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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
Abbey Road
Author Message
Andrew Aldway Offline
The Barmy Brit

XWF FanBase:
Heel w/ Cult Following

(the heel you love to love; does whatever they want)

07-07-2013, 02:15 PM

Andrew is seen making his way up a flight of stairs through a multitude of people. He moves with the huge group slowly making his way outside into the rainy London weather as people all around him dart from under the canopy holding umbrellas. Above him the sign reads St. John's Wood Station in white lettering on a blue background, a nearby post has the word Underground plastered in the middle of a circle.

"That bloody twit better be there."

He makes his way down the busy street as people run by him, shielding themselves from the rain, but he just stuffs his hands in his large overcoat and trudges along not paying any attention. He walks this way for a while until he comes to an intersection, where he stops and looks at his watch.

"Gor blimey, three thirty, I hope the stupid twit didn't get lost."

Suddenly a voice yells out to him from across the street.

"Andrew, over here."

A young man, carrying a heavy looking case is waves to him from across the street. Andrew returns the acknowledgement and makes his way across the street.

"I thought you may have got lost."

"No sir, right on the corner of Abbey Road and Grove End, three o'clock, just like you said."

"Right, sorry about that chap, had business to take care of last night."

"Oh no problem sir, so are you ready?"

"Was ready the day before yesterday."

"Okay, just give me a minute here."

The man puts the case down and begins putting the camera together, in the meantime, Andrew walks over to a man playing a guitar on the side of the road and hands him a money clip full of money, and the man hands him the guitar. Andrew holds a finger up to the man and points over to the cameraman before getting up and walking back over to the young man just as he's shouldering the camera.

"Ready chap?"

"Whenever you are sir."

Putting the strap over his shoulder, and strumming the guitar once, Andrew points to him and he presses the record button.

"Hello XWF, I'm here in London at the corner of Abbey Road and Grove End at the world famous Abbey Road studios, and since Mr. Braxton seems to have no interest in entertaining anyone, I thought since I'm so close to a musical landmark that maybe I'd make up my own little song about Brian. Now some of you yanks may recognize this, it's set to the tune of the immortal Beatles song from nineteen sixty nine, Get Back."

Andrew strums the guitar a few times and begins the song, his voice surprisingly close to John Lennon's.

"Braxton was a man I think he is a boner
And when he meets me I'm gonna shatter him like glass.
Braxton left his home in Lincolnville, Maine
To come to london to make himself look like an ass.
Get back, get back.
Get back to where you once belonged
Get back, get back.
Get back to where you once belonged.
Get back Jojo, go home
Get back, get back.
Get back to where you once belonged
Get back, get back.
Back to where you once belonged."

He stops singing, a few people who had gathered around looked at him, a few clapped then they all dispersed going on their ways.

"Now that I've entertained more people with that one song than Brian Braxton has in his entire life, I must admit I'm finally at a loss of words about this twit. He runs his mouth about pain to everyone else and now he hasn't given me a damn new thing to make a joke about, he really has disappointed me. But I can't do the same to all my adoring fans, I would feel like I wasn't doing my job, and wouldn't deserve certain things like oh I don't know, a pay per view match for a championship. But I understand I guess Paul isn't necessarily going to throw all his entertainment in one match, although I would rather see the bloody table because not only is it more entertaining than you but it also actually has a slim chance of winning."

He laughs to himself.

"It's ok though Brian, maybe you have finally come to your senses, I mean even if hell froze over and the devil himself was eating a banana split you don't have a chance of beating me, and maybe silence is just your way of saying you already admit defeat, they do say actions speak louder than words after all."

He picks up the guitar and apparently continues his song.

" Ugly Brian Braxton I thought he was a woman
But turns out he was a man
Dean Moxley McGovern say he's got it coming
And he says catch me if you can
Get back, get back.
Get back to where you once belonged
Get back, get back......"

The camera fades out as he continues his song and a small group gather around.

[Image: 11038946450a12999901768l.jpg]
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