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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
vs. Shawn Steele (RP 4)
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John Austin Away
Grizzled Young Vet


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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

07-05-2013, 07:43 AM

>> Fool Me Once....Shame On You Shawn Steele

It is almost eleven o clock in the morning here in beautiful Virginia Beach, Virginia. The seagulls are making their random chatter as they fly in the air. The sun is shining bright and the breeze flowing through the air is quite pleasant.

[Image: 85c8ba85-62d6-491a-9627-f8aa77048a29_zpseb67d299.jpg]

Our picture begins on the beach where John's condo is located. We see other individuals in the adjacent homes, starting to walk down onto the beach. A deep voice begins to narrate, that voice is of one, John Austin.

I moved here to get away from the hassle of city life. After every event I take part of, I am glad to come back here to my home and enjoy the normal life. I don't have to be stopped in the airports at three in the morning for a autograph. I don't have jackass after jackass wanting to interview me for their pathetic radio show that no-one listens to. When I am here, I am truly at peace from the shit of the world.

We see those individuals who walked out onto the beach, begin to unpack their belongings and set up for the day. The umbrellas pop open to protect them from the harmful rays from the sun. The cooler full of sodas and beers opens up for anyone wanting to quench their thrust.

I like to have fun and joke around just like anyone else but there comes a time when all the fun and all the joking comes to a end. There comes a time when you got to shut people up once and for all. I have a pretty impressive career. The names of the people I have defeated reads like a whose who of XWF. There is one guy who is now starting to run his mouth. At first, I didn't care for this man but now since he is wanting to mess with one of the big boys, it's time to shut him up and his name is Shawn Steele.

The camera turns around and we see John Austin. Seems like John was the camera man all along. John's beard looks shaggy as ever. His hair has gotten a little longer and he has a part of his hair, draping over his left eye completely, giving off that "emo" look.

You see Shawn Steele, when I was told that I had to face you, I asked management who in the hell you were cause I didn't know. As the days gone by, I kept researching you online. I watched video after videos of you of your days before XWF. You have struck me as a interesting person man. You're built like a redwood. Your strength is massive and you have defeated guys just by looking at them. HOWEVER!....if you think for one second that makes me afraid of you, then you are sadly mistaken. You can lift all the weights you want, beat up all the curtain jerkers you can find but until you step in the ring with me...YOU AIN'T SHIT!

John begins to walk forward and he sits the camera down on what seems to be a bench. John adjusts the camera to his liking and sits down, Indian style of the ground.

I caught your last promo on me Shawn and I must say, I am impressed. You can actually form sentences and speak big words the likes of no-one can understand. I guess that means your a big boy now *John begins to clap* ...So you call me a common thief huh? let me tell you something, if you would have watched my match at Wild Card, you would have seen me clearly beat three jackoffs to obtain the title. Steve Davids stuck his nose where it didn't belong. So I did the rightful thing and I took my title that I WON and left.

John begins to laugh to himself and rock back and forth.

So your threatening to take me out of the European title picture at Leap of Faith? ...HOW DARE YOU! ...Do you know that is considered a felony? You are threatening someone on camera and promising to put them in the hospital. You will hear from the authorities here soon Shawn, I don't take likely to someone physically threatening me and promising to put me in the hospital. That was the biggest mistake you ever did Shawn and now I got the proof to put you away for good you piece of shit.

John takes a short pause.

I want to thank you for proving all my key points Shawn. It shows you paid attention in high school. However you say I have done nothing here in XWF? Seriously bro, what planet do you live on? ...Do I even need to as Luca Arzegotti would say, "bore you to death". Let's see where do I begin. I main evented Madness twice, have you? ....I embarrassed Steve Davids so bad he had to take a sabbatical from the company. OH need I forget to say I wrestled both CM Punk and Luca Arzegotti and put on ONE HELL OF A MATCH...what the in the blue f*ck have you done here in XWF?........come on.....I am waiting....... TIMES UP! have done nothing here in XWF BECAUSE YOU ARE NOTHING!

John gets up from the ground. He picks up the camera and brings it closer to his face.

I want you to remember this lesson in reality Shawn Steele. Take the syringe out ya ass and listen real good. I am not as big as you, I am not as tall as you but once you step in the ring with the king of wrestling, I am going to prove to you that I am as good as I say I am. I am going to prove to you that I am every bit worth the money I am worth. You want to whine and complain that you don't get the opportunities that I get, ...NEWSFLASH... being in a battle royal will not get you anywhere in this need to make a name for yourself and maybe Paul Heyman will say "Damn, that kid is worth something." Until you do Shawn, no-one is going to care about you and you will be stuck in mid-card hell with the rest of those jack-offs on the Madness roster.

John takes a short pause.

So come on and say some more in-incriminating stuff there Shawn, don't forget the camera is rolling. Why don't you say how your going to kill me with a axe or blow up my house, I am sure the authorities will just love that *John laughs sinister like* ...You know it doesn't matter what you say or do, we all know who is going to come out with the W on Monday and you are looking at him.

John turns the camera off as our scene comes to a close.

To find John, turn those lights out because he will then appear...
XWF LEGEND and the only man who punked out Duke TWICE
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