Centurion has been used to losing. He's been used to bleeding, broken bones, and looking up at the lights. What he was not used to…
Was humiliation.
And that is exactly what he is feeling after Saturday night. Centurion, the 20 year veteran, lost to a man who was wrestling in only his second match. A man who did nothing but insult his character for weeks. A man who was nothing more than a "pizza guy" a few weeks ago.
"Looks like Cent' really DID waste his time!"
Perhaps Pip was right. Perhaps Centurion was wasting everyone's time. Perhaps he was nothing more than the boring, washed up has been that Thebe - and everyone else, for that matter - made him out to be.
After his match, there was no shower. There was no slapping hands with the rest of the locker room, no "you'll get em next time", no late night dinner or bar stops - it was straight out the door, to the airport, and back to Chicago.
"Dad?" The worrying voice of Nellie calls out from inside Centurion's luxury apartment. Centurion hasn't been inside since he got home - instead, he has been standing outside on his balcony, smoking a cigarette and looking out into the city. The sliding glass door opens up, and Nellie steps out into the cold air. "Dad, come inside. Get some rest."
Centurion takes a drag from his cigarette and blows the smoke over the balcony. Centurion has completely last track of time, and if he saw the sun coming up, he would not be surprised.
"Why bother?" Centurion said in the most defeated voice possible. "What am I resting for? Another chance at failure? So I can have another audience pointing and laughing at me?"
"...okkkk…" Nellie's voice trails off as she slides the glass door behind her. She slowly walks behind Centurion and stands next to him, not saying a word. She taps her fingers against the railing of the balcony as she thinks about what she can say to calm her distraught father. After all, she's his manager now. This was always the time when Walter would say something profound that would bring Centurion back to his feet. It was Nellie's turn to do that now.
Except...she can't. Words escape her at this moment, because as humiliated as Centurion felt tonight, Nellie was equally as shocked. There was no way she thought her father could lose that match. The thought never even crossed her mind. Saying things like "these things happen" would be disingenuous.
"What's the next move?" Nellie asked, partially to Centurion and partially to herself.
Centurion takes another drag of his cigarette and releases the smoke into the Chicago air. "I don't know. I'm...I'm thinking of just hanging it up."
These words don't come as a surprise to Nellie. She knew this was what he was thinking. She was thinking the same thing, to be honest, and while seeing her dad sit in his ass in retirement is not what she wants, she also knows that her father isn't going to rebound - not without some drastic changes.
"Do you think I should?" Centurion finally turns away from facing the city and looks over at Nellie as he asks the question. Truth be told, neither person on that balcony knows the answer to that question.
"Do you want to quit wrestling?" Nellie asked as matter of factly as possible. "Like, honestly?"
"Honestly?" Centurion lets the word settle in the air for a second as he thinks about his answer. "Honestly, no. It's the best job I could possibly hope for. But I don't want to be left behind. I don't want to become irrelevant. I'd rather give it all up than become a laughing stock, and that's where I fear this whole thing is headed."
While Centurion sounded rather defeated, for Nellie, she found encouraging signs in his words. The desire is still there. The passion is still there. It's the execution that Nellie will have to work on.
"I really did wake up energized this morning." Centurion says as he looks back out into the city. "I never go to bed that way."
"I know," Nellie said, flatly, in response.
"First thing in the morning, I'm going to release some sort of statement. Maybe I'll say I came in too cocky or something. The last thing I want is for folks to start blaming you." Centurion takes another hit of his cigarette. "Wrestling media can be so cruel. They're going to say you had me play it safe."
"I know." Nellie said, as she turns to face Centurion. "And I don't make you play it safe…"
Centurion nods as he hangs his head over the balcony railing. Nellie, however, is not done with her statement.
"You make me play it safe."
Centurion lifts his head up and looks at Nellie in disbelief.
"What the hell did you just say?"
"And you know it, too" Nellie responds back sternly. "We're stuck in neutral because that's where you tell me to stay."
"You're wrong." Centurion snaps back before tossing his cigarette butt off the balcony and looking, angerly, into Nellie's eyes.
"No, I'm not, Dad."
Centurion takes a few steps away from the balcony railing and paces towards the door. He extends his arms out in exacerbation, ready to fight his own daughter for her comments.
"You want to do this now?" The sound of Centurion's voice gets louder as he continues to pace around the balcony. "You came into my apartment, remember Nell? You said 'Hey Dad, let me be your manager, I think I can handle it'. What happened to that?"
"You tell me, Dad!" Nellie responds with her voice raised to Centurion's volume. "Every decision you've made over the past two weeks, you've done them without consulting me. Fly to London to attack Chris Page? Your idea. Buy a moped for Thebe Nwadike? Your idea. All you've had me do is tweet a couple of things, and book your hotel rooms."
"If I had you take control of everything, you would have me sitting in my room, watching tape for six days."
"If you had me take control of everything, I would gather your team and have them run through the fires of Hell for you!" Nellie says passionately. "You want to see me orchestrate this right now? You want to see me mobilize these people that admire you more than anything in the world?"
"Mobilize them to do what?!"
"Give me the word and I'll show you." Nellie's town has softened and her voice has gotten quieter. She walks over to Centurion and leans in towards him. Centurion's angry face also softens, as everything he has just heard begins to sink into his head. He looks down into the floor of the balcony.
"I don't want to feel like this anymore." Centurion says in a defeated, soft tone. "I don't want to go to bed feeling like this."
Nellie puts her hand on Centurion's shoulder. "You don't have to. We've gotten our asses kicked lately...but let's turn this thing around."
Centurion takes a deep breath as he slowly raises his head. He looks Nellie in the eyes, and slowly his distraught face turns into a smile. For 20 years, Centurion has done things a certain way. The idea of his little daughter taking things over for him is absolutely frightening...but she isn't his "little daughter" anymore. She is shrewd and cunning, and knows Centurion better than anyone else in the world. If anyone is able to turn this around, it's her. And at this point, what is there to lose?
"Show me what you've got."
------There's No Shortcut Home------
"A pointless match."
A suit clad Centurion, wearing a hat and seated at a desk, pulls a cigarette out of his jacket pocket. He places it in between his middle and pointer fingers on his right hand as he looks into the camera.
"An easy victory. Not worthy of my time. It's a legend against a joke. Someone who has held multiple titles against someone who has no victories. This should be a walk in the park.
That's what I would have said...before Saturday. Before Thebe. Before I had my world rocked."
Centurion pulls a box of matches out of the desk in front of him and places it on top of the desk. He opens the box of matches as he looks into the camera.
"I did it on Twitter, but just in case I am accused of ducking my responsibilities, allow me to do it on camera, as well. Thebe Nwadike, sorry for wasting my time. Actually, allow me to go even a step further. THANK YOU, Thebe.
I can hear the shocked faces already. Allow me to explain."
Centurion strikes the match against the match box and places the cigarette in his mouth. He lights the cigarette and shakes the flame out of the match before placing it on the desk. Centurion takes a drag of his cigarette before lowering the cigarette from his lips and blowing the smoke out.
"Last night, I went to bed feeling a mixed bag of emotions. There was anger. There was resentment. There was humility. And to he honest, I felt like it was the end for me; however, thanks to my friends Chivas and NyQuil, I was able to get a tad bit of sleep last night. And when I woke up, I felt a completely different emotion - clarity.
I knew I was struggling with my career...but I didn't realize how bad it was. After finally putting away Giovanni DeSantis, I assumed I had turned the corner. I thought that was what was holding me back, but my performance against Thebe proved otherwise. It wasn't DeSantis. It was me. There was something wrong with me that was keeping me from flipping that switch and turning a corner.
Thebe showed me that I needed to change. I need to take more risks. I need to become more aggressive. I need...to change."
Centurion takes another hit of his cigarette as he reaches into the desk drawer again. He pulls out an ashtray and tosses it onto the table before placing the cigarette down in it.
"So this week, my match against Captain Future is not just some random no name against a legend. It's a test. It's to show where I am, where I'm going, and what I should do, because let's face it - losing to Thebe might have been embarrassing, but losing to Captain Future is a career ender.
Which means, and I'm sure that doesn't come as a surprise to you, but no one is thinking about you, Captain Future. This match has nothing to do with you. You're literally just a warm body that has been brought in for this contest. To borrow a phrase from a certain former Universal Champion, all eyes will be on me."
Centurion picks the cigarette back up and takes a hit before flicking the ashes into the ashtray and setting the cigarette back down.
"Which means, I need more than a win. Walking out of Warfare with a victory will not be enough to not only quiet my doubters, but also quiet my own mind. Anything less than the absolute destruction of Captain Future at my hands will be considered a failure. Which is why I am taking this match as seriously as I have taken any other match before.
I'm not reaching the twilight of my career. Not anymore. Captain Future, the name you will be cursing by the end of the night will not by mine, but rather the name of Thebe Nwadike. Were it not for him, I would have no reason to take this match seriously. Were it not for him, I would be content to just pin you and get this over with. But he had to mess everything up for you.
You're not another name on my resume, Captain Future. You're not a speed bump or a stepping stone. You're the beginning of my rebirth. You are the start of something spectacular. And if you're not?"
Centurion takes one last drag of his cigarette before snuffing it out in the ashtray. He takes his hat off and tosses it onto the desk.
"Then you can have it all, Captain Future. You can be the one who finally buries me. In your trips to the future, did you ever see this? Did you ever see yourself walking out with my head on a plater? Did you every foresee yourself ending a legendary career?
Of course you didn't, because such a future does not exist. The fact is, your future was determined long ago, and that was to be the unfortunate victim of a Centurion who is ready to start the second phase of his career. This is what you will be known for, when the book on your career...if there ever is a book on your career...is written.
So, what an exciting moment for the XWF faithful. What will you see on Wednesday night? Will you see the revitalization of a wrestler that has proven to be a danger to everyone in the locker room? Or will you see the final nail in the coffin of a career that many may say has overstayed it's welcome? I think you know the answer already, but either way, what an exciting moment for the entire XWF."
Centurion takes his hat and places it back on his head. He stands from the desk and reaches to the side before turning off a light and the camera fades to black.
XWF Record - 214-100-9
XWF All Time Wins Record Holder
Official XWF Legend
3x XWF Anarchy Champion
3x XWF World Champion
8x XWF Canadian Champion (Record for most Canadian Title reigns)
1x XWF Hart Champion
6x XWF X-Treme Champion
5x XWF Tag Team Champion
2x XWF United States Champion
Inaugural XWF IDL Champion
1x XWF King of Anarchy
1x XWF King of Massacre
1x XWF Stable Champion
XWF Star Of The Month - May 2007
XWF Star Of The Month - July 2009
XWF Star Of The Month - December 2019
XWF Star Of The Month - December 2021
XWF Holiday Battle Royal Winner - 2007