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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Snow Job RP Boards 2023
From the Other Side
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Raion Kido Offline
The Lion


XWF FanBase:
Families & Kids, casual fans

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by most adult male fans)

01-20-2023, 12:22 PM

A year had transpired since Raion Kido had begun his career as a wrestler - and he was coming into the first Pay-Per-View of 2023 as one of the best in the world.

“But there are still several things to make right.”

There was the matter of the briefcase - and the title it entailed -, there was the matter of March Madness - and more things to put right this year.

But he had started the year with an XWF victory - and he would follow up as he began: with another.

“Although it is rather sobering to look from the other side… but where do I go now?”

These were his thoughts as he stared at the Fox River from the turning basin of the Green Bay Port. The basin has just turned, and the Lion has nowhere to go - nothing but the Fox river surrounding him outside of the narrow concrete structure on which he was standing.

“Oh! Dude, you okay?”

One of the operators in the dock notices the trapped Japanese wrestler in the basin, but Raion replies with a chuckle.

“I’m alright, no worries. I imagine this happens all the time at the port!”

In a way, it was rather quaint how he had come to end up this way - for a long time now, he has had nothing but emptiness on the other side, and nowhere to go.

But now people were aware of his situation, and it would soon be righted once and for all.

“More than we would care to admit, but thankfully these are minor inconveniences instead of tragic accidents. Don’t worry - we’ll get you out of there in a bit!”

The basin starts turning, slowly lining up with the bridge that connects the east and west sides of the Fox River, until the bridge is finally lined up, and hurriedly does Raion Kido cross the river to the Green Bay port. As soon as he is on land, he makes his way to the operator.

“Thank you, sir. Lovely view, but not somewhere I would have liked to linger for long!”

The operator responds with a hearty chuckle of his own.

“Well it’s a good thing you have a good sense of humor. People go from terrified to annoyed pretty easily, but sometimes we need to get the river cleared for vessels crossing.”

“I know, sir, no worries. I can respect people doing their jobs - they’re only trying to make a living at the end of the day, same as I am. Helped me a bit getting stuck there, you know. Gives you a new outlook on life.”

“Oh? And what could that be?”

“Having nowhere to go makes you realize you need to go somewhere, sir. And in my line of work, that is only one way - to the very top!”

“I see. I do wish you good luck on that - just try not to get caught in a bridge to nowhere again!”

Though the port operator laughs again, Raion responds with a sly smile.

“Well, sir, I have been on one for a very long time now. Much longer than right now. But now I have found the way out of it, and a good thing too, because I have somewhere special I need to be.”

“Special occasion? A celebration of some sort?”

The Lion nods, his smile now turning into a big, toothy grin.

“A year anniversary, in fact. When I started working, I did so with a bang.”

He looks behind him to the heavy golden box that he carries at his back.

“And now, looking at this same time from the other side… it is more than appropriate that I do so again.”


The box now on the ground, there is but one thing to do…


“One year ago, I was in these very same circumstances. The first XWF Pay-Per-View of the year, making my professional debut. And now, ladies and gentlemen, upon this very same occasion, here I stand before you, looking at it from the other side.

Granted, there are some differing little details, such as the fact that the Mad Dog Mark Wright has already debuted, and Sarah Selena Lacklan got the best of him. All credit to him, however, for anyone that looks at her shall know she’s one of the best to grace the XWF.

Unfortunately for our dear Mr. Wright, however… so am I.”

So begins the Lion, now safely from the Port of Green Bay, and the Fox River at his feet. His gleaming Golden Cloth reflects upon the river, a streak of gold upon the otherwise dark water.

“Of course - that did not matter when you were not aware that it was her on the other side, but now you know it is the Lion that stands before you, and so I warn you, friend, you would do very well to start paying attention.”

Eyes wide-open and arms crossed, the Lion gives the camera a grave stare - the stare that meant that the cosmos had to burn.

“Let’s make this clear from the beginning, Mr. Wright. Please don’t get this wrong - I hold no ill will towards you, no more than I do most anyone else that stands across me.

But this, Mad Dog, is a special occasion. As you might have surmised, this is a Pay-Per-View, and as a year ago it was my chance to prove myself and what I came here to do in arguably the most prestigious wrestling promotion in the world, now you are served with that chance. Because this man that stands in front of you is no returning legend, no hot prospect, nor a big name from another promotion.

What you described as a big time player happens to be a former Universal Champion, the current holder of the Leap of Faith briefcase, and undefeated since October. That might mean something to you, but there’s something else that should give you pause - I am the golden wall that does not crack, no matter how strong the tide.

And I can say this without empty boasting, for plenty of newcomers just like you have tried to made their names at my expense - from Angelica Vaughn to the Ring Master, to Buster Gloves to John Madison Jr., only to find themselves daunted.

I mention these specific names, Mr. Wright, because they are just like you - the well-meaning everymen to which everyone could relate - the people that the crowd comes to cheer just as much as it does my name. But sometimes, friend, it takes much more than a blue-collar, happy-go-lucky attitude to find success - especially when you are pitted against someone like me.”

Raion now points towards himself with his thumb, before making a circular slash that ends with his hand at his side, turning into a fist - as would the knight telling an invader that they shall not pass.

“For this is my purpose, and not just as a wrestler. For I am a Saint of Athena - a guardian of the power of the universe that lives within all of us. A defender of justice and a warrior of hope, and against that, there is nothing you can muster that can bring me down, for I am no coal mine, but rather gold - heavier, tougher, and overall more valuable.

But please don’t take this as a personal attack, Mad Dog. Above it all, I am a simple man, and I speak plainly, just like you. You might have bills to pay and mouths to feed, and I would not deprive you of your livelihood, but, as you may also have guessed, I aim for greater heights. You may see this as your work, but this is my calling, and though there is a motivation to win every match, this one in particular means a lot to me.

Not only because this marks a year since my debut, but because for me this is the last stop before the King of the XWF Tournament, but for you this is a greater test than you had in your debut. Because there is a reason here why I shall win - this is the last stop for me before going back to where I am meant to go.

For this match, Mr. Mad Dog, was made under the premise that you could shock the world, just as I did at this very same time last year, just as it was for every person that faced me after Relentless. You come at it from a disadvantage, but I know what it is to pull an upset. Alas, now that I see it from the other side… I know I cannot let myself be defeated by the likes of you.

Because this is the end of the line.”

The Lion clenches his gauntleted fist - his canines showing in a ferocious snarl. Three months of the same thing day after day, and it was time he finally moved up. And so he would, at Snow Job.

“This match shall be the last match for me to take on those that would rise from under me. From now on, I only mean to go back to the top, where I should be, and never should have left! So let this be the final statement of Raion Kido. It’s time for me to bring the briefcase to bear. It’s time for me to go back to March Madness. It’s time for me to go back to title contention and there’s no better way to do that than to top off a three-month, five-match undefeated streak.

And from there, let the XWF Universe be aware that Raion Kido is back to take what is his. Whether Mark Flynn or Peter Vaughn holds the Universal Title, they shall soon answer to me when I put the briefcase to the use it was meant. Let all other people in the March Madness tournament know that no matter how many there are, there is not one that shall impede me from winning the King of the XWF crown this time.

But before all of that, Mad Dog, there’s Snow Job, and there’s you. Lambeau Field, Green Bay, Wisconsin, January 29th. The final step on this path to take down. I’m sorry to tell you that your first XWF victory shall have to wait one more show, but don’t worry - you won’t go hungry, for I shall not be giving you the proverbial fish, but it is my hope that you learn how to fish after you and I are done.

Maybe this match shall finally serve as the wake-up call you did not heed from Sarah Selena Lacklan. Perhaps facing the power of the cosmos shall awaken it within you, and maybe one day, you too will be the big time player you know Raion Kido is. I very much hope for that.

But not this time. Not at Snow Job, and not against all I must do. I did not spend all this time cementing my name as one of the best in the world only to fall just as an opportunity approaches for me one more time!”

The Lion’s words are carried by the river, reverberating around the Port, as he points a finger towards the camera, before his hand turns into an extended fist.

“So bring your howl and your bark, and hear them rendered silent against the Lion’s roar - the same that you shall hear before the Lightning Bolt puts you to sleep. And know, Mr. Wright, once you gain just enough consciousness to glimpse at me standing over you, that no matter how mad a dog might be…”

With a mighty roar, Raion Kido drives his fist into the water - producing a mighty splash akin to that of a geyser.

“... it is still no match for the might of the Lion.”

Fade to black.

2000 words (

[Image: yfesfA4.jpg]

Signature courtesy of Atara Themis!
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