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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Madness Results
Madness #7
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

08-18-2022, 05:10 PM

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Hello hello! Marv Smegma here… We’ve got BIG rumors swirling around a newcomer possibly coming to the brand with a connection to a former title holder on a different XWF brand! We have also been hearing a LOT of chatter about the newest addition to Madness, the unpredictable Holden Ross. Call today! $2.99 for the first minute, 99 cents each additional minute!!!


Mini Morbid defeated Dodecahedron Jr. Via Gott ist Tott! To retain the XWF Minis Title
(Match Time 11:47)

Johnny Miami def. Terry Borden Via Count Out (Match Time 3:11)

Chewie Fluffkin defeated Roxy Cotton Via Forfeit (Match Time 0:00)

Pre-Show Main Event:

Cheyenne Fier def. Jamaican Jimmy Via Submission (Match Time 7:13)


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Welcome to Madness… As always, I am your humble host, Jacuinde Cauhtemoc. Joining me once again is the incomparable Ira “Bath” Saltzmann… Bath! Are you excited to be here tonight in London? There’s so much about to happen…

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Well ELLO GUVNAH! Heck yes I’m excited! I have been DMing Princess Markle for a month! But business comes first, Jacuinde, and business is HOT here tonight… the Delta Division is all set for takeoff!

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It sure is, Bath, and as a matter of fact, we’re starting off the show with one of three Delta Division matches… that’s coming up next!

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The Delta Division is an exciting new aspect to Madness, Bath, and it is starting right here tonight with the very first ever OFFICIAL trios match on the brand. We’ve got the folks from HYE, led by the man who never seems to run out of things to say, Johnny Hitmaker, which includes former Lord of Violence winner Hide Yamazaki as well as the ladies of BGTL. They’ll be going against a wild ensemble in the X-Treme Alliance, who have been a thorn in Hitmaker’s side for a while now.

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Have you seen the calves on Claire Rogers? They put She-Hulk to shame, Jacuinde! That’s a WOMAN! Barney Green, Darren Dangerous, and Micheal Graves… a guy who is supposed to be an authority figure on this brand, not a performer… are all soft and muchy. They just use their bodies like weapons! I bet they’ve never even HEARD of leg day!

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Well we will have to see how it plays out in the ring… the Delta Division starts NOW!

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Hide Yamazaki bursts through the curtains, swinging his chains and forcing out a sadistic-sounding laugh. On either side of him are Ximena Asensio and Claire Rogers, the two women known as Bitches Got To Learn.

"Led to the ring by his manager, Johnny Hitmaker... from the Kabukicho District in Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan... weighing in at 253 pounds... 'Deathwish' Hide Yamazaki!"

Soon after, “The Man with Two Brains” Johnny Hitmaker emerges as well, keeping a good distance away from the wild man. He slaps his hands together and clasps them together sinisterly as he basks in the chaotic energies of his clients. The swinging of the chains continues as Yamazaki makes his way down the aisle. Johnny and BGTL then speed on past, ducking under the chain "propellers" and stopping once he's at the top of the ring steps. Yamazaki throws his chains into the ring with reckless abandon, inciting the referee to shout at him, which accomplishes nothing. Johnny just smirks and shrugs coyly at the referee. He pries the ropes apart, and Yamazaki darts in between them, entering the ring in a wild staggering way fashion. He holds them open as Claire and Xim enter as well, then casually descends the steps and begins circling the ring.

The three members of The X-Treme Alliance storm out from the back, slamming baseball bats into trash cans to the beat of their theme. Micheal Graves has apparently made a set of homemade shoulder pads with spikes on them, and the spikes may or may not be tin foil - it’s hard to tell from far away.

Darren Dangerous, who has already clearly been bleeding for several minutes, grabs a handful of thumb tacks from a bag and starts chewing on them, spitting bloody bits of tacks and probably tongue meat out into the crowd as they storm the ring.

Barney Green has light tubes strapped to his back like Leonardo’s katana blades in TMNT. It’s pretty rad.

They get to the ring and roll in, staring down HYE and shouting some REALLY offensive stuff.


Barney and Claire Rogers start the match. After a short feeling out process, the two locked up and Barney quickly found himself at the mercy of Claire's side headlock! Barn fights his way out and whips her into the ropes. Barney misses with closeline! On the rebound Clare nearly kicks Barn's head off with a Big Boot! Clare works Barn over for a while before tagging in Ximena Asensio! BGTL deliver a Double stalling suplex and Ximena makes a pin attempt but Barney manages to kick out! Ximena peels Barn off of the mat and hoist him up for a Running Powerslam, but Barney slides over her shoulder and shoves her into the corner! Barney with an INTELLIGENT DIVERSION throat punch! Ximena drops to her knees coughing as Barney dives to the corner and makes the tag to Darren Dangerous! Ximena is floored with a chin uppercut! She scrambles to her feet only to take a big meathook clothesline!

Darren hits the ropes in celebration and suicide dives over the top rope and crashes into the Spanish announce table! Claire throws Darren back into the ring and Ximena makes the tag to Hide Yamazaki! Hide stalks Darren. Darren pushes up to weak legs. Hide studies his opponent. Darren punches himself in the face, a bunch! He screams out a fierce and strong war cry and charges at Hide with a Big Boot, but Hide captures him with a BIG Suplex! Hide looks to make the cover, but as he does him and Graves lock eyes. Hide pulls back and climbs to his feet. He wants Graves to tag in, and backs into his corner giving Darren ample time to make the tag.

A smirking Graves enters the ring. Him and Hide circle the ring feeling each other out. They lock up! They battle for dominance in the collar and elbow, but Graves is more concerned with getting Hide in a position where the official can't see fire off a low knee! Hide's stance breaks and Graves traps him with some rapid headbutts! Gravy releases and both men stagger around the ring, but neither fall. Graves recovers first and rushes Hide, but Hide surprises him with a big Knee Lift followed by a Gutwrench Powerbomb!

Graves eventually pushes up, but is taken right back down with a Chop Block! Hide locks Graves in a single leg crab. Graves is close to the ropes, but doesn't even reach for them! Graves hammers back some awkward shots at Hide's ribs. They don't do much damage, but they do make Hide second guess this strategy. He drops Micheal's leg and immediately starts stomping him into oblivion! Hide ensnares Graves leg in the rope and wrenches back, applying pressure to the knee. Graves yelps out and the official warns against the use of the ropes. Hide releases Graves on 4 to avoid DQ, but the damage is done!

The official keeps Hide back to check on Graves. Micheal says he's fine, but as he climbs to a vertical base, it's obvious that he's a wheel down. Hide rushes in and pumbles Gravy into the corner, but it's a mistake as the corner stabilizes Graves and he starts fighting back. Hide doesn't relent, and eats a few hard ones, but so does Graves! Despite his toughness, Gravy is in a poor position and Hide gains the upper hand! Graves hits the mat hard from a release German Suplex from the top! Hide makes the cover, but it's broken up by Darren Dangerous! BGTL and Barney Green hit the ring, and suddenly it's an all out brawl!

The official tries to restore order! Darren and Claire pair off on the outside! Darren smashes Claire's face off of the steel steps! Barney has somehow found himself in the Human Torture Rack, but he seems to like it! Hide makes the cover again and it's a THREE! Or it would have been had Darren not again made the save! Hide and Darren brawl! Darren holds his own, but Xim hits an Inverted Atomic Drop and Hide finishes him with THE DEVIL! Xim rolls out to check on Claire as Hide turns his attention back to Graves! He's looking for the Stretch Muffler, but Graves was playing possum! Inside cradle, not even a one! The two scramble to their feet and begin to brawl for dominance!

Claire and Xim both re-enter the ring and take out Graves from behind, which leaves Hide open to focus on Darren again… and he hits a WHEEL OF FORTUNE dragon screw on Dangerous before locking in the HANGED MAN! Barney tries to break things up but a double clothesline from BGTL puts a stop to that… and Darren’s leg bends at an ungodly angle, but the hardcore icon still refuses to tap!


Graves looks like he was about to throw up seeing Darren’s leg bend that way, and he slaps the mat like crazy while making sure the official sees it happening. The ref calls it!

(Match Time: 10:58)

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I have never seen anything like that in my life… one partner tapping out on behalf of another?!

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See I told you! It all came down to calf strength!!

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Madness cuts to the back where Myra Rivers is absolutely not in a good mood at all. She’s trying to keep her cool at the moment considering that she has a match that she has to focus on, but recent events have really got her somewhat heated as she begins to express her thoughts.

Myra Rivers: I’ve got to be honest. After that four way? I felt like total crap. When you consider that match and when you also take into account the match that I had before that, I honestly felt like I’m just here to ‘take up space’ as you will. I mean, I didn’t win that four way and I’m going to dive into that further in a bit. But honestly, what really pissed me off was seeing Holden Ross go after Sierra Silver.

Myra takes a momentary pause as she tries to not let her anger get the better of her.

Myra Rivers: Seeing that pissed me off because it made me think back to the match that HE interrupted. It’s one thing if someone attacks me because they’re specifically targeting ME, but he wasn’t targeting me was he? It was as clear as day that he was targeting Sierra Silver and THAT is something that really irked me. I was nothing but ‘collateral damage’... at the ‘wrong place at the wrong time’... just someone that he attacked just because I was there and just because he could. And really? When that’s what someone reduces you to, it honestly makes you feel like shit. Let me tell you something…

I didn’t come here to XWF to ‘take up space’.

I sure as hell didn’t come here to be ‘collateral damage’.

I didn’t come here so I could be a target and the victim of an assault just for the hell of it. I didn’t come here to just be in random four way matches and just exist just for the sake of existing. Trust me, I’m pretty damn pissed. I’m not saying I should be in main events and being front and center of the IDL division right now, but I damn sure know I can get to that point. If that son of a bitch thinks he can just forget about me because he’s targeting someone else, then he can forget about it because he’s got a target of his own right on his back. I didn’t come here to be an irrelevant nothing.

I’m worth WAY more than that.

So Molly Barnes? I can’t say that I’m sorry for what’s about to happen to you, because I’m not. There’s you, who won the four way. There’s Lexi Gold who everyone talks about on any given night and you can pretty much say the same for Chris Mosh. And then me… just… THERE… right? Hell with that! I’m not here to just collect a paycheck unlike some people on this roster. I’ve got you one on one now. This is my match to prove that I’m not playing. This is the match where I prove I’m not just some other face on the Madness roster. This is the match where I make my statement and normally, I would say ‘I hate that it comes at your expense’, but honestly? I’m not saying that at all. Beating you would at least erase that awful taste of that four way out of my mouth.

And that piece of shit Holden Ross?

Yeah, you have your damn fun with Sierra Silver. Yeah, go ahead and treat me like ‘collateral damage’, because at the end of the day? The one that’s going to end up being DAMAGED is YOU! Mark my fucking words on that!

Myra lets out a sigh. She looks like she might have something more to say, but ultimately, she decides she has said enough. She exits the scene without so much even expressing a smile at all, indicating how pissed off she is as the scene fades out.

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Bath, we have a great match coming up next… a newcomer in Darcy Graves who absolutely DOMINATED in her debut match against Jamaican Jimmy, taking on Josslyn Spencer, who always seems like she’s one match away from making a run for the title!!

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Joss Spencer is a gem mint ten, and Darcy Graves looks like a lunch lady on steroids. I’m going with Spencer! And we both know if I give Jason Cashe a few cartons of smokes, he’ll let me have a couple rounds with his woman…

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Bath! These are XWF performers, not pieces of meat! And I really doubt Cashe would pimp his girlfriend off to anyone just for some cigarettes. Forget you, we’ve got a match to watch!

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The lights go out in the arena. The screen starts to slowly flicker, as a music box is heard throughout the arena. The lightning then cracks across the screen, the music box is seen on the screen cracked in half. Artemis begins playing, as Green and Yellow spotlights are shone on the middle of the stage. A man in a long trench coat comes out first, stepping through the spotlight. He moves over to the left, as Darcy is seen stepping out into the light, looking out at the fans smiling a bit. She then poses as her father claps. The lights come on, and Darcy begins her walk down the ramp. She grips the chain around her neck, then looks out at the fans scoffing at them, as she passes them up. The music starts to pick up, as Darcy makes it to the bottom.

Darcy then looks into the ring, before she moves over to the stairs she slaps the mat, then turns towards the stairs with her father still in tow. She climbs up onto the apron looking out, then her father holds the ropes open for her, she climbs through them. She then flexes for the fans once more as her father looks over at the ring announcer.

Ring Announcer: accompanied by Ciaran Page, from Dublin, Ireland, weighing in at 126 lbs. She is Darcy Graves!

Darcy then turns around smiling at the person. She backs into a corner sitting down as her father moves to that corner to stand with her. She then passes him the chain, then stands up, lifting herself on the ropes, watching for her opponent.

Purple and gold lights start flashing and Josslynn music hits as she walks out on stage with a smile across her face, flanked by her lover Jason Cashe. She walks with confidence down the ramp, and then as she walks up the steps, Cashe sits on the ropes to give her better ease to enter the ring.

Joss hops up and gets inside the ring. She goes to one side of the ropes and strikes a pose, and Cashe stands at ringside clapping wildly and blowing wolf whistles. If he could become a  cartoon with a long rolling tongue and bugging-out eyes, he most likely would.


When the bell sounds Jason Cashe starts running his mouth almost simultaneously. Perhaps trying to return the favor to his old lady for when she helped him get a big win on Anarchy, he lets loose on a spiel that would make Andrew Dice Clay blush. Darcy does a good job blowing him off at first but he eventually lands on a C word that gets her attention - and the moment she turns her head she eats a flying forearm from Joss Spencer!

Spencer works on Graves with weardown holds for several minutes before changing course and working Graves with a series of long-legged kicks. Graves weathers the storm but eventually she gets caught with a DEAR AGONY backstabber followed right away with THE FUTURE curb stomp… and when Darcy Graves kicks out at two, Josslyn looks completely flabbergasted!

Things turn into Darcy Graves’ favor after an irish whip from Joss Spencer leads to a WAKING THE DEAD running high knee from Graves. Spencer ends up in a corner, where she eats several more running knees to the torso. Spencer falls out onto her face and Cashe starts running his mouth again - but this time he gets close enough to Graves that she is able to grab the top rope and slide out between the ropes with a hanging dropkick that sends Cashe into the guard railing! Graves skins the cat back into the ring and pulls Joss Spencer into a dragon suplex into a bridge! The GRAVE KEEPER! Spencer gets a shoulder up at two and Graves has a moment arguing with the official.

Cashe slides a steel chair into the ring for Spencer but Graves stomps on it and traps it under her foot before it can get to her. The ref warns her not to use it and she smirks as she tosses it onto the mat… then DDTs Spencer onto the steel! Graves scrambles to the top rope as Spencer lays on the chair… and a GRAVE DIVER onto Spencer while she lays on the steel is enough for Graves to score the 1-2-3!

(Match Time: 6:41)

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What a huge win for Darcy Graves, Bath… maybe a little questionable with the chair, but she wasn’t the one who brought it into the ring, either!

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What a load of CRAP! Joss got cheated AGAIN and I’m going to personally make a complaint to General Manager Tula Keali’i… Spencer should be getting a settlement from the XWF as well as an IDL title shot!

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“Spoiled” Summer Page is laying on a lounge chair on the terrace of the penthouse of The London EDITION hotel.

“Spoiled” Summer Page:It is always great to come to Europe.  Shopping, food, and culture is always spectacular but I of course am here on business with Chris and Jessica. As we all know, XWF is introducing the Delta division to Madness. XWF and the entire world would be so lucky to have the Privileged Elite be the forerunners in the division leading that way as its champions.

Jessica Anderson walks out onto the Terrace holding a Martini glass and hands the glass to Summer. Summer looks up at Jessica and smiles.

“Spoiled” Summer Page:Did you get it right this time?

Jessica Anderson:Yes, Ms. Page.

Summer shakes her head.

“Spoiled” Summer Page:I would hope so.

Summer takes a sip then looks up at Jessica. Jessica stands there uncomfortably for a moment.

“Spoiled” Summer Page:This drink will do this time. Do better though next time.

Jessica Anderson:(Looking relieved)Yes ma’am.

“Spoiled” Summer Page:Have a seat, Jess.

Jessica sits down on the lounge chair next to Summer.

“Spoiled” Summer Page:Where is the big man?

Jessica Anderson:Elijah asked him for some help.

“Spoiled” Summer Page:I’ll have to talk to Elijah about using my bodyguard to help him without discussing it with me first.

Jessica Anderson:Of course, boss.

“Spoiled” Summer Page:But onto more pressing matters. Which is obviously the Delta Championships. The Privileged Elite would obviously be the best team to represent XWF Madness as the Delta CHampions. Chris Mosh is the first ever XWF IDL Champion, I am the currently the reigning and defending Uprising World Champion, and Jessica is the best tag team specialist in the business today as she is one half of the EPW Tag Team Champions, as well as, one half of the NVR Tag Team Champions…

Jessica Anderson:Thank you, boss.

“Spoiled” Summer Page: While Themis PALAESTRA may think that what they have learned will lead them to victory which is why it won’t sadden me or my friends in the slightest when we walk out the Royal Albert Hall with the victory and continue to ascend to the XWF Delta Championships.

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Last month, Molly Barnes came up big in a fourway matchup that gave her a shiny W over Myra Rivers as well as Lexi Gold and even the former IDL Champion, ‘VIP’ Chris Mosh! Tonight, Myra Rivers goes one on one with Molly looking to even up the win/loss columns!

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How can anyone want to see a woman like Molly Barnes anywhere near the main event, Jacuinde? She’s knock kneed, has a weird long neck, and her eyes are really far apart! Myra Rivers is a queen, and VERY photogenic. She could easily be champion!

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It’s not a modeling competition, Bath!

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Myra Rivers emerges with a smile as the fans blow up. It’s obvious she has people in the crowd familiar with her career, with one person in the front row holding a sign saying AND FINALLY… MYRA IS HERE!

Rivers saunters down to the ring, slapping hands as the crowd continues to cheer for the SCW star. She gets to the ring and looks across at the official, waiting patiently for her opponent.

Molly pops out with a big grin, then she heads to the ring leading a big INNIT! INNIT! INNIT! Chant along with the crowd. She takes a long hard look at all three of her opponents, then goes to the remaining corner and starts getting stretched and ready.


Molly starts things off with her quickness and a squirrely ability to keep Myra Rivers on her toes. She particularly gets Rivers flustered with a string of Japanese armdrags that have Rivers pounding the mat with annoyance pretty early on. This just leads to more frustration as Molly gives her a series of drop toe holds and then an extended sequence of four leap frogs in a row as Rivers runs the ropes back and forth.

Rivers finally catches a break when she stops short of a leapfrog and hits a European uppercut as Barnes comes down, flattening the Salford Supernova and causing her to check and see if she bit off the tip of her tongue.

After that, Myra Slows things down and really works on Molly’s neck with three hangman’s neckbreakers in a row. A muscle buster gets her a near fall, as does a VIXEN KICK and a REBEL DOUBLE KNEE SPLASH! But all three times, the scrappy Salford superstar gets a shoulder off the mat right before the count of three.

Molly finds an opening with  a MUGSHOT running headbutt, and after a few suplex variants she looks ready to hit a big move and go hit the hotel bathtub for a soak. She has Rivers set up for her Northern Lights Bomb, but Rivers squirms loose and catches Molly off guard with a quick roundhouse kick to the back of the head.

Rivers grabs Molly… REBEL BOMB!

After that it’s academic as Myra hooks a leg for the 1-2-3!

(Match Time: 8:11)

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Great showing for the former SCW star Myra Rivers! Looks like Molly will have to go back to the drawing board and try again next month to get closer to the IDL Title shot she wants!

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I hope that giraffe never gets anywhere near the IDL Title!

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Are you ready for another Delta Division match, Bath? The march towards Orion’s Belts continues on as one of the premier groups of talented ring generals, Team KTFO, re going to work as a three-man unit against Mad Rhymes and their funky friend Li’l Juicy!

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This is going to be a slaughter. Look, Maxine is as strong as they come, and Bobbi London is a scrapper… even Li’l Juicy has shown flashes… but this is Team KTFO we are talking about! The original Gemini Champions! They are top tier, and when all three are in the ring as a team? Come on. These guys are taking this whole division in a WALK.

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Well we get to see for ourselves… RIGHT NOW!

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The music plays and “Wild Card” Matt Kayden walks out with his partners Kai Morgan and Oliver Peters as smoke effects fill the arena with white mist.

The KTFO teammates cockily head to the ring with smug looks on their faces, exchanging a threeway fist bump on the way down the ramp. The three men ooze confidence from every pore as they arrive at ringside and pose for the London crowd.

As they get into the ring, they play a little game of rock paper scissor to determine who goes in first…

The crowd lights up as the deep sound of Maxine beat boxing into a mic to the beat of “My Time is Now” fills up the air. She emerges in a tight tank top with a picture of Johnny Hitmaker’s face in a big red heart on it.

Soon after, Bobbi London emerges dressed head to toe in gold lame, and she spits some heat into a mic of her own.

“I said throws yous hands up in the ay-urrr
Tell the world that you just don’t cay-urrr
Time to tell KTFO to GTFO
Get these slimy chumps out our mother effin hay-urrr
Don’t take it from me or my girl Maxie,
Show the people who’s loosey goosey,
Bring out the lad called Little Juicy!”

Li’l Juicy then hits the ramp with a big piece of cardboard, on which he hits some sick breakdancing moves for the adoring fans.

The three then head down to the ring while slapping hands with the front row fans. It’s a hit!


Bobbi London and Matt Kayden start things off after Lil’ Juicy declines! Bobbi fires the crown up before locking horns with Matt Kayden. Kayden wrestles Bobby to the mat and locks her into a wear down submission. Bobbi reaches the ropes and forces the break! Kayden keeps control of Bobbi and pulls her into his corner where he tags in Oliver Peters.

Peters worked Bobbi over, keeping her confined to Team KTFO’s side of the ring! At one point Bobbi began to mount a comeback, but it was quickly derailed by a huge Yakuza kick! Bobbi reeled on the mat as Oliver Peters admired his handiwork and postured for the crowd. Peters might have wasted a little too much time though, because Bobbi was able to fight him off and take him down with a big Shoulder Block! Peters was down, for now, but so was Bobbi! The crowd got loud here, trying to breathe life into Bobbi as Maxine reached WAY over the ropes and begged for the tag. Bobbi pulled herself up to her knees. She looked like it was the 12th hour after a day trip to Golden Corral! Maxine wastill begging for the tag, and now Peters was recovered and aware! He sprung to his feet, but Bobbi leapt with everything she had left and made the tag to Maxine as the crowd went apeshit!

Maxine stepped over the top rope and leveled Oliver Peters with a crushing lariat! Peters pushed up to all fours as Maxine mounted him and delivered some Clubbering Forearms to his upper back! Maxine followed that up with a stomp, and a stomp, and another stomp! These were big moves from a big woman! She finished off the stomping series with one more very big stomp and a little theatrics to top it off. WOW! Look at those biceps!

Those theatrics allowed “Wild Card” Matt Kayden to tag in! He took Maxine by surprise and ducked a sloppy off balance clothesline, rebounding off of the ropes where he Feints a clothesline and clobbers her with a Spinning Back Elbow! Maxine staggers right into a Swinging Neckbreaker! Maxine holds the back of her neck as Kayden stomps her into oblivion. Kayden tags in Kai Morgan.

Kai hit the ring already staring daggers at Lil Juicy. Kai could see the fear in Juicy’s eyes and exposed him by asking if he’s like for Kai to allow Maxine to tag him in. Juicy hopped off of the apron, making it clear he was done for the night. Bobbi staggered into his path and asked what his deal was. As the two argued on the outside, Kai Morgan stalked the ring, waiting as Maxine slowly pulled herself up to her feet and as soon as she did, he fired in with the Six Shooter; Morgan’s Law, a running Shining Wizard! The ref had already counted one before Bobbi and Juice realized what was happening! Bobbi slid into the ring to attempt the save, but was too late! Team KTFO celebrated as Bobbi helped Maxine and stared daggers through Lil Juicy who backed up the ramp apologizing and looking ashamed of himself!

(Match Time: 8:22)

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Great showing from Team KTFO, they really proved why they are such a feared combo in there tonight!!

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That was a clinic. Juicy and Mad Rhymes have something as a team, but you can’t just go against a trio like KTFO as your first attempt and expect anything other than to get beat… and that’s what happened!

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It’s a bright and sunny day in Orlando, the shot opens on an overhead of a quiet neighborhood not that far away from a beach. Suddenly the voice of Sierra Silver (doing her best to make her voice sound deeper) is heard.


The shot shifts to inside a house, where The World’s Sweetest Supervillain is lying on her back, holding a small orange cat in the air while a larger orange cat sits by her head, a black cat lays on her stomach, and a hairless cat runs around the room chasing a little ball. Sierra is making airplane noises and whooshes as she slowly and carefully waves the cat in the air while giggling to herself.

After a few moments of this, Sierra sits up and pets each cat sitting near her before looking up and noticing the camera filming her.

Sierra Silver: Oh! Henlo!

Sierra waves the paw of the small orange cat.

Sierra Silver: This little guy is Bowser!

She pats the head of the bigger orange cat.

Sierra Silver: Bowser’s mama Peach!

Stroking the black cat from head to tail

Sierra Silver: This is Happy!

Finally she points to the hairless cat, continuing to point wherever the excited cat runs

Sierra Silver: And Shinx!

She grabs another toy and tosses it off screen, causing the three stationary cats to chase after it, leaving her alone on camera.

Sierra Silver: Welcome to what I have dubbed THE LEGION OF CUTE!!! The evilest, deviousest, most adorablest realm in all of the world! Where every single room is full of evil plots, evil Sierras, and not-at-all-evil animals including but not limited to cats! Dogs! Even a capybara! For realsies, her name is Morty! But anywhere! I wanted to come to you today to talk about-... Um…

Sierra looks down, trying to think of what she was saying. Soon the figurative lightbulb flashes and she looks back up with a bright smile

Sierra Silver: OH YEAH! I wanted to talk about my match on Madness! See, on the last Madness, my match didn’t end the way I was hoping for. I was attacked by a man in a mask! I later found out his name is Holden!

Sierra looks a little confused as she speaks.

Sierra Silver: I… don’t really know why he attacked me. I mean, I worked in the place he works at one point. But that was super long ago and we never crossed paths until that night! So… I’m kinda confuzzled… But then it hit me!

Silver makes a gesture resembling Spongebob’s “imagination” move.

Sierra Silver: He wants me to take him under my wing of evility!

She giggles excitedly.

Sierra Silver: All those messages on Twitter, it makes so much sense! The evilest being in all of space and time is bound to attract people who want to train in her evil ways! So don’t worry, Mr. Ross! I would love to take on an evil apprentice! You’ll be the Darth Vader to my Chancellor Palpetine!

She giggles again and beams into the camera.

Sierra Silver: But for realsies, Mr. Ross, I don’t know why you decided to go after me specifically. Mayhaps you thought I was an easy target. Maybe you thought I would just take it. Well I’m sorry, but I’m not gonna do that! Don’t forget that I won the Pick Your Poison battle royal, meaning I have a shot at any title I want! And I’m gonna remind everyone why I have that spot in the first place! You’re not gonna make me do bad things, but I’m also not gonna hold back against you either! Sierra Silver, evil extraordinaire, is no pushover! Sierra is the evilest evil to ever evil!!!

Sierra points a finger directly at the camera.

Sierra Silver: And tonight, Mr. Ross, you’re gonna find that out!

She lets out a dramatic evil laugh before waving.

Sierra Silver: See you then! Bye bye!

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Oddly, we only have one Gemini Division match tonight on Madness… but it could definitely make a big difference in the division! The Bing Bong Twins have been on a good run lately, even scoring a win over the Gemini Champions, Agrippinna and Desdemona Themis… tonight they look to keep it rolling towards the titles against 2 Broke Chicks!

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First of all it’s DA Bing Bong Twinzz, so get it right..

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Well we get to see for ourselves… RIGHT NOW!

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Da Bing Bong Twinzz leap out from behind the curtain full of energy. They clap their hands over their heads and essentially do jumping jacks all the way down the ramp.

They toss hundred dollar bills all over the ramp and out to the fans, and the fans excitedly snatch them up only to find out they have the Twinzz faces on them.

Ikura ikura ikura ore no kachi wa ikura!
Run it up, run it up, run it up, run it up, run it up, run it up!
Ikura ikura ikura ore no kachi wa ikura!
Run it up, run it up, run it up, run it up, run it up, run it up!

ANARCHY's "Run It Up" comes on over the PA system as the arena lights dim down, bringing all attention to the lighting on and around the stage. Everyone’s attention is on the entrance curtain when, all of a sudden, an air horn like the one heard from a fire engine BLASTS through the arena. From the side of the stage, a tricked out RV painted white with neon blue accents rolls up. As the opening refrain with Skits Vicious begins, theside door flies open and out comes the 2 Broke Chicks. In name only, of course! There’s some visible laughs of amusement as Jane then turns towards the stage and tries to look serious as she approaches the ramp. On the opposite side of the mood spectrum, Chiaki Sanada gives their ride an adoring pat before scurrying to catch up with her tag team partner.

As the two make their way down the ramp, Jane’s attempt to stay serious is all but lost once Chiaki moves in front of her, just goofing off and throwing random signs at the camera in sync with their music. As the chorus plays, Chiaki starts singing along. The strength of the duo finally breaks into laughter at the little one’s antics and the pair continue towards the ring. Once they reach ringside, Jane comes in behind Chiaki and lifts the crazy little Joshi up onto her shoulders. She makes a lap around the ring itself while Chiaki’s waving her arms from side to side over her head, trying to get the fans to join in. They do, for the most part. Chiaki hops off of Jane’s shoulders and onto the apron. She’s back to throwing thuggish little hand signals as Jane climbs onto the apron. Jane climbs into the ring and stands behind Chiaki who is still doing her thing as they both throw up their actual, personal team gesture. Chiaki finally gets into the ring and the two of them move to their corner, removing their entrance gear and getting in a bit of last minute extra stretching as they get ready for their match.


MC C-Munqqquee BathZaltzz and Jane Harper started things off. Harper looked to jump right in, but MC C-Munqqquee BathZaltzz waved her off and started recording a TikTok right there in the middle of the ring! Jane couldn’t believe it! After watching this idiot do his thing for a few seconds, she brought the impromptu TikTok to an end with a Ripcord Knee! MC C-Munqqquee BathZaltzz flipped through the air and bounced around the ring as Harper came in with a Running Elbow, but MC C-Munqqquee BathZaltzz rolled out of the way just in time!

MC C-Munqqquee BathZaltzz shot to his feet and shot right after Jane Harper, wailing on her with wild windmill forearms to the back. Jane dropped to the mat and covered her head until the assault came to an end. MC C-Munqqquee BathZaltzz peeled Jane up and whipped her into the ropes, but was taken down with a Swinging Neckbreaker for his troubles! Jane tags in Chi Chi Solo who skips around the ring as MC C-Munqqquee BathZaltzz recoverd.

MC C-Munqqquee BathZaltzz pushed up to his feet and Chi Chi ran in, taking him right back to the mat with a Superkick to knee that drops him to his, followed by a Boma Ye knee that really rings the aspiring influencer’s bell! Chi Chi covers, but Lil' Ca$h-App Dolla Billyunnai$$e manages to break the pinfall at 2! Lil' Ca$h-App Dolla Billyunnai$$e continued hammering away at Chi Chi, causing Jane Harper to enter the ring and chase him back to the apron. The official had an easy time restoring order as Jane quickly exited the ring.

Chi Chi Solo and MC C-Munqqquee BathZaltzz took a while to show signs of life, but they both made it to their feet at the same time and ended up trading big slow right hands in the center of the ring. Each one staggering more the last and each punch coming in with just a little less on it. Chi Chi hammered it home with one final shot that she gave everything she had! Unintentionally, it sent MC C-Munqqquee BathZaltzz stumbling into his corner, where Lil' Ca$h-App Dolla Billyunnai$$e was able to make the tag!

Lil' Ca$h-App Dolla Billyunnai$$e darted through the ropes and somehow leveled an exhausted Chi Chi with a gold bling wrapped fist without the official seeing!! Lil' Ca$h-App Dolla Billyunnai$$e stuffed the bling into his pocket and then springboarded off of the ropes with a 540 Leg Drop which he followed up with a gravity defying 720 Standing Moonsault!

That caught ALL KNEES! Lil' Ca$h-App Dolla Billyunnai$$e rolled around the ring holding his stomach like he was having a Taco Bell attack, which allowed Chi Chi to tag a fresh Jane Harper back into the match!

Jane stomped up to Lil' Ca$h-App Dolla Billyunnai$$e and laid into him with some heavy gangsta hood stomps before peeling his weak ass off of the mat. Jane positioned Lil' Ca$h-App Dolla Billyunnai$$e’s head between her legs as she set up for the Powerbomb. Jane lifts Lil' Ca$h-App Dolla Billyunnai$$e up as Chi Chi leaps off the top turnbuckle, hitting a Destroyer piledriver! PAY DAY! And 2 Broke Chicks were about to get theirs as Jane hooked the leg for the 1-2-3!

(Match Time: 6:12)

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2 Broke Chicks getting it done here tonight! But a heck of a fight from the Twinzz… Bath are you surprised to see the Bing Bongers becoming this much of a thorn in the side of the Madness tag teams??

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They got the world’s attention when they beat the Themises, the current Gemini Champions… maybe they’ve got something, Jacuinde, but tonight they were handled by Chi Chi and Jane, and it was a lot of fun to watch!

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It’s time for what I know is always your favorite part of the show, Bath… the LORD OF VIOLENCE match!

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These things are always insane. Some of the best moments on Madness have taken place in the Death Match Division… we started it off with an imploding building, then there were people on jetskis, and we had an explosive beach volleyball match… how do they come up with this stuff?!

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Well they;ve outdone themselves this time… the Tower of London! People have been executed here, Bath, and not just anyone. Kings and Queens and incredibly important figured of history! And tonight it’s the scene of the Lord of Violence match!

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I just hope someone gets their head cut off…

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[mad]High in the skies of London, XWF helicopters hover over the world renowned Tower of London. How have they not been shot out of the sky yet? Maybe it has something to do with hundreds of thousands of stolen bux possibly being funneled through a particular crypto and then being used to bribe high ranking officials within the Queens government?


Anyway, bodies start falling from the choppers, but before the bodies can properly hit the floor, parachutes explode from their backs! Within minutes our Lord of Violence competitors land on the designated spot. The roof of the main tower!


Make that all of them except for ONE! It seems Thrax had difficulty with his parachute and crashes through the roof of the main home.

Welp, I guess they know we’re here now! We might as well get this fight underway!

Alarms sound!

The Queen's Soldiers scatter on high alert!

AND 100’s of XWF camera drones invade the air space to ensure that we catch every second of the action! We even have Doug out here, meaning Mastermind now stands in the woods talking to himself! This is crazy folks! What’s crazier is the huge ass brawl currently taking place atop the tower! Vita and Jacki are working together to double suplex Jamaican Jimmy, which is and isn’t surprising given their recent history and friendly feud! Homer “The Humanoid” Sapien Struggles with his tangled chute. Oliver Taylor doesn’t help matters as he begins stomping away! Oliver spots a ladder and quickly sets it up! He steps up the ladder, but hesitates at the second rung! Oliver carefully steps down having second guessed that offense, but in his panic he doesn’t realize that Vita and Jacki are still working together, and are now standing RIGHT behind him.

The girls smirk as they wait for Oliver to realize that they’re there.

Sensing something is up, Oliver slowly looks back.

Ah, THERE IT IS, the look of panic! Vita and Jacki begin to clobber Oliver into submission, but Homer is untangled and on the hunt! He grabs Vita by the hair and left arm and hurls her across the roof where she lands with a THUD and a tumble! Jacki continues to lay in on Oliver Taylor until Homer does the same to her! Homer” The Humanoid” Sapien grunts and growls as he stalks his prey. Oliver backs away on his ass, holding up his gloved right hand in an attempt to beg off the strange living dead man! It doesn’t work! Homer grabs Oliver and begins ripping at his arm! He’s trying to rip the damned thing off!

Vita springs back into the action, hitting Homer with a modified Eat Defeat Dropkick from the ladder! The lack of a springboard takes some of the sting off of it, but it’s still enough to separate Homer from Oliver and put him on his ass! Oliver starts to sit up, but Jacki smashes in with a Handstand Double Knee Drop! Immediately followed by Vita hitting a Standing Moonsault! Vita continues hammering away at Homer until Oliver breaks it up with a Forearm Smash and a Pumphandle Slam! Oliver then turns his attack on Homer, locking him into the English Masked Destroyer Triangle Chokehold!

Jacki makes a break for it! After all, to win, you need to chop the head off a mannequin! She makes it to the hatch leading into the building when a brick whizzes past her head! Who TF threw that!? Searching for the source, she finds Jamaican Jimmy and he’s shitting his pants! Jacki huffs and stomps after him, but Jimmy decides that death is a better fate than whatever she might do, and bails over the top of the building! Jacki rushes to the tower's edge to check Jimmy’s fate, and finds that he landed safely, uh… ISH, as he fell through a tent and it broke his fall, uh… ISH! We’re not sure if he can stand after that, but it doesn’t matter because he’s out of the match regardless as the Queen’s Guards surround him!

Back on the roof, Jacki opens the hatch to find more guards closing in! She quickly slams the hatch shut and bolts it! Bolt!? Why’s there a bolt? Who would lock it? WHO WOULD UNLOCK IT!?!

No time to worry about that now! Need to find a way down! Jacki races across the roof, right past Vita struggling against a raging “Humanoid”! Jacki frantically looks over the edge of the tower for any remotely safe way down!

Vita lays out Homer with a crossbody! Oliver reappears just after and mounts Homer, hammering away with heavy right hands! Vita makes a break as the guards burst through the hatch! Vita leaps from the edge of the building, gliding like only a vampire can!


Jacki collides with Vita in the air, knocking her off course! They land in the courtyard with a tumble and Vita looks PISSED! The two women begin to argue. That turns to shoving, and the next thing you know they’re at blows with each other!

On the roof the guards move in to arrest Oliver ast Homer “The Humanoid” Sapian escapes by rolling off the edge and splats on the ground below.

Eww, what a mess! I think one of his legs fell off too!

Jacki rocks Vita with a Spinning Backfist! Vita recovers and takes Jacki down with a Double Leg Takedown! They roll on the ground, fighting for position! The fighting stops once they realize that they’re surrounded by the Queen's Guard! With rifles trained on them, Jacki and Vita climb to their feet. They both look just across the courtyard. However XWF managed it, the Anne Boleyn mannequin is there, and beside it a sharpened and deadly executioner's ax. Vita makes a break for it! The guards yell, but they don’t fire! Vita didn’t know it, but the Queen’s Guards usually only load their weapons when they are aware of a potential threat. Jacki didn’t know this either, but she’s figured it out now and shoves past them in an effort to catch up to Vita before she can chop Anne Boleyn’s head off!

Vita reaches the ax, but guards surround her! They’re closing in, and so is Jacki! She struggles with what to do since these dudes are just doing their job, and she’s in fact trespassing! As Jacki closes in, Vita’s competitive nature takes charge! She fights her way through the guard and grabs the ax! She swings it down, but Jacki catches the hilt mid swing! Vita yanks at the ax, but Jacki maintains her grip and yanks back! They struggle back and forth until Vita releases the ax unexpectedly, and Jacki stumbles back! Vita rushes in quickly, dodging a sloppy swing with the ax and tucking behind Jacki! Vita pops the hips on a German Suplex! The ax goes flying, but Jacki lands on her feet! Vita turns right into a DDT! Jacki hurries to the ax, but more guards are closing in! She begins fighting them off while carving a path! She retrieves the ax and rushes back to the Anne Boleyn mannequin! She rears back the axe for a hefty blow when Vita springboards off a frickin tree limb and blasts her right in the face with double boots known as Eat Defeat! With recovering guards closing in and not looking too happy, Vita quickly grabs the ax and chops down with all of her might, severing the head of Anne Boleyn and becoming this month's Lord of Violence just before getting tackled to the ground and arrested along with her fellow competitors!

(Match Time  21:13)

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Vita Valenteen does it again! Wow Bath it seems like she and Jacki O’Lantern have really dominated the death matches, doesn’t it? I would have never guessed those two would be as successful with so many frightening entrants and stipulations, but I guess the cream really does always rise to the top!

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I just lost a ton of money betting on Homer Sapien, Jacuinde, I need a few minutes to get over it… I really thought this was his time!

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Another competitor really stood out last Madness when he debuted in spectacular fashion in another fatal fourway match… and he came out on top! Bath, defeating names like Doc Docherty, Sierra Silver, and Joss Spencer is no easy feat - where do you see Reginald Dampshaw III in the long run?

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The sky’s the limit with the Time Lizard, Jacuinde! He entered a match filled with marquee names and he won… on his FIRST NIGHT! One of the people he defeated is main eventing here in London for the IDL Title, so what does that say about the talent of Dampshaw? He’s got the sauce!

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We’ll see if he can handle another well known name next, when he goes one on one with Lexi Gold!

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The lights go out and soon, a blinding white light showers the audience. Two hooded figures come out. They both stand side by side, a large snake coiled over their shoulder. The lights go out once more before the dark, technical music kicks in.

"And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon England's mountains green
And was the holy lamb of God
On England's pleasant pastures seen"

Dampshaw slowly comes out, standing between the two hooded figures, the snake now resting on all three shoulders. Reginald begins laughing and then commands the two figures to return to the back. Dampshaw then shoots his eyes back to the ring and begins walking down the ramp. He notices the camera and stares directly into it as he is walking.

Announcer: From Ryde, Isle of Wight, England, weighing in at 225 lbs, he is He is "The Time Lizard".....REEEEEGGGGINNNNNALLLD DAAAAMMMMMPPPSSSHAAAWWW III!

"Bring me my Bow of burning gold
Bring me my arrows of desire
Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold
Bring me my Chariot of fire"

Reginald slowly enters the ring and walks over to a turnbuckle. He climbs onto it and closes his eyes with his arms outstretched. He looks back at the camera, laughs and yells:

Reginald Dampshaw III: Behold! The Time Lizard!

“5 out of 6” by Dessa plays and Lexi Gold appears from behind the curtain to a chorus of cheers from the crowd. She slowly makes her way down the ramp and gazes out on the jam packed arena before she runs toward the fans at ringside and claps their hands.

The Golden Goddess then makes her way up the steps and goes through the bottom rope before she makes her way toward the center for a pose. She then settles into her own corner and waits for the match to begin.


Right from the jump, Dampshaw looks to bully Lexi Gold around with brute force. His size and weight advantages let him toss Lexi around from pillar to post, mostly at will. But the youthful starlet shows a high threshold for punishment and keeps rising to the occasion never staying down long.

Dampshaw decides to get a little rougher, using strong style forearm strikes and hard knees to get Gold a little more beaten down. He starts working on the lower back of Lexi using a few backbreaker variations and some high impact suplexes. Dampshaw looks to really damage Lexi with a surfboard stretch, but Gold is able to free herself from the predicament and get some breathing room by hitting a superkick out of nowhere that leaves the time lizard staggered.

Lexi knows her best bet is to keep the stronger opponent grounded, and she does so with some high energy moves. A running meteora followed by a quick FOOL’S GOLD almost gets a quick pinfall, but Dampshaw kicks out and slides out of the ring to slow down the momentum and get his bearings back.

When Dampshaw gets back into the ring he is once again able to impose his will on Lexi Gold, and he uses some extra leverage by going to the top a few times, first with some diving euro uppercuts and finally finishing off with a knee drop.

After an extended period of hammering Lexi, Reginald Dampshaw appears satisfied and ready to end the match. He sets her up in a suplex and gives a signal to the crowd to expect the GOLDEN BUSTER… but Lexi shocks him by shifting her weight and rolling him into a pinning combination for the 1-2-3!

The referee calls for the bell and Dampshaw can NOT believe it. Then, he attacks Lexi Gold as she briefly celebrates her win… he pummels her into the canvas and locks on his devastating CRACKING THE THRONE maneuver, beating Lexi in the skull until several officials manage to pull him free and drag him to the back.

(Match Time: 7:32)

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A shocking turn of events here, Bath… Reginald Dampshaw looks like he completely lost his mind after losing this match! He went completely off the rails!

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He sure did, and I bet it’s because he knows how close he came to winning! Face it, he dominated this match and got stuck in a lucky pin at the end… hat’s off to Lexi Gold and I hope she’s all right, but she didn’t look like much of a winner to me!

[Image: uvVdaft.jpg]
Another competitor really stood out last Madness when he debuted in spectacular fashion in another fatal fourway match… and he came out on top! Bath, defeating names like Doc Docherty, Sierra Silver, and Joss Spencer is no easy feat - where do you see Reginald Dampshaw III in the long run?

[Image: oJvuyIf.jpg]
The sky’s the limit with the Time Lizard, Jacuinde! He entered a match filled with marquee names and he won… on his FIRST NIGHT! One of the people he defeated is main eventing here in London for the IDL Title, so what does that say about the talent of Dampshaw? He’s got the sauce!

[Image: uvVdaft.jpg]
We’ll see if he can handle another well known name next, when he goes one on one with Lexi Gold!

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(Long live the reckless and the brave
I don't think I wanna be saved
My song has not been sung
So long live us)

As the music kicks in, Sierra bursts through the curtain with all the energy in the world and a huge smile on her face. She runs over to the edge of the stage and pointing her Minecraft diamond sword prop out into the crowd before returning to the top of ramp and striking a "supervillain" pose. She poses for a few seconds before taking a running start down the ramp, high fiving everyone she can on the way down, going around the ring and back up the other side of the ramo before stopping herself at the top, turning, and skipping down and sliding into the ring under the bottom rope.

(Breaking out of a town called Suburbia
I remember everybody always saying
"Little brat must be crazy
Never make it in our vicious little world"
Still I'm leaving)

Sierra jumps up onto the turnbuckle and points her sword into the air, repeating the process for each corner before jumping down and running laps around the ring before coming to a stop with a hop in her corner, bouncing on her toes and heels as she awaits the beginning of the match.

Air raid sirens begin their cries of warning as the arena is plunged into darkness. As they reach their crescendo, and begin their fall, a single spotlight cuts through the dark, illuminating Holden who is standing statuesque, just this side of the threshold of the entrance curtain.

Just like their signal of warning in the real World, in A.W. they are a warning that the “Bastard” is making his way to the ring. When the spotlight first shines on him, he has his head down, chin on his chest and his eyes closed. The sirens begin winding up their pitch for the second round of screaming. He lifts his head and his face is void of emotion, his eyes black pools of nothing, similar to a great white's eyes.

Ring Announcer: Making his way to the ring; standing at six feet, five inches tall and weighing in at just over three hundred pounds! He hails from San Luis Obispo! He is “The Bastard!” Hoooooldennnnnnnn RRRRRRRRRRoosssssssss!

The sirens are relentless as he strolls down to the ring. He takes his time climbing the ring steps and wipes his feet before entering the ring. He brings his hands together in front of his chest, in a praying position. He then removes the ski mask, chain, and jacket and tosses it out to the ring girl. When the referee attempts to check him for contraband, Holden gently pushes him away and leans into his corner, apparently bored.


Sierra knows she has to use her speed and her wits to not be overwhelmed by Holden Ross’s sheer rage and aggression. She begins the match by countering Holden’s advances with fast kicks and flying moves to back him up out of range. It works for a time, but Ross simply never stops moving forward long enough to give Silver a chance to establish any momentum.

Ross cuts the ring in half, and eventually traps Silver in a corner. His looming size combined with the tightened room for Sierra Silver to work in leads to Silver getting caught when she tries a headscissor takedown. Ross simply stands his ground and swings Silver like a pendulum into the turnbuckles, then swings her to the other side and tosses her out of the ring through the ropes.

Holden Ross follows Sierra to the floor and just waylays her with violence. He throws her back and forth from the railing to the apron, then throws her headfirst into the ring post. Silver tries to fight him off but the combination of his size and strength as well as the punishment she’s already absorbed make it nearly impossible for her to do anything other than keep taking abuse.

Next is a gorilla press by Holden, and he lets her fall flat to the concrete. At this point Johnny Hitmaker and Hide Yamazaki run down to the ring, possibly getting the first pop from a crowd of their entire careers. Johnny puts himself in between Sierra and Holden, and he pays the price when Ross grabs him by his lapels and tosses him over the guardrail and into the crowd!

Hide comes to his manager’s aid but before he can get his hands on Ross, Ross grabs the ring steps and smashes them into Yamazaki’s face, laying him out! Sierra Silver is back to her feet by now, but that changes when Holden Ross hits HER with the steel stairs from the other end of the ring, chucking them nearly fifteen feet!

The bell starts ringing as the referee calls for a DQ as soon as the stairs hit Silver, but Ross isn’t done… he pulls her to her feet and smashes her with a short-arm clothesline, then walks her up the steps he just threw… and hits the H-BOMB right onto the stairs!

The ringside area turns to chaos as officials flood the area to get Ross away from Silver, and to help Silver, checking to make sure she isn’t injured. As Holden Ross is shepherded away from the area we see Sierra Silver get up on her own power and actually put up her dukes asking for more fight! But the match has already been called…

(Match Time: 3:08)

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Bath, Holden Ross is completely out of control! He’s been interfering in matches for two months, he cost Sierra Silver on more than one occasion, and now he’s showing a blatant disregard for the rules and for anyone’s safety!

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This is one of the rare times I completely agree with you, Jacuinde! The man has to be stopped. I know one thing for sure… Tula Keali’i will NOT let what just happened go lightly! She’ll have plenty to say about it, I’m certain!

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Next is the third and final trios match for the brand new Delta Division… and we might have saved the best for last! The Themis sisters, Osira, Agrippina, and Desdemona, taking on the Privileged Elite and former IDL Champion the VIP Chris Mosh! Quick shout out to Atara Themis, by the way, congratulations on the bundle of joy.

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Absolutely. I mean, she ended up with the second most handsome man alive, James Raven, right behind yours truly! BUT! What matters tonight is the current Gemini Champs making a run at yet another team title… they’ve got to be favorites here tonight, right?.

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I think any time a current title holder is in the ring, you expect them to come out on top… but we get to find out if that’s the case… NOW!

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The Themis sisters slowly enter the area as perfumed air is pumped into the stands. They saunter down to the ring showing off photos of their sister Atara and her new baby.

Osira, Desdemona, and Agrippina hold hands as they head up the ring steps and enter the ring, smiling to the crowd who are clearly in their corner.

Aggy and Des hold their Gemini rings up in the air as they stand in the middle of the ring, then the three all head to a corner and get ready to go.

“Spoiled” Summer Page and “The” Jessica Anderson walk out on either side of Mosh. The Privileged Elite smirk as they walk down to the ring with the former IDL Champion, and all three of them get up into the squared circle and stand posing as a trio.

They stand and pose for the paparazzi that followed them down, soaking up the flash bulbs and the attention.

The three then go into their corner and wait.


Mosh and Osira Themis start things off, and it doesn’t take long for Chris Mosh to take control. Osira having a little bit of ring rust probably doesn’t help, as well as the whole family being a bit preoccupied with Atara having a baby just a few days back.

Mosh tags in Jess Anderson… er… Smith? We’ll have to check on that. But either way, THE Jessica stomps out Osira for a bit and then finds herself reversed on a whip to the ropes. When she hits the far ropes, Des Themis clubs her in the back of the head with a forearm, getting a reprimand from the ref. It’s enough to give Osira an opening to hit the DISCORD DRIVER on Jess. Themis gets two, but Summer Page breaks things up, dragging Jess all the way back to their home corner so she can get tagged in.

Page comes in strong, putting a lot of work into the exhausted Osira Themis, eventually getting a two count after a GOLDEN RULE neckbreaker. She decides to go tag in her partner Jess again then, which allows Agrippina into the ring. Aggy is able to swing things in the direction of Team Themis. She has Jess Anderson nearly beat but when she runs the ropes she gets tripped from the outside by Chris Mosh!

Osira runs around the ring and tackles Mosh, smashing him into the concrete floor with a FUCK YOUR FACE assault! The referee is trying to get them separated but the distraction is enough to get Desdemona into the ring, and she and Aggy drop Jess Anderson and then follow up with a GREEK CATAPULT!

Des leaves the ring as Aggy makes a cover, but Jess Anderson kicks out at two! Aggy is stunned!

Agrippina tags out to Desdemona and Jess tags in Summer Page once more. Des is fired up and overwhelms Page with some pankration strikes, but Page turns the tables by tripping Des up and slamming her face into the second turnbuckle.

Chris Mosh gets back into the fray and dominates Des Themis for a bit before tossing her into her own corner, demanding Osira get tagged back in. However, it’s Aggy that makes the tag, and her high energy moves actually have Moah reeling to the point that he decides to bail and tags Page back in.

Agrippina and Summer are pretty even keel, but out of the blue, Aggy leaps at her with her JUDGMENT OF PARIS… but Summer Page has it scouted and catches her in mid-air, her leg hooked in position… for the PURE PERFECTION!

Des gets cut off by Jess and Mosh spears Osira as they run in to break things up, and the ref slaps his hand for the 1-2-3!

(Match Time: 8:22)

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Amazing! Summer Page just pinned one half of the Gemini Champions! That’s got to go a long way towards getting the Privileged Elite a title shot, doesn’t it?

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I think you’re right, Jacuinde… I hate to call it an upset, but I think everyone expected to see Themis Palaestra go deep into the Delta Division! This turns the whole division on its side… which I guess just makes another triangle? I’m bad at math.

[Image: uvVdaft.jpg]
Bath we’ve been waiting all night to get here and the time has finally arrived. The main event of the evening. The IDL Championship on the line right here at the Prime Meridian in London, England! Elijah Copeland, a man who has proven to just be in a higher class than most performers, and maybe the most dangerous man on the roster, Chris ‘Doc’ Docherty… this is gonna be a good one!

[Image: oJvuyIf.jpg]
I’m not sure if Elijah Copeland knows how to have a bad one, Jacuinde! Other than a slip up in the original IDL tournament, Copeland has been the MAN on Madness… and his running buddies are at the top of the class as well! Docherty is a wild card for sure but he’s just not on the same level as our IDL Champion.

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We’re gonna find out RIGHT NOW!!!

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As the fans wait in anticipation, "Victory" hits over the PA and the crowd rise to their feet, awaiting the arrival of Doc. The lights then turn to darkness, a blue glow illuminating the top of the ramp and two white strobe lighting bolts shining across it. They cross over in a huge "X" shape, like the St. Andrews flag of Scotland, and as Doc walks out and stands under the "X", the lights turn back on and Doc remains on the spot for a few seconds, before speeding up his approach to the ring as the song enters its chorus, never once looking out to the crowd, staring straight ahead at his opponent in the ring.

The camera pans around the ship’s deck and the Madness ring. Just then there was black, gold, and white flickering as "Breaking Through" by the Wreckage hits the speakers in the arena.

♪ Sever every tie
Untangle every lie
Your words don't mean anything anymore, no
Never satisfied ♪

Just then Elijah Copeland is seen coming through the curtains as the fans begin booing. Copeland has the XWF Madness IDL Championship around his waist. He is seen wearing a black muscle shirt with "The Copeland Era" written on the front, black and gold trunks with Copeland written on the back in gold, black knee pads, black and gold boots, white wrapped up hand on his left hand, black wrist tape on his left, black dog tag with "Elijah Copeland" written in it, and a black sweatband up his arms with "Copeland" written in gold. He puts his wrist together and gets a huge smirk on his face.

♪ But I won't compromise myself for you
Anymore anymore, no
You're so complicated
I'm so over it ♪

He starts walking down the ramp as the fans continue to shower  boos. Copeland stops and looks at the crowd and gives off a slight smirk and laughs at their misfortunes. He bad mouths the fans before getting down to the ringside and stopping on the ringside mat. He walks towards the steel steps and breathes in.

♪ Don't tell me everything is all right
(I know you know)
Don't tell me how to live my life
I'm breaking through tonight ♪

Elijah slaps the steps a few times before walking up them. He walks alongside the edge of the ring. He enters it and walks towards the turnbuckle.

♪ You can crash and burn this time
As I leave it all behind
These scars won't breathe anymore anymore, no
Sounds like goodbye ♪

He looks at the fans as he slowly takes off his shirt and throws it to the outside. He points at the fans before getting down and moves to the corner. He then removes the title around his waist and hands it off to the official.


The match starts as a bit of a feeling out process, neither man wanting to get into a compromising position too early. Docherty, relying on his MMA background, tries to keep circling Copeland in an attempt to trap him in a corner of the ring. Copeland is smart though, and he slips out each time it looks like he might be up against the ropes.

Copeland eventually gets Docherty to agree to a lockup, and the two men start testing their strength against each other with their hands over their heads. They go to the sides as they end up pressed against each other chest to chest, straining. Docherty gets the best of Copeland, turning his hands upside down and stretching his wrists and fingers. Copeland hops around from the pain before stomping on Docherty’s foot to get loose.

Docherty unleashes a barrage of strikes then, using an array of body shots with his hands and feet, showing off his boxing and kickboxing skills. Copeland does a halfway decent job of blocking some of the shots, but he ends up on his back with Docherty quickly getting side control after a lightning fast single leg takedown.

Docherty owns the middle portion of the match this way, grinding on Elijah Copeland with ground and pound techniques. He works on an attempt at a key lock for a while, then abandons it for what almost turned into a dangerous armbar.

After Copeland gets a little separation by rolling through an attempt by Docherty to take his back, Copeland is back onto his feet - but he quickly finds himself trapped in a STANDING ARM TRIANGLE! Copeland is able to grab the top rope, but rather than simply releasing the hold, Docherty slams his head into Copeland’s, then drills him backward in a suplex with the hold still applied! He goes for a cover and gets two and a half, close enough that the front row had already stood up thinking they’d seen a title change.

Docherty smells blood in the water and sets up for a big finish as Copeland drags himself up to his feet by the ropes. Docherty then moves for the kill with a GENOCIDE KICK! But Copeland sidesteps and catches Docherty with a leg trapped, pulling him into a hard Saito suplex!

That swings the momentum to the champion, and Copeland spends his time wisely. He hits a series of suplexes and gutbusters, then snaps him down hard with a DDT. Rather than going for a cover, he slips his knee pad down and takes a few steps back, then hits a nasty SHINING WIZARD on Doc when he lifts his head from the mat! Copeland goes for a cover but only gets two, and the champ looks like thinks he should have had three.

Copeland decides it’s time to call it a night and he gets Docherty into position. He runs a thumb across his throat to let the crowd know it’s over, then he pulls Doc up into the MONEY MAKER! He hits it beautifully and then he drapes himself over Docherty for the 1-2


Copeland can’t believe it, but Chris Docherty kicked out of the Money Maker!

Copeland shouts at the official again for what he deems to be a slow count, and he takes his eye off the ball long enough for Docherty to snare his ankle into the DOC LOCK! Doc has it in TIGHT, too, and Copelad has to grit his teeth and drag himself to the bottom rope, barely making it there by the fingertips. The official forces a break this time and Docherty wastes no time hopping up and hitting the ropes for a LIONSAULT!

Doc only gets two on a cover but he doesn’t sweat it, instead heading to the top rope and slapping his elbow to let the crowd know what’s coming. There must be a few hooligans in the audience out of Glasgow because they get REAL loud once Docherty stands atop the turnbuckles…

Elijah Copeland runs in with a big boot to Docherty’s leg, knocking him down onto the corner pads! Docherty is stuck straddling the turnbuckle and Copeland scrambles to improvise, lifting Doc up in a DDT… PHILLY SPECIAL FROM UP TOP!

Copeland is careful to hook a leg this time and he gets awarded the 1-2-3!

(Match Time: 9:56)

The crowd is chanting after such a great match to close the show out, and as Copeland is handed his IDL Title he actually takes a moment to show a rare sign of sportsmanship, shaking the hand of Docherty for bringing a strong challenge…

And then Holden Ross barges into the ring and clobbers Copeland from behind with a bullhammer forearm strike to the occipital lobe!

Copeland drops like a missed free throw, and Docherty stands in the face of the snarling Holden Ross. Docherty starts chopping him down with leg kicks and looks like he’s hurting the big man, but Ross snatches him in both hands by the throat and hits a nasty sitout chokeslam bomb, then stands up and screams in aggression to the booing crowd.


We cut to Bath and Jacuinde, but before they can say a word, GM Tula Keali’i’s music fires up and she arrives at the top of the ramp with a microphone.

[Image: MSPycHR.png]
I’m going to keep this short and sweet… Holden Ross, on MY show, we have rules. You’ve been ignoring those rules for months, and rubbing it in my face the entire time. If fines aren’t enough to put you in your place, then we’ll just have to go ahead and double them. I’m fining you 80,000 dollars for the combined actions of the past three episodes of Madness. You’ve interfered, you’ve attacked, you’ve cheated in your one and only sanctioned match so far… you’re lucky you still have a JOB.

The crowd OOOOHs as Holden Ross mouths some obscenities towards the GM.

[Image: MSPycHR.png]
Earlier tonight, you put your hands on a non-combatant in Johnny Hitmaker. You have made sure everyone knows how violent you are… so next time on Madness, you’ll have to prove it. If you want to ever see the inside of a Madness ring again, you’ll have to win the Lord of Violence match next Madness… and Hide Yamazaki will absolutely be there, as well as Doc Docherty…now get the HELL out of my ring!!

Tula turns and leaves as the crowd cheers. Holden Ross sneers in the ring and nods his head.

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Bath, I can’t believe what we have just seen here to close out Madness! Holden Ross just assaulted Doc Docherty as well as the IDL Champion Elijah Copeland… and that’s after the debacle earlier when he attacked Johnny Hitmaker and Hide Yamazaki and tried to send Sierra Silver to the hospital!

[Image: oJvuyIf.jpg]
What a terrible way to end a fantastic match between two incredibly talented men, Jacuinde! Elijah Copeland and Chris Docherty left it all in the ring to close this show and then they had their moment stolen from them by this madan Holden Ross! It’s ridiculous, and I’m glad Tula Keali’i didn’t wait to do something about it… I’ll be SALIVATING to watch Holden Ross get what’s coming to him next Madness when he has to put his money where his mouth is… after writing a massive check to the XWF!

[Image: uvVdaft.jpg]
I agree wholeheartedly, Bath, there’s just no place on Madness for that kind of recklessness. But what a show we had here tonight! Those Trios Matches as well as the IDL Championship match we just saw… WOW!

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Amazing displays of talent from top to bottom, Jacuinde, just like always. And next time, it will be more of the same!

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And we hope to see all of you there when we hit the airwaves again… that’s all the time we have this time, so from London, I’m Jacuinde Cauhtemoc and Bath Saltzmann saying GOOD NIGHT!!!

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