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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Relentless Day 3 RP Board 2021
The Haunted Chronicles of Doctor Louis D'Ville
Author Message
Doctor Louis D'Ville Away
Hello, my friends

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

09-18-2021, 09:26 PM

***This was recorded 9/17/2021.***

##We chop off our hands
Our right hands are dangerous
My left is alright##

shitty shitty bang bang

The familiar hallway.

The slow walk that takes our breath. The corridor that lies. The fool’s path.

At least the pale white walls are comforting, but our mind plays tricks. There’s a buzz of static in our brain that feels like a dagger jabbed into the side of it that changes what we see. Burning brick, the smell of sulphur, and the present warmth of a flickering flame looming from somewhere. The dagger is removed and our pearly white walls return. That’s better. That was way too spooky.

The door opens and inside the office we go. The source of the warmth became obvious, to the side of the room everything opens up into a large cave where a huge bonfire burns. It makes it smoldering in here. It’s so hot that there’s a heat haze over every surface and papers droop sadly in their place. Behind the desk sits our beloved, good doctor.

There is a light knock at the door and the red ominous glow flashes away much like in the hallway. The door creaks open and a professionally dressed, middle-aged woman pokes her head through the door.

”We’re ready for you, Doctor.”

The doctor raises his eyes and smiles.

I’ll be with you all in a few minutes. I’m wrapping things up as we speak.

”Thank-you, Doctor.”

She smiles and, removing her head from the doorway, shuts the door.

You know, most people call me “Doc”. It’s kind of a nickname and it started from the first day I became part of this fine federation. I know calling me out by my first name gives you some extra power over me, but I thought I would mention it anyway. That’s kind of like the power you think you hold over me from May Day. Boy, have you Chris Chaos’d that one up. Did I say something before about being humble? Is it too late to redact that one? Maybe I meant to say hubris? He blew up after he got lucky once too and today he has a lot of trouble looking me in the eye. AutoRebuttal: I’m sure you’ll look me dead in the eye, won’t you? You talk so poorly of me but you know you were just an average schmuck until I came along. “Surviving” the good doctor took a lot more than you lead on it did. You can pretend all you want that this progress of yours, ever forward, cannot be stopped, but you know that I’m the one shot that can drop you. Everyone knows it. Everyone can sense it. Everyone bounces in their seats in anticipation for it! They placed us upon the highest pedestal for a reason, but you don’t need the lights or the big stage, do ya?! Of course you don’t. You don’t need anything. You just need yourself, a pocket full of Pokemon cards, and que sera, sera. Sorry if it appears out of character of me to join the hype along with everyone else for the day we finally see you for what you really are. Not a fraud. Not some hoax. Not some crazy person that shouldn’t even be here. But, deep down, what everyone really expected the first time. You were a pleasant surprise to some, ya know. Others? Meh. You’ve been soaring for months, higher and higher, ever forward, blocking out the sun much like myself all those years ago. And by blocking out the sun I mean crippling an entire roster. Insert spooky metaphor.. Trigger.


If you want to talk about metaphors you could take a look in the mirror. Or would that break your focus ever forward? Come to think of it, would you even know who or what you were looking at? Like a dog that doesn’t recognize its own reflection? Anyway… It does take the brain a nano-moment or two to process an image and you looking at your stupid self(?) in the mirror would actually be looking in the past and ever forward isn’t in the past is it? No! It’s the future! It’s tomorrow!

It’s Tuesday!

It’s Saturday!

What day is today?

It’s your birthday!

Regardless, I hope all of this brain dead skipping around nonsense with minotaurs, angels, Pokebawls, doors, and Spongebob were all metaphors of your own. Otherwise, a Lobotomy may just not work. I may just have to rip your head off completely. Then this worthless open book you’ve tried to hand me twice I can throw in the garbage. I’ll just tip your head upside down and keep smacking you in the face until I get what I need out of it. Which I’m not even sure what that is, to be honest. I never really cared what was in there. But you were relentless. You insisted on showing me. You obsessed over it. And now you don’t care. You’re past that and don’t need a session anymore. Let’s have one anyway. For funsies. You’ve tried so hard to control the narrative and took us through doors and windows and fire escapes, trying to lead us through that labyrinth of yours… But we never made it through did we? No we didn’t.

When I say you were robbed of a proper session, what I mean is that this illusion of you being this world eater wouldn’t have even happened. You’d be starving and vulturing over scraps left from an extinct group of nobodies that never got off the ground. Before me, you were the guy that beat Reggie Estrada for the Xtreme Title. After me, you were looked at as if you conquered the Universe…. But that was still a few weeks away. You SURVIVED me and that is literally, LITERALLY the greatest thing you’ve ever done. Ever. Ever. Ever.



I took the tiny flame that was burning within you and added napalm. That one defense against me topped all other defenses you had combined. That final Xtreme Title defense meant more to the XWF than you rising above my flames and cashing in on Page for the Universal Title. And this Universal TItle match? Your final match as champion… Will trump them all. Every match that night as well as nights one and two. You talk about YOU being MY mountain? How? Come on. There has never been a day that I’ve been considered an underdog and, regardless of our past, the day will never come. You’re blinded by your own confidence and it will be the cause of your demise. Your welcoming end. I know you raise the stakes each time and push further and further and further and further ever forward and that’s fine and dandy, but I hope you realize that these stakes are far different than before. We’ve had a chance to feel each other out and a bit, too, at War Games… but now? This is a fight unlike any other fight. This will be your first true experience in a battle for your survival. You’re going to find out that a satisfied Doc is different from a hungry, driven Doc. I met you when you were in the same state and if nothing has changed you should be hungrier and more driven than before, too. Your fall will be a reminder to everyone in this fine federation that when there is something I want, I go and get it. And I want YOU.

And you called it alright.

Who ruined the surprise? Was it the fact I was leading you towards the end and the sweet aroma of that burning cigar in my office was enough of a clue? I love how you tell everyone that the only reason you tried opening the doors that led us here was because they were in your way. Liar. Each time you went out of your way to make your feeble attempts to get in. You tried everything, but you just couldn’t get through….. Not until I allowed it. And then you sealed your fate.

You also hit the nail on the head about this being about me now. It most certainly is. The feasting will turn to famine, lunch is over, and the real party is about to begin. Let’s head back through the labyrinth once more and I’ll make sure we get out this time. I’ll kill the minotaur, throw you over my shoulder, burn through the hedges just to see you mark out, and free you of a burden. Just like every other one that came along and shot to the top, you’ll fall. Just like everyone else that, for some reason, forgot to take me as seriously as they should. Just like everyone else, they are gone and I remain..

I’ve been here a long, long time and I know you’ve been here before, too…. And you do too, right, Mister Namel(i)ess? From the very first moment I stepped through the doors of this fine federation my threat has been consistent. When I’m involved, all others involved KNOW they’re in for a fight that they will not likely win. You’re no different than anyone else that has risen to the top in my shadow. You get it inside your head that you are beyond anyone and everyone, that you are untouchable. You will carelessly fly so high until the ceiling finally crumbles and comes down on you.. You’re not the flavor of the month or anything. No, no…. I give you far more credit than that. But you are just in season… I am forever.

Everyone thought you were so unique. Even you. To me, I’ve come to find out that you’re just a poorly drawn cartoon version of myself. A MUCH BETTER VERSION OF ME, you’d probably say, but I think that’s up for debate right now, isn’t it? That’s the whole point of you trying to knock in my door, wasn’t it? What you thought was another simple obstacle in your journey ever forward is actually your last stop.

As for any questions I may have going into this… You say you’re the answer? Do you have the answers to my questions?

Riddle me this.

What’s with the anger and this overdriven rage that comes out when I mention about the quips or theme songs, phoenix birds, voids, and all the happy jazz? Is it because I inspire you and then I rejected you? Your reaction tells me that we might have found another trigger. We should probably mark those on your checklist, as well. The fact that you’re not handling too much of this very well could hold some serious repercussions concerning your health in the future, sir.

-Part Two-

The walk to the tower was a bit longer than it looked. It was getting late in the evening now and I considered holding off until tomorrow, but I had made it this far. I don’t have a phone, just a pager, and it hasn’t gone off in days. Surely if Miss Cotton was curious about my whereabouts she would’ve reached out to me. I did give her my pager number, didn’t I? After a couple long blocks, I reached the edge of town and a single-road led me up a hill to a large steel gate with a brass plated XWF logo in its center. To the left was a small booth where it looked like a security guard would be posted, but it didn’t look like anyone was in there now. I pressed against the gate and it wouldn’t budge a bit. There were no controls to open it and no way to climb it either. No buttons. No levers. No chains. Nothing.

“Well, shit. What now?”

Maybe there was something inside the booth, although it didn’t look like any electricity was going to it. I walked over and looked in the window and to my surprise there was someone inside. They were asleep with their feet propped up on a desk.


I said tapping on the window.

“Hey!” I yelled.

Whoever was in there nearly fell back in their chair. When they caught their balance, they scowled through the window at me then leaned in and opened the window. An unruly, ratty beard glared at me.

“Um, good evening. I had an appointment?”


“Trevor Dedntik.”

He leaned back again and was looking at something. I had a weird feeling about this guy. He certainly didn’t look the part if he was a guard. By his heart on his chest was a sticker that said, “Hi, I’m Charlie!” written across it.

“Twenty-bucks.” He said leaning forward again.

“Twenty-bucks? For what?”

“Price of entry, mister. You’re lucky I don’t charge ya more. It’s after hours.”

“I told you I have an appointment…”

“Then I bet you want through that gate, huh?”

Got me there. I reached into my pocket, pulled out a twenty, and handed it over. I've wasted enough time trying to get here already. Charlie smiled and took the money from my hand. He got up and stumbled out of the booth which I then noticed was completely wrecked on the inside. Charlie carried a screwdriver with him and walked over to a small junction box hidden behind some ivy wrapped around the fence. He opened it up and jabbed his tool within the wiring and the gate began to react. It opened a bit, closed a bit, opened, then closed.

“You better be quick. That thing’s pretty unforgiving when it closes on ya.”

“Aren’t you getting shocked?”

I watched him twitch for a few more seconds before jogging over to the stuttering gate and jumped through. Charlie closed up the box and went back into his little booth like it was everyday business. As I approached the building, I caught the scent of something and it made the hairs on the back of my neck stand straight up. A pain in my stomach made my vision blur and I nearly passed out on the ground….. What was wrong with me. The feeling of eyes on me felt like ants crawling all over my skin… And then suddenly.. The feeling was gone. I looked around to see if anyone was around or seen me. There wasn’t. Not even that Charlie fellow.

When I got to the large, glass doors at the main entrance they slid open automatically and a burst of ice cold, refreshing, recycled air blasted me in the face. In the large lobby area there was a broad sitting behind a large desk in the middle of the room with the XWF banner hanging high above it. The walls and windows were all decorated with both vintage and new XWF posters along with other memorabilia that was out on display. A staircase was on each side of it that led up to a balcony, where the access to the elevators were along with some small recreational and waiting areas. Televisions were mounted all over the place showing matches, interviews, promos, and more XWF footage from over the years.

The place didn’t seem to have a lot happening at all. It seemed a little bigger than it needed to be, but there are at least thirty or so more floors above me to say otherwise. I wouldn’t doubt they were filled with XWF workers plugging away to keep one of the biggest organizations in the world running flawlessly 24/7. The broad at the desk looked like she knew her way around it pretty well. She was wearing thick glasses, had red honeycomb hair, and her make-up looked like it was applied with a paintball gun. Tapping the keys on the keyboard with her long, neon green fingernails and looking down through her pink framed glasses. After ignoring me up to this point, she finally glanced up to me where I stood.

“May I help you?” She asks with a surprised tone that I’m standing there in front of her.

“Yes, ma’am. My name is Trevor Dedntik.” I pause and get no reaction from her. “Is Miss Cotton available?”

“I’m afraid not.” She says and goes back to her business.

I leaned in and tried to catch her peripheral vision.

“Do you know when she’ll be in? It’s kind of urgent.”

She let out a long sigh and slowly moved into a long glare towards me. I stood my ground and returned the same cold look to her.

“I could take a message, sir, but I have no way of knowing when Miss Cotton will be back. I apologize.”

“That doesn’t really do me any good, ma’am. You weren’t aware that I was coming?”

She says nothing and just gnaws aggressively on a piece of bubble gum.

“Actually, could I stop back at a better time?”

“Do whatever you like, sir. You’ll be saving your breath.”

I reached in my pocket as I turned to leave. Along with my box of cigarettes I pulled out the small card that Miss Cotton gave me back at the office. It was Vinnie Lane’s business card which provided the address I’m standing at along with the XWF's toll free number. On the back of the card was Miss Cotton’s personal number. Maybe this broad behind the counter would let me use the phone behind the desk… Just as the idea crossed my mind, it began to light up and beep. .

“Front desk. Yes, Mister Pryce. Yes, sir. Okay. Thank---”

The call seemed a bit one sided from what I could hear. I take another step away when she stops me.

“Excuse me? Sir? Mister Dedntik?”

I turned around slowly and raised a curious eyebrow.

“Mister Pryce just called and he’s been expecting you.”

Theo Pryce?

“Theo Pryce? Are you sure?”

“Yes I am sure that it was Mister Pryce on the phone. He called and has requested for you to join him in his office. I apologize, I was unaware that he had anything scheduled this late in the day…. You may take either set of stairs to your right or left up to the elevators where you can use them to access his office on the 28th floor.”

Not exactly what I expected, but I’ll take it.

“Thank you?”

“Have a good evening, sir.”

After the long, uncomfortable ride in the train, the several near death experiences in the G-Uber, whatever that was at the front gate, then Miss Cotton not being around… This turn of events could actually pan out. What would Theo Pryce want with me now? I gave the receptionist a quick, habitual wink and headed up the stairs to the right towards a triple set of elevators placed side-by-side. Choosing the one in the center I pressed the button.

The doors opened up to a large executive office near the very top of the building. Looking around, you wouldn’t have thought this was the office of an XWF executive. Nothing in the room said anything regarding the organization, which was a little odd, but whatever. On the right was a television hanging on the wall that was bigger than most cars I’ve owned. It hung above one of those fake fireplaces that were only good for their looks. On the television, it is split into a dozen different screens showing different floors and parts of the property. One, in particular, was the lobby and directly where I was standing talking to that wonderful woman. It explains Theo knowing of my arrival..

Straight ahead was the large desk in front of a series of windows looking to the outside across the beautiful city below. No sign of Pryce though. I walked across the room, past the desk, and over to the window where I experienced the view for myself. I took a deep breath and fumbled my box of cigarettes around in my pocket when there was a voice behind me.


I turned around to see Theo Pryce standing behind me in a doorway I didn’t notice upon my entry to the office. A personal bathroom, maybe?

“Hello, Mister Pryce. I’m Trevor Dedn--”

“I know who you are, Mister Dedntik.” Theo says with a smile as he walks towards his desk. He takes a seat and motions for the chair facing him at the desk. “Have a seat.”

“Okay if I smoke?”

“Fuck no. Absolutely not. Where do you think you are? A bar? Do you think you can manage a few minutes or are you going to have some kind of nicotine fit?”

I shoved them deeper into my pocket and slouched in the chair a bit.

“I can wait.”

Theo folded his hands in front of his face and stared at me for a moment before clearing his throat.

“What brings you back here, Mister Dedntik?”

Back here.

“I’m working.”

“Working? Working for who?”

Something to do with your missing boss, maybe? This guy apparently remembered me so he would obviously know my line of work.

“Roxy Cotton hired me to investigate the disappearance of Vinnie Lane. He IS missing, isn’t he?”

“Roxy, huh? Is that right?”

Theo smiled and paused.

“There is a bit of confusion as to the whereabouts of Mister Lane at this time. But I assure you, Trevor, the XWF has already taken several steps to look into this matter.”

“You have? So, you’ve contacted the police?”

“I’ve let some proper authorities know of the situation, yes. The second we realized any potential trouble, I was the first to do something about it, Trevor.”

“‘We’? You and who else?”

“Heh. Is this an interrogation?” He says with subtle laughter.

“I’m just doing what I was hired to do.”

“Roxy and myself. I told her I was going to look into it.”

“Look into it? She seemed pretty concerned when she visited me, Pryce. Telling her it’ll be ‘looked into’ is kind of a shitty way of showing or saying you want to help… Or even care…"

“The show must go on, Trevor. And the XWF WILL run flawlessly with or without Lane or anyone for that matter. That’s why I am here. Of course him going missing is a top concern and finding out what happened is a top priority…. But your services truly are not needed and there was really no reason to drag you in. Especially at a time like this.”

“What do you mean, ‘At a time like this?”

“Your history here may be unknown to some, Trevor, but it’s no secret to me. Is it just a coincidence that the last time you were around your pal Doc was fighting for the same thing?”

My stomach sank again. What’s he saying? That I have somehow had something to do with His success here? If I’ve done anything in the past it was to hinder or halt his control of the UNIVERSE… Not help it.

“Like I said, I was paid to do a job. Maybe you need to discuss this with Miss Cotton before dismissing me like I showed up here trying to solicit something.”

“I hope you understand that under these circumstances, Roxy Cotton does not assume his position. I do.” Theo points a thumb at his chest with authority. “So, if I were you, I would clear a few things up with her yourself first.”

Trevor scoffs at Theo puffing his chest.

“That’s convenient, isn’t it? You gain the responsibility and power, does the salary come with it, too? When do you move to the top floor?”

“Don’t badger me into saying something you wanna hear, ‘Detective’. You’re sniffing around in the wrong places. I’m just as concerned with Lane vanishing as anybody…” Theo bounces up from his chair and turns his back to me to look out the window. The sun is setting now over the city and the last few breaths of sunlight are ust creeping over the horizon. “Maybe not as much as his girlfriend, but as much as any colleague or business partner would be.”

“So, why’d you call me up here?”

He turns to face me again.

“To tell you to go home. It’s not the first time Vinnie’s gone on a hiatus or the first time Roxy’s overreacted. Your services just aren’t needed here. Please, hop on the next train and take it back to your life away from here.”

Theo hasn’t been shy to share his displeasure of my arrival. I’m not even sure why, unless there’s something he’s not telling me about this whole thing. I came to the conclusion that I’m definitely going to have to get in touch with Miss Cotton before I can go any further. Surely she could shine some light on what steps Theo’s already taken in this whole mess before I get tangled up in something I don’t want to be.

“Alright.” I say as I stand up from my seat. “A slight misunderstanding then. Some lack of communication, maybe?”

“Sure thing. Sorry to waste your time.”

I headed towards the elevator when he stopped me..

“One more thing.”

“What is it?” I only half turn back to him.

“Was there an ugly… rough looking guy roaming around the property when you came in?”

“You had a guy playing security guard out at the front gate. Is that who you mean?”


Theo marched over to his desk and pressed the intercom.


{{Yes, Mister Pryce.}}

“Contact security, would you? Charlie is roaming around outside the fence again. Have Little Feather see him off the premises.” He looks over to me. “Did you give him any money?”

I nod.

“UGH! That means he’ll be back. Yeah, Karen? Have him look around to see if Charlie’s still around. If he is, have him removed. Lay the boots to him some, medium to hard this time, I want him to think twice before he comes back.”

{{Right away, sir.}}

After leaving Theo’s office, I knew I had to get in touch with Miss Cotton. There’s no way that she brought me here for no reason was there? Was Theo just being an asshole? Does he have something else up his sleeve or was he telling the truth?

When I got to the lobby, the receptionist was no longer there and nowhere to be found. I walked up to the desk and picked up the phone to no dial tone. I pressed a few of the buttons on the number pad and still nothing.


I looked around for a note with the number to dial-out, but there’s nothing around in plain sight… There’s just a bunch of pictures of a blonde Pomeranian framed and hung up all around the desk. I wasn’t going to do any additional snooping around because I knew for a fact that I was on camera. It was probably in my best interest as I was being watched to take my leave like the new boss insisted. I left the building and sighed as I started back toward the gate.

I treaded lightly around the little booth where Charlie was hanging around before. Even though Theo said he was sending security down here to move him along I wasn’t sure how efficient Theo’s muscle around here was. There was no sign of him or the security. I looked around for maybe an easy way out, but couldn't find a switch or anything on this side of it either.

I grabbed the ivy hanging and intertwined within the fence beside the gate and tugged on it to see if it would support my weight. It appeared it would so I took a few steps back and lunged my briefcase up over it to the other side. As I started to climb, the gate buzzed and unlatched on its own. It creaked open very vocally as if to mock me in a way. Looking around a bit closer, I noticed a camera hanging in a tree pointing towards the entrance. I flipped the camera, and assuming Theo Pryce had his eyes to the monitor watching, my middle finger as I squeezed through the gate.

With the small, yet, significant obstacle ahead of me, I followed through with my plan to find some way to contact Roxy Cotton, or at least attempt to. I had obviously already made up my mind that I wasn’t taking Theo’s word to heart in any of this, not yet anyway. If the situation with Vinnie Lane was already handled or if it turned out to be nothing, I still feel I have a purpose here. I found a dive, short-stay motel a couple of blocks back into town. I checked in, got to my room, and threw my bag, briefcase, and myself onto the bed and reached for the telephone. Resting the receiver on my shoulder with my chin, I fish out the card with the number on the back and start dialing.

It rings.

{{Hiyeeee!! This is Roxy! I’m SO sorry I can’t answer your call right now but leave a message and I’ll get back to ya! Byeeeeeee!!!}}

Voicemail.... Great....

“Miss Cotton… It’s Trevor… Look, I think we have a problem….. I met with Pryce at the XWF building that you said we were to meet at today and he doesn’t seem to be happy about me being here for some reason. Get a hold of me as soon as you can. I’m staying at the--”



I slammed the receiver down and then quickly redialed the number. It rang and rang before it went back to voicemail.

{{We’re sorry. The voicemail box you’re trying to reach is full. Please try again later.}}

“Oh, what the hell?!”

I tossed the receiver back down and laid back on the mattress. Using a little bit of nicotine to try and relax my pounding head, the thoughts mixed with my already tiredness started to carry me off to dreamland. The sensation from before started to return and the pain in my stomach churned as I curled in the bed. I cold sweat took over me and my vision started to blur again. I could’ve sworn I saw a shadow…. Something standing in the corner of the room… Watching me. With my last little bit of consciousness, I squeeze the cigarette in my hand… I couldn’t even feel it burn… I closed my eyes and accepted the pain until I finally fell asleep through it or passed out from it.

The Ex-Detective wakes up.

I slept clear into the next day and then some. The nightmares I suffered were the worst I can remember and I’m not sure what exactly I had to thank for that. I woke up to a rapid pounding at my motel room door which nearly scared the morning piss right out of me. I jumped out of bed and looked around frantically for a moment before limping to the door and opened it. It was Miss Cotton.

“Uh, hey?” I mumbled as I scratched my head.

She rushed past into my room.

“Lock the door.”

“What’s going on? I’ve been trying to get in touch with you. What’s this crap with Theo Pryce and--”

“What? Theo?! What did he tell you?!”

“To go home. That the situation is handled.”

She sighed and took a seat at the edge of the bed. She wasn’t dolled up like she usually is. Just enough make-up so she wouldn’t melt in the sunlight, a pair of yoga pants, and a hoodie. I grabbed the box of cigarettes from the nightstand and lit one. She takes a quick tissue from her purse and sniffles into it.

“It’s NOT handled….”

“Why would he lie to me, Miss Cotton? What does he have to hide? Do you think he had something to do with this?”

“I don’t think so, but that doesn’t mean he’s not trying to take advantage of this. He’ll bask in the spotlight for a while, but he knows the bullshit that goes with the job. I don’t know what’s on his mind. He’s definitely not happy that I went to you for help.”

“I can tell. He was a dick.”

She started to shuffle around in her purse then dumped it upside down on the bed. Packs of gum, make-up, loose money, and a bunch of papers all scatter as they fall out.

“So, what’s with the wake up call?”

“Wake up call? Trevor it’s three in the afternoon. How long did you sleep?”

That didn’t seem to surprise me. I told you I sleep a lot.

“A while, I guess. The trip must’ve got to me.”

I slept the entire train ride pretty much, too.

“Whatever. I came here because I might have some leads for you.”


“Yeah, isn’t that what they’re called? ‘Leads’?”

“I suppose they are. What do you have?”


She seemed excited. She had a paper ready and handed it over. It’s a printed photograph of some huge, well-dressed fellow sitting at a table with two other large men to the side of him.

“And… This is?”

“Big Money. He’s the top boss of the Bob..”

“You think he had something to do with this?”

“Anything shady that goes down in the XWF, this guy should at least know about it. Do I see them kidnapping my Vinnie? I don’t think that’s their thing….”

“What about Beebop and Rocksteady?”

“That’s Bobby Bourbon and Thunder Knuckles. They’re no good bastards.”

“They wrong you somehow, Miss Cotton?”

“No, they just are.”

She smiled and handed me another printed photograph. A woman. She had a pale face with thick red painted lips and was laughing what could only be an evil laugh.

“That’s Miss Fury. She owns and runs the lounge bar that everyone hangs out in. You hear all kinds of juicy stuff behind the bar, ya know.”

“I bet.”

“I would stop in there and see if she might have heard anything.”

“Will do.”

She handed over another. A man in a suit… Kind of dressed the way I used to dress when I was still on the force.

“Commissioner Page… He’s head of the XWFPD.”

“XWF has a police force?”

“Not a big one, but yes.”

“Can I ask why you chose me and not the police?”


“Theo controls the police.”

“Good guess, sweety.”


“So, you know to stay the fuck away from him.”


She started to scoop up her things and throw them back in her purse. I stared down at the three photographs in front of me. At least I have somewhere to start now, I guess.

“So, what about Theo?”

“What about him?”

“He was pretty insistent that I don’t get involved with this. I know he’s ‘Your Vinnie’ and all, Miss Cotton, but I can’t let something like this ruin me. Theo Pryce is a powerful man and this is all I got.”

“I’ll double your pay. Fuck, I’ll triple it. I need YOUR help, Trevor. Please.”

I looked into her big, purty eyes and heard her story all over again.

“Please, Trevor. You’re my only hope.”

How could I say ‘No’? The broad was desperate. Really desperate.

“Alright, Miss Cotton. You can count on me.”

She let out a sigh of relief and stood up. I picked up the papers then folded them up for safe keeping. I waved them her way with a wink.

“Not bad ‘leads’ there Detective Cotton.”

She feigned a smile.

“There’s one more…”

It was a photograph of me… but not just me.

“What the fuck is this?”

I was just outside of the XWF HQ, just before whatever came over me and almost took me down. The shadow that was in my room last night was in the background… Watching me.

“Where do you get this?”

“From my source.”

“He’s following me?”

“I have him keeping an eye on you… And it was a good thing. You apparently already have fan….”

“Who could it be?”

I asked a rhetorical question. The pains in my stomach started to come back again until I turned away from it.

“Someone is keeping an eye on you. I wanted you to know to be really careful...”

When she opened the door, she turned back to me.

“I have faith in you, Trevor. I wouldn’t have come to you if I didn’t.”

And then she was gone.

[Image: Kd641BT.png]
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