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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » March Madness V 2023 RP Board
rp vs. John Black
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Goth Offline
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XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

03-18-2023, 12:43 PM

Spiritual Assistance

Somewhere in Texax…,

Goth has begun his travel through Texas for his March Madness PPV match for the Xtreme championship. Once again the man has come full circle again to compete for a championship belt that has been eluding him ever since joining the XWF. But his mind as of late has been side tracked due to his personal issues, or should we say mental issues?? His face is a mess, clearly he has been driving the rental car for a very long time with seemingly no rest period. He looks at a chain of beads hanging on the rear view mirror and gently scratches his fingers against it while murmuring something underneath his breath.

“This better work….”

He wants to grab the beads, but suddenly bright lights from a car shines in his eyes, making him react by spinning the steering wheel to the left before immediately spin it back to the right before hitting a stop sign. The situation has caused his heart to start beating like crazy as sweat is pouring from his face. He looks over his shoulder for a second before turning back to the road ahead of him.

“That was close….,”

He wipes his forehead with the back of his hand, feeling the wetness pour from his hand as he rubs his hand against his shirt before placing it back on the steering wheel.

“Never take your hands of the steering wheel Goth…,”

Goth freezes behind the steering wheel, hearing the voice of the vampire ghost that has been haunting him. He looks back, then towards the beads as he starts to grind teeth in a disgruntled fashion, causing Ashe to laugh sadistic

“You actually think that such a stupid believe would keep me away??”

A low sigh escapes his lips, admitting that he had lost fate in his own reality. Hoping for an old superstition in a religion to get him back on track, but to no avail apparently. The frustration can be felt through his body as his hands tightly grip around the steering wheel, his thoughts are starting to race through his head, wondering what she wants from him this time. But he already knew why she was here, it was pretty obvious.

“So you got another shot at the Xtreme championship? Do you hope it will free you from your debt??”

The debt, there it was. He knew she would be back as soon as the Xtreme championship belt was hanging just in front of him, all he has to do is merely reach out and grab it. But whether she would leave him? That is a hopeful thought he had already forsaken, she had not done so after he had obtained the Roulette title in Sin City Wrestling, even after successfully defending it this past weekend.

“You just wish to torment me Ashe, so get it over with. What do you want??”

His eyes peer towards the rear view mirror of the car, staring at her for only a moment as he immediately turns his diverts his attention away from her. He leans his head against the car window next to him, feeling the coldness touch his skin as it sends shivers down his spine, sighing as his frustration is taking over once more.

“what do you WANT FROM ME!!!!!”

His soft demeaner suddenly changes in anger, bloodshed can be found in his eyes. She does not answer him, at least not through a spoken word. A mere sinister laugh tells him more than any answer would do for him, he gives up as he realizes that all hope is gone. His arm muscles that have been tense since the moment that he noticed her slowly start to ease down a bit, his breathing is still building to an anger fit that is waiting to burst out at any wrong moment when she opens her mouth. But she refuses to speak, merely staring at him as he starts to get nervous

“WHAT??!!! TELL ME!!!”

She readjust her face letting her long black hair fall partially before her face. Covering her right eye while still staring at him. He feels her intentions building, he eels the hatred that she is building inside him reaching a peak as it turns into a moment where he has enough.


Goth notices that there’s rails crossing the road, lights start to flicker as bells start to ring. He grins, he knows he has several more seconds to go before the boom goes down completely

“What are you going to do Gerrit??”

She asks him, showing no worries in her voice as that disappoints him just a little. But he has already decided that he does not want to go on like this, to constantly worry about when and where she would show up. he just makes it on the rails in time before hitting the breaks. He feels himself nearly being launched through the front window of the car, but is stopped by his safety belt. He bounces back into the chair, smiles as he longingly waits for the train to end his suffering permanently. Only to realize that he is no longer there where he thought he would be.

“What the???”

Goth notices that he is in a white room, he is on a white table while being contained in a straightjacket. He struggles to break free from the tightness of the sleeves his arms are stuck in, but realizes quickly that it is a failure to do so. This causes him to snap his head from left to right, suddenly remembering that he has been here before.

“Oh no, not this again….,”

The memories rise inside his head from the time that he was an alcohol addicted man, trying to drink away his miseries from the passing of his wife. Thinking back to the car drive with Ashe, remembering that he had been lucky that his car had not stopped on the train rails back then, but wondering why it didn’t hit him back then with her in the car.

“You really want to know why?”

Goth snaps his head towards the door, where he sees Ashe standing at the door entrance. She is wearing a white outfit from a psychiatrist, causing him to stare at her and notices the hair.

“You like??”

She giggles as she had noticed him stare at the hair as she runs her pale white fingers through it.

“I got to say it’s quite a bitch to maintain hair like this, but I needed to sin my teeth into this to get to you.”

She giggles as suddenly Goth’s eyes widen, looking shocked over the realization that she has either drowned the psychiatrist that monitored him or just taken over her soul. Either thought causes him to shiver, realizing that this would mean that he will never escape from her. This notion causes him to lower his head back on the table, feeling the cold fabric underneath his skin. His hair had been shaved off completely, he remembered how much he had hated that look and how long it took him to have grown his hair back to what it was today. But he also knows that this is just a memory, that he isn’t insane like he was back then. Telling himself over and over again that no matter how long this will take, that he would ultimately snap out of it and wake up. This thought ultimately causes him to turn his attention back to the vampire with a smile.

“Can you tell me what is so funny Mr. van der Krift??”

A situation suddenly occurs when he realizes that he is now fully into the mental state that he was in back then, staring towards the same woman that he did a few moments ago. But this time it is the real psychiatrist and not the haunted vampire ghost version. The anguish comes over him, he remembered how he had been smiling on this very same table just like he did right now, making him try to look past her.

“You didn’t answer my question sir?? What’s so funny??”

Goth wanted to ask her where Ashe had been, but realized that she would not remember the mental takeover from a ghost. Or the mere fact that he would be contained by a heavy doses of tranquilizers, something he knew that would make him very sick every single time. He quickly tries to search for an answer that would not make it too suspicious, trying to divert the attention from his strange reaction.

“I was wondering how often are you going to ask me that same question before I would give you an satisfying enough answer to your liking.”

This causes Goth’s eyes to widen like satellite dishes, this wasn’t the answer he wanted to give at all!! Heck, he could not even remember that he had an answer ready for her to begin with!! But just like that he starts to suddenly laugh, a reaction that he did not have any control over just like the answer “he” had given her.

“That’s how I play mind games with foolish people like you Goth…”

Is the voice of the vampire Ashe that he hears coming from her mouth, causing him to snap towards the psychiatrist and notices the features of Ashe in the face of the woman as she is smiling. He notices that she is staring at him, while not even stopping the writing that he wonders how she could do that without looking at the pen and paper.


“I find this rather disrespectful from your part Mr. van der Krift, first you ask me a question and then ignore my answer. And now you ask me how??? HOW??? I am going to subscribe you to a heavier doses of medication sir. And we will continue this for another two weeks before we will do another evaluation.”

Goth cannot grasp his mind, he had been staring and listening to Ashe a few seconds ago, but now it is this psychiatrist once again. All of that within a few seconds and without him even blinking his eyes.

“No wait, I can explain… I…”

“I am sorry sir, but it is too late for that!! I have been talking to you for an hour and you just laugh at me and ignore me, you should have thought about that before humiliating me.”

Goth looks up at the clock at the far end of the wall, noticing how quickly the time had passed, even though it only looked like a few moments. He suddenly feels two strong hands hold on to his head, trying to keep it straight before two more hands wrap a leather strap across his mouth as to make it impossible for him to talk or even bite towards others. Memories that seem to be so vividly returning to his brain from all these years ago. Memories that he rather had forgotten. And then he felt something sharp against his neck, a nail sinking into his body as he feels a heavy doses of something shoot inside his body and he remembers that it was a sleeping drug.


He tries to protest to the violation of his very own body, tears are flowing from his eyes before passing away slowly. The last images he can remember are from the assistants and a pale white figure that slowly approaches him and whispers something that he cannot even understand. His brain shuts down as all that is left is darkness and silence.

Present Day

Goth stands at a crossroad, a road where there are stop signs because of a train track that allows trains to move from part A to part B. He stands there, wearing black sunglasses and a casual long sleeve shirt and jeans, something different to what we are accustomed from him when he is not wrestling. We hear bells ring, Goth looks to the right as he stares at the train that is emerging upon the track. He had always been amazed about the size and strength and speed such a train can produce, making him realize how lucky he must have been on that fateful night.

His hand slowly lowers the sunglasses, causing him to squeeze his eyes as he needs to adjust to the bright light of the sun. The train approaches and passes him by within the time of merely a few seconds, he feels the ground shake as he stands on a safe distance from the train and yet it does scare him a little.

“I should have been dead that day.”

He whispers softly towards himself, not caring if someone else could be overhearing him if that person was standing next to him. At that moment he was alone upon this world, lost in his own thoughts and being gratitude for having an anger sitting on his shoulder seemingly always protecting him. His hair is blowing wildly around his face, but he is seemingly unfazed by it as his focus is solely upon the track and where he had remembered where his car ultimately had stopped.

“People sometimes say that in certain moments that your life flashes before your very own eyes, I could safely say that I was one of them and I didn’t care. ”

He pushes some of his hair out of his face, pulls it behind his right ear as he cocks his head to the right, where he stares into the camera that is recording his every move and word.

”There are certain flashes of memories about this very moment, making me wonder what made me want to do this in the first place, but also what eventually managed to stop me.”

He grinds his teeth, clearly his anger is building as he thinks about his family.

“Of course my son is a huge reason why I am still here, just like my current fiancé. But I was so fucking deep into the alcohol, I was numb to even care about myself… let alone about others. An addict only cares about his high, about his moment where everything else is merely a burden. Something that I am feeling right now once again, but for different reasons.”

He balls his hands into fists, he places his hands upon a fence that is close to him, digging his fingers into the wooden structure before he lowers his face as if he is in shame.

“XWF’s version of the Xtreme championship belt, how many timeshave I not set foot inside that ring or whatever type of match and did not walk out as champ?? Or fuckign sakes, I thought I would have finally be freed from it after the final loss, setting my eyes on the March Madness tournament… Only to have Peter Vaughn stop me in my tracks. A loss that I cannot complain about, I put him through a hellacious match and he has earned his victory against me.”

“I know he is a man that would have said the same thing if the roles were differently, but I would be waiting for death man’s ears before hearing something like that after a loss. And now this??? A match again against a different champion in John Black. It’s like watching an episode of Law And Order, where only the names have changed to protect the innocent.. And that’s where the problem has been for me oh so long now, I am the innocent that has allowed myself over and over again to be victimized by my own fucking stupidity. And then this damn haunted thing that is bothering me for how long now???”

“It’s not like I cannot do this!! I’m still the Roulette champion in Sin City Wrestling, 20 plus year career, I should be capable of winning a damn Xtreme championship!!!!”

He inhales deeply, trying to recollect his thoughts and turn back to a normal state of mind. He remains silent, showing a stoic look on his face as he is trying to resist the urge to cry but fails.

“Oh God, no….,”

His knees start to buckle, he drops to his knees and grabs hold of his face with both hands. Rubbing at his eyes, fighting against the tears to be visible on his face even though some drops still come in contact with the ground. He drops his hands onto the ground, scratching towards for it as if he doesn’t want to lose it. Goth finally stops after five minutes of scratching his nails against the sidewalk, his fingers are bleeding and his nails are fucked up because of it. Causing his breathing to increase, his hair is falling down on either side of his face, hiding his eyes as they are burning with fire and hatred.

“Ever had an opponent open himself this way to the world John?? I bet you have never seen anyone go so deep, bending down onto his hands and fucking knees!!! Acknowledging his sinful past!! The memories that I have wished that I was dead instead of being a celebrated wrestler. And if this wasn’t what you had been expecting from me?? Then so fucking be it!! It’s quite ironic to see how I have seen a thread going through my life back then and now, that I wonder what is worse?? Wanting to die?? Or wanting to finally get my hands upon a fucking championship!!!”

He suddenly starts to laugh maniacally, again scratching his bloodied fingers upon the sidewalk, leaving a trail of blood and dirt mixed up.

“Now I can tell that the first thought on your stinking mind will be that I am selfish if I had chosen the championship opportunity. And why?? Because death ways so much heavier than a fifteen pound gold and leather strap?? And you know, I would have been agreeing with you if I was at that mental state of mind that I was back then!! But you see John, death is no longer controlling my desire to die… I’m only mentally dead, I’m only desiring to sink my teeth into something that makes me feel alive!! Even if it is for a moment or two, but that championship belt is my reason why I am THIS FRUSTRATED!!! I need that gold strap, but watching someone like you holding on to it makes me sick.”

He coughs a few times as a hard wind had snuck up on him, sending a handful of dirt and sand into his mouth as it has been open wide. He tries to spit it out before just shaking his head and not caring anymore.

“Oh fuck…, that felt so weird!! It was as if I was Indiana Jones, drowning in quicksand and all that was left that could save me was a fucking snake!! But maybe it is just poetic justice, to do anything that you have to do to overcome the seemingly insignificant odds, odds that now again is seemingly stacked against me…. The luck has rubbed off apparently on everyone that believes in me… How in the hell will he overcome John Freaking Black?? He can overcome the curse, if he wants to… Why don’t they just go shut up and adore the home grown favourites they love so much!!!”

He suddenly cocks his head to the right, stares through his long black hair into the camera and has a sickening smile on his face combined with some bloodshed eyes.

“Did I offend you people? Did I just get nominated for the jackass of the day award?? You have to understand that I do care about what the world thinks of me, it amuses me to see how far people would go to completely waste their entire lives on someone else, someone that they believe they know because what they can see on television and social media. Where they believe that they are entitled to for having an opinion… and all I can do is wonder, wonder when the moment comes that I finally get what I deserve.”

“I know, I know… contradictive words that makes no fucking sense!! But does it really need to John?? Does it really need to be written down upon a piece of paper, as if it is a spreadsheet that everyone can access to by merely paying $9,99 a month?? No John, I am here to tell the world that I am finally going to win the Xtreme Championship belt. And not because I want to shut the mouths of the nay sayers all around me, because I adore the false adoration that makes them believe they are relevant. Because listening to a hypocrite that I have already beaten a while ago makes me jump from joy!!! Just like it will when I scratch and claw away at your body…. Until I get what I desire.”

Goth’s bloodied fingers slowly rise to his face, he stares at it for a few moments as if he is admiring an art object.

“People always seem to enjoy making art, or make others gasp in astonishment over what they could create with their own two hands. In all these years I have endured in this industry I have come to the conclusion that I enjoy the art of violence, a simple yet creative way to unleash your anger and frustration. And all you have to do is sign your name on the dotted line, waiting for someone else to do the same and create “Magic”. Now I do not need the other person’s background, I don’t need them to tell me that I am so wrong…. I already know you think so. I already know that you actually believe that you are indeed better than me. Aren’t we all?? Aren’t we all subjected to the realization that Goht sucks??”

“yeah, I have said it out loud people!! I have told the world that I suck!! Because it gives me joy to make you believe that I finally have cave into your expectations!! That I am nothing more than a pickup from the Good Samaritan “Chronic” Chris Page by adding me to CCPE. For telling the world that there is indeed a chance in life that you can amount to anything if you JUST BELIEVE FOR FUCK SAKES!! Dreams come true you know!!!”

Goth lets out a hysterical laugh escape his mouth, drawing his hands upon his face as there are fingers being traced across his face with blood.

“The common thought will be that I am deranged, that I have lost my mind. Hell that this whole losing streak for the Xtreme championship must be an addiction!! It must be haunting him that it turned me into a madman. Please tell me your views John, I cannot wait till I hear what your opiniated views will either be the same like everyone else, or perhaps it will show me a side of the human race that I have not confronted before. Are you as conflicted and vicious as Jenny?? Or are you more the type that loses everything just before I can get my hands on you?? It wouldn’t have been the first time after LSM and Atara Raven. It’s always a story to itself that has kept me wanting more, it has always been a joy to be this conflicted.”

He slowly stands up, stares at his hands and closes them slowly as fists before closing his eyes and take another deep breath.

“Do I wish to show the world that I have lost my mind?? Or that I am trying to be an sadistic persona?? Hoping that it would garner some fear in the hearts of some five year olds?? Or is it merely the fact that I am open up a side of me that I should have unleashed upon this company from the beginning??”

“Perhaps it is all mere elementary, perhaps I want to reach for the sky and touch the Heavens…, asking for thunder and lightning to be struck and I could have the power to read your minds and be a good little Goth.”

He stares into the camera with a sickening smile

“Or perhaps I just want to demolish anything that you stand for.”

The shot ends as Goth looks towards the rails as a train blasts by him with incredible speed, the camera pans out to the shot on the other side of the track. There it waits until the train has passed as we see that Goth has vanished.

Tea Time with an old “friend”

Goth is seen wandering down a café near his hotel, he had received a message that someone he knew wanted to see him. He gets there and sees no one familiar amongst the handful of people that are seated there, checking his watch to see he had made it in time or not.

“Hmm, I’m ten minutes too early.”

Reluctantly he sits down, grabs the menu card and waits for a waiter to come. A few moments later he orders a glass of water and places an order for something to eat before putting on his sunglasses and drifts away in his own thoughts. He starts to wonder how often he had been to a place like this with his deceased wife, the thought causes him to shake his head.

“Stop that...,”

The thought had made him feel guilty, realizing that he had been spending more time thinking about his deceased wife instead of his fiancé. He knew that she understood the situation for him, as he had never stopped loving the woman he had married first. Yet it made him feel uncomfortable right now, as if he had done something wrong.

“I’m going to bring her with me on the next trip.”

He mutters to himself as he grabs his cell phone and starts to create a message for Melissa, feeling relieved as he has finished the message and had pressed on send. But that feeling changes quickly when he senses a presence near him, a presence that he feels to send chills down his spine before looking around him.

“I must be starting to lose my mind….”

He sighs as he turns his attention towards the glass of water, only to realize that the glass has vanished and replaced by an English cup filled with tea.

“What the??”

Goth takes off his sunglasses and starts to rub his hands against his eyes, hoping that when he pulls them away that his glass of water has reappeared. But to no avail, but to make things worse he now notices a second cup of tea next to the other one. He is about to say something as he spots a pale white hand grab the second cup of tea as it slowly pulls it off the table. Goth immediately looks up and notices the figure that he knew to be Elizabeth Ashe.

“They told me that I would meet an old friend, I could hardly consider you as my own friend Ashe.”

He throws some bills on the table as he is about to stand up and leave, but a swift reaction from Ashe by grabbing him by the right wrist forces him to stop in his track.

“Gerrit, sit down….,”

Goth stares at the hand, sensing it reluctantly relinquishing the grip that she had on his wrist before he stares back to her face. A face that for some reason loos softer and more human for some reason.


Goth looks around, wondering if the spectacle is drawing some attention amongst the others in the café. Letting out a sigh of relief as he notices that it seems as if the “crowd” is oblivious to their short exchange. Ultimately he decides to sit down again, taking the money he had placed on the table and places it in a pocket inside his jacket.

“What do you want??”

She opens her mouth to say something, but closes it again. This causes Goth to get angry at her as he slowly rises up from his seat, this forces her to speak

“I’m sorry Goth, I….,”

“YOU ARE SORRY??? Now that’s a first I had not expected from you!! Are you going to be just like each and every one else out there?? Telling me that I can’t hang anymore?? That I am not capable of doing it in the big leagues?? Fuck, even some members in CCPE have their doubts of me ever winning a PPV match.. Let alone a championship belt!!!!”

Goth’s eyes are burning into the soul of Ashe as she remains silent, allowing the verbal assault to come over her.

“At least I knew from you that YOU were here to torment me, that you enjoyed inflicting pain against me!! Hell, even promising the world, only to snatch it away from me as it had brought you too much joy!!!”

He drops down on the chair, placing his hands against his head as he is clearly starting to get more and more frustrated. Ashe ignores the gazing looks from the others in the café, slowly starting to smirk as she has chieved what she had been watning all along.

“I almost started to believe it Ashe, I nearly had given up!! I had a resignation letter all drafted up… only thing that I had to do was to send it to management. But no, I realized that my task in this company is not done. If Chris Page can beat Ned Kaye for a championship…. So can I!! HELL I’ve beaten both of them!! And he is some big shot in this March Madness tournament?? Give me a freaking break, he is some Gorilla wannabe bitch!!!”

Ashe’s eyes widen, clearly she had expected Goth to break down and start to cry. Not to see him get this angry and motivated.

“For way too long I have been allowing people to talk shit about me, to point at me and tell the world that I am a relic that does not belong here!! Well newslash to all you Social Media freaks!!! I am going to shove a paper cut down your throats and then grab some scissors… I am going to look you in the eyes and ask you all why the fuck are you serious??”

“Nobody gives a fuck about me?? That’s great!! Because I don’t either, I am going to savagely beat down some random guy named John Black. Some idiot that thinks just because he holds that belt he is better than me?? I guess it is time for me to show the true meaning of darkness surrounding you. Taking you into the void where all your oxygen is being extracted from your lungs. As if you are in space and where nobody can hear you scream?? I may be an old man, reciting some classic movie quotes…. But I am fully aware what I am going to do the likes of John Black.”

Goth stares into the eyes of Ashe, noticing her shocked reaction as this causes a nerve to be pulled by his mind. He grabs her by the head, yanks her closer towards him as his eyes are now filled with destruction and anger.

“You are not going to give up on me Ashe, not now. I need that sick and twisted mind of yours!! I need you to drag me back into every single misery hell hole that I have been in!!! I need the pain of every single memory that I am embarrassed about!! Because I love to think back and realize that I have survived all of that!!! And I am going to survive the punishment of being unable so far to win that belt… too bad that the passing fo the torch is only going to happen when I decide to.”

Goth walks off as the shot fades

Black as the night

“Hello John,”

Goth says in a room that is completely dark, except for one burning candle that stands on a small table. A figure is standing behind it in the far distance, as only his silhouette can be seen from the man. It’s a muscular man with long hair as the form of the hair can be seen covering his broad shoulders.

“I am positive that you know the story that everyone likes to share about me. That I am a man that is a veteran, yet he cannot win the championship belt that you are holding. That many champions have come and went and all had something in common. That they took the Xtreme championship away from me.”

“And although these facts are true, it doesn’t truly tell the tale of the Gothic One.But you are the lucky son of a bitch that will find out who the fuck I truly am>”

Soft movement can be heard, feet touching the floor with every movement as the figure comes closer to the camera. His upper body is completely naked, allowing us to see some of the tattoo’s that Goth had across his body as his eyes are staring into the camera with a cold look on his face.

“What do you want to know? The creation of the name? You wouldn’t be the first or the last to ask me that John. Why am I not wearing face paint, why am I not dressed in stupid robes like Goth’s do… why is it Goth and not something alternative like The Punisher??”

“And all I have say is why would I??”

He cocks his head to the right, pushing the hair from the left behind his neck as we see his left broad shoulder region that comes together with his muscular neck.

“We are all born equally, we are all brought to this world naked. Vulnerable, crying for our mother as we were sucked out of the warm th of her womb into the cold and sick world that we all live in. I was just like that John, helpless when I entered this world as a child. Hoping for love, hoping for a good life and no pain. How stupid to thin that we could have a life without being confronted with the reality of this world…. That all of you are not deserving to be in the same room with me.”

“Not because I am egotistical, even though these words would ultimately suggest that wouldn’t they?? Oh no John, it’s deeper than that. You see John, I have learned to live my life and not have to rely upon others. That was all great until I married the love of my life. And then I had to adjust, I had to showcase something I had not been able to do… SHOW COMPASSION!! Show love and show vulnerability, yet I had to be tough in this wrestling industry to keep my head up above water. Such a fucked up combination….and yet, I managed to do so. And then everything changed with my wife dead, I had lost it all and I didn’t care…l Until I found happiness once more and could have combined the two once more. And now I have choked the life out of the barrier that haunted me for so many months… And I was willing to believe it all, willing to give hope where there was none!! And all for what??? Well I am going to give you a clue…. You got something that I want… And nothing that your punk ass is going to stop me from doing so.”

“Solutions are easily found, just as long as you know where to look. I am going to look deep into your eyes and break down the barrier that you have built up around you. Brick by brick it will crumble and nothing that you can do is going to stop me. Does that bother you John?? Of course not, because you will be uttering the words that I am wrong and that I am whatever complicated profanity that you can come up with to tell me how wrong I am. And that is all the problem John, because your words are falling by the wayside John. I am a believer, I am a man that has brought back HOPE in my life and Hope is to know that your demise is apparent. It’s quite simple John, you can walk and you can hide. But the pain will remain, the exact same pain that I have endured for how long now??? Well you can ask LSM, you can ask Atara Raven, who I have finally beaten when it sadly did not matter anymore…. But I had to send a warning towards her…, just like I will do to you. Punishment and so much more. So do me a favour okay? Experience it, salvage it and then when you wake up… Write a book about it, because it will be the master piece that your life has been missing. Your end is my beginning….”

With that the shot slowly fades.

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