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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Anarchy Boards » Anarchy Results
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Anarchy 3-9-23
Author Message
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

03-13-2023, 05:18 AM


[Image: BbV3NBt.png]



- vs -
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- vs -
Number One Contender Match!

- vs -
Bra & Panties Match!

The winner will be the one who strips their opponent down to their undergarments!

- vs -
Steel Toed Boots Match!

A pair of reinforced wrestling boots will be present, and whomever retrieves them can use them!

- vs -
Ambulance Match!

BOTH team members must be stuffed into an ambulance with the doors slammed shut to win!

BOOM goes the pyro.

Oh look there’s some signs!






Then Vinnie and Bama say stuff and Sassafras barks. Time to go to the ring!

- vs -
- vs -
- vs -


Lord Raab and Suene el Molde spend most of the bout focusing on each other, with neither truly ever gaining a definitive upper hand.

Mastermind and Chad GPT also square off, and Chad is on the receiving end of a beating for most of the encounter. Mastermind uses all his controllers: Arm. Leg. Neck. Wrist. He even briefly controls Chad’s face before Chad bites him to get free.

The end comes when Chad reverses a Mind Sleeper and rolls backwards over Mastermind, pinning his shoulders to the canvas for the shock 1-2-3!

Winner by Pinfall - Chad GPT

Suddenly on the AnarchoTron…

HIIIIII-iiiiiiii! This is Sarah Lacklan, Marketing Genius, Queen of Anarchy, Rule 63 Thanos, World's Greatest Life Coach, and one half of YOUR XWF Taggie Team Champions. And while I am writing out some strongly worded letters on robust Lacklanland parchment with one of my feathered pens dipped in ink made of only the finest acids...such as THIS letter RIGHT THERE-

((Furiously rustling paper))

-wherin I have some strong words...VERY STRONG, INDEED...for a certain Miss Myst, whom I have been, like, the BESTEST of friends with for the last couple of months, and, like, STILL she's all "Sar only cares about herself and her brand, Dolly, she doesn't really love you like a daughter" and blah blah blah and OH THESE WORDS ARE STRONG, JEN-JEN-

((heavy breathes and seething)) hand starts to cramp! And that's why I use the NEWEST and BESTEST product on the market:

Old Man Centurion's Joint Creme!

That's right, just one application of Zombie Centy's joint creme and the cramping starts to go away immediately. Just a dollop, smoosh it around all the knuckles and fingers, and boom! All the pain is gone and I'm right back into the EVER so STRONG words in my letter! So if YOU find yourself with joint pain or cramping fingers...probs like when Rubes has to spend, like, 2 hours working on getting Cent even halfway there...poor girl...then get yourself a bottle of Old Man Centurion's Joint Creme!

Use promo code #FuckThisBollux for 20% off your first order! And remember:

🎶I Wanna Raab!
I want to Raab!🎶

- vs -
Number One Contender Match!

A shower of rainbow colored lights falls upon the stage just as "Bad Girl" by DAYA begins to play. Aphriya Adler then explodes from behind the curtain jumping and reaching out to the crowd, each side of the stage. Then it seems as though the rainbow lights escort down the ramp. Her energy is high and quite contagious as the crowd cheers for her. Aphriya tries to touch each fan's hand that are outstretched down the ramp. She seems to glide into the ring under the bottom rope seamlessly. She bounces to each side raising her hand to the crowd with a bright smile.

The music begins to fade and the gameface comes on. Removing her jacket then keeping herself loose in the corner awaiting the battle to begin.

Vinnie Lane: "Mixed martial arts skills on display!"

Bama: "But we’re not in the cage, we’re in the ring, and she had best remember that because there’s always surprises!"

HGH makes his way to the ring amidst the fan’s jeers.

Vinnie Lane: "And we’re back to the crowd’s usual reaction after last show’s occurrence…"

Bama: "It was fun while it lasted, and needs to happen again!"


And this Number One Contender match is finally underway! The two wrestlers start circling each other, and Aphriya Adler takes the initiative! She goes for a clinch and tries to land some dirty boxing shots! HGH is taking shot after shot! He tries to break free but Aphriya brings him closer and goes for some Muay Thai style elbows!

Vinnie Lane: "Mixed martial arts skills on display!"

Bama: "But we’re not in the cage, we’re in the ring, and she had best remember that because there’s always surprises!"

Without means of escape and his position now desperate, HGH suddenly starts clawing at Aphriya’s face, and he manages to hit an eye rake! Her sight now temporarily impaired, Aphriya has to release the hold and HGH capitalizes by running to the ropes and catching her with a dropkick! Aphriya Adler is dropped like a bad habit!

Vinnie Lane: "That was a dirty move by HGH! He can’t go toe to toe with a submission artist like Aphriya Adler!"

Bama: "Okay, but who’s on the ground?"

But HGH isn’t done yet! As the St. Louis native slowly begins to rise, he backs up to the corner. Once she’s fully up, he charges at her and brings her down with a powerslam! Down goes Aphriya once more and HGH goes for the cover!



NO! Aphriya Adler kicks out!

Vinnie Lane: "Won’t be putting down a fighter like Aphriya that easily!"

Bama: "It won’t matter to HGH so long as she is finally down!"

HGH isn’t showing any signs of easing off, however, and grabs Aphriya by her waist. He’s going to lift her up for a Spinebuster… NO! Aphriya slides a leg between HGH’s, then turns around and pulls at his arm! HGH is backflipped over Aphriya only to land on the mat with a mighty slam! JUDO TAKEDOWN by Aphriya Adler!

Vinnie Lane: "WHOA! That was a thunderous impact and HGH is now flat on his back!"

Bama: "How did she even pull that off!?"

Vinnie Lane: "Martial arts, dude!"

Now in possession of the advantage, Aphriya gets on top of HGH and locks in a crossface! HGH is soon howling in pain but the submission specialist has the move locked in tight! The referee approaches the New York wrestler and asks him if he wants to give up, but HGH is adamant on continuing the match! Aphriya isn’t giving up but HGH stretches an arm… and hangs onto the bottom rope for dear life!

Vinnie Lane: "HGH saved by the ropes! Aphriya Adler has to release the hold or she will risk disqualification!"

Bama: "She shouldn’t! Payback time!"

Vinnie Lane: "But she will, Bama, because she is proud to be a fair competitor and she trusts her skills!"

And indeed, Aphriya releases the hold, and HGH gets back on his feet. The two circle at each other and lock up once more, and Aphriya tosses HGH to the ropes in an Irish Whip! HGH comes back on the rebound but Aphriya is ready to receive him - HEADSCISSORS TAKEDOWN! HGH is crumpled on the mat and the mixed martial artist goes to capitalize! She rolls forward towards the downed HGH and springs to her feet…

Vinnie Lane: "ROLLING THUNDER right on target!"

Bama: "She’s got him right where she wants him!"

Aphriya goes for the cover!



NO! HGH kicks out!

Vinnie Lane: "She had him right there!"

Bama: "I said it at the start, there’s always surprises, and here was a trick upon HGH’s sleeve!"

This time it’s Aphriya that isn’t done, and so she goes for a back-mounted chin lock! But wait - HGH is powering out! He rises to his feet into a back body drop counter! Aphriya is scrambling to get up, only to be caught in the receiving end of a clothesline by HGH! Harmon forces Aphriya to her feet and sends her over to the ropes, and when she comes back on the rebound he’s expecting her! He lifts her up and slams her to the mat!

Vinnie Lane: "SPINEBUSTER! Ouch, dude! That’s gonna hurt!"

Bama: "I bet Roxy does that to you."

Vinnie Lane: "No comment!"

Harmon Greyson Hays wastes no time in going for the cover!



NO! Aphriya Adler gets her shoulder up!

Bama: "Slow count! It was over!"

Vinnie Lane: "That was a perfectly normal count and Aphriya Adler is a formidable fighter! She’s kept herself alive and may just come out of this the Number One Contender for the Anarchy Title!"

And with that possibility now at his fingertips, HGH decides to bring this to an end! He forces Aphriya up once more and stands behind her for the Injection Shot (Rolling Cutter)… BUT APHRIYA DROPS TO A SITOUT AND HGH’S CHIN IMPACTS RIGHT ON HER SHOULDER! STUNNER OUT OF NOWHERE!

Vinnie Lane: "HGH is seeing Pink Stars right now courtesy of Aphriya Adler!"

Bama: "Unbelievable!"

Aphriya follows up by covering HGH as fast as she can!



NO! HGH with the shoulder up!

Vinnie Lane: "What a comeback would that have been!"

Bama: "But HGH is a fighter too!"

Despite her failed attempt at a pin, Aphriya has gained some valuable time to recover, and she is going to put it to good use. She grabs HGH’s ankle and locks on tight, then starts turning HGH over to his belly! Ankle lock firmly in place, and Harmon Greyson Hays feels the torque Adler puts into twisting the joint! The New York wrestler, however, hasn’t gone all this way for nothing, so he slowly but steadily fights through the pain and turns himself over once more on his back, then pushes Aphriya away with both feet! Aphriya staggers back and HGH scrambles to get up! Aphriya rushes for the offense as he is about to rise, but HGH stops her momentum cold with a shoulder block to her gut! The submission specialist doubles over and HGH returns her earlier favor, quickly getting behind her and bringing her down with the Injection Shot!

Vinnie Lane: "Beautiful move by HGH!"

Bama: "This time she has to go down!"

HGH makes the cover!



NO! Aphriya Adler kicks out!

Vinnie Lane: "Not yet! Not with the possibility of becoming Number One Contender at stake!"

Bama: "Just how much longer can these two go!?"

But HGH isn’t going to let Aphriya get away after the number she’s done on him with her submissions, so he stands the St. Louis native once again and locks in a sleeper hold! Aphriya soon begins to fade as HGH locks in the hold and soon he takes her to her knees! The referee approaches her but she seems unresponsive, so he grabs her arm to check if she can move! He lets her go, and the arm goes limp once. He does it again, and Aphriya’s arm flops once more. He is going to do it for the third time… AND APHRIYA CLENCHES HER FIST!

Vinnie Lane: "Ahhhhhh! What a warrior is Aphriya Adler!"

Bama: "She’s going to break free!"

Slowly but steadily, Aphriya gets back on her feet, and lands a back elbow on HGH’s face! HGH’s hold is broken and Aphriya starts a striking combination! One-two punches and a low kick, then a haymaker to HGH’s stomach! HGH is feeling the pain, so Aphriya throws him to the corner and launches right behind him - BODY SPLASH! Down goes HGH and Aphriya goes for the cover!



NO! HGH kicks out!

Vinnie Lane: "Aphriya might just have it right here!"

Bama: "If she could come back all these times, so can HGH!"

But Aphriya has had enough, and she signals for the end! She waits for the New York wrestler to climb to his feet, stomping her legs on the floor! HGH has just stood up and Aphriya goes for The Heartbeat! One low kick connects, then she goes for a middle - NO! HGH has caught her leg and twists her around! Aphriya spins on her own axis and HGH with a surprise clothesline!

Vinnie Lane: "I can’t believe it! It was over!!"

Bama: "I told you, Lane!"

After all through which he has been HGH is not having any more comebacks! He picks up Aphriya in a hammerlock hold and brings her down with a DDT! Double Dose duly administered!

Bama: “Stick a fork on her, she’s done!"

Exhausted after the grueling match, HGH crawls on top of Aphriya Adler for the cover!





Winner by Pinfall - Harmon Greyson Hays

Bama: "Uh oh, we just got word that Tommy Wish has something to say!"

We cut to some “grainy” footage at a bowery somewhere in Canada, with Tommy in a leather jacket, red jean shorts, boots with a “I Kissed Sidney Grey” shirt on while he was walking down some street with him dragging the Anarchy tile on the ground. He then finds a bench somewhere to sit in the night as cars are passing by him, then he holds the Anarchy title, and spits on it as he lets out his thoughts.

T: “You know what, I’m glad I stole the belt from Sidney, just like how I stole it from Ruby TWICE, I even stole it with a kiss to match, you see, when I knew from the get go that I was going to lose this belt… I already checked out with all the watts fucking up my own brain. You see, this belt represents the Anarchy, the chaos so to speak that Vinny had wanted to crown on his own show.

Well guess what Vinny, while you are busy at the booth with a knock off JR in Bama, i’m here with YOUR title that you forced me to bring back on the show. I know you don’t give a damn about this title compared to your FXT type of show you are dealing with, that’s not to say that I wouldn’t try and dare take their belts up for hostage.”

Then he wipes the spit off the title plate with his jacket, then he puts the belt on his shoulder then it pans back to the arena with the fans giving mixed reactions mixed in with Vinny looking at the X-Tron with minor annoyance with the shootjob as Bama was looking elsewhere at the booth, then it cut back to Tommy on the bench holding the title.

T: “While I am at it, I want Sidney to know that it doesn't matter if I give her belt back, it sure doesn’t matter if she forces herself onto me to bring back her belt. She can reach down inside her botox face and get the lawyers to drag me to  court over it, until she PROVES to the people in the crowd she can handle her own, then I will personally will give her belt back with no questions asked, she already proved that she wanted to duck out of match like a twat she is, and now she wants track down my weed suppliers to know my locations?

I’m a man who’s a fucking nomad, so i am pretty much too hard to find. The most you will see me is in my house, or in the backstage of these shows waiting till that last match ends where I try to bail out before their traffic comes out of the arena.

So what I am saying is this, if you Sidney can prove to me to have what it takes to get back what is yours, then prove it here tonight when you have to stuff two bummy heroes in ambulances with your partner tonight. If you go and push it to the x-treme then next show from now, I will make sure to give you back this stinking title.”

Bama: “Wait, Tommy is saying that if Sidney takes it X-Treme with her partner in the ambulance match, he’ll give her the title back next week?”

Vinnie Lane: “Well I wouldn't put it past him Bama, if he was able to “force himself” on her then should do the right thing.”

T: “Like I said, even if Sidney and her partner get in the ambulance and get carted off backstage, I will be a man of my word and give her belt back… in the ring… no frill or anything abnormal. Then, she will focus on her little March Madness tournament, and forget about me like everyone else will…

Heh, even Molly Barnes would forget about me as well, like i said in the promo she can use those steel toe boots or whatever they are, and beat me with them. Who knows? I might as well just be forgotten about completely and let Anarchy keep rolling in its own grave for all I care. So consider this a new chapter in my role on Anarchy as a nobody… a forgotten champion… a macabre of x-treme deviancy…

Quoth the T, neva more.”

Then we see Tommy standing on the bench doing the Cross taunt with the belt in his hand, as it fades back into the arena.

Bama: “Has Tommy turned on the good side of Anarchy? Will he do the right thing next week?”

Vinnie Lane: “From what I've heard, this might be a ploy to let her guard down, but we will see what is to come in this odd saga between Sidney and Tommy!”

Then the next segment comes in the air.

- vs -
Bra & Panties Match!

The winner will be the one who strips their opponent down to their undergarments!

Jenny Myst saunters to the ring with her XWF Television Championship slung over her shoulder. Someone in the front row tries to smack her on the backside, and Jenny pops him in the face with a superkick!

Then she rubs her butt right into his unconscious face!

That's probably gonna go viral.

Anyway, Jenny goes to the ring and waits for her opponent.

As soon as LSM's theme music hits the speakers the lights go dim as the crowd starts cheering for their favorita luchadora. As the bass bumps through the arena the crowd chants along to the slightly modified music. A spectacle of green and red pyrotechnics shoot up twenty five feet in the air from their base on the entrance platform. A complimentary arrangement of pyro shoots up through the four turnbuckles of the ring.


A green, a red, and a white spotlight shine down from the rafters, randomly perusing through the rambunctious crowd as they await their X-treme Champion. After a few seconds all three of the spotlights are directed towards the entrance tunnel.

Who's this?

Latina Submission Machina pops out onto the illuminated entrance ramp alongside an additional burst of multicolor fireworks. The crowd pops hard for the champion as she holds the belt up high over her head.


Announcer: Weighing 145 pounds and standing at 5 foot seven inches tall, fighting out of Ciudad Juárez, she is your reigning XWF X-treme Champion....she is LATINA SUBMISSION MACHINA!

The luchadora bounces around just outside the tunnel before holding the X-treme championship belt up at eye level and staring into it's center plate with a satisfied smirk. LSM flips her hair to the side before she tosses the belt atop her shoulder. With a big belt on one shoulder and a big chip on the other, LSM starts walking down the ramp amidst thunderous applause. The multicolored spotlights follow LSM every step of the way. The champion briefly pauses to give out a few high fives and to take a few courtesy photos with the front-row fans.

When she finally hits the squared circle Latina Submission Machina slides beneath the bottom rope and into the ring. LSM hands her championship belt over to the referee for safekeeping before she starts pumping up the crowd to cheer louder. Moments later Latina Submission Machina quickly breaks away and starts running the ropes of the ring, testing out the squared circle and getting a feel for it's qualities. Once she's content with it's fitness, the luchadora grabs a hold of the ropes and comes to a controlled halt. She turns to the referee and tells them she's ready to go. The luchadora heads to the corner as instructed and begins reveling in the applause of her fans as she blows many kisses out to the crowd.


LSM rushes Jenny, trying to get the aggressive first move against the Television Champ. Jenny ducks and drop toe holds LSM, who face plants. She gets right back up and Jenny, who has a smirk on her face, tells her to bring it.

LSM chargers her again, going for the clothesline. Jenny spins around, wrapping her arms around her waist. GERMAN SUPLEX.

She tosses LSM behind her and as the latina crawls towards the ropes Jenny hauls off and kicks her in the side.

Vinnie Lane: "Jenny seems a little miffed about this match!"

Bama: "Last time she was here she lost her coveted X-treme Title to a man who ain’t even the champ no more!"

Jenny picks up LSM by the hair and tosses her to the middle of the ring.

Jenny looks out to the Canadian crowd and begins to tease taking her top off voluntarily.

Bama: "And here we go, Boss!"

Her lip then snarls and she puts it back on. The Canadian’s don't deserve to see a body like hers.

She turns around into a forearm by LSM. She stumbles back against the ropes. LSM stays on top of her, hammering her with rights and lefts against the ropes. Jenny puts her arms up to cover her face, and manages to get a knee to the midsection of LSM, stopping the onslaught. Jenny then launches one of her own, clubbing the back of LSM (whose on one knee from the hard gut shot), and then kicking her when she's down. Jenny reaches down and pulls off LSM’s top with one hard rip. The crowd roars.

Vinnie Lane: "Oh sí mami, quítatelo!"

Bama: “You know Spanish?"

Vinnie Lane: "I know that phrase."

She is crawling away towards the ropes. Jenny gives chase. LSM goes to slide under the ropes, Jenny pulls her back by her legs. She flips her over onto her back as LSM kicks, one of the kicks connecting with the face of the TV champ. Jenny backs off again. LSM pops up, and with a quick burst of momentum sets Jenny up for a DDT, but instead pulls her top off!

The crowd roars again.

Bama: “Both ladies have their tops off now. It’s heating up in here, boss!."

Vinnie Lane: "Damn I’m good at booking."

Bama: “Whoa hold on!"

When LSM got her top off,  it was revealed that Jenny HAD A SECOND SHIRT ON. This one a compression shirt, made by Under Armour. It’s white. Her black bra is visible underneath. The ref looks at Jenny, and then at LSM who is in disbelief. Jenny grins and waves at the ref.

He waves off the fall!

Vinnie Lane: "I’ve never seen that before. I’ll admit, the champ got one over on me."

Bama: “LSM can’t believe it! And good look getting a compression top off! Jenny had her ace in the hole here and out-smarted her challenger."

LSM argues with the ref but it's futile. It’s a bra and panties match, and Jenny wasn’t down to either!

She turns away from the ref into a boot to the face by Jenny. She stumbles back off the ropes and Jenny catches her.


LSM is down. Jenny pulls off her bottoms as the bell rings.


Winner by Forced Disrobing - Jenny Myst

Bama: “A dominant performance by the champ here."

Vinnie Lane: "She’s a thief. She robbed these people of the chance to see her in her undergarments! As far as I am concerned, she cheated."

Bama: “It’s all legal, Boss, and Jenny adds another W to her amazing 2022-2023 run."

- vs -
Steel Toed Boots Match!

A pair of reinforced wrestling boots will be present, and whomever retrieves them can use them!

Molly Barnes hustles down to the ring while her fans in attendance chant "Alrite! Alrite! Alrite!" Like a bunch of Matthew McConaugheys.

Barnes whips out her trusty tee shirt gun from behind her back and starts launching INNIT shirts into the fans! They love them some Molly! Every one of them is high on Molly!

It shows Tommy in the shadows in a corridor somewhere on the X-Tron in a hoodie, then it fades back into the arena where the lights flicker and the camera see's him coming down to the ring in his jacket hoodie, with him waving a Kendo Stick around him. Then he nods his head to the beat, and he gives some fans some dap as he walks down to the ramp, then he slides into the ring, and gets on the turnbuckle and poses to the crowd with the stick in the air. Then he comes down from there, and stands on the corner leaning on the corner as his theme fades off.

The steel-toed boots are lifted into the air as both competitors rest in their corners.

Bama: Those are some dirt kickers right there, baby!

Vinnie Lane: Yeah, dude! They're actually the boots I wrestled in back when I was "Crust Punk" Vinnie Lane... It was a short-lived gimmick,

Bama: I remember that! Back in 82', good year. So as we wait for these boots to get hoisted, baby, what are your thoughts on the match tonight, Vin-Vin?

Vinnie Lane: Tommy's gotta be ridin' high with his teammate JB gettin' the X title, dude! He's simply beaming with positivity!

The camera cuts to Tommy looking miffed.

Bama: Could play a part in the match, baby! But Molly Barnes got a lucky win over Mastermind last Anarchy and we gotta see if her luck keeps going.

Vinnie Lane: I got a good feeling about her tonight, innit!

As the match is about to start, Sidney Grey charges through the entranceway screaming for Tommy Wish to return her title belt, but in what is surely one of the first times ever that XWF security has been on top of things, Littlefeather and his team rushed down to keep her from interfering in the match. Inside the ring, Tommy laughed hysterically as Sid was escorted away from ringside.


As the boots dangle in a neutral corner Molly and Tommy meet each other in the center of the ring. Tommy opens up with a forearm which catches Barnes in the jaw and Wish takes advantage with a quick lariat and drops Molly on her back; Wish stomps down on Barnes' shoulder and forces her to sit up and goes for an enziguri which is barely dodged by Molly and she snaps up getting a knee into Tommy's gut before rolling him up and locking in a kneebar!

Wish struggles in the hold briefly before powering out and kicking Molly away; the two separate briefly before Molly rushes in but Tommy sends her flying with a Japanese arm drag and sends her near the corner with the boots dangling above her; Tommy rushes in and goes for a gore but Molly leaps up and kicks off Wish's back and gains some height as she tries to reach for the boots and her fingers brushes the soles of the boots which swing wildly.

Molly lands feet away from Tommy who is back in action as he gets an uppercut on a turning Molly and carries on his momentum dropping her with a sit-out jawbreaker! Tommy quickly gets up and circles around with Molly in a collar and waist hold before hurling her out of the ring and Tommy makes haste to get to the corner and climbs the turnbuckle to reach up the pole.

Bama: Tommy making headway to your boots, baby!

Vinnie Lane: He can't resist my foot stench, dude!

Bama: Gross, baby!

Tommy gets a hand on the boots but Molly is back on the apron and springboards off landing a dropkick on Wish who loses his balance and lands his groin on the top rope with a sympathetic groan from the crowd.

Wish falls to the canvas and Molly is on top of him instantly with a knee slam to the chest before picking him up and whipping him into the corner. The pole shakes from the impact as Tommy lands into the corner hard and drops to a seated position and Molly Barnes rushes in landing a cannonball! The boots bounce in the air and drop a little lower as the shoestrings attached to the pole begin to wear.

Bama: Those boots are looking a little cruddy, baby!

Vinnie Lane: Yeah, dude, Ol' Reliables up there haven't been maintained in almost 40 years!

Seeing the boots get a little lower, Molly makes a risky move to climb the turnbuckles as Wish is crumpled under her and gets a hand on one of them before Tommy pops back up and grabs Barnes before dropping her with a stiff powerbomb!

Vinnie Lane: J-Bomb from Tommy Wish and Molly is gasping!

Barnes sucks in air as she cradles her spine and Tommy goes to end things grabbing a handful of her and looking for the HideYaFace!

But Molly, with a boost of adrenaline, pushes Tommy away back into the corner and sprints forward and nails Wish with a running headbutt as his back is in the corner!

Bama: Mugshot from Molly!

Tommy drops in the corner once more as Molly falls away from him, the boots wrap around wildly, dangling precariously on a thing shoestring.

Vinnie Lane: Looks like Barnes did as much damage to herself as she did to Tommy, dude!

Barnes stumbles up before dropping down to a knee clutching her forehead as Tommy forces himself up and shakes the cobwebs. Tommy pushes out of the corner and drunkenly walks to Molly and grabs the back of her neck but Molly fires back with a chop across the sternum which echoes throughout the arena leaving a stinging red mark across Wish's chest. But Tommy sneers with the pain and launches a chop back of his own with a louder crack and Molly literally jumps from the impact, the sound of a knife edge meeting flesh causing the crowd to hiss in pain.

Tommy Wish slaps Molly across the jaw before bringing her in close and launching her into the corner once again with a big Irish Whip and Tommy sprints after her.


As Molly hits the turnbuckle the boots jolt and that impact is the straw that breaks the camel's back!

The boots falls!

And Tommy runs right into the falling steel-toed boots and falls onto the ground in a heap.

Molly clutches her back in the corner as the crowd pop from this deus ex machina. Molly eyes Wish and then the ref who goes to check on him...

And finds Tommy Wish unconscious and unresponding!


Winner via KO - Molly Barnes

Vinnie Lane: Molly Barnes! The luckiest lady in wrestling just got ANOTHER unexpected win!

Bama: This is the real streak, baby! I wanna see how long Miss Molly can keep this up for!

Molly can't believe this happened again as confusion disappears and joy sets in as her theme hits and she raises her hands in victory.

The cameras turned to the backstage area as new Anarchy Champion, Sidney Grey made her way through the hallways of the arena, marching with purpose.  Steve Sayors ran up alongside her, microphone in hand.

Steve Sayors: Can I have a word Ms. Grey?

She threw up her hands, annoyed by his presence.

Sidney Grey: Not right now!  I have business to attend to!

She walked to the door of the men’s locker room and stopped.


Steve Sayors:  I take it that no one has ordered Tommy Wish to give you back the Anarchy Title belt?

Sidney turned and glared at him, then turned and kicked the door, sending it flying open as she charged inside.  Steve’s eyes grew wide as he listened to the screams and yelling inside.  After a few moments, Sid emerged, taking in a deep breath as she raked the hair back from her face.

Steve Sayors: I take it Tommy wasn’t in there.

Sidney ignored his question.

Sidney Grey: You know, ever since I entered March Madness, all I’ve heard is how this is “B” show…

Sidney turned and looked back inside, then turned back to Steve with a broad grin on her face.

Sidney Grey: …but maybe it should be called the “D” show!

Sidney pushed past Steve, screaming for Tommy Wish at the top of her lungs.  Steve looked confused, until he looked inside the open locker room and the realization of what she meant stuck him.

- vs -
Ambulance Match!

BOTH team members must be stuffed into an ambulance with the doors slammed shut to win!

Summarized Beginning:

Sid and GVZ begrudgingly work pretty well together due to just natural athleticism and ability. The Blue Tango, however, seems practically lost against top caliber performers. The Atomic Bat holds her own, but she can’t overcome the ways that Tango is lacking.

Bat keeps trying to fight a virtuous fight also, which gives her a disadvantage against Gina and Sid, both of whom are more than willing to take liberties and shortcuts.

After GVZ and Grey double team Tango and hit a tandem powerbomb putting him through a ringside table, he’s out of commission and the Anarchy Champion with her reluctant partner are able to focus on picking apart the Bat.

The Bat gets sent over the top but she is able to submarine Sid by yanking the rope down when Grey runs at her. Sid topples hard to the floor…

On the outside Atomic Bat climbs back onto the ring apron, but as soon as she does, Gina runs in from behind with Bat's cape. She jumps behind Bat and begins choking her out!

Bama: Looks like Batty brought her own destruction to the party, baby!

Gina pulls Bat off the apron and onto the floor before sitting on her back, continuing to choke the life out of Bat until she passes out. Meanwhile, in the ring, Sidney has Blue Tango up against the ring post and is choking him out with her boot. Sidney turns to Gina and points to the ambulance, and Gina begins dragging the lifeless Atomic Bat to the ambulance.

Vinnie Lane: I hope Sidney and Gina know that BOTH opponents have to be tossed into the ambulance in order to win.

Bama: No, this is a genius play! If Gina can lock Bat in the ambulance, maybe tie her to something, they would be able to do whatever they want to Blue Tango!

Vinnie Lane: That's not quite what I had in mind when I made this match, but unfortunately, you're right.

Atomic Bat tries to fight back, but Gina delivers some vicious elbow strikes into Bat's head before picking her up and tossing her headfirst into the ambulance. Gina laughs as she looks down at the unconscious Atomic Bat and opens the ambulance doors…

And Centurion jumps out from the ambulance!

Bama: AHH!

Centurion dives onto Gina and begins delivering fists into her head. The crowd roars as an infuriated Centurion delivers strike after strike.

Bama: How did he get in there! This was an ambush!

Centurion picks up Gina and tosses her into the barricade before turning her attention toward the ring. Sidney lowers her boot off of Blue Tango and stares, nervously, as Centurion slowly makes his way to the ring. Sidney takes a step forward and waves for Centurion to get into the ring, which he does. As soon as he does, though, Sidney slides out, causing the crowd to boo.

Vinnie Lane: Sidney looks like she doesn't want this fight.

Bama: She's just taking a moment to catch her breath! She's been involved in a hard fought match!

Sidney lets out an exhale and starts walking up the ramp, but Centurion quickly slides out of the ring and sprints after her! Sidney begins to run, and Centurion almost catches up to her, but Gina is able to grab Centurion before he does. She begins laying in shots, and the two begin exchanging right hands, much to the delight of the crowd.

The two brawl off of the ramp and into the barricade before toppling over and into the crowd.

Summarized Ending:

Sidney is left to fend for herself, and Tango and the Bat control her for a while. Out of nowhere though, Sid hits the WALK OF FAME onto Tango on the rear bumper of the ambulance! Her daughter’s finish!

Sid and the Bat end up inside the ambulance duking it out over the unconscious body of Tango, and they end up with Sidney choking the Bat and learning her out over the rear end of the ambulance. Sidney reaches up and closes one of the ambulance doors against the Bat’s neck, then starts reaching for the other… my god, she’ll decapitate the woman!

Wait, what’s this… up on the AnarchoTron… is it a bird? Is it a plane?


[Image: UmpvxOU.png]

It’s… it’s… RASTAMON!!!

“Don’t ya be worryin’ Batty… it all gonna be EYRIE now dat Ji… I mean RASTAMON be here! BUH! BUH!”

Rastamon leaps off of the tron, aiming a double ax handle at Sid Grey… but Sid moves!!!

Rastamon hits the ambulance door instead and it swings shut!

Tango and Bat are inside! The match is over!!!


Winners by Ambulance Trapping - Sid Grey & Gina Van Zyl


Raion Kido
Tommy Wish
Sidney Grey
Sarah Lacklan
Jenny Myst

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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