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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
A Poisoned Stay In Texas (RP 1)
Author Message
Tommy Wish Offline
Some Nobody

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

02-23-2022, 08:39 PM

[After his two matches prior this week, Tommy ended up back in Texas once again, but this time he’s crashing at his cousin Tammy’s big single family home in the basement, where it was fully furnished for him to lay low in. He was in the gym down his bedroom hallway, hitting the weights and getting on the treadmill to run for about twenty minutes, after he was done he stood by the machine drinking some water. Then he hears a knock on the door to see Youranda opening it to see Tommy.]

Youranda: Hey Tommy! I didn’t mean to interrupt your work out session, I just happened to stop by to see Tammy and she told me you are downstairs. Oh, how was the flights to the shows this past week?

T: Oh yeah, it was brutal, but it was worth it in order for me to not get ring rust. As you can see, I’m not that fit but I try to maintain myself, even though I eat some junk from time to time.

Youranda: Hah, I see that, so Tammy told me that she’s going to have some little party later on, and she told me to come back to the house, would you still be around then?

T: Yeah, I’ll still be chilling here, who knows I might come upstairs in a tuxs… nah, i don’t have that much fashion sense at all!

[Then both of them laugh, as she hugs him as she head back upstairs to leave the house, then he goes back to lifting some 25 pound dumbbells, then about an hour later he goes to his room to relax, but he opens it to see his cousin Larry and Victoria doing the dirty deeds on his bed. Tommy just closes the door, and he heads to the living room to just watch TV, and he see’s Larry and Victoria in robes coming out of the room as he heads upstairs and she decides to sit besides him.]

Victoria: Oh hey Tommy! I missed you for these past couple of days!

T: Oh that’s so… well, I don’t miss you at all.

Victoria: Why you gotta be so mean to me! Are you jealous that your cousin and I are in your room fucking one another?

T: Hell no, I don’t care about that at all. Whatever you both do is your business, and not mines. I guess Larry took the bed while I was gone, well that’s fine by me I was going to leave Texas and not step foot here again!

[Victoria the places her head on his shoulders, as she holds his arm, and she looks deeply into his eyes. He ignores her eyes as he was focused on the TV, then she sits on his lap and grinds her body on his which he no sold, as he kept leering to the TV. He then gets slapped by her, and he manhandles her off him, which got her either angry or horny, and she kept slapping him. Then Tommy ended up grabbing her hand, and he lifts her up on his shoulders and he slams her on the floor.]

T: You need to calm yourself down, I don’t need you to be slappin me like this right now. I anit Larry who’s into that type of shit like that.

Victoria: Oh… well how about this?

[Then she crawls on all four towards him on the couch, and she starts to purr like a cat. Tommy kept lookin at the screen, but she then got back on the couch and started to put her slippered feet on his lap. She then starts to tease him with her slippers on his face, which he swayed away. Before anything could happen, Larry comes to see them and he gets heated at Tommy again.]

Larry: Look Tommy, how many times we gotta go through this, she’s my girl and not yours!

T: I know she is, she’s doing the hitting on and not me, I don’t do underaged girls who could pass off in their late 20s. So Larry, you need to tell her to stop coming on to me, or else I will leave this crib and Texas for good.

Larry: Well Victoria, what do you have to say for yourself?

[Victoria then gets up and she clamors on Larry, and she whispered in his ear, and Larry ended up getting mad about what she told him. Larry then punches Tommy in the shoulder, and that lead to Tommy and Larry fighting in the basement. Then Tammy and Samantha had to break it up.]


T: Larry’s girl started this shit, and I had nothing to do with it!

[Tammy then looks at Victoria, who tries to deflect her attention away from the scene. Then Tommy ends up packing his stuff and called a Taxi, and leaves Tammy’s house to move into a hotel. After a couple of hours, his phone blows up and he sees that he missed calls from Samantha, Tammy, and even his cousin Larry as well. He blocks all their numbers, and he lays back down in frustration, then it was nightfall where he woke up to his phone ringing and see it was Yori on his ID which he picks up as he put it on speaker to hear her.]

T: Hell hello?... Yori?

Youranda: Yeah, Tommy! Where are you? What happened earlier today at Tammy’s house?

T: Best that I don’t talk on that, before I get upset…

Youranda: C’mon Tommy, tell me please! I’m at her driveway in the car, and she told me you left her house all upset over something.

T: Fine, I’ll te tell you… . Larry and I got into a fight over that girl, and I just had enough…with me doing two shows in different places, wanting to release some music, and a overall lack of benefits my employer is providing me with… I just had to levae her estate before I killed someone.

Youranda: Oh my goodness, Tommy! I’m glad that you left that hostile situation before I got bad. So yeah, I want to let you know that I want you to meet me at a carpark around the area, I want us to chill out together.

T: Fine by me, I got sometime to kill.

[Then it was 1am and they are in the carpark, just looking at the skies in her own car, and look into the moon in front of them. Then they embrace with one another, as he look into the sky, then he talks to her.]

T: I’m glad you invited me to meet you here, it’s peaceful and relaxing.

Youranda: I’m glad as well Tommy, I just thought to myself “how can me and him be alone” when I was at Tammy’s party. I had a good time there, but once she told me you left I was sad and bored without you there.

T: Hey I guess I have that effect on you, I could be the life of the party but not this time. I was about to leave Texas and head back on the east coast within a week from now.

Youranda: Awh why you have to leave Texas and me?

T: I just came here for a family thing, but that went sour so I just need to go back to my home. Unless you want to join me, but I don’t want you to leave your cushy job to move.

Youranda: I understand that Tommy, I hope whenever you visit here in Huston, we can so do some stuff together!

T: Hey Yori, you got my number and I got yours…so it’s settled! But for now, let’s just look into the clouds now.

[She nods her head and they embrace once again to see the clear skies with the moon, and they share a kiss as the scene fades into something else.]

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I Like Bloody Mary's as I like to suck on red painted toenails...

Fuck my family and all them fuckers, we’ll let me say that I don’t hate them all but Larry and his girl be giving me too much issues. If they weren’t there, then I would have not mind staying in her basement, but now I’m not going to do that anymore. Gosh, I am so angry over some bitch who just needs to get me in trouble, and if I see her again, I am going to beat the shit out of her until they need to send the cops to arrest me for assault and battery, I been to jail before in London so I know what hard times are like within the penal system of justice.

With that out of my mind, it’s time for me to be honest with you all, I haven’t gotten around to making any music due to my commitments with the XWF shows. Shows that I know that, if I had said “no show” then I would be doing myself a disservice for the this company. I am not going to be preaching on the virtues of being an upstanding roster member, when in reality I am nowhere near upstanding like the rest. I am in my own lane from somewhere, that even my alter ego Bummy Hero T couldn’t pinpoint at all.

If I had to be beaten by Superman’s step brother and a Son of a mechanic who’s not a plumber, then I guess I had my work cut out for me. Now, I am taking on Ash fuckin Quin or Ash Q for short I guess, from two guys who were prolific in their own merit, to where I am taking on a former member of a established group that went away quicker then that match I had on Anarchy, If you know you know, if not then it’s on the website you can stream it for $19.99. Now, I’m am taking on a person who I never exactly had any interactions with in the backstage or in the ring, well now it’s time for me to let the world know something about her.

Ash Q, I know it sucks that you had to roll with a fake ass Dark Ministry group who had to bribe, extort, and even tried to politic themselves to get to the top of this company’s mountain. Well guess what Ash, those days are dead and gone, and it’s just you, Marf, and someone who shall remain nameless due to legal issues over mistreatment within the company. Ash, are you really ready to handle being by yourself without your so called “Left Hand” to support you? I mean, I know that for a fact that you fear that you can’t handle things alone. Unlike you, I don’t need no bullshit satanic rituals to protect me.

Ash, I am going to have so much fun fighting you, and I will show you the light of pain and misery that can happen when you cross my pathway. You will learn how to accept that, sometimes you can’t rely on others to do the work for you, with or without rituals taking place. The only blood that will be shed and drank up is yours in that ring if it goes too far in our encounter. I want to let you know that this isn’t going to be some plain wrestling match, even if it was dedicated by fate and the timing.

You will learn how to suffer in the ring alone…

Quote The Tommy, Nevermore.
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