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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The Perfect Landing
Author Message
Charlie Nickles Offline
TITLE - The TV Champion

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

05-03-2022, 10:59 PM

Charlie Nickles and his daughter sit next to each other on one of the beds in their luxurious sci-fi hotel room. Charlie is holding a printed hand-out and trying to decipher it while his daughter looks on, still in her Rey Skywalker cosplay. Charlie scratches his head as he tries to figure out exactly what the Disney company wants him to do during this ‘immersive adventure’ with the focus group. While still dressed in the Sith robes from his latest promo, Charlie just decides ‘fuck it’ and throws the printed hand-out over his shoulder.

Wait, I was still reading that!

Don’t worry about it, we’re just going to wing it! I’ve seen all four star wars movies, so I have a pretty good idea what’s going on!

I don’t think winging it is a good idea, dad! We should just follow the directions the nice lady gave us!

Nahhhh. I’m my own man, damn it!

Charlie steps off the bed in a huff as his young daughter rolls her eyes at his insubordination. The Nickleman walks over to the space closet and scans his wristlet against the wall. The doors of the closet side open and Charlie starts looking through a variety of StarWars themed clothing options.

Can I still be Rey even though you have your own character now?

I don’t give a shit.

The Nickleman states absentmindedly while looking through his attire options. He passes over the cliche clone trooper outfits without a second thought. Meanwhile, his daughter keeps a big smile on her face while she swings her feet over the edge of the bed.

So what do you think I should wear, Ems’?

I like what you have on now…but maybe you could add an eyepatch to it!

Yeah, I’ll look for something like that…

Nickles stroked his beard as he continued the slow process of selecting the perfect StarWars fit for his custom-made character. As Charlie continued to take all the time in the world, a voice spoke over the intercom to his room.

Mr. Nickels, this is Star Captain Celine. Are you almost ready for the Adventure? Our focus group will be inbound in less than five minutes.

Yep, I’m just getting dressed now!

Perfect. And you had a chance to look over the print-out we slid under your door, right? The one that describes your new character, his personality, his aspirations?

Charlie continues to look through the various robes, armors, and dresses lining the massive closet of the hotel room.



I’ll be out in a minute, I’m taking a shit right now!

Oh…my apologies, Mr. Nickles.

The intercom cuts off after Charlie’s convincing lie. Charlie looks over his shoulder and sees his daughter giggling uncontrollably on the bed.

You said a naughty word again, dad!

I always do.

Can I say one, too?

The Family Man purses his lips together as he cocks his head to the side. He considers all the possibilities before simply shrugging.

I don’t care.

Nickles goes back to picking out his outfit as his daughter jumps up on the bed triumphantly.


Emily collapses in laughter after saying her own naughty words. Charlie, meanwhile, grabs a few garments out of the closet and begins laying them out on the other bed. He places his hand back under his chin and begins designing the outfit inside of his mind.

Oh yeah, this is going to look great!

[Image: BOBBREAK2.jpg]

We open with a close-up shot of a communications console onboard a galactic starcruiser. The scene is almost entirely silent, with most of the frame being filled by buttons and levers littering the complicated comms console. At the top of the frame we see a small projection of a singular dot moving across a grid-like map of the galaxy. Above the dot we see the name ‘Commander Kido’. Then we see a black gloved finger move into the scene and press a big red button in the middle of the console. Only then do we hear The Nickleman’s voice.

Come in, Commander Kido.

We hear static on the other end of the comms line.

Commander Kido, come in.

The static suddenly stops. Then, we hear complete gibberish in an alien tongue. When the other end of the line goes silent once again, the voice behind the finger starts to cackle.

Oh Commander Kido. You have fought bravely and come so far, but in the end, none of your efforts will have mattered. You work so hard, Commander Kido. You fight so well inside of that cockpot along the course you’ve plotted. It truly is a shame that you plotted your course straight through my asteroid field. If only you had my wonderful daughter besides you in that spacefighter, maybe you’d stand a chance. But alas you are all alone.

Another burst of alien dialogue comes across the comms line, but the voice behind the gloved finger pays it no mind.

You are a great fighter, Commander Kido, but you will never rise to the rank of Jedi. At the end of the day you are nothing more than a clone charting the same familiar course through hyperspace. If you were a true Jedi Master, Kido, you’d have known better than to fall into all of my traps. I have you wrapped around my finger like a little ringworm, Commander Kido. I practically own you now that you’ve sworn your life to vanquishing that which you can never defeat!

The finger remains pressed on the button as we see the dot on the map suddenly begin to change course. We hear some more gibberish come through from the other end of the line, but the voice behind the finger responds with mocking laughter and stone-cold truth.

You know that I’m not irrelevant, Commander Kido. You know better than anyone that Darth Nickles is the most powerful force in the galaxy. You said it yourself just a few days ago: I am the man who defines your entire career, you swore your life to ending mine. What happened to that version of Commander Kido? Did he die alongside the rest of your rogue squadron? Are you all that’s left?

The voice on the other end of the comms line goes silent, but that doesn’t stop Darth Nickles from carrying on his one-sided conversation.

You are right about one thing though, Commander Kido. I do know exactly what will happen when the lion comes to collect: he will lose his fucking hide! If all the lion can do is roar about his accomplishments from February, then he is in even deeper shit than I first thought.

The finger hastily withdraws from the button as the call disconnects. The gloved finger quickly presses a smaller button off to the side that triggers the screen to flash red.

Target acquired, lethal strike inbound.

The white dot crossing the galactic map begins to blink at a faster pace until it suddenly glows red. Then, after a few seconds, it disappears from the galactic grid entirely.

The scene returns to silence before slowly fading back to black.

[Image: BOBBREAK2.jpg]

Charlie and his daughter open the door to their hotel room and walk out into the hallway, where Star Captain Celine has been waiting for well over five minutes. The immersive experiences director for the hotel looks to be running thin on patience, but her eyes really pop out of her skull when she sees the outfits that the Nickles brood have adorned.

While Emily is still in her Rey Skywalker outfit, Charlie is in a garb that could only be summarized as ‘barbed-wire Sith Lord’. He is still wearing the same dark robes from earlier, although they are now shredded in various places from the barbed-wire lining that was hastily applied to them. On Charlie’s right shoulder there sits a large black armor piece that is, of course, decorated with barbed-wire. The shoulder plate is tied to Charlie’s underarm, and is clearly making it a bit difficult for him to use his right hand. Charlie’s forearms are concealed by matching black armored gloves. In Charlie’s left hand he holds the same red lightsaber from earlier, except it has also been wrapped in barbed-wire.


I just threw something cool together!

This isn’t what the General Nickles character looks like! We printed out multiple outfit options for you to choose from!

Oh, I’m not General Nickles. I’m Darth Nickles, and my power is that I shoot barbed-wire out of my hands like lightning!

Charlie pretends to shoot barbed-wire lightning out of his right hand, making plenty of sound effects to go along with it.

You’re going to have to CGI that, of course, but I think it’s a billion dollar idea!

The Star Captain places her hands on both sides of her head in complete exasperation with the situation. Charlie, oblivious to these obvious cues, starts impatiently tapping the tip of his modified lightsaber against the smooth flooring.

So uh….are we going to go meet these nerds and have that my little pony adventure? I feel like the more you make us wait here, the later we’re going to be. But I don’t know, I’m not much of a logistics or planning guy.

You’re not even trying to live up to your contractual obligations with the Disney Company!

This is going to go great, stop freaking out. Just let me do my thing and I’ll make you more money than I make Vinnie Lane!

Emily starts to look uncomfortable as her father and the Star Captain argue in the middle of the hallway. Neither adult seems to care, or even notice.

I don’t even think there is barbed-wire in the StarWars universe! Where did you find that?!

I brought the barbed-wire with me, obviously! I will never travel without it!

I have half a mind to call this whole thing off!

Oh don’t do that, you’ll have wasted so much money that way! Just give me a chance!

The woman looks Charlie over with deep skepticism and intense frustration. Still, this could be her career on the line. She needs this to go well. She sighs deeply before relenting. She approaches The Nickleman and begins very carefully removing the barbed-wire from his lightsaber and his robes.

I guess this can stay on the shoulder pauldron, but we can’t have it all over you! This looks tacky, we need you to look sleek and modern!

Charlie begrudgingly complies with the slight modifications to his change of plans. His daughter waits uncomfortably to the side while the woman painstakingly removes the excessive barbed-wire wrapped around the most hated man in the XWF. Charlie looks down at the woman and shakes his head in disapproval.

This isn’t going to take long, right? I have comic book nerds waiting for me out there!

The Star Captain barely manages to bite her tongue. Somehow she is able to simply stare up at Charlie with disapproval while letting his comments pass. The scene in the hall slowly fades to black as a pile of discarded barbed-wire begins to build up against the door to Charlie’s hotel room.

[Image: BOBBREAK2.jpg]

We cut to a shot of Darth Nickles standing atop the ruins of a crashed spacefighter. Charlie is decked out in tattered Sith robes and a large black shoulder pauldron wrapped in barbed-wire. Small flames still linger in the grass near the wreckage, and it appears multiple trees were taken out during the crash. The corpse of the pilot can be seen hanging out of the ruined cockpit, his skin and uniform completely charred. In the background of the scene we can see stray laserfire being exchanged both ways, with red lasers being fired from one side and blue lasers being fired from the other. Overheard we can see a fantastical space battle occurring. Every few seconds another huge explosion rocks the sky.

This is the carnage that Darth Nickles brings with him everywhere. Charlie stares directly into the camera as he pulls out his red lightsaber and forces it open.

Bitch, you know this isn't really Star Wars, right? Rule of two don't mean shit when you're in the ring with The Nickleman. There's only one rule and you'll end up failing at that too. Survive.

Charlie’s gaze drifts down towards the charred corpse hanging halfway out of the cockpit. Darth Nickles stomps on the charred remains, turning them completely to ash. He grins like a dog as he slowly looks back towards the audience.

Commander Kido will fail just like this clone failed before him. Commander Kido can clone himself a million and one times, and I will track down a million and one Kidos just to slaughter them all.

Nickles retracts the red blade of his lightsaber before tucking the handle back onto the waistband along his robes. The war continues to rage behind and above The Nickleman, but now the red laserfire seems to have taken a distinct advantage.

There is no such thing as fate, you pompous child, there is only the will of The Nickleman.

There is no such thing as right and wrong, there is only power.

These are the only two rules that Commander Kido must learn, but his complete lack of humility prevents him from accepting these basic principles. Without knowledge of these two rules, Raion Kido is bound to repeat the mistakes of his past. He can never match my power, so he will always be subject to my will.

Good and evil are tired concepts that the weak use to justify their own failures and inaction. There is no divine plan, there is no cosmic force coming to your rescue. There is no unseen hand keeping a moral tally on our lives, the only hands we can rely on are our own. Raion feels compelled to channel the cosmos for power, because he knows he can never defeat Charlie Nickles on his own. Raion prays that a divine force is planning his victory, because there is no other way a mid-tier clone could bring down the greatest Sith Lord in galactic history.

Charlie hops off of the wreckage of the space fighter and lands on the ground with a forceful THUD. He quickly stands up tall before approaching the camera with a raised finger.

But let’s play along with these childish delusions for a moment. Let us say good and evil ARE real, and there is a divine force that really does animate life’s events.

What makes you, Raion Kido, believe that the divine force is on your side? And why are you so sure that you’re the good one?

If history is any indication, it seems that the divine force of the cosmos may well be the wind in MY sails! In the last half a year I have become the most dominant force in professional wrestling, so shit, maybe the divine plan is for ME to go over YOU, forever and ever and ever!

And maybe, Raion Kido, just maybe- you’re the evil in need of vanquishing. Maybe that’s why you have never been able to overcome the righteous blows of The Nickleman. I may be the most hated man in the XWF, but I’d place a wager that Raion Kido may just be the most HATEFUL man in the XWF!

Nickles pauses while standing directly in front of the camera. He transitions his pointed finger to a raised fist as he looks up into the air. Then, he brings his fist down to his waist and stares straight into the camera.

I can feel the anger flowing through his veins, I can sense the rage beating inside of his heart. Perhaps Raion Kido can still be turned to the dark side. Perhaps there is a bastard buried deep within this lost soul, and maybe I am the man the cosmos have chosen to guide it.

Raion Kido has a sharp tongue, and he lashes out wildly with it. He is willing to strike any innocent bystander that comes his way. Raion Kido, the self-acclaimed good guy, has been relentless in his treatment of our Thursday night stars. These blokes show up every Thursday night and literally wrestle each other’s hearts out of their chests, but that’s just not good enough for Raion. Ruby, LSM, Elijah, Vita- it doesn’t matter who it is, if you wrestle on Thursday nights Raion Kido will forever tarnish your legacy.

Just look at the way Raion treats our little Ring Master. The Ring Master was nothing but a young up and comer, a rookie in the biz’ looking to make a name for himself. He stepped to the big dog and he got bit, but that ain’t no reason to hate the man. Raion Kido made the exact same mistakes. Even still, Raion Kido is absolutely scathing in his critique. Shocking, truly, given the similarities between the two men. They both came into this company with big dreams that turned into bruised egos courtesy of yours truly. If you rewind three months, Raion Kido was practically wearing Ring Master’s shoes. You’d think that common, shared experience would create some sort of bond between the two men- but it was never to be. Raion Kido acts like he hates the man.

Raion Kido wishes to be good, but in his everyday life he acts like a bastard. Just ask Ruby. Just ask Vita. Just ask Ring Master. Ask them if they think Raion’s a good guy, after all the shit he’s said about them for no reason whatsoever. Ask them if they think Raion’s a paragon of justice and truth.

Charlie Nickles shakes his head from side to side while chuckling softly to himself.

You’re a bastard, Raion, through and through. You can embrace it or you can deny it, but it has become clear you can not hide it. Will you embrace your dark side, Raion? Or will you perish in a light that was never meant for you?

In the background the blue lasers have completely stopped firing. A number of ships explode overheard before the fighting suddenly comes to an end on the planet. Darth Nickles smirks in the center of the frame before the camera fades to black.

[Image: BOBBREAK2.jpg]

Darth Nickles and his daughter, blonde-haired Rey Skywalker, walk through an open doorway and are succinctly greeted by a large round of applause. About a dozen angsty-looking white men stand in a half-circle around the open doorway. The Star Captain follows closely behind The Nickleman, probably more stressed than she’s ever been in her life.

Are you all ready for a StarWars adventure?!

The Nickleman hypes up the twelve white boys as his eyes scan the crowd. The dudes are all completely unfuckable, but for a variety of reasons. Some of them are overweight and have faces littered with pimples, while others simply wear T-shirts with misogynistic phrases on them. Either way, this is the best focus group money could buy and Charlie is determined to make a good impression. The Star Captain steps out in front of The Nickles brood and delivers her prepared remarks to the hand-picked market testers.

So men, you all know why you are here- but I bet you’re still wondering what exactly you’re here to do.

The unfuckable incels all stare at the woman with hate behind their eyes, but she pretends not to notice.

You will be going on a First Order mission to hunt down Ewoks and resistance traitors out in the forests of Endor with the one and only Darth Nickles!

The men go apeshit as they hear their orders. The woman breathes a huge sigh of relief.

Oh shit, that sounds awesome! When do we get to start?

The woman walks over to a nearby cabinet and scans it with her wristlet. The cabinet makes a clicking sound before the woman opens the door to reveal an arsenal of First Order gear. The dudes form a stampede as they charge towards the closet and begin picking out their munitions and armor. After a few minutes pass the dudes are fully outfitted like First Order rangers, looking something like this:

[Image: p47iyka1xs831.jpg?auto=webp&s=d3c3cfffb9...93ff0b2df0]

Nickles nods approvingly as his scout troopers assemble before him. He puffs his chest out and steps out in front of his daughter.

MEN! Today, we strike a definitive blow against the resistance interlopers. We will tolerate their liberal sensibilities and Ewok-fucking no longer. Today, we bathe in their blood!

Nickles pulls his red lightsaber out and the soldiers go crazy. Charlie turns back towards his daughter and the Space Captain.

Emily, stay here. I don’t trust any of these men out there with you. The pretty space woman will watch over you.

Emily looks pretty disappointed by this turn of events, but the Star Captain places her hands on Emily’s shoulders and guides the young child away nonetheless.

It’s okay, we have a whole lot of super fun kid-friendly games here!

As Emily and the Star Captain walk out of the scene a large circular door on the wall opens up and The Nickleman leads his squadron out into the lush forests of Disney’s Endor replica. As the men rush into the trees they begin randomly shooting their blaster rifles into the forests while screaming heinous phrases.


TRUMP 2020!


The First Order squadron frollocks through the forest like children, but they feel exceedingly cool while doing it. The ammunition on their rifles never empties, allowing them to shoot ‘lasers’ out into this controlled environment at will. There is no sign of any actual ewoks or resistance fighters, but the men have convinced themselves that they are taking enemies down with every shot from their rifles.

Until an unplanned foe steps out from the brush wearing a cheap Kylo Ren costume. His mask looks to be squeezing his face a bit more than intended, and his pants are so short that the man’s ankles are clearly visible. Nonetheless, all the men cheer at the sight of the masked man.

Kylo Ren! You always looked so much cooler with the mask, I hope you keep it on!

Yeah, masked Kylo Ren looks like Darth Vader, which is COOL! Unmasked Kylo Ren looks like he sings in a boyband, which is NOT COOL!

Wow, somehow Kylo Ren has returned! What a classic StarWars move! I hope he’s undead now!

Masks suck. Everyone is worse in a mask!

Charlie, in clear disagreement with his party, approaches the masked Kylo Ren and attempts to grab his mask. As Charlie reaches out for it, however, the man grabs Charlie by the wrist.

I’m here for the girl.

Charlie narrows his eyes as he squints at the man behind the mask. Charlie could swear he’s heard that voice under an old bridge before, but he can’t quite place it.

Oh my God, he wants Rey Skywalker!

Wait, are you trying to fuck Rey like you were in the movies, or are you trying to kill Rey like you were in the movies? And are you the Kylo Ren who liked the First Order like in the movies, or are you the Kylo Ren who hated the First Order like in the movies?

The man in the Kylo Ren mask ignores the questions. Instead, he stares directly at Darth Nickles. Then he pulls a chainsaw out from the bushes.

Connie sends her regards.

The Kylo Ren impersonator revs the chainsaw to life and Charlie immediately backs up. The other men, however, think this is all part of the production. They begin shooting their ‘lasers’ at Kylo, but it’s no use: they don’t seem to do anything to him at all.

Oh no, our blasters aren’t worker!


One of the men runs towards the chainsaw at full speed with a supposed bayonet at the edge of his rifle. Regardless of the bayonet’s authenticity, it never comes anywhere close to stabbing Kylo Ren. Instead, the man’s arm is cut off off as soon as he gets within range of the chainsaw.

Do you like my lightsaber, bitch?


The ‘First Order Troopers’ lay down their rifles and immediately flee in terror as they see blood squirting out of the victim’s shoulder. The trooper without an arm grabs his own hand and begins hauling his arm away as he flees in terror as well, but he runs far more awkwardly and slowly than the others.

Who are you?

If you only knew.

The man in the mask charges towards Charlie with his chainsaw raised overhead. Charlie pulls out his lightsaber and instinctively tries to block the chainsaw with it. As one may expect, the replica lightsaber is immediately cut up by the chainsaw. Pieces of the lightsaber go flying off into the air until Charlie retracts what little is left of his weapon. The metal and plastic that once made up the blade of the saber has been cut to shit, and is now reduced to a short jagged edge. Charlie wields the jagged edge in his hand while rolling off the side to dodge a follow-up attack from the chainsaw. Still, the saw is able to catch Charlie’s shoulder pauldron and rip it to shreds.

I will take the girl, or I will take your life! The choice is yours!

Nickles crouches low before jumping up at his attacker with the jagged edge of the saber.


The Nickleman shoves the jagged edge of the blade into his attacker’s back, causing blood to squirt out everywhere.


The fake Kylo Ren drops his chainsaw as he reaches for the blade buried in his back. Charlie uses this opportunity to deliver a powerful uppercut to Kyle Ren that damn near knocks his mask off his face! Kylo is forced back against a tree, and his mask is now only covering his face from the nose up. It is now clear that Kylo is missing some of his front teeth, and he has recently popped pustules leaking all over his cheeks. The man struggles to get his mask back over his entire face as Charlie goes to pick up the chainsaw.

The Nickleman revs the chainsaw as a wicked grin begins spreading across his face like the plague.

Time to die, buster!

Nickles charges forward with the chainsaw raised over his head in an ironic twist of fates. The impostor Kylo Ren immediately hightails it through the forest, fleeing for his life from the madman with murderous intent.


As Charlie chases Kylo into a forest clearing he immediately drops the chainsaw when he sees the security guard with a raised pistol.

I didn’t do anything!

As Nickles raises his hands into the air and pleads his innocence, the bleeding man continues to sprint through the forest clearing. The security guard approaches Charlie Nickles cautiously as he reaches for the ziploc ties on his tactical belt.

Wait, don’t come after me! Go after that madman! He tried to kill me!

You just had the chainsaw, I don’t know WHAT’S going on! Besides, there’s no way I’m ever going to catch that guy! He has crackhead speed!

Charlie sighs in immense frustration as the guard approaches him and politely ties his hands together.

This is a HUGE misunderstanding!

Probably, but someone had their arm cut off and you had the chainsaw! You’re going to have to explain this to the police!

Jesus fucking Christ…

The scene fades to black as the security guard politely ushers The Nickleman back towards the ‘base’ on Disney’s Endor.

[Image: BOBBREAK2.jpg]

We cut to a shot of Charlie and Emily sitting next to each other on an airplane. On the tray in front of Emily there are about a half-dozen empty orange juice cartons. On Charlie’s tray there is a half-empty container of chewing tobacco sitting without a lid. Emily turns to her dad with an appreciative smile.

Dad, I had so much on this trip. I want to do this again!

Charlie looks down at Emily with disappointment buried deep inside his facial crevices. Still, he tries to smile and nod for his daughter.

I’m glad at least someone had a good time. I hope you tell your mom all about it.

Emily bites her bottom lip and looks away briefly before looking back up at her dad with care.

I’m sorry you didn’t get the part in that comic book series, dad. I thought you made up a great StarWars character.

I can’t believe they cut me out of the deal just because some idiot got his arm cut off! There’s no way that’s legally my fault!

Emily gasps in shock as she leans forward in her seat.

WhaaaAAAATTT?! Someone got their ARM CUT OFF?!

That bullshit Star Captain was working against me from the beginning, I know it! She didn’t want a strong white man to be on the cover of their new comic series! StarWars is woke now!

Did someone really get their arm CUT OFF?!?!

That fucking bitch. Agh, what was her name..


Charlie snaps his fingers together at the mention of the Star Captain’s name. Then he pulls his cell phone out and immediately gets to texting.

Celine is such a sexy name! Tee-Kay needs to name his belt Celine, it all makes sense now! No wonder he rejected every other name, that belt is clearly a Celine!

Uhm dad, I don’t think you’re supposed to use your phone on the plane.

Oh that’s just post 9/11 horseshit, Emily, you don’t have to follow rules like that. You really don’t have to follow any rules at all, actually. You’re a Nickles brood.

Emily smiles as her dad finishes his text message and ruffles her blonde hair.

I hope mommy lets me watch Wrestling tomorrow night! I want to watch you pin that clone trooper everyone’s talking about!

Charlie laughs softly to himself before shaking his head back and forth.

Oh, silly Ems’, I’m not going to be pinning Raion tomorrow night. I don’t have anything to prove, I’m already a made-man. I’m going to win the match tomorrow night by pinning the in-ring lumberjack, Meesa McBride! It’s obviously the easier thing to do, so there’s no reason to drag the match out and make myself sweat any more than I have to. Goldi hates it when I get all sweaty after a show!

The kid cocks her head to the side and holds her mouth open slightly. She’s definitely confused, to say the least.

You see Emily, Raion is going to try and pin me tomorrow night. That’s for damn sure. That boy has EVERYTHING to prove, and beating up on a clumsy, well-meaning Gungan doesn’t prove a damn thing. Raion Kido will only let himself win this match by pinning ME, because I’m the bane of that boy’s existence. But to me, Kido isn’t even a flea biting my collar. He doesn’t even rise to the level of annoyance: he’s just there, much like Reggie Estrada and Ring Master were just there for me to beat. Just like Meesa is there for me to beat. I don’t need to work harder when I can just work smarter, Emily.

Emily nods along in false understanding before she goes back to sipping orange juice through a straw out of a mostly empty carton. Charlie, meanwhile, reaches into his mouth and pulls out a big dab of chew. He licks his lips before placing the chew back into the container. Then he tucks the open container of wet chew into his pants pocket. That’s when the pilot’s voice comes over the loudspeaker.

Flight attendants, prepare for landing please.

Emily stops sipping her juice to look up at her dad with big doe eyes. This has truly been the most exciting week of her life, and she will forever be grateful to her father for taking her on this vacation. She wraps her arms around Charlie’s body and gives him a big hug as the plane begins its descent down into Steubenville.

[Image: Jdsm6ZU.png]
Reigning, Defending, Bloodletting
[Image: jtHw5j1.png]
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