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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » War Games 2021 PPV Board
I am Alone... Dick can help
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Brooke Hernandez Offline
Your Fucking Nightmare

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

07-24-2021, 11:35 AM

[Image: Billie-Eilish-GIF.gif]

“Folly consists in chasing dreams.”
― Marty Rubin

Many words could be used to describe me. Crazy. Battered. Broken. Alone. The one that couldn’t be used to describe me is defeated. Sure, I had a few losses in a row but you know what, I am still here. I am still fighting for me. I am still fighting for my family, which had taken a really weird turn. Derrick returned from laying Makayla down for bed. He sat on the couch as he turned on the TV. I cuddled into him as my thoughts began to wander. He looked down at me, knowing something wasn’t right. He ran his long fingers through my blonde hair as he spoke.

“What’s wrong, babe.”

I shook my head side to side.

“I just keep thinking. What if they are telling the truth. What if they are Makayla and Ciela from the future? I mean, we don’t know what the future holds. Time travel could be possible right?”

Derrick became a little furious as he looked down at me.

“Don’t tell me that you are buying into these fake wannabes posing as Makayla and Ciela. You are smarter than that. At least the woman I married was. You haven’t seemed like yourself lately. You have been so distant and lost it seems. You may need to go back to your therapist."

In a huff I stood up and stormed off into the other room, tears filling my eyes. I was so tired of being talked down on by people I love and care about. I sat on the bed as I heard the handle jiggle. I yelled out.

“Leave me the hell alone, Derrick. I am not in the mood right now.”

I looked out the window. I needed to get out and that seemed to be the only way. The window was a tight fit for some of my curves but I was just able to slink out it. I ran to the truck and jumped in. I started it up and sped off as Derrick ran out the door, unable to catch me. I sped down the road, tears still in my eyes. I checked into a local motel as I went to my room and cried heavily. Derrick may be right, I am not the woman I used to be. Maybe I was finally coming into the woman I was meant to be. Maybe alone was where I definitely needed to be. War Games was right around the corner. I didn’t want to have to deal with a time jumping daughter or an asshole husband. All I wanted to focus on was Dick… and how to help him. My cell phone rang. I looked down to see Derrick’s face smiling at me.

“What?! Derrick! Fucking what?!”

To say I was upset was an understatement. I was fucking pissed. He spoke to me in a hushed “I am sorry baby” tone.

“Babe, look. I didn’t mean it like it came out. I meant that maybe you have taken on too much. This War Games match may be too much. Maybe we need to take you off the road for a bit. Makayla could definitely use it. We both need you to be..”

I cut Derrick off.

“You would like that wouldn’t you? You need to realize that I was independent before you and I will be independent until the day I fucking die!”

Derrick attempted to explain.

“That is not what I meant. I just meant…”

I didn’t allow him to finish. I hung up on him. I wasn’t dealing with the negativity. I had a meeting to prepare for. I drove home and grabbed Makayla. I went straight to the bedroom and locked the door behind me.

[Image: cIAjI13.png]

I pulled on a red strapless dress that fell to my knees. I smirked as I looked into the camera.

“Is this too slutty?”

The camera panned to show Makayla in her bouncy seat. She giggled and cooed lightly.

“You are right. I should show a little more leg. I mean, this is Dick Powers we are talking about here. He is more of a thigh man… I think.”

I hiked my dress up a bit. I looked into the camera.

“What is crazy is I believe I am the darkhorse, the wild card of War Games. Lately I have been on yet another skid. I should just call it quits right? That is the easy route. Bad thing is, I have never been easy… well easy to get to give up.

The London Olympics were hard but I persevered. I refused to give up and guess what, I earned gold.

I was told to give up in my first stint in wrestling but I persevered. I came to XWF and made an instant splash. If I gave up every time I was told I would never be good enough then I would be fucking dead right now. I would have given in when I was thirteen and my junkie mother told me to drink bleach. I am not easy to give into temptation, no matter how it appears I am.

Charlie, where did you learn to pick a team? I mean, you did call Rel Dixon the hottest woman in the XWF and then she left. You REALLY know how to pick them don’t you? Maybe it is the chair shots. Trust me, it definitely is the thrill of a lifetime when a grown ass man takes their hands and wraps them around your milk white neck… wait where was I going with this?

All jokes aside, we are preparing for war. We will be taking this seriously. Will you?

Of course you won’t. You will continue to make remarks about sex and violence and confusing the two. I mean, don’t get me wrong, we all like a little kinky fun from time to time and inside that dual cage we will all have a rough and rowdy time but it won’t be fun for you and your carnies. What do you bring to the table that will make you be able to beat us Charlie? Will you bring the violence? I hope like hell that you do. I want it rough. I need it rough, Daddy. Charlie as you beat on me I will make sure to moan extra loud but I can promise you that you will finish before me. I can guaran damn tee it.”

I paced back and forth as I couldn’t help but smirk.

“That brings me to you, Robert Main. You have been a lot like me lately. You just haven’t been able to get the job done. The difference is people actually feel bad for me. I have come back from the darkness, back from the hell I was put through by the Left Hand. You are quite honestly seen as just another loser. You rose to the occasion. You were given a chance at Thaddeus and you…

Fell short. Like a midget on a cold day, you fell short. You, quite simply, are the equivalent of a nobody, a sorry excuse for a teammate. You are the kind of person who allows your team to carry and define you. You are falling by the wayside and you are ok with that. You are ok with fading into obscurity. How long before you run away again just to become relevant? You are a creature of habit, Robbie. You will do it again. Trust me.”

I had a seat as I crossed my legs. I was tired of this little game. I was tired of being overlooked. I was tired of being like Robert Main.

“And you, Marf. Apparently we have some history, what little there is to prove it. You are someone who always drops the ball. I wanted to take you out for your 24/7 Title but, like the little bitch you are, you lost. You are content with living in the shadows of your little girlfriend and that is quite disturbing. Lycana is using you, for God knows what. I don’t know whether it is to keep her hands clean or for your cock but either way, she is taking the short end of the stick.

You were drafted by Charlie for.. Reasons I guess. The problem is, Acockalypse Now received the most underrated star in XWF history. I am a former Anarchy Champion, a former Internet Champion, a former Shooting Star Champion. You may have accolades too but I did mine all on my own. I am my own woman. I don’t have to eat from the hands of others. I don’t have to rely on someone else. I just do me. I do what I want when I want. You have to go to Lycana and ask for an allowance. I tell Derrick what I am doing. Just like the little trip Dick has planned for me and the crew. We are all going to have a great time. You are all focused and training. We don’t have to for this match.”

I stood up again and walked into my closet. I closed the door.

“Where the fuck is it?”

I finally reemerged wearing a red and black pirate costume I had from a few years earlier. I laughed as I looked into the camera one last time.

“Ahoy Dolly! Last time we saw you, you defeated Felix Jones. Must feel good to finally beat someone, even if it is someone who doesn’t matter. Dolly, you are the only member of your team that I truly have love and respect for. You have all the ability to be a top star and yet you never seem to live up to it. Are you afraid of success? Are you afraid of being someone? You always seem to fall by the way side and allow others to take your spot in the spotlight. That is fine, we can’t ALL have success.

Let’s say, for arguments sake, that you do decide to bring it this match. Let’s say this is the time you decide to show how good you really are. It is too little too late. You will be in the ring with a crew capable of giving you scurvy. That is pirate themed enough right? Scurvy?

Dolly, what are you going to do when you step into the ring with me. You haven’t seen my kind of determination. Lately people have tried to hold me back and keep me down and it hasn’t worked. You are not a giant. You are not a hardcore icon. You are simply not enough to keep me down. You are not enough to end my dedication and my determination. I shall make you WALK THE PLANK! ARRRR!”

I figured now was the time to talk to Derrick. What better way to get my way than to have my tits half hanging out. I picked Makayla up and walked into the living room. Derrick was calmed down from before and it was time I told him that I would be gone for a bit due to War Games. Derrick looked me up and down.

“Why are you dressed like a pirate hooker?”

I rolled my eyes.

“I am Dick’s first mate in War Games.”

Derrick laughed a bit.

“Going with a pirate theme. I see?”

I nodded as I continued.

“We are preparing to do some promotional shit for War Games. I won’t be around much.”

Derrick, knowing how the business works, spoke softly.

“I get it. Gotta get the promo tour started as you approach the city you will be wrestling in.”

I laughed as I shook my head side to side.

“The TIME that the event takes place in. We are going to be traveling on a time traveling pirate ship.”

Derrick stood up.

“Geri, are you on drugs again? Time travel is not real. You need to realize this."

I shook my head.

“If you will excuse me. I have to meet up with Dick, Ned, and Jim. We have to be a unit (giggity) and a big and hard one at that. They believe in me.”

Derrick interjected.

“I believe in you. I believe you can do anything inside that ring that you want but I refuse to believe time travel is a thing.”

I laughed in his face.

“Derrick, you have seen Makayla, grown ass Makayla, face to face. You have looked into her eyes. She has the same eyes as this little girl. She has the same attitude as me and you. She is our daughter.”

I took Makayla and walked off in a huff. I grabbed my phone and made a call. It rang for a bit before my best friend, Estrella Luiz, answered.

“Hey chica. What’s up?”

I took a drag off of a cigarette.

“Dealing with Derrick being a douchebag. Look, I need someone to watch Makayla as I prepare for War Games. Can you watch her?”

I could hear the voice of my best friend. It was half excitement and half apprehension.

“Sure thing, I would love to watch my little niece but just know that if those two imposters that are claiming to be our kids come around, I will not fall for it. They are not our kids and we both know that right?”

A long pause happened before Estrella spoke again, this time more concerned.

“Right, Ger?”

I didn’t want to fight anymore so I just agreed. I didn’t need someone else calling me dumb.

“Right. Anyway I will bring Makayla right over so that I can get on the road!”

With that the scene faded to black as the words “Ahoy first matey Geri” was heard. I was really doing this. I was all alone, maybe Dick could help.
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