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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Fire and Ice 2022 PPV RP Boards
X-Treme Hearts Tape 2: Make-A-Wish To Ambient Noise
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Reggie Estrada Offline

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

01-25-2022, 08:18 PM

[The scene opens up to a children hospital in his area, he wears his mask up and he heads to the receptionist, and ask where Room 290 is. She signs him in and give him a sticker, then there was one camera man behind him filming this. Then bout a fifteen minutes later, he sees this seven year old boy on the hospital bed sleeping, and the parents see Reggie and the silently woke their son up. As the son woke up, Reggie smiles and hands him a XWF t shirt and replica X-Treme championship.]

Kid: Is this.. is this for me?

Reggie: Yes it is, what’s your name, kid?

Kid: I am Jose!

Reggie: Well Jose, I am a part of a make a wish foundation, and they have told me you are a fan of XWF. They told me, that your wish was to see me, is that true?

[Jose then nods his head, as he puts on his shirt and holds the replica X-Treme title on his shoulders as his parents take some pictures with him to celebrate the occasion.]

Reggie: So, Jose what got you all tied up in this wonderful hospital?

Jose: You see, Reggie, I have some type of cancer that I have no idea about. I honestly feel afraid to say it out loud to you.

Reggie: Hey that’s okay, Jose, we can keep to ourselves amigo. Look, I will make sure to send in my prayers to you for your healing and your family to support you, maybe once you get better with your cancer being treated. I got another surprise for you.

[Jose then looks happy, as Reggie pulls out six front row seats to any specific XWF branded event. He hands one to him, and hand the rest to his parents in the room. Before anything else occurs, the doctor came into the room and told everyone to leave. Jose held Reggie’s arm, but he had to leave under his doctors orders. About few hours later, Reggie and his cameraman are at a local café talking about the footage and drinking some tea on a cold day.]

Cameraman: Hey Reggie, you think the footage is good enough to post on the XWF charity site?

Reggie: I think so, maybe it will inspire others in the locker room to do some kinda community service for once in that stinkin place!

Cameraman: I mean, it don’t look to bad on your resume you are in favor of helping people, like kids, in need. Look, I’m about to head out and send you the final copy on Zmail later this week, you okay with that?

[Reggie nods his head in silence as he drinks his Herbal tea, and the cameraman leaves him be. Reggie then looks out the window, thinking about things, then someone bumps to him, and he see’s a woman who looks familiar in his past, who was sitting across from him. He tries to get a glance at her, but he ducked his head down. He goes for it again, and she waves at him, he quickly waves back towards her.]

Reggie *in his mind*: Shit what am I gonna do? Think Punto Think!!!.. oh shit she comi---

[Then the woman comes up to his table, and he offers her to sit with him. She had on a sweater, leggings, and uggs on as she slightly looked like his past demon friend Lucy, but not really. He see’s in her eyes a dark green color, as he continues to drink his tea.]

Reggie: You know, you have very pretty eyes. I mean, how you manage to get them so green?

???: Oh well, I like to use color coded eye contacts in public, my eyes are brown. Oh my name is Nancy!

Reggie: Oh Nancy, I know many girls who share that name as you in my life. So, what got you in this café this afternoon?

Nancy: I was here to relax here, I’m kind of a regular here. I usually get the mocha tai latte once a week here, and I’m close with the manager here who run at this time.

[Reggie nods his head, as he takes a sip of his tea. Then he got really good look at her, and she was on her phone, taking selfies which kind of turned him off. Then he finishes his tea, and he excuses himself to leave the place. As he was back in his crib, he was playing some Kingdom Hearts on his PS4 to pass the time, then his phone goes off and see’s it’s one of the Mexican hoe who he met at the beach during his excursion, which he answers.]

Alfonsia: Hello, Reggie? Are you back in the states?

Reggie: Yeah, why you wanna know?

Alfonsia: I want to know, that’s all I miss you so much. Ai Papi, I want you back! I miss the fun we had together.

Reggie: I do as well, but it was a onetime thing, and you know that you have plenty of puntos who’s wallets is fatter then mines.

Alfonsia: Oye no digas eso de mi, no soy puta Reggie! You know what, you are such a rude man, I don’t know why I even wasted my time with you. I hope you remain a lonely man!

[Reggie abruptly hangs up the call, and block her number in the process. He udders something to himself in Spanish, and continues to play Kingdom Hearts until it was 3am. As he went to bed, he was in a deep dream until he heard his name whisper out of nowhere in his room. He opens his eyes in a castle somewhere, where he sees a throne where he sees a snakehair hissing afar. He puts on his sunglasses and comes up to the throne, where he see’s Lucy sitting on the throne.]

Lucy: Reggieeeee Reggieee! Why don’t you take a look at me, I thought you liked my green eyes!

Reggie: Fuck you, I will not be tricked… what do you want again?

Lucy: I am here because I miss you… I miss the fun times we had… well, in reality I am here to put you through series of test in my castle for my assuming.

[Reggie then feels weak on his knees and bows down, then she sucks his essence off him. Then she gets off the throne, and she comes up to weaken Reggie as she tries to come to him. Then suddenly, Reggie rolls backwards and grabs a Keyblade, he then tries to strike at her but it deflected. Before anything can happen, he wakes up and It was morning time and he gets out of bed noticed his PS4 was still running with the game on. The scene fades off as he continued where he left off in the game.]

[Image: Mcb7MIp.gif]

I guess I’m back on my fantasy thing again, to tell you all the truth, in the early 2000s, I once cosplayed as Sora and held a makeshift keyblade, yeah it got me no girls but fuck it. I was having so much fun with those games, it connected deep within in, even if the series has gone off the deep end with its multi directional elements in the stories, but that’s why I won’t get into oh no.

What I want to say is, you all can tell I am piss poor with the ladies, but the one fact that I can’t get out of my head is Lucy. When I saw that girl at the café, I had to keep my guard up around her. But, it was pointless as she was too deep into the selfie nonsense, if I wanted to see an ugly Duck lip photo, I’d check Dick Power’s photo gallery for those type of photos and cringe at (STILL got respect for you, amigo!). I knew it wasn’t going to work out so I bounced, but hey at least I got to make a kid happy in the hospital earlier in the week or so. When I see a kid like him, he’s the main reason why I am still actively involved with wrestling on a full time basis, especially with this belt I have achieved to get once again from Coleman.

Truth be told, I know my dreams don’t need to be told, but it felt like I had to face those demons on my mind. That Keyblade was weapon of choice I had at my disposal, just like in our all-out warfare for this belt I have in the confides of Greenland…Iceland… idk, somewhere where it’s colder then TK’s crack pipe at 5 in the morning. Maybe once I go deeper into it, I hope theirs’s a light in the end of the fiery tunnel, because I am willing to walk through hell and back to claim what is mines. Do I fear Bam and Marf?

Fuck no, since they are the main ones who are hungrier for a shot at this belt I have, and I don’t know where Cage is and care enough to find out, maybe he’s play toss the salad with Dave Metlzer for a eight star at some Tokyo Dome somewhere… or holding a placard that claims he’s the best wrestler in his jorts and t-shirt, if you know you know. Whatever happens to Cage, then may his body be shred to pieces in blood and left over snow from the outdoors.

Big Marf, how are you doing with your Alice in wonderland affairs with the woman who I will not name, since I anit tryin to be on anyone’s shit list anytime soon. I hope you are doing well with your adventures, because at some point I want to put a stop to all that shit. You think you can take this belt? Well, I like to see you try as hard as you can with me and the other schumckers in the ring. You might be tough as nails, and talk that talk… but can you back those words up?

Can you prove to the fans you aren’t under some mythical shadow of someone who has more say clout then an average wolf? I don’t know the answer to that, but that doesn’t matter. So Marf, yes I do collect enough cigarette butts to shove your throat as I slit your throat with my rhymes in due time. So buck up Marf Mero, time to knock that head of yours in the snow.

Bam Bam, a guy under the CCP enterprises that is a failure and under despair. Bam, I wouldn’t trust a guy who couldn’t handle Robert Main in a bar fight, let alone across three different towns. I wouldn’t trust a man who managed to be a part of a failed BoB experiment, that he pulled the trigger off with and left the brains all over the ring. But hey, what the fuck do I know?... all I know is that he’s screwing you on the low, but I let you act he’s having your best interest at heart.

So Bam, I dare you to try me, try me fucking good. Prove to your little manager that you are so called man, who can handle his fights without any interferences or any fuckshit. You are going to feel what Coleman had to deal with since last year, you will understand that no enterprises will get you far without your own merit, oh wait that don’t mean shit when you split your beers with him. I hope Page will airlift you out of the arena when I am through with you, have them cue “I’ll always love you” by Whitney as you get escorted out.

So all my trails had begun, and I am not afraid to swing hard on my opponents in front of me. I might not look like any champion who people would take seriously, but I guarantee that I will put on a fucking show like no other, I’m doing this for Jose in the hospital. I am going to prove that as Latino man with African roots can beat down the bullshit, and prove that I can hang with the best of the best.

Puede que no salga como el campeón, pero eso no significa que venceré a todos en ese ring. Venga el infierno o la marea alta, seguiré siendo supremo!

A Flithy Animal
[Image: socialist-fist_design.png]
3x X-Treme Champion
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