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Fuck I hate that sound.
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Shawn Warstein Offline
Blood In Blood Out

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

07-30-2021, 08:24 PM

(OOC Note: No color coding. I’m being lazy.)

“Oh Fuck Me.”

The familiar sound of Excellence whirred outside. Usually I don’t mind when Betsy visits unexpectedly, but lately she’s been having a real problem with timing.

“Not again.” Hungover and clearly sleep deprived, I sat up in bed. “Babe get dressed. Betsy is here.” I nudged the woman laying beside me.

“What? Why?” The amber hair of Kasey Winterborn is a mess as she quickly tries to straighten it out. “Did you…”

“Obviously not. That’s the thing with Betsy, any time, any place.”
I stood up and grabbed the nearest shirt I could find. Throwing it quickly on, I shuffle out to the door. A knock on the door echos. “Yeah, yeah Betsy. I’m coming.”

As I swing the door open, the smell of the ocean fills the bungalow. The white sandy beach is the backdrop as Besty walks up to give me a hug but I held out a hand to stop her.

“Stop.” Betsy huffs. “We already went over this. When I’m here. I don’t want to….”I roll my wrist in an attempt to get her to answer.

“Be bothered.” She said with a smile and head tilt. “I just wanted to chew your ear for a minute.”

“It’s never just a minute with you Bets.”
I reluctantly waved Betsy inside. “Make it quick, Kasey and I have a date with some margaritas soon.”

“It’s 9am.”

“It’s noon somewhere, and don’t judge me. I’m on vacation.”

“Well I figured with you now in Fight the vacation would be over?”
Betsy walked over to the kitchenette and began digging for something as I sat down at the island.

“So what’s so urgent it couldn’t wait until I got back stateside?” I rub the crust from my eyes, yawn and stretch.

Betsy turns around with a coffee maker in hand and sets it up on the island. “So you know the War Games Draft happened?” In a flurry of frantic hand movements, she begins pressing buttons and then takes a deep breath. “So we were drafting, okay. There were a lot of people I could’ve taken first .And I took Lycana.”

“Solid choice. I’ve seen her work and I can’t say that I’m unimpressed.”
Betsy slides over a cup of coffee. “So who else ya got?”

“Reggie Estrada in the final round.”
Betsy pours a cup and sets it off to the side. “I mean since you’ve been gone he’s been doing really well.”

“I didn’t say anything. It’s a solid value pick in the end.”
I responded with a confused look on my face.

“You didn’t have to. I know what you were thinking and it’s wrong.” Betsy finally pours herself a cup and takes a sip.

“So who is the fourth?”

Betsy mumbles while also holding the cup to her face to muffle her response more.

“I’m sorry, what was that? I didn’t quite catch that.”
Setting down my cup and pushing it aside. “Care to speak a little more eloquently.” Betsy sighs and puts her cup down.

Betsy sheepishly says as I take a deep breath. My leg begins to bounce as I suck in air through my teeth. “Listen, I already know what you're thinking. And trust me brother, I know. Do you think that I didn’t think about everything? That I didn’t play out every scenario?”

“Yes Betsy I’m sure you did. I’m absolutely positive that you did everything you’re supposed to do as the leader and captain.”
I stood up from the island and began to pace back and forth. “And I can guarantee you’re overlooking one major scenario.”

“No I haven’t.”

“Betsy, what happens when she doesn’t show up?”
All I did was raise my eyebrows and clap my hands together. “Lemme guess she said ‘Don’t worry, I’m here and I’m here to win!’, just like that. Or my personal favorite, ‘Don’t worry you can trust me.’ Even you were burnt by that one.”

“Shawn this is different. My team is facing off against BoB. With her affiliation to them we have the upper hand.”
Betsy stops herself for a moment. “I’m willing to put my trust in someone, why aren’t you trusting me?”

“It’s not you Betsy. She plays a dirty game…..”
Something finally clicked in my brain. “Wait, Fury didn’t draft Atara?”

“That’s what I’m trying to say!”

“That changes….”

Betsy cuts me off. “Everything.”

I throw my arms to my side. “It changes nothing. How many members of BoB were in this thing? Five able to be drafted? So they all weren’t going to be on the same team. You think they didn’t plan for that?”

“Shawn, you don’t get it. She felt she deserved to be on their team, and she was overlooked. She feels slighted. She feels as if they turned their back on her.”

“All part of the act Sister Mine.”

“That’s where I think you’re wrong.”
She pulls out her phone and starts scrolling through her messages. “Look. I don’t think it’s an act at all.”

“You can think that all you want Betsy. Seriously, but you and I had an understanding.”
As I turn my back towards Betsy, I notice Kasey walking into the room. I give her a quick head shake. Ignoring me Kasey walks right towards the island where the cup Betsy set aside is. “Hey hun… can we get a minute?”

“Mmmmm No.”
Kasey sits down at the island and leans back in her chair. “This sounds like it’s starting to get interesting.”

“I told you, when we are here…”
I roll my wrist towards Betsy.

“Yes I know. Do not disturb.” She nods with each word.

“Right. So what do you want? What was or is or will be so important that I have to be woken up this early?” I walk over to Kasey and place my hands on her shoulders. “I told you we have plans.”

Betsy struggles to find the words, but quickly composes herself. “I want to know if I’m a good leader. I watched you and Raven lead, and I can’t help thinking that I’m failing.”

“You’re not.”
Kasey said while taking a sip of her coffee. I couldn’t help but think she had made one major mistake. With the slightest of touch Kasey taps the top of my left hand. “Right?”

“Uh… yeah.”
I shake the cobwebs out of my brain. “You can’t compare your leadership to Raven or myself. You were put into this position for a reason. Someone, somewhere had faith in you. Take this as an opportunity to show everyone what Betsy Fucking Granger is all about. Clear the board, salt the soil, leave nothing to chance.”

Betsy nods and walks over giving me a quick hug, and then one to Kasey as well. “I’ll leave you two alone now. Thanks Brother Mine.”

“Anytime Sister Mine.”
A slight inside smile and nod. Betsy begins to walk towards the door, stopping in the doorway, before turning around. “You really think she’s not going to show up?”

“For you….”
I take a deep breath. “I certainly hope she does show up.”

Betsy smiles and disappears into Exellence. The annoying sound that woke Kasey and I up slowly fades. I give her a kiss on the cheek and then sit down on the chair opposite of her. Drumming my fingers on the countertop. “What’s on your mind?”

Usually I like to think it’s difficult to read me, but Kasey can read me like a children’s book. “Just thinking about what we are going to do today is all.”

“Right. And Betsy popping in out of the blue doesn’t have you in your head right now? Shawn… it’s me. Just tell me.”
Kasey leans forward grabbing my hands.

“I couldn’t tell her.” I sighed.

“Tell her what?”

“I think she fucked up.”
I pull my hands away from Kasey. “It’s the same thing that happened last year. Everything is the same thing as last year.”

“What are you talking about?”
Kasey questions. She wasn’t even a thought in my head at the time so she doesn’t know the full story, just bits and pieces.

“Ok, let's go back to War Games last year.” I didn’t know how Kasey was going to take it, but she deserved the truth. “So yeah, we were dating and things were great. Or so I thought. War Games came and right as I drafted her to my team, she was made Captain of one of the teams. Awesome, great for her. She deserved it. Then she didn’t show. She then up and left. Left me for a long time. Then came thanksgiving.”

I laid it all out on the table. How I walked away from the XWF and only took short bookings. About how Noah spent the holiday with his Mom, and I was alone. I started to get close to Alice Knight and the two of us enjoyed each other’s company that evening, and before I knew it Atara was back in the picture.

“It’s like she feeds off of my energy. Like I’m not allowed to be happy with anyone other than her. So I’m just saying expect some fuckery.”

“Oh I can deal with jealous women. Come on.”
Kasey gives me the come hither eyes and I jump out of my chair. Swooping her up in my arms. Her legs wrapped tightly around my waist. My lips pressed to the nape of her neck, as I carried her to the bedroom. With a free arm she swipes all the covers off the top of the mattress. I lay her down on the bed. My hands grasp ahold of the top of her shorts….

The familiar and utterly annoying sound of Excellence whirred outside. “FUCK!!!!” Blood boiling. I give Kasey a kiss. “Don’t move, I’ll be right back.”

I stomp out into the living room and swing open the front door. Betsy hadn’t opened Excellence yet. The door opened.

“You better have a good reason for being here AGAIN, Sister Mine.” The look on Betsy’s face was off. It was frazzled. She just looked at me and breathed heavily through her nose. “Wait, something is different….Where are you from? What time?” I asked.

“Shawn.” A deep breath. “You were right.”

Usually I love it when people say I’m right, but I couldn’t help but feel bad for Betsy. She had put her faith in someone only to be disappointed. I had been there.

“I need your help.” Betsy had a downtrodden look on her face, as if it pained her to ask.

“Where’s James?” I questioned. Why didn’t she ask her boyfriend?

“I couldn’t ask him to do what I’m asking you.”

“And what’s that Betsy?”
I knew exactly what she wanted but I have to play dumb for a moment.

“I need you to destroy BOB. Brick by Brick. Dismantle them like they’re nothing.” There’s a fire to her words. She wasn’t just a team captain, this Betsy is different. This one is a leader. This Betsy had finally learned the lesson. No emotions. No Empathy. Go for the jugular. If you lose a missle, you go find a nuke. This Betsy is fit to lead and one I’d fall in line behind.

“Kaaaaaasssssyyyy!” I yelled. After a moment she appears in the bedroom door, adjusting her shorts.

“Yeah?” She said with a smile as if she knew what I was going to say next.

“Pack a bag…. We’re going to War.”

Kasey nodded and disappeared into the bedroom. I glanced over to Betsy and just patted her on the shoulder.

“Don’t worry kid. We got this.” Betsy looked up at me and smiled. She straightened her back, rolled her neck and held her head high. Kasey came walking out of the bedroom twin suitcases hastily packed. Shirts and pants dangling from them.

“Let’s go!” We all walked into Excellence and I shut the door behind us.

When you’re in Excellence time is simply a construct. I watched as Betsy watched over the controls as if one minor mistake could lead to a total collapse. Kasey had fallen asleep on my shoulder. Betsy had taken a moment and walked over. Carrying a blanket she smiled and placed it on top of the sleeping beauty. I wriggled my way out from under her and slowly set her head down on a hoodie of mine that was curled up and cuddled the makeshift pillow.

I walk over to the control panel and lean up against it. “So Betsy you know that this is an uphill battle right? The four of them have time on their side.”

“We’ve got Excellence. Time is our bitch.”
A rare curse from Betsy, well maybe not rare but she doesn’t usually speak like that around me.

“That’s great and all, but they have The Bastards. Holding tag team gold not only here but in OCW as well.” I said with a smirk on my face. “Those two have been running through the tag team division as if there wasn’t one. Let that sink in Bets. Since Noah and I lost those titles they have gone on to be held by some of the best teams. Our friend Robert Main held them, Thad, Corey and Doc held them. It’s such a shame that all of that was tainted by them.”

“Shawn they beat…”
Betsy attempts to interject but I continue over her.

“I know who they beat. I watched it. Contrary to popular belief I still keep up with the XWF and all of its dealings. Well most of them anyways. I only pop up when you ask… and you haven’t been asking lately. I’m proud of that. I’m proud of what you’re becoming, but BOB….” I pause for a second for dramatic effect. “They are going to work like a well oiled machine. As much as I know about you, I know jack shit about Lycana and Reggie.”

“I know Brother.”

“It’s not going to make a single difference. See the worst thing that could’ve possibly happen for them, did. Atara didn’t show up, there was a void needing to be filled, and as we all know I’m good at filling Atara’s void.”

Betsy hollers.

“Metaphorically speaking.” I give Betsy a head shake. “I mean it shouldn’t have come as a surprise to anyone that I’m here now. Every time she buckled under the pressure, there I was. Every missed opportunity, there I was. Here’s just another shining example. I wish I could’ve warned BOB of what was going to happen, but where’s the fun in that?”

Betsy opens her mouth but I stop her. “Listen out of everyone we could've squared off with, this was easily the best option for everyone…. Well maybe not for them. Just think for a second. We all know they are going to say the same shit that they always do.”

“I quit. I walked away. I was scared of them. When the reality of the situation is that I just no longer wanted to be associated tangentially with a group of dipshits who think their group is something to be afraid of. Like there’s not a single person they have that I’m afraid of or haven’t already put down for.”
Betsy begins to crack a smile and I give her a nod. “Of the replacements that could’ve been here right now, I’m the one they didn’t want. Last year I went toe to toe with my back against the wall, all alone and sure I lost in the end… but my point was proven. It’s going to take a fucking army to put me down. They are going to war with someone who literally has nothing to lose.”

“This is easily the best win-win for me. We take out BOB and we move on to the finals, or I lose and am once again proven correct that it will always take more than one person, or cheap shots to take me down. There’s a difference between saying that, and constantly proving it. Over and over again. There’s a reason why I stand shoulder to shoulder with Legends and they have to beg everyone to believe them legit.”
I chuckle to myself lightly. “Man if only they knew for one damn second how little I actually think of them. Like there’s garbage humans, and then there’s BOB. Having money like Oswald doesn’t make you infallible. Claiming to be the War Games icon when you’ve never stood across from me, no proof like O’Douls. Stay sober that way you won’t miss who’s causing the thunder and you surely knuckle under. Then you got the pussy riding the dick, don’t worry I’ll make sure to spay you and get you declawed.”

“Did this become a promo?”
Betsy looked on as I stared off to where a camera would be.

“Yeah obviously. Come on I’m pretty sure it went over their heads. Those shorter than the short bus riding assholes got it, I expected you to understand.”

“Oh I do Brother, it’s just odd being on this side of it.”

“I hear you. Unlike those stupid fucks. Yap yap yap. Having to create their own fucking show to get themselves over. Don’t worry Daddy’s here. Just call me the boss. I’m Michael Scott, they are just Phyllis. Just there to take up space and maybe get a little bit of shine when Michael leaves. Bottom line in all of this is you’re fucked, and not in the way Fury got to get some sympathy. I’m talking fucked fucked. I wish I could say Good Luck and mean it, but I just can’t.”

Betsy quickly begins to press buttons on Excellene’s control panel. Turning around she bops up and down slightly.

“We’re here.” She squeaks a little bit.

“Where exactly is here?” I ask before she runs up to me and throws an arm around my shoulder.

“Just remember. Be nice Brother. They are with us.”

Fade To Black

[Image: 193QVMb.png]
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