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"The Future..." (Podcast Interview)
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Myra Rivers Offline
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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

06-05-2022, 11:58 AM

“We’re back and coming to you live…” my sister Adrianna said as her weekly Sunday podcast came back from a commercial break. I was feeling confident as I sat near her in her studio. “...and here’s a familiar guest. My own sister, Myra Rivers. Myra is making, more or less, her first public comments since returning from her own excursion in Greece so to speak. How are you today?”

“I’m feeling great…” I said with a smile. “Yesterday’s charity walk for brain cancer research was definitely one of the most fulfilling things I’ve ever done.”

“There has been much change with you lately…” Adrianna reminds me. “ and out of the ring. Let’s talk about the charity walk. You recently made the decision to become an advocate, right?”

“Yes! I want to reach out and be a voice for those that have either suffered from brain cancer, or, like me, has had a close family member that has. For me, as you know, it was incredibly difficult to lose my mother at the age of seven to such a horrible disease and I want people to know, through my in-ring career and charity events, that they’re not alone and that they can overcome that adversity to make their lives the best they can be. In fact, going forward, I’m going to be wearing a gray armband with my wrestling attire. Gray is the color used to signify brain cancer awareness…”

“Like pink for breast cancer, right?”

“Exactly. I feel like it’s a hell of a cause for me and I’m so grateful to be part of it. I’ve had many organizations reach out and ask me if I want to do things with them and it’s amazing. I’m opening up a brand new chapter of my life and it’s so fulfilling, Adrianna. Really, it is.”

“It’s not the only new chapter of your life though. August 1st, your wrestling school opens up.”

“Do you have any idea how excited I am about that? The joy on those people when they walk in those doors is going to be amazing. I get to help people realize their dreams. I know that I won’t have a perfect success rate with my wrestling students. Not all of them are going to graduate. Some of those students are going to realize that wrestling isn’t for them and that’s fine. But, as long as they’re under the roof of that wrestling school, I am going to be doing everything that I can to help them.”

“Ten years ago, you wouldn’t think about doing this…” Adrianna reminds me.

“Admittedly not. You don’t think about things like that in your 20’s. Most wrestlers in their twenties are thinking about their accolades and getting what they can out of the business. They generally don’t think about giving back. I admit, when I was in my twenties, I didn’t. I was caught up in the title chases and the bright lights. Shoot, I have to be honest and say that until recently, I was still caught up in that. This isn’t to say that I’m done winning championships or anything of that nature, but the older you get, the more perspective you gain. Since September, that perspective has only grown for me. I want to give back to this business and through this wrestling school, that’s exactly what I am doing.”

“If there is one thing, above all, that you want to teach these kids, what would it be?”

“Don’t make it all about the spotlight…” I say with a bold conviction in my voice. “...let that come to you naturally. Don’t try to force it. Because, and this is coming from someone that did this a LOT until last September, if you try to force it, you’re only going to drive yourself nuts when it doesn’t happen for you as fast as you want it. There is nothing wrong with chasing something in particular that you feel like you’re more than good enough for, but there’s a big difference between doing something like that and self-destructing and melting down when it doesn’t happen when you want it. For the last 9 months, I’ve learned SO much about preventing these types of meltdowns because as you know, last September? I wanted to be done…”

“In fact, let me reveal to the listeners out there that I actually WANTED Myra to be done…”

“True story…”

“As a sister, and this is kind of breaking away from the interview and providing some frontline detail, I felt as if Myra was better off moving on because she was at a point where the business wasn’t making her happy anymore.”

“True…” I said with a reflective breath. “I was placing too much emphasis and value on how other people perceived me. I had to loosen up and I have. I’m glad I have. I’m glad that I’ve embraced myself as who I am as a person and as a wrestler. We can talk about the 20 championships until the cows come home, sure. But what’s the use of accomplishing something if you’re miserable? I once had the mindset that I couldn’t be happy with winning a championship knowing that I had to defend it. I tried not to celebrate ANY accomplishment because it felt like the mission wasn’t over. At least with the Festivus World title last December, I did celebrate that a bit…”

“It was a welcome change, not going to lie. I’m glad you stuck with it, through and through. You’ve been through a roller coaster, though. It hasn’t been easy. In fact, you’ve been through some changes lately that have you expanding your horizons as far as your career is concerned.”

“I have! New opportunities! New challenges! New opponents! It’s awesome. I love that challenge of getting to face people that I’ve never wrestled before and to have a completely new experience. Plenty of wrestlers like to stay in their comfort zones for a while, but I’ve always been that wrestler that has, as you said, expanded horizons. I’ve done what I’ve done for as long as I have because I’ve never been afraid to take on something new. I’ve always had one hell of a track record of being successful when taking on a new challenge. House of Wrestling saw that on Friday when I went in there and won my first singles match. XWF saw it when I won my debut match there and they’ll see more of it when I face Sierra Silver very soon. High Roller will see that soon enough…”

“Even though THEY threw you straight into the fire…” Adrianna says with a laugh. What she just mentioned isn’t bothering me in the slightest.

“Hey, it’s not the first time I’ve been thrown into the fire right out of the gate…” I remind Adrianna. “Thirteen years ago, in PRW, they threw me in there right out of the gate against someone that would eventually become a future Hall of Fame member, Triple Crown winner and world champion, right?”

“Of course, I remember that! You met that challenge and you won. But, of course, we’re not here to reminisce about 13 years ago. Obviously. You know the mentality of the business and most wrestling companies. ‘If it didn’t happen here… blah blah blah…’ I hate that mentality, by the way, but it is what it is. Still, you have to address the reality and the facts of your situation. You’re 37 years old, going on 38 next month, and you’re expanding your horizons at this stage of your career. What would you say to those that would think that you’re ‘too old’ to be doing this at this stage of your career?”

“What I would say to them is that I’ve only gotten BETTER with age and I’m going to keep getting better. Sure, one company may have a longer adjustment period than another company or it may take me longer to win a title in one company than it would in another, but that’s okay. It’s about the experience for me. I’ve grown past being the wrestler that is all ‘hand me all the championships’. I just want to do right by the business, the way it’s supposed to be done. If I pick up a title along the way, fine. If I HAVE to pick up a title along the way to do right by this business, fine. I know what my resume looks like and believe me, I am damn proud of it. I can retire right now and be happy with that resume. Very few wrestlers get to say that they’ve won 20 titles, very few get to say they’ve been a five time world champion, even fewer get to say that they’ve held a title for 350 days. Hell, there aren’t that many wrestlers that get to say that they’ve been DOING THIS as long as I have. I alluded to it earlier, but most wrestlers in training? They don’t even make the Indies… and most wrestlers in the Indies don’t ever get to break the mainstream. Most wrestlers in the mainstream don’t ever get to hold a title at all or even last a year. I’m VERY fortunate and incredibly blessed to have had the career that I’ve had. What I’m doing right now may work out in the long run. I believe in my heart of hearts that it definitely will. I know I’m in an adjustment period right now starting all these new journeys, but I know I can and will get through it a better and stronger wrestler than ever. Even if it DOESN’T work out in the long run, they can’t take away what I’ve accomplished and they sure as hell can’t say that I didn’t try. I already know that I’ll never be a failure in this business. Period.”

“What about any critics from previous companies that might run you down?”

I merely shrug this off.

“Even you have to admit you’ve carried chips on your shoulders from one company into the next…”

“A habit that I am breaking with these three companies, but yes, I admit that. As far as critics from previous companies? I have nothing to prove to them. In fact, I don’t even think about them… or rather I hadn’t before you asked your question. I have nothing to say to them because they’re in the past. In the big picture, they don’t matter anymore.”

“What about critics and peers in the future that you will eventually come across that will make that effort to run you down, intimidate you, poke holes in your accomplishments, say that you’re not worth this, not worth that, diminish you the way that others have before, or even make up outright LIES about you?”

“It’s all part of the business…” I say, again shrugging off the potential criticism. “They can say whatever they want about me. They’ll run me down, I know that. It’s not what they say. It’s how you RESPOND to what they say. Something that many wrestlers forget, of which I learned myself quite recently, is that just because an opponent beats you in the ring doesn’t mean that anything they said about you is true. Just because you lose to someone that says you’ll never be good enough to be a world champion doesn’t mean that you’ll never be good enough to be world champion. Just because you lose to someone that says that you’re old and past your prime doesn’t mean that you ARE old and past your prime. Just because you lose to someone that says you’re worthless, doesn’t mean you ARE worthless…”

“Right, I get that. It’s about how you respond to adversity…”

“Exactly! Oh and to address the outright lies part… because you’re right, many will say such horrible things.”

“Like people on camera saying that you said something on social media that you never did…”


“Or someone treating you like you don’t know what the business is all about despite months of evidence to the contrary…”

“Let’s keep this positive here…” I interjected.

“I’m just giving examples. How do you combat, you know, the outright lies that any wrestler makes up about anyone else?”

“Adri, I just remember one thing… and this isn’t just a wrestling thing by the way: the only one that knows the entire truth about you… is you. Nobody else knows your inner truth. Nobody else DEFINES your truth. Only YOU know and only YOU define that. Look, I’m not a perfect person. I’ve made mistakes, many in my career. I’ve had to learn things the hard way plenty of times. But, ultimately? It’s made me who I am today. It’s put me at the best point that I can be at in my career and as I look ahead to the future, I know in my heart I’ve got everything it takes in that ring to make that future a bright and successful one. I’m past the point where I will ever allow an opponent or an adversary to tell me otherwise again. The best part of my career is only getting started, if not in its infancy, as far as I am concerned.”

“Sis, you’ve got such a hell of a way of looking at things. If you’re an aspiring wrestler out there, yeah, you just got a gold mine of good information. Anyway Myra, thank you BUNCHES for taking the time to be on my show again…”

“Anytime, Adrianna.”

“I’m not even going to wish you ‘good luck’ with the future to come because being on the front lines of your journey all these years, you don’t need it.”

“Of course…” I say with a laugh.

“We’re going to take another ad break here. When we come back, it’s time for our weekly NEW MUSIC REVIEW! Candid thoughts and more, only on Ranting Rivers Radio… we’ll be right back…”
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