We are coming into the home stretch and as I predicted it seems my opponents are running on empty or haven’t even left the starting line. I don’t know what I find more disrespectful, the fact that three of you claim to love the federation yet can’t be bothered to show up and put in some work or that I have to waste some of my time pretending that you matter in the overall picture. This is the FINAL Wednesday Night Warfare; a program that predates me, if you believe that! Yes, there is something older than Centurion, and this is its going-out party. All of you should be all in yet it seems like you are more than content with spouting off from a distance.
I have motives and intentions on parlaying my victory into something more tangible.
The XWF wanted a war.
It’s a war that I’m going to give you.
CCPE has run rough shot over everyone and everything that has stood against us. Collectively between Mark Flynn and Peter Vaughn CCPE has had your own Universal Title in our camp for most of the year. The fact is we’re getting tired of having to carry the dead weight that is this roster with just the premiere Championship; nah. Now it’s time that we just go ahead and skull fuck you completely by taking any title that has merit and requires some hard work. With it being pretty clear that Mark is going to hold on to the Uni for as long as he sees fit, the next option is what Ned, King, or Rampage will be holding.
This is so much bigger than any of you will give credit for.
What happens if Mark, Peter, and yours truly come together and really start working collectively? It’s a scary thought with just how much hell we can raise but more importantly just how far we can go. The first step is the Elimination Chamber, winning the Elimination Chamber. Taking that first step in securing the opportunity to fight for the Supercontinental Television Championship is all but a guarantee that come to Snow Job it leaves around my waist. As we’ve seen the last thing that I am is unbeatable. It’s going to take a lot more than some punched-out pricks to get it done. We are getting into the nitty gritty, and it is going into the deep waters that separate the men from the boys and the ladies from the girls.
Unlike the rest of you involved I know what it means to dig your heels in, to fight and claw your way to the top of this organization.
If you’re struggling to stay above water now you’re only going to drown when the bell rings.
December 25, 2022
Page-Wolf Estate
Las Vegas, Nevada
3:45 AM
We fade in with a complete cluster fuck of happenings going on at the Page-Wolfe Estate on this early Christmas morning with our aerial shot. An Ambulance is seen pulling off, and several police cruisers and unmarked police verticals are parked in the driveway and up the private street with lights flashing. We fade into the foyer of the home where several men in black jackets with the word “Forensics” take pictures of the blood that is now drying on the tile floor. To the right of the crime scene, two detectives are seen talking with Candice Wolf-Page and across the foyer into the kitchen area near the massive sliding glass doors that lead out to the pool and hot tub stands Chris Page in his PJ bottoms with two more detectives questioning him about the recent chain of events.
DETECTIVE DAN-O: Chris, can you walk us through this one more time.
Rolling his eye Chris starts from the top.
CHRIS PAGE: This isn’t a difficult case to crack, boys. My wife and I were sleeping upstairs in our bedroom. It was around 2:30, and I tried to wake up my wife. She wasn’t responsive, I got my gun and came downstairs, there was a brief scuffle, and I shot the intruder in the knee.
DETECTIVE: Were the lights on or off?
Chris cuts his head to the second Detective.
CHRIS PAGE: Who the fuck are you?
DETECTIVE: Detective Ed-O
Chris laughs under his breath causing the question.
DETECTIVE DAN-O: What’s so funny?
With his arms crossed across his chest, Chris tilts his head in Detective Dan-O’s direction before answering.
CHRIS PAGE: Detective Dan-O, Detective Ed-O… you really don’t see the irony?
The Detective look at each other and shrug.
CHRIS PAGE: Never mind.
Chris turns back to Detective Ed.
CHRIS PAGE: The lights were off. Why would they be on?
DETECTIVE ED-O: Clearly for Santa Claus.
Detective Dan-O laughs at his partner’s corny joke as Chris stands unamused.
CHRIS PAGE: Whatever.
Chris drops his hands resting them on his hips.
CHRIS PAGE: Do we know who the dude was?
DETECTIVE DAN-O: Wasn’t it obvious? You shot Santa.
The condescending tone from Detective Dan-O draws Page’s attention.
CHRIS PAGE: I shot some dude dressed in a Santa suit that had broken into my house. We all know Santa Claus doesn’t exist.
DETECTIVE ED-O: Well I mean, he did have that huge red sack over there.
Detective Ed-O points over to a pretty large, red, sack that sits tied beside the island in the kitchen where cookies have been eaten and most of the glass of milk poured has been drunk.
DETECTIVE DAN-O: It looks like some cookies were eaten and milk drunk. Call me crazy, but these are all clear signs of Santa Claus stopping for a visit.
CHRIS PAGE: Do you hear how reta… stupid you sound? What are you, twelve? I want to know who the hell was in my house and what they were doing here?! Can we try to get some answers for me?
DETECTIVE ED-O: Mr. Page, I’m going to need you to calm down. We are trying to get you all the answers we can, but even you can see the humor in a burglar dressing up as Santa for a home invasion.
DETECTIVE DAN-O: The suspect has been taken to a medical facility, and another team is en route to get his fingerprints. He had on white gloves, so I’d imagine there isn’t be much here for forensics.
Chris glances over to the foot of the staircase where Candice doesn’t look happy with the turn of events to kick off her Christmas Day while answering questions.
DETECTIVE ED-O: Mr. Page, looking around I don’t see a lot of Christmas Decorations, no tree?
DETECTIVE ED-O: I’m just curious as to why?
CHRIS PAGE: Isn’t it obvious? Christmas and the entire notion around it are fake.
DETECTIVE DAN-O: Can’t the same be said for Professional Wrestling?
Without hesitation, Chris Page socks Detective Dan-O square in the nose out of sheer reaction, and just as quick as his reaction is just as quick as Chris apologizing.
CHRIS PAGE: Fuck man, I’m sorry about that.
Detective Dan-O’s nose starts bleeding. He pulls a handkerchief from the inner pocket of his sport coat and applies pressure as he walks away leaving Chris and Detective Ed-O.
CHRIS PAGE: Let me ask you something.
CHRIS PAGE: Do you believe in Santa Claus?
DETECTIVE ED-O: I believe in the spirit of Christmas.
CHRIS PAGE: That’s not what I asked you. I’m asking if you believe in the physical form of Santa Claus.
Almost on cue, Candice Wolf-Page is escorted over to her husband by two other detectives; one of which asks.
DETECTIVE: What happened to Dan-O? He walked out with a bloody nose.
Chris quickly answers.
CHRIS PAGE: Long story.
DETECTIVE ED-O: Mr. Page, we are about wrapped up here for the night. We are going to the hospital to figure out the identity of the home invader. I feel like I know the answer to this, but are you pressing charges?
CHRIS PAGE: Of course I am! The dude broke into my home with my wife asleep. He’s lucky I elected to pop his knee and not put one in the center of his chest.
DETECTIVE ED-O: Do us a favor and stop by the station Monday morning. We should have some answers by then.
Chris gives him a nod of the head, and as the Detective starts to leave Chris stops Detective Ed-o.
CHRIS PAGE: Detective Ed-O?
Ed-O turns around to face Chris.
CHRIS PAGE: Ask how fake that felt.
Chris winks and the Detectives have now walked off into the foyer and disappeared out through the front door leaving Chris and Candice standing in the walkway between the kitchen island and the living area.
CANDICE WOLF-PAGE: So you had to shoot Santa Claus on Christmas?
Candice asks while they both watch the forensics team finish up their piece of the investigation. One of the investigators picks up the tied red sack and slings it over his shoulder as he then exits the home.
CHRIS PAGE: Of course, you’d say that. I think it’s convenient that in the early morning hours of Christmas Day with a bet in place some dude dressed as Santa finds his way into our house. Who did you pay off?
CANDICE WOLF-PAGE: I didn’t pay off anyone, and I certainly wouldn’t have gone to that degree to prove Santa is real, but don’t you think it’s interesting that there isn’t anything out of place and the only things disturbed are the milk and cookies that were left out?
Chris shakes off Candice with his head and then answers.
CHRIS PAGE: Something someone would do when they have the munchies.
CANDICE WOLF-PAGE: Chris, you shot an old man with white hair and a white beard. He tried to tell you who he was but you held him silent at gunpoint.
CHRIS PAGE: I protected my house and my wife.
CANDICE WOLF-PAGE: … and shot Santa Claus.
CHRIS PAGE: I shot a home invader according to the police report.
Chris and Candice walk past the island outside of the kitchen, coming to where the forensics team has taped off the area where the altercation had occurred an hour earlier. The front door is open and now a crime scene cleanup team is on its way in.
CHRIS PAGE: I can’t think of a better way to kick off Christmas than people showing up to clean up someone’s blood in your house.
CANDICE WOLF-PAGE: Yeah, and no one told you to shoot Santa Claus either. Here we are.
CHRIS PAGE: Babe, please.
The cleanup Crew consists of three guys in white hazmat suits. The one in the lead stops just as he reaches Chris and Candice.
CREW MEMBER: Is this the man that shot Santa Claus on Christmas?
Candice points at Page.
The crew member pivots his full attention directly at Chris Page.
CREW MEMBER: You better hope like hell he made it to my house. If my son wakes up without toys I know the front door I’m coming to knock on, prick.
The leader of the clean-up crew shoulder checks Chris as he leads the rest of the team inside leaving Chris to say with an elevated tone.
CHRIS PAGE: That wasn’t Santa Claus because his farts didn’t smell like sugar cookies.
Candice leans over Chris’s shoulder.
CANDICE WOLF-PAGE: You’re making all kinds of friends.
Chris turns around to see Candice starting to walk back up the stairs.
CHRIS PAGE: This isn’t my fault.
Chris, frustrated with the entire situation.
Candice fires back.
CANDICE WOLF-PAGE: How does it feel knowing you just ruined Christmas for the rest of the world? When you wake up tomorrow and all you see is how the world’s spirit is crushed because Santa Claus didn’t make stops around the world you’ll know I’ve won this childish bet at a much greater cost than either of us will be able to deal with.
Candice storms up the spiral staircase leaving Chris to oversee the clean-up of the crime scene.
If the final edition of Wednesday Night Warfare wasn’t historic enough we are stepping into a venue that has hosted many of my groundbreaking moments throughout my career. It’s looked at as the most famous arena in the United States, and a venue that I have headlined more times than I care to count.
Madison Square Garden.
I can remember winning one of my first World Titles inside the hollowed halls. I’ve witnessed many clashes between the titans that only benefited from being held in front of rabid New York fans. This building is known for creating moments, and my friends this is what is on tap for us in just a few short days. We can all talk about how tough we are, about what levels we are going to put our bodies through, how much pain we are going to dish out and take a long the way.
Only one of us is going to back it up.
What can be said when this old fuck shows up in the house that I once carried yet now barely recognize knocking around some of what the XWF will consider as their best under the bright lights of MSG. This is going to be a pivotal moment in my XWF career because unlike the rest of you I have something worth fighting for while judging from my opponents they seem to be the biggest waste of roster space the XWF has to offer. Finn is the only one of you that is worth my time and energy, and even he is holding off to double dip on the closing day of promotional packages which says WAY more about him than it does me considering we’ve all had the same prep time and yet here I stand as the only participant that has kept up with anything; nah, I stand as the only guy that is giving you his time promptly.
Why can’t you do the same, Finn?
I thought you WANTED this?
I thought you were going to use this to get you to the Universal Championship.
You don’t get to the top of the mountain by being a guy that waits until the final hours to get your shit together.
I have a huge chip on my shoulder with this organization and the talent that it occupies under contract claiming to want to be the best of the best yet when you have the opportunity to PROVE it most of you shit the bed, yet you wonder why you can’t elevate yourselves to a level that I wake up on. The simple truth is it’s easier to say you’re the cream of the crop, it’s easy for you to claim to be on my level, it’s easy to sit back and be a keyboard warrior, and it’s easy to PRETEND to be a Professional Wrestler.
It’s a different ballgame to BE a Professional Wrestler.
If I’m the Loverboy or his right-handed cuck I’m scratching my head wondering where is the drive. Where is the motivation from the roster? Why are we WASTING our money on half of the talent that clearly doesn’t respect the fight the two of you had to endure just to own the franchise? If they did I wouldn’t have to be here out of sheer sympathy. It’s difficult to see the potential the XWF has, and while most of you will pretend that this is the be-all and end-all… it’s not.
That’s not a knock on the front office.
It’s a knock on the talent attached to it.
It’s not just LSM, Vayden, or Dick Powers… it’s seventy-five percent of you. You better be glad they want to waste the money, waste the airtime, waste the promotions on you because I would have torn your contracts up and burned them. How the fuck can LSM make time for Action Wrestling but not for the federation that pulled her from the Donkey Shows? Why do we have the same group of people challenging for the same group of titles within weeks of each other, or so it seems? Because you give opportunities to those that put in the work.
This should be a lesson for those who think they belong.
I would have much rather have had Tommy Wish, Ruby, or any other athlete that wants to put on a show because this is just an embarrassment.
December 26, 2022
LVPD South Preceint
10:00 AM
It was a quiet morning at the South Precinct of the Las Vegas Police Department. Our scene fades into an interrogation room where we find Chris Page and Candice Wolf-Page both seated at a stainless steel table and each with a cup of coffee in a styrofoam cup while they watch a TV mounted on one of the walls. New Bulletins scroll across the screen with the morale of the world at an all-time low with millions of children not waking up with toys on Christmas morning.
CHRIS PAGE: The coffee sucks.
CANDICE WOLF-PAGE: Need I remind you that we wouldn’t be here if you didn’t shoot Santa.
CHRIS PAGE: You are seriously going to die on that hill?
The door to the room opens where Detective Dan-O and Ed-O step into the room just as Candice softly whispers in a tone loud enough for Chris to hear.
CANDICE WOLF-PAGE: I guess we are about to find out.
DETECTIVE DAN-O: Mr. Page, Mrs. Page.
The Detective takes seats on the opposite sides of the table.
CHRIS PAGE: Let’s get right down to the heart of the matter. Do we know the identity of the man who broke into our house?
DETECTIVE ED-O: I think it’s safe to say we can answer that.
Chris takes his attention to Dan-O’s nose.
CHRIS PAGE: Thank god that wasn’t a break.
Candice smacks Chris on the arm drawing a reaction from Page.
CHRIS PAGE: I was just saying.
CANDICE WOLF-PAGE: You’re lucky they didn’t arrest you for headbutting a Detective.
DETECTIVE DAN-O: She’s right you know.
Chris and Candice give Dan-O their attention as he continues.
DETECTIVE DAN-O: We could have arrested you, and probably should have. I understand that you weren’t in the right mindset after going through a traumatic event. But you want answers, right?
CHRIS PAGE: That’s why I’m here. I want to know the identity of the mother fucker that thought it was a good idea to break into my house on Christmas morning.
DETECTIVE ED-O: Well then, let's start with what we know. There wasn’t anything taken or out of place, there wasn’t any sign of forced entry, and the only thing touched was milk and cookies. We found a large red sack on the scene that had wrapped presents inside.
Chris is far from amused by all of this information as he listens further.
DETECTIVE ED-O: The suspect was taken to a medical facility, and upon more detectives arriving they managed to get his fingerprints and get his side of the story.
Detective Dan-O opens a file folder sliding a piece of paper out and across the table for Chris to see.
DETECTIVE DAN-O: The man you shot on Christmas morning’s name is Kristopher Kringle. He resides at the North Pole.
CHRIS PAGE: This is bullshit!
Chris swats the paper across the table before asking Candice.
CHRIS PAGE: Where are the cameras? This has gone on too long.
Detective Ed-O slams his fist on the tabletop before raising his voice toward Chris Page.
DETECTIVE ED-O: This isn’t a joke! You literally shot Santa Claus! Have you not been watching the news? Most of the children of the world didn’t receive anything for Christmas.
Chris starts laughing at the Detectives as he looks over at Candice and composes himself before stating.
CHRIS PAGE: These guys are good.
Chris turns his attention back toward the Detectives.
CHRIS PAGE: This is bullshit.
DETECTIVE DAN-O: Why is this so hard to believe?
CHRIS PAGE: Because I’m a grown-ass man. So, is Mr. Kringle still at the hospital? If so I would love to pay him a visit.
DETECTIVE ED-O: It’s funny you ask that… because he said the same thing about you.
CHRIS PAGE: Well then, where is he?
Detective Dan-O gets up and points out the door.
DETECTIVE DAN-O: He is outside the station.
CHRIS PAGE: Let’s go see, shall we?
Chris slides his chair back and gets up from the table and walks out the door, across the lobby of the precinct, and out through the front doors where to his shock and surprise is a Sleigh with seven reindeer minus one empty slot. Standing at the entry to the sleigh is none other than Kris Kringle on crutches with his right knee in a cosmetic brace.
CHRIS PAGE: They’ve gone all out, haven’t they?
Chris walks up to Santa Claus eyeing the brace, and the crutches, then up to the fluffy white beard hiding an elder face.
CHRIS PAGE: Why did you break into my house?
Santa responds.
SANTA CLAUS: Why did you shoot me?
CHRIS PAGE: Because you broke into my house! You’re lucky I didn’t put it in your chest. You owe me a thank you, honestly. I gave you the best present anyone could ever ask for, I gave you mercy.
SANTA CLAUS: Did you? What you did was ruin the spirit of Christmas for millions of children around the world because YOU are a scrooge.
Chris interjects.
CHRIS PAGE: I am a realist.
SANTA CLAUS: Let me ask you this Mr. Realist.
CHRIS PAGE: I’m listening.
SANTA CLAUS: How many reindeer do I have?
Without hesitation Chris lashes back out at Santa.
CHRIS PAGE: Caribou, and if you were real you would have eight as opposed to seven. Hey man, how much did my wife pay you to do all this?
Santa looks up into the skies.
SANTA CLAUS: Haven’t you seen a flying reindeer over the last few days?
CHRIS PAGE: Flying Caribou, yes.
Flying down from the starry skies is the eighth and final reindeer taking a landing on the street alongside the sleigh and the seven other reindeer.
SANTA CLAUS: Meet Donner. He’s been trying to get more of those sugar cubes.
Chris looks like he’s seen a ghost upon being called out by Santa Claus.
SANTA CLAUS: You have been a naughty man.
Santa Claus looks over at Donner.
SANTA CLAUS: I would be able to do this myself, but could you give me a hand?
Chris walks over to Donner and guides him into his spot, secures it, and pets it on the side of the face before walking back over to Santa who then states.
SANTA CLAUS: Mr. Page, we have ourselves a predicament that we have one shot to fix. The spirit of Christmas is something so much bigger than any one person’s beliefs. The world is hurting because I was getting my knee surgically put back together instead of delivering presents around the world to those that do believe.
Santa gazes into the eyes of Chris.
SANTA CLAUS: You can make one change, Chris. What is it going to be?
Suddenly we are overcome with darkness as…
We rewind back to 2:40 AM on Christmas morning to find Chris on the floor of the foyer of his home with the Glock in his hand as he looks at a dark figure reaching out toward him. Chris aims the firearm at the right knee, his finger on the trigger.
Chris removes his finger from the trigger as the light flips on from Candice standing at the bottom of the steps revealing Santa Claus reaching down to help Chris up.
CHRIS PAGE: He does exist.
SANTA CLAUS: I knew you would make the right choice.
Chris reaches up taking the gloved right hand of Santa Claus who helps him up to his feet.
CHRIS PAGE: This is all so hard to believe.
SANTA CLAUS: I know, Chris.
Candice walks over to her husband as she ties her robe.
CANDICE WOLF-PAGE: I tried to tell him you are real.
CHRIS PAGE: Wait! You have to go! The spirit of Christmas is going to die.
SANTA CLAUS: All is well, now. Before I go, Donner really wants some more of those sugar cubes.
Chris shrugs his shoulders as he looks at his wife.
CHRIS PAGE: You win. Santa Claus is real.
Candice smiles and response.
CANDICE WOLF-PAGE: Die Hard is totally a Christmas movie.
Those words bring a smile to Chris’s face as he kisses Candice on the lips. He draws back.
CHRIS PAGE: Merry Christmas.
Candice responds.
CANDICE WOLF-PAGE: Merry Christmas.
They kiss once more until we hear Santa clearing his throat. Chris and Candice pivot their attention toward him.
SANTA CLAUS: Seriously, sugar cubes.
The scene fades to black.
I have learned a lot over the holidays, some harsh lessons. Who would have thought Santa Claus was real or how close I came to ruining the spirit of Christmas? I should have known something was up when I saw the caribou following me since Savage but not even I could put the pieces together. I’ve got a renewed vibe about a lot of different things. I have never prided myself on being liked or respected. I’ve found my solace in telling the truth; good, bad, or indifferent. I’ve been very truthful with the time wasted by talents that just don’t belong. I’ve had some fun mocking how long it has taken some of you to speak for a second time, and how carrying a bag of sand doesn’t make you good… it makes you desperate.
Let me start with you. You really need to do yourself a favor and retire. You literally bring nothing to the table that moves the needle. When I listen to you try and cut a promo I picture a six-year-old hyped up on Mountain Dew. Your insults are years old while averaging on the mild side of things. The only generic attempt you missed was calling me fat. Not saying you won’t, you have plenty of time to make good on that one.
Something you won’t make good on is leaving MSG with a victory at my expense.
You lack the drive, you lack the motivation, you lack the intensity to be a threat in my world because posers don’t get to exist. Make no mistake about it when it comes to professional wrestling you are a poser to the Main Event scene, and I’ll be sure to reiterate that to those that already know while introducing you to the facts those words carry. I do wonder how you got handed the final pod spot? Oh wait, you missed a spot on your chin. That explains it all. Who was it from? Theo or Bob?
Doesn’t matter.
The only advantage you can utilize is entering last.
You can only hope that Finn and myself are physically spent for you to pick up the pieces. Now, I don’t know a lot about Finn but he doesn’t strike me as a guy that is willing to put in the work of carrying this entire fucking match only to hand it off to someone as embarrassing to the profession as you are…
But what if we aren’t in the worst of shape? What if we thrash everyone else and turn the tables on you? What if we make you walk into a two-on-one? What if we exploit your lack of ability, your lack of THRIVING in high-pressure situations versus high-pressure pieces of talent? What if we turn your master stat into your second biggest mistake followed closely by taking on this Elimination Chamber while trying to pass yourself as a possible winner. In your own words, you’ve spoken against me further indicates why you’ve struggled to make it past the mid-card level in our industry. How can I be out of touch when I’m literally the centerpiece of the business? How can I be old news yet my phone hasn’t stopped ringing since I cut off outside bookings. I don’t see you headlining Supershow events. I don’t see you attempting to make yourself stand out here in the XWF. What I do see is another loss for you when it matters. Puff that chest out further, keeps pretending that you mean something, and I’m sure that somewhere there will be somebody that will believe you. When you find them bring them my way so I can give them the red pill and bring them back to reality, you ignorant cunt-cake.
Finally, it ends where it begins.
You’re the only person that piqued my interest, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed. You had such promise, and yet now you’re going to come off looking weak and desperate in this war of the words.
… I’m not sleeping on you though.
The stakes are what they are and while most look at starting the Chamber as a negative I believe there are some shreds of positive. When it comes right down to it this is designed for me or you to walk away with. Our only speedbump comes into the party last. My suggestion is the first few minutes we give them what they’re paying for… but the moment the pods start opening we exploit the minutes, and eliminate the waste of space until we get to that speed bump. We can toy around with him, and we can lead him into a false sense of security before we just send him packing. I mean, it’s not like the writing isn’t already on the wall, so might as well embrace the notion of making this road a little bit easier to travel before we take it into the home stretch where all bets are off.
Don’t get me wrong… I’m perfectly fine with dealing with all of you.
I just think it could be a lot more fun to save the cream of the crop for the back end of a lopsided battle.
I’m invested in you through the WGWF, and I’ve made no bones about this being the way to determine if the investment is worth it much like Buster was tested on the final Savage. Buster came out on the winning end but I’m here now eager to make this Chamber and all its entrants my bitch. I don’t have to wait until the final hours, I don’t have to struggle… I just have to show up. Now, I’m sure you will meet the maximum as the sand in the hourglass is starting to run out. How does it feel to have to need me for you to even do you?
[i]You better be at your best.
You better come fucking correct.
You better not give Buster a bad rep when it comes to vouching for talent.
More importantly, don’t leave me hanging like four others already have. I never knew my name carried that much weight that people flat out go silent knowing that the greatest piece of talent to ever lace a pair of boots is coming back to town! This very well could be my last booking inside the scared halls of MSG under the XWF umbrella, and I am not coming for anything less than leaving with that guaranteed title opportunity at Snow Job.
I know what levels I will stoop to.
What about the rest of you?
How far is too far? How much are you going to take physically, mentally, and emotionally? Nobody said this would be easy, but to the victor go the spoils. It’s about time the XWF spoils me a little. So, in closing I want to leave you with a saying that’s aged well over the years, losing to Chris Page doesn’t mean that you suck… It just means you are like everyone else. Let that marinate because in just about a day or so I’ll prove it.
Game on.
- 2019 Heel of the Year
- 2019 Locker Room Leader of the Year
- 2019 Feud of the Year w. Robert Main (you’re welcome)
- Former
With Robert "The Omega" Main
XWF World Heavyweight Champion