Jenny Myst
The Queen of X-Treme
XWF FanBase: Very random (heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)
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Joined: Thu Apr 06 2017
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Hates Given: 9
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X-Bux: ✘50,000
04-15-2022, 06:48 PM
Jenny excused herself to the bathroom. Another bout of nausea she claimed. Ash didn't think twice about her claim, knowing she had puked outside, though she did have concerns about letting her wander around alone in her current mental state.
Jenny used the wall to keep her upright until she was out of her friends view, then when she was in the clear bypassed the bathroom and walked straight into the kitchen.
About 15 minutes pass, and Ash begins to get a little worried about her friend in the bathroom. She gets up from her dessert, leaving it painfully unfinished, and heads to the bathroom to check on her.
XWF media crew, lead by Steve Sayors, pop out of an unmarked van next to the girls' car just as Jenny is loading in something heavy and shutting the trunk. She is taken off guard by the crew, and gasps, jumping back.
"Miss Myst...a word with you! What are your thoughts on Raion Kido's most recent promo! He had a lot to say, do you have a response!"
Shoving a mic in her face. She winces, stepping back. She didn't like the media attention. Nervously, she leans on the trunk, keeping it shut with her elbow.
"Just a few words for us before this big time matchup!"
This guy didn't take no for an answer. She had dealt with him before. His type. Thought he could do what he wanted when he wanted because Vinnie's name was on his paycheck.
Or was it Theo's?
Her nausea was coming back full force, for real this time.
"I, uhh....."
The bright light of the camera blinded her.
She turned away from the light and to the camera without a bright light, and tilted her head, collecting her thoughts (a dangerous thing) before speaking.
He didn't understand, and probably never would. That was okay. Some people like to cut off their nose to spite their face; letting their pride run their lives and not slowing down for even a second to assess the reality of their situation.
She had to give him some props, though. Two promo's that said the exact same thing two different ways. Creative?
"Something I forgot to mention before was your longevity compared to others when it comes to smack talk. I have been here since 2016, I have heard damn near everything there is to say about me twofold. Maybe even three. Do you think you're the first one to call me mediocre? Vapid? Shallow? Apathetic? Add ten or so store bought insults in there and voila! Every promo against me for the last 6 plus years. You damn sure aren't the first and you damn sure won't be the last. I expected better. You? You haven't been here long enough to hear everything you're going to hear about you, and at the rate you're going, you won't be. Tearing into a title picture you haven't earned in a desperate quest to add value to your rapidly cooling fire despite your sizzling hype. To make yourself feel better about yourself . To prove to yourself that you are what they say. It consumes you. But you know the old phrase, pride cometh before the fall. You stand here, shoulders square, posture firm, chest out, and tell us all that you have earned everything you have been given."
*she giggles, putting a hand up to her face.*
"You're putting all your stock into this title shot basket, but we have seen how this party has turned out before, haven't we? Total dud. Need I remind you (though I am certain you already know), that you are winless against current XWF champions. Big ol' donut. I made LSM tap out on national television and have won the majority of my matches in my return in convincing fashion. What have you done except bask in the glory of being the "next big thing" and let us down worse than that Game of Thrones finale.
Shame. Shame. Shame."
For someone who calls themself a lion, he sure doesn't have that killer instinct she would expect. She was confused, though, because she had been--or so she thought--very clear in her last on air segment. Perhaps a language barrier? Did Lion mean the same thing in Japanese? Maybe it meant Giant Pussy. She wasn't sure.
"I feel bad for you, Rain man, I do. I feel bad that you can listen to an entire promo and not absorb a damn word of it, then go on television and make a fool of yourself. THIS is who we are supposed to worship?! I know I am a little screwy upstairs, but I am certain that I was pretty clear about what drives me. What my motivations are. What keeps me coming back every week. You can call it wallowing all you wish, but I call it being a realist. I know my flaws, I know what I need to get better at, and I know right now who is better than me when the lights come on. You are foolishly walking into every match thinking you are king shit and your chances to be anything more than dumpster-fodder are running out. This is your chance to break free? But I suck? You make no sense, even to someone like me. I am going to chalk it up to a language barrier and not some form of . Having someone to chase, something to look forward to, is what keeps me WANTING to. You don't want it, you just expect it. And so far, all you have to show for it is a Star of the Month award. You know they gave that to Oswald before, right? And Barney Green. Hired Gun. Felix Jones. You get the hint. You've gotten a participation trophy and expect us all to grovel at your feet when you've actually accomplished less than the Hiroshima Carp.
More like Hiroshima CRAP am I right?
Look 'em up, Miyagi.
You are just like all the rest of the pretentious assclowns this roster is infested with. You want to throw 'accomplishments' out there like 'almost' is good enough. You want us to put money into your stock because you have FACED good competition. You have the same exact thing to show for all that fighting you've done as I do. You beat Thaddeus Duke, Centurion, Cage Coleman. Bravo. Surely someone with wins over former champions should get a massive push to the title picture, right? Not many people get victories over the XWF elite. But here you are, on the heels of a Pay Per View loss, facing Jenny Myst before the final commercial break while Reggie Estrada gets the title shot. Why is that, Raion? It's simple. You have talent, you have drive, you have a wide array of moves but you don't have it.
You're here having to prove yourself to everyone just like I am. You have failed to get the job done when the stakes are highest. We have the same number of losses in 2022, and those wins you have are just faceless names. Our record is similar yet you make it seem like I haven't won a match in my career and you're the Thanos of professional wrestling. It's not becoming of you. And that Centurion victory? I was so deep in his head you could find next year's Christmas presents. I'll take credit for that one, just like you sit here and take credit for wins over worn-out wrestlers on their way out the door."
She wasn't sure why she was bothering to repeat herself, but she was giving him the benefit of the doubt. He was clearly delusional. Poor thing. She rolled her eyes as she gave the camera an intense look.
I said it once and I'll say it again. You're desperate, Raion, desperate for this win. I love playing with the desperate ones. The look in their eyes when you rip everything away from them is my favorite! But I'm not like you, Raion. You won't be able to play with my emotions in this match. Win, loss, or draw I am still getting dibs on Charlie's title belt next month when he moves into the next tax bracket. HE chose ME. You? You lose this match you go back to the end of the line holding that "Will Give Happy Ending For Title Shot" sign, but you win and you go back to telling us how good you are with nothing to show for it than a few W's and some pats on the back. I'm mediocre but I'm you're stepping stone? Do you listen to yourself when you speak?
'He's got potential, this one!'
Content? You could say I am content. You sound like the jealous one, Rainy. I am happy. I have found myself. The pressure is off me. I used to be in your shoes (and we probably have the same size feet--creepy). I used to be just on the cusp of a title, winning matches and telling everyone I deserved to be there while watching everyone else get the shot I told the world should be mine. God I was so puke-worthy. I am ashamed to admit I was ever like that. Like you .
You aren't fooling anyone with this "weight off my shoulders" and this "I know I can exceed where I am" spiel. You say that now to pacify yourself in the eyes of the dozens (I counted) of fans you have accumulated here in the states so they don't think you're a total asshole. You know you've dropped the ball, and you know you're riding on cut breaks directly into a dead end, but you choose to go the hero route instead of being real with us all. That you've reached your ceiling, that you've done everything you're going to do here and that you, simply aren't that good."
*she gasps, putting a fingerless gloved hand over her mouth*
"You still got it. Damn."
Ash was behind her now. She had a habit of doing that. Sneaky bitch.
"You know, contractual obligations." Her tone was flat, robotic. She stared off into the distance with an empty look. Cold.
Ash stared at her friend for a minute, waiting for her face to change. Finally, after what felt like a calendar month went by, it did. She smiled, looking at her friend.
"Wanna get some ice cream?"
Ash smiled back at her. "You know I do."
The two walked to the car. Past rows and rows of high-end, overpriced, super depreciating vehicles that were nothing more than ego-strokers labeled as "status symbols". Ash hit the fob and the lights on their grey Nissan Sentra lit up. Never before had she appreciated what she had, who she was, where she was, then right now. Sometimes, being the underdog is a good thing.
Ash pressed the orange START button, and the 4 cylinder revved on with a tiny shake. She put the car in reverse and was about to back out of the lot when Jenny put her hand up. "Wait."
Ash put it back into Park.
Looking towards the door, the crew of 'champions' was making their way out. Obnoxious, loud, boisterous. Loaded. They wanted everyone to see them. They wanted their status to be known.
"Jenny, come on. Who cares where they are going....."
"I just want to see something."
She was adamant, so Ash sighed, rolling her eyes and slouched in the seat. They would move when Jenny was good and ready.
The party of so called 'champions' laughed and joked as a party bus pulled up. The doors opened and the crew got onto the bus. All riding together, a little fucked up clique of arrogance.
She loved to make the arrogant ones squeal.
"Follow the bus."
"Jen. No."
"Follow it."
Her eyes were narrow slits, her lip curled. Ash had seen this look before, but not for a very, very long time.
She put the Sentra in Drive and followed the slow moving party bus.
Her thoughts drifted back to the lonely and insufficient chef that they had at her table. Raion. The one who was skilled at his craft but wasn't quite good enough to hang with the top dogs. He must live a sad life, always looking up to those around him, wishing he was better than he was and half as good as they were.
"Keep up with them. I want to see where they go."
"They are probably going back to a hotel or something, Jen. Air B&B, mansion rental, something exclusive. In this rig, we'll stick out like a sore thumb."
Jenny had a lip curling grin on, her teeth showing through the slit in her black-lipstick.
"Ram them."
"Ram. Them" Jenny said, clapping out each word.
Ash looked at her best friend like she had three heads. This bus was massive and in their little Nissan they didn't stand a chance. Not to mention it was stolen.
Ash obviously wasn't making her decision quickly enough for Jenny's liking.
Her voice was a deep gravel filled snarl, like the devil himself had manifested in her vocal chords.
Ash, startled, jumped and looked over at her best friend. She didn't recognize the eyes she looked into.
"Pull. Over."
She was ripping at the door handle, growling under her breath. Ash quickly hit the door lock, only for her to unlock it and try to open it. Rinse and repeat. Was she going to jump out of the car?
Ash couldn't even process Jenny snapping at her and what she said to her, she was just trying to keep her from opening the door while the car was moving.
When the bus stopped at a red light, Ash almost slammed into their rear, stopping at the very last moment. It was an intersection and a longer light than normal. Jenny got the door open and bolted out of the car. Ash nervously looked in her rearview mirror as Jenny opened the trunk. Out of it she pulled a thin man, clad in a white chefs coat and checkered pants. His hands were bound and there was purple fetish tape over his mouth. She stood him up, slamming the trunk, and walked him around to the front of the car. She opened the driver door to a frozen and stunned Ash. It was Raion, the chef from the restaurant.
"Get out."
Ash sat still, frozen.
"Get out you disloyal meat sleeve!"
A single tear down Ash's face as she gets out. "In the back."
Jenny opens the back door and Ash gets in. She shoves the chef in the drivers seat and runs around back to the passenger side. The light turns green just as her door closes.
The man freezes. She smacks him upside the head. "FUCKING DRIVE."
The man drove, initially staying right on their tail. Jenny had a smile on her face. He was right on their bumper.
"Ram them."
The man looked over at her, his eyes wide.
"Fuc-king Ram Them!"
He began to take his foot off the throttle. They were losing the bus. Jenny snarled again, grabbing the man by the scruff of his coat to pull him towards her, then his throat when he got close enough.
"That van....that van represents everything you're not. That is an entire cab full of champions. Remember that chef. Yeah. The one who got their table when you didn't because he is worthy of cooking for the elite? Those people are always going to look down on you. Snub their noses. Look the other way. You will never, no matter how hard you try, how much progress you make, how skilled you become, be on their level."
Her words were almost hissing out now.
"They will never give you a chance to be on their bus. They will do everything in their power to make sure you remain on the outside, forever looking in. That chef, the one whose better, he is on that bus. He is cooking for them right now!"
The man was clearly getting upset, breathing heavily through his nostrils.
"If you can't beat them, join them, right?"
The chef began to accelerate more, death in his eyes.
"Join them in hell. Take them out before they can take you down. Nobody likes a hero! DO IT! RAM THEM! SHOW THEM WHO THE BULLY REALLY IS!"
The van stopped at another light, and the Sentra, going easily 80 mph now, slammed into the back of the bus, sending it forward and into a ditch on the side of the road where it rolled.
The front end of the Nissan basically exploded on impact, and the airbags filled all empty space. The Nissan rolled into the ditch as well, coming to a rest next to the roof-crushed party bus after rolling two or three times itself. It caught fire from underneath.
Smoke rose from both vehicles. There was coughing in the distance. Ash crawled out from the back window. Jenny was already outside the car. Ash crawled on all fours, coughing, not noticing her until she bumped into her. She was standing over the man in the chef jacket, whose twisted body reached out towards her.
Ash cringed at the splat as Jenny stomped on his head.
Turning around she saw her friend, who cringed. But just when she thought Jenny was going to bring an attack down on her.......she looked up at a smiling face.
"Ice cream?"
2x XWF Bombshell Champion
3x XWF X-Treme Champion
3x XWF Television Champion
X- Title Briefcase Holder
War Games Captain
Sex, Metal, Barbie, CHAOS