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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Relentless Day 1 RP Board 2021
Death In The Family...
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Robert "The Omega" Main Offline
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XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

09-17-2021, 07:32 AM

OOC- This is for anyone who has lost their Dad…

R.I.P. Dad

In his life, Robert “The Omega” Main has always been caged and enraged, gauged, and found wanting more. Assuaged and found needing… Enraged and found terrifying… “The Omega” can walk anywhere he pleases and had done so for years. A walking war chest, a jacked-up, tricked out vehicle built for violence… He’s never wavered. Until now, this dreadful, God-forsaken moment in time, Robert has found himself at a crossroads, not only in his personal life but his career as well. The question is can he stay on the right path in this defining moment? With everything going on around him can he focus on the task at hand and finally slay the dragon once and for all. Nothing has ever been able to stop Robert, once he has made his mind up… Always green with envy, Robert is trying diligently to make up for all the things that he tore down while allied with the crooked snake know as Chris Page. Over the last several months, things haven’t gone according to plan for “The Omega” APEX or Legacy. As a matter of fact, things have been an utter train wreck since Robert’s return… Now with his father’s untimely death on his mind, “The Omega” finds himself in an unfamiliar place…





Throughout his decorated career nothing has ever been able to stop “The Omega” except a baseball bat wielded by a coward from behind. Not able to think or eat, not able to blink his eyes, not able to even breathe under his own power. A single baseball bat shot changed the course of history forever… Not only for Robert but for those involved as well. For months Robert, laid in a hospital bed clinging to life, names became scrambled, time slippery… From time to time, he didn’t even know who he was or what he was looking at. Robert, only knew, none of it felt natural… The only thing that he now understood was the searing pain radiating throughout what used to be his head… His body has become one gigantic wound, a million scars he carried around inside him… Some things “The Omega” just couldn’t remember, the things that he did might’ve never happened at all… That’s the problem with a traumatic head injury, even when Robert believed he’s found his way back to clarity, things always seem to go haywire again… It’s like time itself has become broken, with the way that the past comes flooding in and haunts him. History has its own strange life and power… Cataclysm is proof of that…





Since the second he returned to the XWF with APEX- Legacy at his side he has paid a heavy toll… All in a checkered war that never needed to happen, one side wants control, the other seeks revenge. And neither side is willing to compromise, there isn’t going to be a cease-fire until one side or the other is gone for good. Robert has always been a conduit of unstoppable power until recently. This moment in time, this wretched timeline, like a nightmare he cannot wake from… His mind fragmented, his body is broken, Robert has lost his smile, and some would say, his will to carry on. He has been manipulated, capitulated and always a pawn, just never the player. Robert “The Omega” Main will never be taken advantage of again… A force of overwhelming power, nothing will stop Robert from his ultimate goal, except himself. An icon will fall, a legend will perish into the hallow void… The question is which one will it be. He is done allowing others to pick up the pieces of the things that he and his choices have destroyed over the past year and a half… Now with his back against the wall, his livelihood on the line, Robert Main is going to lay it all on the line… This is the point of no return and if he must perish in an XWF ring, he’ll do just that…





It’s untroublesome to fracture a person given the correct circumstances, one moment can change a person’s trajectory forever, yet it takes so very long to restore who they were before tragedy struck. The one that fragmented Robert Main wasn’t “Chronic” Chris Page or B.o.B, no matter how hard they pushed their propaganda… A handful of mid-card floaters would never tarnish who Robert was, nor would a baseball bat to the head by a puppet on a string… Those things are elementary compared to losing his father in a catastrophic accident. This nanosecond in time sent him into a tailspin spiraling out of control. Robert was damaged beyond repair, shattered into a million pieces and ground into the Earth… Everything around him seemed reconditioned, or so that is what his grieving eyes were seeing. The atoms of one thing becoming those of another. The energy from one place becomes energy in another. Robert, had visualizations of where his father was, what God had asked him to become next, all Robert knew deep down was he was looking forward to being with his Pop again… He could feel his father’s warm embrace from time to time like he was there saying it would be okay. So, call it reincarnation or recycling, Robert’s okay with whatever. He knows his father is still out there somewhere, and that's what mattered to him…





A muffled voice echoes but Robert doesn’t respond… He continues leering at the floor and his dress shoes he had never worn before… He then ran his fingers tips over the charcoal suit that laid over his skin as a coffin as if his inner child self was being buried alive while he wore it.

” Robert…”

Robert remained motionless and continued staring, lost someplace in his mind, Drew looked to Jim for assistance in the situation, Jim reached out gently placing his hand on Robert’s shoulder. When Jim spoke, his deep voice was magnetic to the core of who Robert was.

” Bob, listen, brother, I know you are struggling, but they are going to close the casket soon, you need to be in there with Kayla and your Mom and Oliver when it happens… I know this is a dreadful situation, but we are all here and have your back.”

Robert lifted his head as the sadness drained from his weary eyes. He wept as if his brain was being shredded from the inside out. Emotional torture flowed out of every pore. From his mouth came a howl so raw that even the eyes of the strangers around them were suddenly wet with tears. Robert reached out clinging onto a chair so his ferocious shaking would not cause him to fall to the floor… From his eyes came an even thicker stream of tears than he had cried earlier. We all expect to bury our parents one day, but not like this. So unfortunate, so sudden, so heart-wrenching… The whole world had vanished right before Robert’s eyes, now there was only the agony of a broken heart, enough to fracture him in a way he had never felt before. There was a substantial amount of anguish to change him beyond recognition. It takes backbone to exit the catatonic state, to reengage with the world and pray that you heal as you fight onward for better days. In these profound moments of strife, the real needs of those you love to keep coming and you must keep on rising to meet them. Robert looked at Jim in his brilliant electric blue eyes and saw a lifetime of struggle that had never been put into words… He saw humanity and the person Jim was behind the curtain. There were times it all gets lost, especially when he put on his ring gear, becoming the man the fans paid to see…

” Bob, I honestly cannot imagine what you are going through right now, I know you feel like you have a dozen arrows through the heart and a battle axe sticking in your chest… All you can do is let it out let it out or it'll poison you… We are all here for you and your family.”

Drew wiped away a few teas as the stunning and always beautiful Betsey hugged Robert as tightly as she could… In her embrace, the world stopped still on its axis. There was no time, no wind, no rain. Robert’s mind was at peace. Betsy wiped Robert’s eyes placing her palm on his cheek.

“We’re here for you Robert… Don’t you forget that we love you.”

Betsey releases Robert as Raven leans in giving Robert a bro hug…

“Big guy I don’t do hugs.”

Shawn replied extending his hand as the two embraces.

Robert makes brief eye contact with each member of APEX and Legacy before leading the way to his father’s casket where they will each say their final goodbyes… Raven makes his way to Robert’s Mom who falls into Raven’s chest sobbing, Drew embraces the love of his life Kayla gripping her as tightly as he can, Jim then makes his way to Oliver placing one arm around his back as they each lower their heads. Shawn stands to Robert’s left and Betsy to Robert’s right. Robert lowers his head as Betsy grabs Robert’s hand letting Robert know she was there… This was that dreaded moment in time Robert had hoped would never come… Robert always thought about what it would be like to lose a parent, then when the time came, he realized it was nothing like he had cooked up in his mind. It was a trillion times worse. He swallowed hard looking on at the moment in time he always thought would never come… But it did and did so with a vengeance… Heroes though… They don't dread, they just buckle themselves in and brace for impact.

Amazing Grace!
Oh, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost
Oh, but now, now I'm found
Was blind, oh, but now I see

When we've been there
Ten thousand years
Bright shining as the sun
We've no less days
To sing God's praise
Than when, when we've first begun

Through many dangers, toils and snares
I have already come
'Tis Grace has brought me safe thus far
And Grace will lead me home

Amazing Grace!
Oh, how sweet the sound (how sweet the sound)
That saved a wretch like me (like me)
Oh, I once was lost
Oh, but now, now I'm found
Was blind, oh, but now I see
Was blind but now I see

Robert’s Mom sobbed as if the ferocity of it might bring her husband of over 40 years back as if by the sheer force of her sorrow the news would be undone. He was her husband, a father, grandfather, brother and so much more. Raven tried to hold her back, to calm her, even as his own tears fell thick and heavy but in her hysteria, she was too strong, too wild. After whirling about, unable to look through her puffy eyes at the black and silver casket, she tumbled out of the side door towards the hearse. Robert watched her go, dissolved in the kind of despair that can take one's mind prisoner and never give it back. Once in the open, she sank to her knees next to her husband’s final ride… Raven followed lifting her from the ground hugging her. The grief magnified with every breath she expelled, always reaching higher peaks, never sufficiently soothed by her long intakes of the humid summer air. At that moment the knowledge that life would go on without him, that time was only stopped for her, undid her completely. She clasped their final photograph together on the beach only months ago, he was smiling, and why shouldn't he? She then cast her eyes to God, she needed his love now more than ever, as Raven held her closely

" God why? Why did you have to take him from me? Oh God, please take care of my husband."

There is no such thing as a beautiful body when death when the reaper has claimed the soul. There is no affectionate corpse. Death is just that, death. The flesh breakdowns, the bones to follow, the hair matting into the casket. When the soul has departed, what is a body? When the compassion leaves the blood and the limbs become stiff, it is a ghoulish thing. Everything science can measure is still there, yet nothing is the same. The soul had been recalled to our maker and what is left is simply bones and flesh… Robert, never wanted to see his father in death, he just wanted to recall his vibrant smile, but everyone around him said it was part of letting go. Robert, Oliver and Kayla make their way to the casket each staring at what used to be their Dad, now only an empty vessel each sibling looked at one another then and began sobbing… It was more than crying, it was the kind of uninhabited sobbing that comes from a person drained of all hope... The pain that flowed through them was as palpable as the frigid fall wind. The howling takes complete control of Robert’s brain and miss-wires all the synapses. Somehow, he can no longer think and if he tried to force it the result was nothing more than scrambled logic. Robert makes eye contact with the funeral director one last time giving him the nod. His voice cracks as he leans in towards his father for the final time in his young life. All the childhood memories, come rushing in, vacations, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, Birthdays… Good and bad times, Dad was always there… Now nothing will ever be the same again. No calls for advice, no stopping in to say hello, even his voice has begun to fade over the past few weeks… Robert’s brain has little concept of time, and so the discomforting memory is experienced as a current event. Therefore, once we have come to terms with them and gained new perspectives on what happened, it is important to move on and recall the happy times instead. This way you deal with them, disarm them, and choose real health for yourself. This way you love yourself and set yourself free from the cage known as death.

” Dad, I’m so sorry this happened to you, please watch over us, keep us strong, we need you now more than ever…”

Robert gently laid his hand on his father’s casket and said goodbye.

” I love you Dad…”

He gave his father one last look before lowering his head and wiping away his tears…

” Goodbye Pop!”

The Final Resting Place…

Robert cast his eyes to the freshly dug soil and thought to himself, Dad was about to go down there forever; darkness until the end of time… He has questioned many times just why God had taken him. What the hell did he need him for? The priest said he “Called him home” with a dopey look on his pompous little face. Robert imagined his features rearranged by the business end of a shovel as he clenched his fist. His Dad already had a God damn home and damn God for taking him. When he got to heaven, Robert imagined his Dad was kicking the almighty’s ghostly ass all around the God damn place and burning the pearly gates down to their foundation. What was left now? Home with Mom? Mom, who didn't even know how to break a smile or utter a kind word, Mom, who now found fault in every God damn little thing going on around her… As they began to lower the casket into the cold Earth Robert pondered to himself about death… Was it a gateway to rebirth? Our beloved passes through, we both mourn and celebrate. We feel their loss in our life and community, yet we celebrate all that they achieved in their lifetime for goodness, for love, for the natural world, for humanity. It is a time when we are most aware of how sacred living is and appreciate the gift more. Mourn not the passing of a life well lived yet celebrate. Count the times your souls smiled together, reached out so invisibly yet tangibly, and touched. Death is only the end of a chapter. As the casket lowered into the ground Robert walked towards the tree line off in the distance as Drew and Jim followed several feet behind Robert.

” Jim, it’s all so surreal, Dewey was like my own Dad, he was there for me when my own wasn’t. Hell, I even called him Dad from time to time, I’m trying to stay strong for Robert and Kayla, but I’m completely devastated… The crazy part of the entire thing is I was with him just a few days ago. We were together, at Robert’s house… I asked Dewey if I could marry Kayla…”

Drew sighed…

” No shit?

Drew nodded…

” Yeah… He gave me his blessing…”

” That’s amazing my man, now we get to plan a wedding… Congratulations Drew. You deserve to be happy… Speaking of the bride to be how is she holding up?”

” She’s torn up like Robert, oh and Kayla don’t know anything to keep your lips sealed Jim.”

Jim motions himself zipping his mouth shut.

” You got it… I’m on lockdown…”

” How’s Oliver?”

” He’s a quite cat, but a good kid, he’s trying to wrap his mind around all of this just like the rest of us…”

” Good… I just don’t know when or how to ask Kayla now… Dewey was supposed to be there to walk her down the aisle to me. Now that will be Robert’s responsibility…”

” I know brother, this is tough for all of us, Dewey was a shining part of all our lives in so many ways. That Christmas where Dewey and I cut down that Christmas tree for the family keeps playing on a loop in my mind… The snow falling at the cabin, I wish I could go back to that moment and take all of you with me… I also remember you wearing nothing but an apron baking cookies, with Kayla and Robert’s Mom… You bent over to put them in the oven and I saw your ass hole…”

Jim smiles slapping Drew on the back…

” Jim, that is the only way to bake, in the nude, you should try it sometime…”

Robert took one hand and leaned against the ancient oak, his fingertips gripping into the crevices that ran through the bark. His eyes came to rest on the pattern, chaotic like the cracks in the parched summer Earth. Under his dress shoes were the golden leaves that were just beginning to fall. As he moved his foot they were just as noisy as the static that filled his head. Nothing was making sense anymore, not even trees. His life had had direction and meaning, all his work had been for his family and their life together, their future. Now, a gigantic part of that was gone. So, there was no reason for the world to exist anymore. Why was it all still here? He willed the world to dissolve around him, just to melt away, yet he could still feel the unforgiving bark and the gentle breeze that refused to reflect the howling pain that tore through his body. Without warning, he felt his insides become wooden and he turned to Jim and Drew with a face like a mannequin….

” Rob, I know this is a dumb thing to ask right now… But how are you doing? Are you okay?”

Robert stares off in the distance as Jim hands Robert a fifth of Wild Turkey…

” Jim, do you think this is an appropriate time? He’s dealing with a whole lot… If it were chocolate almond milk, I’d give the go-ahead, but Wild Turkey won’t make things better…”

Jim nods…

” I do, he needs to take the edge off… A little drink never hurt anyone. Oh, and by the way, no one drinks that stuff… It’s gross Drew… If ass hole had a taste, it would be that stuff…”

Drew points at Jim.

” That’s blasphemy…”

Without hesitation Robert tips the bottle skyward and begins chugging… The whisky turns down the volume on Robert’s jumbled thoughts. It brings memories of good times past, and for a moment he allows himself to dwell in them rather than think. And at that moment, he was here and not, existing in two moments. Somehow it steadies Robert, giving him the resolve to move on. There was reassurance before. Just a tiny flicker against the wind. With the open eyes of a child, Robert reached out, fingers extended. In that moment he had two choices compassion or cruelty; it took no time at all for him to decide. He saw that dying ember and brought the winds to a cold howl… Robert sits in the pit that has become his world; the only decorations were his nail marks on the walls he cannot scale. Though he believes there is light at the top it feels a million miles away. Every time Robert reaches out with love to someone up there, someone he hopes can throw a rope, the Earth sinks a little lower, jolting his body as it stops… Smothering him with new pain, another abandonment. Robert has allowed his eyes to become accustomed to the darkness he has dwelled…

” A drink huh Jim? Great thinking…”

” I said a drink not half a bottle… Jeeze!”

Drew shakes his head.

” Robert, we need to get you guys home. You need to relax, and honestly drinking an entire bottle of Wild Turkey won’t help things…”

Robert leers at Drew like the fire in his eyes has been dowsed with a five-gallon bucket of ice water.

” Listen, guys… I'm not used to feeling this way, I’m discouraged, demoralized and a bit discomposed. Hell, right now I don’t even know who I am. Without my Dad, I’m just lost… All I want to do now is just crawl back inside my invisible shell and waste away into nothing, but I can’t…”

Robert sighs as he takes another drink moving his eyes more slowly like they are heavy.

” Robert… Drew, is right, we need to get you guys home. You need to eat and sleep…”

Robert leered at Jim but could not speak. He took another drink, now nearly finished with the bottle he felt he was standing on the brink of something he couldn't describe. The weight of everything seemed to press down on his shoulders as he struggled to take a single step forward. It was too much. All of it. And somehow, he kept moving. But every step cost him. The darkness grew darker; the pain grew sharper; all of it seemed to only grow in strength and he began to wonder if things could ever get better. If someone ever notices that sad, broken look in his eyes that he sees in the mirror every morning. They see beauty where he can only see ugliness.

” Robert you’ve got to hang on here man, easier said than done I know. But you’ve got to…”

Jim reached his hand out towards Robert who didn’t move a muscle until Jim got almost close enough to touch him… Robert suddenly swatted Jim away clenching the bottled as Drew reached for his hand…

” Bob, give me the bottle, you don’t need to do this to yourself… Getting hammered is going to send you into a dark place. Come on Rob, hand me the bottle…”

Robert snarled before throwing the bottle of Wild Turkey at the tree, shattering it into a million pieces…

” There’s the fucking bottle…”

” Bob-O, we only have the best of intentions man… Calm down…”

” Calm down? Are you being serious right now? I just put my Dad in the fucking ground, do you know how many times I’ve called his fucking cell phone knowing he is gone? I let it go to voice mail just so I can hear his voice. Then I leave him a message, knowing damn good and well he is never going to respond… How morbid is that?”

Drew and Jim remain silent while Robert erupts s…

” Tell me what would you like me to hang onto Jim? Seriously? Hang on to what? What the hell do I have to hang on to? Jim, I used to be strong, okay. I don’t feel like me right now, and I think I need help. I have had everything taken away from me over the last year or so… Would you like me to hang on to my Wargames record? GONE! How about getting screwed out of the Universal Championship? GONE! Or would you like me to hold on to my dead Dad that we just put in the ground? ALL FUCKING GONE! You tell me what’s left for me?”

Drew interjects…

Bob, you just need to take some time off and get your head on right. Things will get better over time. This isn’t going to get better overnight; these things take time… I can let Vinny know you need time off… And we can go from there…”

Robert utters one word…

” No…”

A concerned look falls over Jim and Drew’s faces…

” What do you mean no? You are not ready to go out there and compete…”

” Just what I said… No… I’ve got business to attended, Relentless I end this, or I die trying…”

” Robert are you sure this is the right time? Tell us what ya need? Anything, man, and we will take care of it… I’ll take your place in the match with Page and splatter him like an egg… No questions asked. I’ll do anything for you Robert you know that. But jumping back into things could get you injured? That is something you don’t need right now trying to take care of your family…”

” Jimmy, I apricate that more than you’ll ever know, but this is something I’ve got to do on my own and I’ve got to do it now. After everything that we have gone through over the past few weeks. You say keep hanging on, but I don’t know if I want to anymore… I just know this match has to happen…”

Drew steps in the fold growing more nervous by the second…

” Robert, what are you saying right now? This isn’t my friend talking… You are not in the right state of mind… I refuse to let you go into a match where your career is on the line, not under these circumstances. You are in no shape to have this match, Robert… The end doesn’t justify the means… You can’t do this. Page will have an advantage on you going in, he’s going to know you are not right…”

Jim nods along in agreement.

” I agree with Drewski here bro, this isn’t the time or the place. The odds are stacked against you, with everything going on Robert, one mistake could end your career… Listen, I want Page gone just as bad as you do, but you cannot risk this. The price is just too high…”

” I understand what I’m signing up for guys, I know the price and it's one that I’m willing to pay.”

For the first time, Drew shouts at Robert in frustration.


” Drew, brother you don’t have a choice in the matter. My mind is already made up…There have been some heavy blows over the past few weeks and it’s not easy for me. It’s a long fall from the top and brother I’m feeling it. I'm running out of places where the bruises and the scars hide. Honestly, I'm angry and exhausted. I’m being tortured by my feelings, my thoughts, I’m running out of options, and I don’t want sympathy, I’ve never been in this game for glory. All I want to do is tell my story and people after me remember it. I’m going to Relentless to face Chris Page in a career - vs - career match, three stages of hell… This is the final chapter of Chris Page and Robert Main… And there isn’t anything that either one of you can do to stop me…”

Jim hesitates placing his callused hands on his hips…

” Okay, brother… You want to go in guns blazing? Then you have my blessing…”

” Robert, this can’t be it. Tell me this is a joke? A bad dream, something…”

Robert doesn’t respond.

” Robert, damn it, talk to me…”

” Drew, this is it, my friend. This is my last ride and after this match, if I should lose there isn’t going to be an encore, even if all those XWF fans scream and cheer. I’m going to hang up my boots, and I want everyone to see this clearly when I leave the XWF, I will not reappear. One final ride for everything, I’ve fought my entire career to obtain. This match is the line in the sand and whether I go down in a blaze of glory or get carried out on my shield this is it. If I’m defeated by Chris Page, I’ll never step foot in an XWF ring again.”

Drew looks to Jim who remains silent…

” Jim, you are good with this decision? This is our blood brother here, about to go out and risk everything…”

” I am… Maniac can do this. I know the price is high, but the moment isn’t too big for Robert.”

” Robert, you do know you’ve never won a match at Relentless, right?”

Robert chuckles and then cracks a small smile.

” Oh, I’m well aware…”

Drew shakes his head looking off in the distance…

” Fine…”

Robert’s smile widens…

” Gentlemen, it’s been an honor and if this is it, I’d want it to end knowing APEX was at my side…”

Robert sticks his fist out looking to Drew and Jim who follows suit…

His voice echoed from the darkness that drenched the cemetery, the only visible light was from the relic of a church… The only thing that Robert could hear off in the distance was the grumbling organ and the angelic voices of the late-night choir… The stained glass casts shadows that fell on the grass below… He ran his fingers over the first headstone that were so delicately carved many years ago, but with time were slowly eroding. Robert stopped loosening his black tie and unbuttoned his shirt and couldn’t help but notice a faceless gargoyle staring down at him. He leered at the creatures chipped wings then off in the distance as he spoke…

” Let me ask you this intriguing question, how do you begin to climb a mountain? The first step isn’t the beginning, no… The beginning begins long before the mountain is even in sight… The foundation of this journey can be found in the early days of 2019… When resentment was born between the two of us. From that moment, it has lived in every step, every match, and every moment since its conception… It lives in the dedication to all the preparation, stretching the limits of the mind and body, so we can take one more step today than we did yesterday…”

Robert pauses releasing a massive sigh, then he generally tiptoed through the cemetery. He noticed all the dying flowers blooming as he walked by, most of the graves had a bouquet resting against them, others had been attacked by the sun and rain for decades leaving the headstones faded, cracked and covered with moss…

” One day I woke up in a hospital bed with a broken head and realized I'd been trained to seek gluttony, hate and suffering from the XWF. Chris Page corrupted my soul with darkness, tainted my mind with a cocktail of drugs creating a Monstrosity… I always was one to take my medicine, even if I didn’t know I was receiving it in lethal doses. I learned how to shine a light on what that demonic scum wanted hidden, his true intentions, but in doing so, I learned how to become a horrifying demon myself… Chris Page and I were hellions with halos. We had our code, a sort of modern-day knights-code with swords packing verbal bullets. People say that monsters are not real, that things don’t go bump in the night, that bloodthirsty vampires don’t roam the Earth, I am here to tell those people they are wrong… Real flesh and blood vampires like Chris Page are racialists. They bite and drain the lifeblood from anything that can move their agenda forward, rendering their prey weak and unable to defend themselves. This is the victory they seek, and this carries the emotionally indifferent stamp of the Devil himself… To say that Chris Page was immoral, would be the understatement of the year. He is a man who is cold and indifferent. The only joy he can feel is the torture of souls, yet a man like Page can only operate where there is shame, be it deserving or fictitious…”

Robert knelt on the dew-covered grass, clasping his hands together as tightly as he could… Within hours of burying his father, grass shards had begun to sprout over the top, as bits of soil were scattered over the gravesite… He opened his callused hands that were his pride and joy, they tell the tales of his time in the ring, the work he’s done to help others. They are the hands of a man who has tried to work for joy in the squared circle. In one instantaneous moment, everything running through Robert’s mind just seemed to melt away as his index finger traced the carved letters of his father’s gravestone…

” I’ve spent my entire life learning how to safely remove the daggers placed in my heart by those I’ve trusted, only to find that once that final stitch is beginning to heal. Another razor-sharp dagger has been implanted right between my shoulder blades. Why did this always seem to happen to me? Drew has always told me I have a soft place in my heart, that I’m always willing to give someone the benefit of the doubt… That I trust too easily, and root for the guy who is down on his luck… And once again my maniac friend was right, I should have listened to him, but instead, I didn’t take that advice, I turned my nose up in the air like a snob, I was a fool, a clown, and that’s why I’m in the position that I am in today… My body lost its strength a long time ago, my mind shattered and the rest of my feeble body followed in pursuit… It’s been said that I am a shell of the man I used to be. That I have had everything stolen from me including my smile… Once feared, now laughed at from afar… Everything that I have worked for over the last few years went up in smoke the moment I met Chris Page… To those who doubt me, you are correct, I’m not the same Robert Main that I used to be many years ago… Now all I have left in me is hate… Now all that is left inside this hallow shell is hatred, the word alone is such an abomination, a subversion of what good should have been… Without this resentment I'd die, there isn't any part of me that feels anything else. Without it, I'd be nothing, feel nothing at all… But I have distaste, my only companion on this boulevard of broken dreams and promises… This malice coursing through my veins is the only fuel that keeps my heart pumping and brain firing on all cylinders. Revenge is coming Chris Page. And it's coming real soon.”

Robert placed his back against the fridge headstone, adjusting himself until he was comfortable, he then sighed once more as he crossed his arms…

” Chris, none of this ever had to happen… But you just couldn’t stand playing second fiddle, could you?”

Robert briefly gazed up at the night sky, there was just a sliver of the moon being curtained by the grey clouds passing by. The sky itself was vast and covered in shiny freckles and smaller blemishes.

” Now one of us is destined to leave the world of professional wrestling forever…”

He laid his head back on the headstone and continued…

” I pray that for your sake that it was all worth it in the end… It took over twenty long years of backstabbing and federation hoping to finally wear the crown. And to think it took underhanded, fly by night bull shit to get you there… But that is the Chris Page way, don’t earn it, because if you had to earn it people like me would put you down. So, you lied, cheated, and stole your way to the title. If it weren’t for me Chris, carrying your ass to the pinnacle you’d still not have ever held that Championship. You’d be right where you’ve always belonged floating around the mid-card title scene… And that’s if you were lucky. You got to the top of the XWF mountain because of me, I held your hand and made you something you never were in the past. I made “Chronic” Chris Page relevant… You held that prestigious strap over your shoulder and got to call yourself Universal Champion because of me… Deserving or not, you have the right to be called Champion. You’ve always believed in that delusional mind that you were a household name, a main event caliber wrestler, Chris, you were forgotten a decade ago. No one knew who you were until you graced the ring with Robert Main… I just hope that after I demolish you for the final time, that they remember you for what you truly were… Not a maverick or trailblazer… Or an icon… No… What they will remember is the fraudulent imitation of Robert Main, that you tried to be. I hope all the scheming and bridge-burning was worth it when you were Universal Champion. I hope you had enough time to drag your tongue across the sugar cube and get a taste of what I did for nearly nine months. I get why you did what you did, you’re an outcast always living in the shadows of others, a man used to coming in last. Continually bringing up the past… Here’s the thing Chris, nobody owes you a God damn thing. After I’m through with you, that past you cherish living in will be the only thing that you have to cling too, because I’m taking your future away from you…”

Robert chuckled for the first time in a long time.

” Chris here’s the truth, all you are is a loose cannon who has fallen from the top, just look at where you are right now… Stuck in a match with me, the man time forgot about. Nobody cares what you are doing or where you are going, not even B.o.B and never have… I mean it. Take a good look around, homeboy you are on an island all by yourself with no one to toss you a life preserver. There is blood in the water, and you’ve got your head shoved too far up your ass to realize I’m about to take you out once and for all… You need to wise up real fast because I’m like swimming in quicksand, my friend. Unforgiving with no sense of humor… And after all this time you thought that you had the XWF on its knees? You were the one who started something that you can’t stop and my only wish, win or lose is that you finally pay for all those transgressions… You have taken everything that I have accomplished away from me… Now with nothing to lose, makes me the most dangerous opponent you’ve ever faced. No more kid gloves, no more bull shit it’s all or nothing. This time I’m going for the kill shot and I won’t miss the mark. You said on Warfare that you’ve been salivating over this moment for nearly two years. Tell me, Chris, why has it taken two years to reach your goal? I’ll tell you… It’s taken you two years Chris because you failed at Wargames when you came to destroy this company from the inside. Then again against me for the Universal Championship, hell, you couldn’t even get poising me right… TK couldn’t kill me, and you and B.o.B. couldn’t get the job done when the deck was stacked against me… You’ve had multiple shots at shooting “The Omega” out of the sky, and what happened? The same thing that has always happened in the grandest moments of your career… You underperform, in a disastrous attempt to prove a futile point.”

Robert points directly at Chris Page through the camera…

” That you are leaps and bounds better than Robert Main. That has been the entire premise of your time here in the XWF, to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are the superior wrestler, and time and time again you have been shamed right back into the shadows to plot another bankrupt run at me… I have humiliated you at every fucking turn… Yet you want the entire world to believe that you are going to suddenly steamroll me. I’m still here because you don’t have the prowess to defeat me clean in the middle of the ring. Nor the intestinal fortitude to stand up to me like a man and try to get the fucking job done all on your own... Chris Page you are and always will be an underachiever compared to me, a runner-up, second-best… When you came back to this company you were a deadbeat good for nothing has been… I brought you back to life in the biggest mistake of my life… And after I vanquish you at Relentless you will go back to being what you were before we met… A disappointment castaway past his prime… Only this time I leave “Chronic” Chris Page in shambles, without a job or career to go back to…”

Robert grins before giving Page the finger…

” I hope you can swim… Because night one of Relentless in a sixty-minute Iron Match I’m dragging you into deep waters and I’ll drown the cheap imitation known as “Chronic” Chris Page …”

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Longest Reigning Tag Team Champions in modern history. W- Drew Archyle & James Raven
Longest Reigning Hart Champion in modern history:280 days
2nd longest reigning Universal Champion :269 days
Tag Team Champions W- "Chronic" Chris Page as Cataclysm
Trio's Champion W- AX3
2020 May Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team Wargames 2020
Winning Team War Games 2019 W- APEX PROPHECY
2019 Feud of the year W- "Chronic" Chris Page
2019 Tag Team of the Year W- Drew Archyle & James Raven as APEX
Roleplay of the Month February 2019 "Junkyard Dog"
Leap Of Faith Winner 2018
July 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2017 Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team War Games 2017 W- APEX
Mr. 24/7
[Image: Qfgvjya.png]
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