  Sid had been frantic and eventually poured out her heart in a most uncharacteristic manner to Gina, revealing a side of herself that none had seen…even those closest to her.  With things going better than they had in a long time, Sid was confident that she’d retain her title against The Lion, especially with Gina on her side. 

It was good to have a friend…even if others just didn’t understand. 

[Image: fV5weZq.jpg]


Dani Chow stood behind the bar, quietly mixing drinks as she peered into the adjacent room.  Her eyes were narrowed so intensely that they were barely visible as she scowled at Gina, lounging in the media room next to Sid as they watched footage of Raion Kido in action.  Sid sat up, pointing at the screen. “RIGHT THERE!  DID YOU SEE THAT?” 

Gina stared at the screen, straining her eyes in a vain attempt to see whatever it was that Sid was so adamantly pointing to.  “Sid, I don’t see anything.” 

Sid turned to her, arching one of her perfectly sculpted eyebrows.  “Seriously!  You didn’t see that?  Raion has to have one of the bounciest behinds in the XWF!” 

“What in the hell does that have to do with anything?” Gina smirked, truly confused. 

Sid paused the video, giving Gina her full attention.  “You’re so young and innocent! Look Gina, that ass of his is why Raion is so hot and heavy for this to be a ladder match.  He’s got all that extra cushion, so he doesn’t mind all that jumping and falling off things!  Gina, Dear…you have to learn how to spot these things if you’re ever going to realize your full potential!”  She smiled.  “It’s a good thing you have me here to point these things out. Honestly, I don’t even understand how you missed it.” 

Gina could only shake her head.  “Sid, you do realize that I’m not into men…right?” 

Sid stared blankly back at her.  “Yeah…but it’s like not ALL the time, right?” 

Gina pursed her lips, then nodded slowly.  “Yeah…like all the time.” 

Sid frowned, turning back to the television to admire her opponent in action as she un-paused the action.  “That’s terrible!  Like being told that every day is literally Taco Tuesday!” 

Gina laughed.  “That’s okay, I love tacos.” 

“But not every day!” Sid added.  

“All the days…and all the nights.” Gina laughed.  

Before Sid could reply, Dani walked in with drinks in hand.  Dani handed Sid her drink first. “Here Miss Grey.”  

Sid took the drink, taking the time to swirl it around inside the glass.  “Did you take care of the car to pick us up for the show?”  

Dani nodded, dutifully. “Of course! You no worry.  Dani Chow never drop ball.”  She turned to Gina, her eyes shooting daggers at the woman who had dropped the ball…purposefully. “Here! Hope you not choke.”  Dani gave a less than genuine smile. 

Gina looked at the drink, then looked over at Sid’s.  “I want what she’s having.” 

Dani rolled her eyes.  “Drink, same same! You want different?” 

Gina scrunched her face, then pointed to Sid’s.  “I want hers!” 

“You a stupid! I already tell you, drink same same!” Dani said, with little to no patience. 

“Yeah, except you probably spit in mines!” Gina retorted. 

Dani’s mouth dropped open as she recoiled in offense.  “DANI CHOW NOT SPIT IN DRINK!” 

Before the two could get into a fight, Sid sighed, handing Gina her drink.  “God!  You’re acting like a fucking child!”  She reached for the drink Dani had prepared for Gina.  “Give it here!” 

Dani stood there for a moment, then swore under her breath.  “…goddamnit…”  She turned and left to get Sid an untainted drink, pausing to shoot Gina a vicious glare. 

Gina sipped at the drink, smiling inwardly before turning to Sid.  “Don’t worry about the car.  I’m driving us.  You can’t even trust her not to spit in your drink.  No way I am trusting her with the transportation!”

Dani yelled from the other room.  “DANI CHOW NOT SPIT IN DRINK!” 

[Image: 8BYv3EL.jpg]

The Producer couldn’t help but to ask the obvious question. “Did you really spit in Gina’s drink?”

 Dani rolled her eyes.  “Please…give me a little credit…” 


“…I pissed in it!” She said with a gleeful grin. 

“I’m not sure if you’re joking or not, but I’d like to ask, why do you still not like Gina?  She seems to be a good friend to Sid, which is probably exactly what she needs, especially as she takes on one of her biggest challenges to date in Raion Kido.” 

Dani couldn’t help but to roll her eyes at the question.  “Let’s not forget that Gina is the one that tried to put Sid in a situation where she’s guaranteed to lose!  With friends like that, who in the hell needs enemies?” 

“Well, at least Gina has promised to get the stipulation changed to something more manageable for Sid.  Has she told you what it was?” 

Dani couldn’t help but to cover her face as she replied.  “You know…how when someone comes up with something that is so perfectly them…then you realize how truly troubled they are?”  She put her hands down in her lap and stared off camera.  “Yeah…she told me…and it’s dumb…it’s so so dumb.”  

[Image: xjHrgky.jpg]

Los Angeles

Gina erupted into laughter, her pale cheeks going a light shade of pink.  “How in the hell did you come up with that for a match?”  Before Sid could answer, Gina held up her hand, keeping the other firmly on the wheel as she drove them to their destination.  “Never mind! I think I know, but what makes you think that anyone would sanction that?” 

Sid leaned back in the seat of the convertible, letting the wind blow through her hair.  “Why wouldn’t they?!  This is way better than anything Vinnie Lane ever thought of on Anarchy!” 

Gina gave a dismissive wave of her hand.  “Get that thought out of your mind, you’re on Warfare…leave the small time behind, Ms. Universal Champ!” 

Sid snorted.  “You sound like Raion, and every person I’ve faced to this point!  All with the same stupid nonsense about ‘the small time.’  If Anarchy is so insignificant, why am I King of the XWF?  Why am I Universal Champion?”  She sighed, looking at Gina.  “That’s why losing my Anarchy Title like that stunk so bad!  I should have still been champion…if not for…” 

“Centurion.” Gina added. 

“NO!” Sid pointed at Gina.  “That was Ruby!  They may have wanted everyone to THINK it was him, but I know!  The stench of envy and desperation nearly filled the entire arena!” 


“Exactly!” Sid agreed, then gave a rye chuckle.  “If I had retained, I bet you Raion would be running me down for not being a fucking triple champion!  Seriously, what happened to the good old days of; ‘Hey! You’re mean and I’m good, you’re going down!’  Like, I’ve literally done so much bad shit since coming here!” 

“Like, so much!” Gina added.” 

“Right?!  Why can’t he just pick one of those legit shitty things instead of making up a bunch of other horseshit?” 

Gina gave a shrug.  “I don’t even know why it bothers you so much.  Nothing else you’ve done has phased you.” 

Sid was silent for a long time, watching as the scenery passed by.  Finally, she gave voice to her thoughts.  “I’ve made so many mistakes in my life Gina, with my career, my kid, and even with you when we first met…I’d kind really like to stop fucking up, you know?” 

Gina looked over at Sid, her mouth falling open as she put her hand over her chest in mock surprise.  “OH MY! MS. GREY, ARE YOU BECOMING ONE OF THE GOOD GUYS?” 

Sid couldn’t help but to laugh.  “No!  But…maybe if people didn’t see me as SO bad…maybe they would treat me differently.  You know?  Maybe I be a little nicer…maybe call Mackenzie and apologize.  Make amends to the people that matter.” 

This time, it was Gina’s turn to contemplate in silence before she finally answered.  “I think, you’re the best Sidney Grey that you’re ever going to be.  People can say whatever they like, but at the end of the day, you’re always going to be you.  You need to just embrace the horror, just like the rest of us!”  Gina smiled and burst into a fit of laughter, one that Sid eventually joined in on. 

“Fuck em!” 

Gina echoed the sentiment.  “Fuck em!” 

The conversation turned easy from there as the two made their way across the city. No more thoughts of Raion or imagined slights.  Just two friends…nothing more, nothing less.  

[Image: MIDKl68.jpg]

Los Angeles

Sid and Gina passed by security and made their way into the studio, where they were escorted to the Green Room.  As they got to the door, Sid stopped, putting a hand on Gina’s shoulder.  “Hey, you know if you want…you can come out there with me.  The two of us, the Pride of Anarchy.” 

Gina held up her hands.  “No!  That’s all you out there!  I’m good with just watching from back here.”

Sid nodded.  “Well, I knew you’d probably say that.”  Sid opened the door to the Green Room where she had prearranged a veritable celebration for her friend.  All manner of food, drinks and desserts were laid out and at the center of the room was a large box.  

Gina looked at Sid, her eyebrows knitting together.  “What is that?  It’s not my birthday.” 

“No, but it doesn’t have to be for me to give my friend a present, does it?”  

Gina walked over and slowly began to unwrap it. She paused, looking at Sid.  “It’s not going to blow up?”  Gina opened the large box and peered down inside.  She was confused as she inside and pulled out a huge sombrero. Gina looked at it, then looked at Sid in a bit of confusion.  “What is this?” 

“Look inside.” Sid said. 

Gina turned the large hat over and inside were a pair of plane tickets.  Gina pulled them out and looked at them.  “Cabo?” 

Sid nodded. 

Gina stared at them, then back up at Sid.  “There are two tickets…you know I’m going with Penelope, right?” 

Sid rolled her eyes.  “It’s always Taco Tuesday down there.  There’s nothing for me.” 

Gina put them down and walked over, giving Sid a big hug.  “Thanks Sid.  That means a lot.”  They shood there for a moment before Gina let her go.  “Alright!  Are you sure you’re ready?” Gina asked. 

“This?” Sid smirked.  “This is easy.  I’m practically in my element.”  She turned to the door as one of the Show Runners came for her. 

“Hey!” Gina called out before she could leave. 

Sid paused. “Humm?” 

Gina smiled.  “Break a leg out there!” 

Sid winked and headed off.


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Jimmy stood on the set as the raucous audience cheered for the late night talk show host.  “Welcome back!  My next guest has been a familiar face on television for many years as the star of her reality show, The World According to Sid.  This upcoming weekend, you can see her in action in the X-treme Wrestling Federation as she defends the Universal Championship.”  He claps his hands, prompting the crowd to do the same, “Please welcome, the incomparable Sidney Grey!” 

Sid walks out, taking a moment to enjoy the crowd as they give her a far different reception than she is use to in the XWF.  Sid walks over to Jimmy, who offers her a hug, but she plants one right on his kisser instead, to the delight of the crowd…not so much for Jimmy.  He shows her to her seat, taking a moment to wipe the brightly colored lipstick from him mouth, but leaving a big crimson smudge instead. 

Jimmy sits behind his desk and clasps his hands.  “Welcome to the show!  It’s your first time with us, but we are very familiar with you from your show.” 

Sid nodded, giving Jimmy the side-eye.  “Yes, you’ve said a lot of ‘not so nice things’ about me in the past in some of your monologues. I want you to know, these things get back to me!  Every last word!”

Jimmy held up his hands, being as apologetic as possible.  “All said in jest, I assure you. Besides, if you know me…I’m a lover, not a fighter.  Obviously, I don’t want to tangle with you.”

Sid leaned over and wiped the remaining smudge from Jimmy’s lips.  “Yes, I can tell.  You have such soft kissable lips.  I would absolutely tangle with you, anytime!” 

Jimmy gave an uncomfortable laugh.  “You’d beat me in a second, are you kidding?”  Jimmy turned to the audience.  “Everyone has seen your show, and you are very funny and entertaining on it, but for anyone who hasn’t seen you in the ring…check this out.” 

A video package played some vintage footage of Sid from her days in the North American Wrestling League, where she cut her teeth as a professional wrestler until her injury.  Her clashes with other performers in Platinum Dynasty and Ladies All-Star Wrestling flash across the screen.  Finally, her run in the XWF is front and center, showing her debut on Anarchy, winning the Anarchy Title, and her journey through March Madness to become King and Universal Champion.  

The audience cheers as Sid stands and takes a bow before sitting back down.  Jimmy can only shake his head in amazement.  “Wow! That is incredible stuff right there.  Can you go back and put up the picture of Sid at the start?”  The screen switches to a shot of Sid from her debut, many years ago.  Many in the crowd whistle at the sight of the beauty on the screen.  “Man, how old were you back then?”

[Image: R.730c98bd053fa21d1981cc4bc50d78fc?rik=K...ImgRaw&r=0]

Sid smirked, “I was very young…but I think we can all agree that I have only gotten better looking with time.” 

Sid primped and preened for the audience as Jimmy wisely sat back and said nothing until the fanfare died down.  “Okay, let’s get into what’s happening now.  You won a yearly tournament to become…King of the XWF.”  Jimmy sat back.  “Why King?  Is there something you want to tell us?” 

Sid waived off the comment, even as the fans added their own hoots and hollers.  “Of course, I could have been The Queen of The XWF, but why?  Towards the end of the thing, I was the only woman left and no one was picking me to win.  I figured, since they were already expecting a King, why not just give them one…a Lady King!” 

“Well, as far as Kings go, I’m comfortable with saying that you are by far the fairest King I have ever seen.” 

More hoots and hollers from the crowd rise up.  Sid grins and turns to Jimmy.  “You know, The XWF already has a very handsome King…he’s our current Television Champion.”  She turned, looking for the production booth.  “Can someone find a picture of Isaiah for everyone?” After a few moments a picture of Sid’s crush, Isaiah King is put up on the screen and the screams and catcalls fill the studio. 

[Image: Michael-B-Jordan-workout-sexiest-man-alive-2020.png]

Sid leaned over to Jimmy.  “It’s ironic…I usually turn the television on, now it’s the other way around!” 

The crowd laughed along with Jimmy.  “Well, it’s a good thing you’re not facing him this weekend…or maybe it’s not.”  Jimmy pointed to the production team.  “Can we get a picture up there of Sid’s opponent this weekend?”  The smiling, yet stout visage of Raion Kido filled the screen, garnering a loud reaction.

[Image: 512612d6a12a22c328c7dbbee374a6ca.jpg]

Jimmy can only shake his head.  “I know he’s smiling…but that is one serious man!  I mean…how are you even going to fight someone like that?”

Sid shrugged her shoulders.  “Look Jimmy, I don’t know the physics of these things, but I do know this,  there are those that wrestle and use their physical gifts, and then there’s me.  I have an unmatched ring IQ…do any of you people know who Noah Jackson is?”










The censors were lightning fast to quickly censor the shouts of CUNT that emanated from the many fans of the XWF’s Hardest Worker. Jimmy wiped a bit of sweat from his brow as he thankful for the 7-second delay. 

Sid continued.  “Anyway, Noah will tell you…I’m a genius in the ring.  I’m always ten steps ahead of my opponent, and it won’t be any different with Raion.”  

Jimmy chimed in.  “In fact, I think you had a little something to show us.  A match of your own design?”

Sid smiled, deviously.  “A match that I promise will not only entertain, but will ensure a level playing field.” 

“I can’t wait to see that.” Jimmy turned to the camera and sent the show to a commercial break. “We’ll be right back with a sneak preview of Sidney’s title match defense this weekend.”



The show returned from commercial, and both Jimmy and Sid were seated side by side in front of a tiny wrestling ring.  Jimmy was dressed in a lion costume.  “Hey, welcome back!  I’m here with XWF Universal Lady King, Sidney Grey who is going to show us a wrestling match of her own design that she intends to defend her championship in this weekend at State Farm Arena in Atlanta, Georgia.”  Jimmy looked down at himself in a bit of confusion.  “And for some reason I’m dressed as Tony The Tiger.  Is it a cereal eating contest?” 

“You’re a lion Jimmy.” Sid corrected.  “Please try to keep up!” 

“Well, I’m also not a wrestler.” Jimmy added, peering over at the very tiny ring.  “Of course, I don’t think both of us will fit in there.  Is your plan to trap Raion in that very tiny ring?” 

Sid chuckled. “Wouldn’t that be something?  No, we have the tiny ring set up for insurance purposes.  As you said, you’re not a wrestler, but in order to convey the feeling of the brutality this weekend, there should be actual wrestling!” 

Right on cue, a pair of little people came out.  One wearing a lion costume, similar to Jimmy’s and the other was a very muscular little man with a long black wig and a crown.  The pair got inside the ring, both posing and showcasing themselves to the audience. 

Jimmy stared into the camera, shaking his head.  “I can’t believe I gave up a chance to go to cooking school for this!”  He sighed, looking at the mini-wrestlers.  “We are about to get cancelled so hard.  For the record…I am not okay with any of this!” 

Two beautiful bikini clad women came out, both holding huge trays of drinks, placing them in front of Jimmy and Sid. 

Jimmy looked at the drinks.  “Okay…I think I’m back on board!”  He reached for one of the shots, but Sid slapped his hand.  “OUCH! Come on, I’m a thirsty lion!” 

“Probably one that can hold his liquor better than Raion, but we will soon find out!”  Sid gestured to the ring.  “For tonight, we’ll call this the Mini Bar, but when I face Raion this will be full service!  Now, obviously you’ll be the lion…and I’ll be the hot brunette!” 

Jimmy laughed. “I’m going to need a lot more drinks before any of those things seem remotely true!” 

Sid smiled as she continued.  “The match rules are simple.  It’s a standard wrestling match, pinfall or submission.”  She held up a single finger.  “But here’s the rub!  If you fail to keep your opponent pinned for the three count or they escape a submission, they both have to take a drink!” 

Jimmy shook his head. “WHAT?!  Did you just invent the coolest drinking game on the planet?!” 

“I did!”  Sid grinned.  “Of course, this weekend, it will be Raion and I in the ring, and we will be the ones forced to drink if we fall to get the pin or the submission.”  Sid looked at him.  “Are you ready?” 

“Am I?” He asked, hand hovering over the drinks.  “I’m probably going to be rooting against everyone here!”  

“Alright then!”  Sid reached over and grabbed a tiny hammer and rung the bell as she banged it to begin the match. 

The crowd watched on in fascination as the minis did battle inside the tiny ring, both showcasing their wrestling ability as they jumped and flipped. Hitting clotheslines and dropkicks all to the delight of the fans.  Each time a mini was put in a pining predicament or a hold and escaped. Every time a pinfall or a submission was broken, Jimmy and Sid took a drink.  As the match progressed, the more and more they drank, and the drunker they got.  By the end of the match, when Sid’s muscular stand in got the pinfall, in no small measure thanks to Sid tripping the lion and holding his feet down outside the ring. 

“YOU CHEATED!” Jimmy said, swaying as he pointed at Sid.  “But…I’m so drunk, I don’t even care!” 

“Right?” Sid said.  “This match will be the greatest thing ever done…mainly, because I am totally going to win!” 

Jimmy threw his arm over Sid’s shoulder.  “Sidney, it’s been a pleasure!”  He turned to the crowd.  “Tune in to XWF Weekend Warfare this weekend to see our friend Sidney Grey defend her title against Raion Kido…in whatever all of this was called.” 

Sid took the microphone.  “Hang on!!  Don’t sign off yet…I want a few minutes to say a few things to Raion…since I know he’s watching.”         

Jimmy relented, stepping aside with a drunken sway and leaving Sid what little time was left as the show’s production credits rolled. 

 [Image: m7SKVeZ.gif]

Well Kido, the time is upon us and in a very few short hours, one of us will be leaving an XWF ring with the richest prize in our sport and the other will be left wondering where did it all go so horribly wrong.  Admittedly, I don’t want that to be me.  I have worked my fingers to the bone to get where I am, and in spite of what you said, I took the toughest road to become King…and a tougher road still to become Universal Champion!   Four matches in a single night, and not a bum among them…no easy outs and no excuses.  I didn’t have any for winning, and if I had lost them all…no excuse would have sufficed because everyone, including you had already made it abundantly clear that I shouldn’t have been there and I shouldn’t have won it all at March Madness…and I certainly shouldn’t have walked out the Universal Champion. 

I thought about that for a long time Raion and I wondered, why everyone seemed so angry and upset about what should have been the talk of the town.  Instead of people lining up to say how inspired they were by the fact that a beautiful young woman was now champion, all they can think of is how debased the title is because someone from Anarchy won the grand prize.  Look how disgusting it is to see the Universal Champion appear on Anarchy, but not have a match on Warfare.   

That’s what it is, isn’t it?  I’m an outsider that came in and made waves, then had the audacity to take what belongs to you and head back to the brand I made popular!  Well, if you’re hurt and upset by the fact that a member of the “A” Team has what you think belongs to you, come and take it.  There’s no need to spin yarns about what you think I wanted and where I failed.  If anyone here is a failure, that’s all you Raion!  You failed to win the tournament that you and everyone else thought was yours, you stumbled your way into a tag team match, and you got the consolation prize!  I beat Dolly Waters and I beat Jay Omega and they both got shots at gold with varying degrees of difficulty.  You got your own shot after getting dispatched and you made the very best of it, but that wasn’t good enough. 

No, I don’t blame you for cashing in.  That was the right you won and you are just doing what you have to do, I just don’t like the fact that you refuse to admit that this is all about you and not about me.  If Noah Jackson had become King Cunt, would you call his accomplishment empty?  If Bobby Bourbon had called me out after three brutal matches and beat me in 10 seconds flat, would he be the worst thing to have ever happened to the XWF?  NO! Don’t even kid yourself if you think different.  See…you need that motivation and that fuel to give you the drive to win where you couldn’t…to achieve what you thought should have been yours. 

I realize what my place is now Raion…and ironically, it was something I said in one of my very first promos leading into March Madness.  I called myself the spoiler…the fly in the ointment!  I was the thing that no one counted on and now the fact of the matter is that I hold the keys to the company; I wear a crown that cannot be knocked off my head for an entire year!  I wear a title that puts me on equal footing with you and everyone else who has ever been great enough when it mattered to win it.  It irks you to see me at the top, where you think you deserve to be!  It infuriates you that I have done as much as you, achieving your goal in a shorter amount of time.  Lastly…it frightens you that you just might come up short against me after you ran me down to the entire world.  Well…if you’re scared, you should be! 

Tonight…thanks to my best friend, I realized that I wasn’t going into this match to keep my title…I was going into this match to keep you in your place…at the foot of the King…frustrated, angry, and completely impotent!  You see, when I beat you…and I will, because you can’t handle your liquor and we AREN’T competing in any damn ladder match…you will not only know that I am I better than you…but you will be forced to admit it to the world when you leave empty handed!  Hold on tight to those tag team titles and pray to all your Gods that I don’t decide to find a partner and beat you a second time and take that away from you too!  

For now, I will be content in the knowledge that you wasted your chance at glory.  You held on to those cards too long and found yourself outplayed.  This one is gonna hurt Raion, this one is going to cut like a knife because that is what you tried to do to me.  You tried to cut short my reign, you tried to slice away any credibility that I earned, and you tried to stab at the heart of my coronation as your King! 

Your trespass will not be forgiven and all will bear witness when I force The Lion to kneel…and I take his head! 


Sid made her way back to the Green Room after her appearance on the show.  She was drunk, but the excitement of such a good show had left her pumped and ready to hit the town with Gina.  They would have a great night of celebration, then it was on to Warfare where this ridiculous ladder match stipulation would be erased, and then Sid could get down to the serious business of making Raion Kido eat his words! 

Sid burst through the door.  “GINA!  TIME TO HIT THE-“ Sid froze as she saw the Green Room in shambles as if a tremendous struggle had taken place.  “Gina…GINA!!!” Sid screamed as she looked around frantically.  Sid paused as she saw the box her present had been in beaten to a pulp, the tickets she’d gotten Gina ripped to shreds…and at the center of it all…the very same baseball bat that had been used against her at March Madness to take away her Anarchy Title…now left as a sign that her best friend had now also been taken from her. 

[Image: DGYGlSu.jpg]

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