Ring Master
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05-04-2022, 12:30 PM
Tampa Bay, Florida was the birthplace of Ring Master. The memories he had of this city were always positive and how could it not be it's where he graduated high school. It is the town that helped him grow in his passion for sports entertainment and of course, it was the same town that always supported his dreams no matter how crazy the idea was and it was something Ringmaster was always thankful for. Hell he brought a home here years ago but this visit was special.as the Ring Master stood on a property he purchased many years ago. It was about a year ago when he realized this was a chance to give back to the community. He opened a wrestling school but for him it was much more than that for him. It was about teaching children and adults the ins and out of the business. Ring Master knew he was the perfect candidate for this. The passion he showed each week was a level most men struggled to reach. He wanted this wrestling school to have it all. Ring Master approached the building as he took out a key reaching the entrance. The door swings open as the smell of fresh paint and hard work hit his face. He steps inside after removing his shoes and begins to walk around. The place was spotless, and he could feel the energy starting to build as he makes his way to the ring room. Ring Master had a beautiful 30x30 custom ring made wanting his students to have the best. The whole experience brought a tear to his eye knowing that future stars come from his school. Ring Master knew to enjoy this moment because this time tomorrow the building will be open to everybody willing to prove they have what it takes. He steps inside the ring looking around at the balcony area and just imagining the crowds. The young man tries to gather his thoughts as he spoke.
This is what championship wrestling is all about Mr. Kido. I like thinking outside the box with a bigger ring in order to showcase how talented others are compared to you already. You see I may have fell victim to Charlie Nickels but compared to you I actually made him sweat. The high school talent would fare better against him then you did and yet you're proud of yourself. I've already proven to XWF that I'm the better talent. You're too confident, and that's why your approach sucks. This business needs someone who can stay humble and share the experience with everyone. They want to know that failure is an option because without it we get cocky. I know you've been successful and have been praised the moment you signed with XWF but let's face it the only opinion you care about is yours. You're entitled to do that but see I'm surprised you wouldn't want to set an example for the future it would boost your ego. It's okay though some don't play nicely with others but Ring Master is truly honored to show you that everyone I meet becomes a star.
With those words, he exits the ring jumping down to the floor. The loud pop of his feet echoed throughout the room. Ring Master continued the tour of the place as he walks up the stairs that looks down at the ring.
Mr. Kido soon enough you will see things from my perspective. Let me educate you just in case you're confused. The Ring Master perspective is to reach beyond the limits of my body. It is about pushing when I have nothing left to give. One kind say that my mission statement is to be the best in the world. I'm sure you would argue considering we are new kids on the block in this company but Mr. Kido I don't back down. I believe in myself to accomplish that goal the honest way. Some would claim I run my mouth, and I do. However, when you born for greatness why, not let it be known? I would gladly invite you to the grand opening, but this place is reserved for those with character and dignity.
He walks down to the main floor and finishes up the tour making sure everything is exactly how he dreamed it. He approved and left the building locking it up. Ring Master was very excited about the new beginning and the impact it would have on the community and the eventual outreach it promotes pulling others in. Once he got a great night's sleep and freshened up, he would try his best to keep his nerves under control. it was very rare that he got this way but if the community showed no support then it would devastate him. He knew it was now or never though and after a few hours, he arrives at the ceremony to officially cut the ribbon and open the school. There is a huge crowd that brings a smile to his face as he walks towards the ribbon and does a little speech.
For all of those in attendance let me introduce myself. Ring Master is my name and kicking butt is the game. I am a proud member of the XWF and when you walk inside I want you to feel welcomed and encouraged to stay for however long you like. I do have a special speech planned considering I have a match this week. You are going to be the first to hear it and I hope it inspires everyone who signs up today, That being said it is very moving and heart-warming to see everyone here. It tells me that I did the right thing, and I hope to always grow and I am always going to listen to the people of the community and take their ideas into consideration. This is day one of many so let's open this up to the public and begin a journey that has limitless endings. Never be afraid to speak up and ask questions for the only stupid question is one never asked.
With that, he takes the scissors and cuts the ribbon. His wrestling school was now open. The crowd pours in as everybody looks around. Once the crowd outside thins out he sneaks in behind the crowd. He stands in the doorway and listens to all the chatter going on as kids and young adults are signing up for lessons.
This is amazing.
Being this was a new business adventure Ring Master knew that most of the time it would be a great pain in the ass but in his eyes, it was worth it. He walks into the ring room to see a large group playing with the ring and filling the seats as expected. He grabs a microphone that is nearby and rolls into the ring and looks around at the crowd. He clears his throat and begins to speak.
Excuse me everyone may I have your attention. For all of those who are here, I would like to welcome you once again and invite you to have a seat or come stand around the ring as I speak to you about what makes a wrestler the best in the world. We should all strive for that, and the biggest way to do it is to continue growing and never forget where you started in life.
The crowd was now quiet as they focused on him.
Having the biggest heart in the business is crucial to becoming the best in the world. There are people in this industry like Mr. Kido who has talent and the drive but have little heart. I wear my heart on my sleeve. I want everybody here and around the world to know that I won't be stopped. I won't stop fighting, and my heart will continue to beat with toughness and integrity. Spreading greatness is another crucial step to being the best. For those of you familiar with XWF knows that Mr. Kido is a hermit not willing to step outside his comfort zone. He believes that if you don't interact and influence others to be great then no one can beat you. I beg to differ, though. He was overconfident going into his match against Charlie Nickels and got OWNED. Charlie in my opinion is what I strive to be. The Nickelman is the best in the world right now. I can't say the same for Mr. Kido he is a confused puppy figuring out what is next for him. After all, he was the one who proclaimed he would be the Television Champion and after failing that objective he has to start over. You could say the same about me but I always have a plan. Plan A was to defend the Television title on Saturday Night Savage. Plan B was to take my frustration out on whoever was declared my competition. How nice for it to be Raion Kido. You're one defeat away from a mental breakdown I can feel it.
He leans on the ropes as he takes a moment to analyze the room before he continued.
Work ethic is another important step toward greatness and being the best in the world. When you're inside the ring, it's your job to outlast them and find a way toward victory. Let's use XWF for example since that's the best company out there. If I walk into XWF and do not put in the work then how can I claim to be the best in the world? Knowing that every time someone sees Ring Master, I am sweating, pumping iron, or watching film on my opponents. Mr. Kido is an example of a weak work ethic. I know he is a colleague of mine but sometimes people just have to hear the truth regardless of it they want to. Mr. Kido works out when it's convenient for him. He doesn't feel the need to understand and watch film on the opponent knowing his talent should carry him. Now that I think about it, one would consider him lazy and unworthy to be in the ring. I know he does multiple shows a week but that does not qualify being a hardworking guy. It shows me he has a lot of weaknesses in his wrestling game and needs the practice. So never be fooled by those who work multiple shows because there is always more then meets the eye. Mr. Kido wants to be the best in the world because he is overcompensating for what he lacks in his personal life. He will never be called the best by anyone he loves because they know the truth. They understand that life should not be easy, and he needs to earn his rightful spot in XWF.
He finds an empty seat in the crowd and sits down in the small crowd. The kids are focused as Ringmaster smiles and continues.
Ladies and gentlemen if you want someone to look up too look no further. I have opened my world up to you because inside every one of you there is a chance to be the best. I recognize it and want you to be successful. If your successful then it shows me and everyone else that I am truly a master of personality and understanding. It will show that I know what I'm talking about and that being the best is always within reach if you put the work in.
As he finishes the speech Ringmaster gets a clever idea to show everyone what it truly takes to be the best. He wanted to show them what true toughness was and just how much harder you have to work towards being the best.
Everyone please close your eyes until I tell you to open them.
The room obeys and Ringmaster walks over hitting a button near ringside as the floor opens up as a steel cage rises from the abyss. The cold steel surrounds the ring. The fresh paint just waiting for blood and tear to stain it. Once it was in place his voice echoed.
Open your eyes!
The young athletes had no idea what was going on. None of them have any experience with something like this. Ring Master walked up to the steel cage and gripped it with his hands.
You see ladies and gentleman this is what it takes to be the best. You need to be willing to shatter your head against cold, hard and unforgiving steel. It is what separates the contenders from the pretenders. For me this is a comfort zone. The whole world is going to see just how comfortable I am being surrounded by steel. Xtreme Wrestling is the Ring Master. I want you to realize that to be the best in the world like yours truly there can be no limits. The moment you put limits on your talent is when you lose it all. Mr. Kido does look like a perfect candidate for being in a cage all day long. However, this is a certified steel cage that I can use and knock some intelligence into him. This is going to be a great lesson for all of you.
He tightens his grip and begins to shake the steel cage. It rattles and pops as a smile comes across his face.
The feeling I get knowing that my competitor cannot escape is amazing. Hearing a crazed lunatic like Mr. Kido scream from the pain gives me goosebumps just thinking about it. When you want to be the best in the world, you have to sacrifice. You have to know that this is something you want to do. XWF did not become the best in the world by accepting being second best to all the rest. The same can be said for your body. Unlike Mr. Kido I have no problem bleeding, sweating and even dying for this business. I want everybody here to understand that being graphic is important. You need to visualize what I am saying. Imagine a genuine competitor like Mr. Kido busted open losing blood at a rapid pace. His body growing weak as you stand over him knowing you have him exactly where you want. However, you lose focus for a moment, and he finds a way to escape the cage before you. That is not being the best however imagine that same scene. The only difference is you continue to attack. You show them why you mean business, and getting in the ring is a living nightmare. That's what awaits Mr. Kido in regards to Ring Master inside a steel cage. I am going to destroy him, so bad XWF staff will have to peel him from the cold hard steel.
He calms himself down as he finishes his speech.
My intentions are never to scare you. However, it's my duty as a member of XWF to let you know what dangers and intense matches are waiting for you. It is a way of making sure you want to do this. Mr. Kido was a confident young man who has a bright future but my intentions in our match are to make him regret that decision. It is to show the world I am the best in the world and there is not a damn thing he can do about. The moment his face is smashed against the unforgiving steel is when he starts doubting himself. He will shed tears and show everybody that he cannot overcome the intensity of Ring Master. Now before you go, I want everybody to get a match inside the cage. I will be the referee and will give you advice along the way. If you survive this, you are XWF worthy. If not keep trying and come back tomorrow I will never turn away people trying to better themselves. In fact I wish Mr. Kido could be here right now to see just how bright the future is but that will have to wait.
Once Ring Master was done, he invites the young talent into the ring. He puts the referee shirt on as the crowd watches the bodies hit the floor coming in contact with the cage. Ring Master whispers advice into their ear as this continues for the rest of the day. It was a successful first day in his eyes people buying merchandise and wrestling videos in the lobby. The last scrimmage ends just after closing time as he escorts them out with a smile. He closes the door locking it behind him. The wrestling school was off to a great start, and the future was bright for Ring Master. Ring Master begins walking down the street as he makes the final statement of the night.
Mr. Kido I know it will be a battle with you. I am aware that we are new members in this company and this is a statement match. I know what I'm capable of and watching the film on you shows me your not a pushover. However, the steel cage surrounding the ring changes things slightly. We can make each other tap out all night long and it wont matter. One of us needs to escape in order to win and you already know the fact I'm a black man in this world I know how to run, skip and jump anything. This match is what my training is all about and it's time for me to show I'm the Cagemaster.
He continues down the street walking inside his home and disappearing. The last image we have is the bedroom light turning on and Ringmaster image in the window. He was working out not wanting to rest knowing the importance of the match. It was going to be loud, painful and potentially deadly but Ringmaster would have it no other way.
The following 4 users Like Ring Master's post:4 users Like Ring Master's post
Charlie Nickles (05-04-2022), Dolly Waters (05-04-2022), Raion Kido (05-06-2022), Theo Pryce (06-01-2022)