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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Power is a beautiful thing- especially when you share it.
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Chris Page Offline
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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

07-12-2021, 09:26 AM

Power is a beautiful thing, especially when you share it.

The state of the XWF is in complete and utter chaos and disarray. It’s like the city is burning off the match that I lit. We got groups popping up left and right, there are #fuckbob movements, so-called legends are aligning themselves together like ApeLeg… all trying to take this one group down. How’s it working out? Uneventful I’d imagine considering we are growing stronger and stronger with each and every passing day. We are celebrating all of your whining and complaining, all your attempts to “beat us at our own game”, to even the complete trolling of the styles because your ability levels rank right under a three-year-olds all while professing the BOB is bad for business? Not according to our merch sales, not according to the packed arenas, not according to just how fucking many of you pissants crawled out of the woodwork. Yes, we celebrate, and that is exactly what we are doing as our scene opens Paris, Paris Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. Nevada. The restaurant at the top of the Eiffel Tower has been rented out by yours truly. We join Chris and Jessica as they sit at a table with a perfect view of the Las Vegas strip following the loss of Connor McGregor to Dustin Poirier.We see two Champagne glasses in front of them with Champagne on ice as well as in their respective glasses. Chris takes his glass and raises it as he states.

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” A toast to us, for taking the wrestling world by storm and assembling the best pieces of talent while showcasing them strongly, and to you specifically for pulling off drafting The Bastards and Ozzy to Team Fury for War Games.”

Jessica reaches for her glass raising it in the air as she and Page cling them together before drawing the glasses towards their lips taking a sip. They place their glasses on the table while observing the busy streets of Las Vegas below.

” I literally cannot believe the other captains were that ignorant, what the hell did you promise Dick Power for bypassing Bourbon?”

Innocent giggles from Jessica can be seen before she responds.

Jessica: In this instance, it was luck mixed with stupidity. We are going to dominate and make them all pay. It’s truly going to be a beautiful thing.

” I have never looked forward to seeing anyone team compete on this stage other than I am at seeing what BOB pulls off. The eyes of the world are going to be on all four of you. I have no doubts that this is going to be yet another breakout moment for BOB, and knowing that YOU, Bobby, Thunder Knuckles, and Ozzy have the biggest opportunity to shut the mouths of the entire goddamn roster without me is going to be another nail in the coffin of anyone that thinks it’s a cool idea to fuck with us.”

Jessica: I think it’s a smart move on your behalf to let us take War Games head-on; destroying all that stands in our way as we leave a trail of broken bodies in our wake.

” This is the moment that we have been waiting for; the breakout moment for you to show the world your chops. I saw something in you two years ago in Miami, and now to have seen you grow into your potential every step of the way has been nothing short of amazing. We have put an organization together for talent all over the world to join and showcase their true potential, together we have rejuvenated careers, we have launched careers but on top of it all we have made BOB a household name.”

[i]Jessica takes another sip of Champagne before she responds.

Jessica: It’s only getting bigger from here. What started as a faction turned into its own show and not it is its own organization. Who would have thought that we could have put something like this together?

” I did.”

[white]I have never been a man to doubt myself or my abilities to get things done when the time calls for it. Since the genesis of BOB, there have been two names constantly in the mix. Chris Page and Miss Fury. BOB is our vision of what a faction SHOULD be; it should be about lifting up when others are down; not chastising or molding them into what YOU want them to be versus who they really are. We created a world in which you are free to come and go as you please with no pressure to do anything that you do not wish to do. We are proud of the foundation that we have built and more proud of how it grows with each and every week. I mean, when you create your own anti-movement such as #fuckbob it’s safe to say that you’re over like goddamn rover.

BOB has never been about ONE person.

It’s been about every person from Puddin’ to Ozzy, to Dixon, The Bastards… and you can include Atara and Osira Themis, you can include Terry Borden, you can include the plethora of other talents that WE have not brought into the forefront just yet but shall when the time and place dictates. In other words, we are thriving when most of you thought we would fail, that alone eats you to your core because it means that you got played.

” So did you or else this wouldn’t still be a thing. Collectively you and I have changed the foundation of not only the XWF but the entire profession. BOB is the hottest commodity on the market. When I log into Twitter once every blue moon and all I see is BOB or any member of BOB's name tagged in the post and commented on by wrestlers or companies around the world it puts just how over we are in proper perspective.”

There’s a pause from Chris as he gazes across the table and into the eyes of his darling.

” Every match we take from this point forward we have to leave in dominating fashion. We have some pretty big things on the horizon with Bobby having the opportunity to crack Corey’s code for a second time, me with Drew and you with bWo Anarchy, any misstep is exactly what they are expecting and what they are going to try and pounce on.

Jessica: This is arguably the most important moment with BOB in general. When we roll into War Games and slap around whoever is put in front of us and take War Games by storm, leaving as the sole surviving team I will take great pleasure in asking the world just who is really overrated here?

” Much like tonight with Connor, they can kick us so hard they will break their own leg.”

Jessica: We know what the rest of us are doing for War Games, but what about you? Why are you sitting this one out?

” I never said I was sitting out much like just because my name is not on the marquee doesn’t mean that I won’t make my presence felt in some capacity I have a very vested interest to say the very least. I know with the representation that BOB has there wasn’t a need for me, and that’s actually a great thing. I know that business is going to get handled much like I know I will handle Drew on Warfare; it’s a foregone conclusion if there ever was one. Tonight I just want us to sit back and enjoy the fruits of our labor, and celebrate you.”

Just as Chris finishes his sentence we see a waiter dressed to the nines approaching carrying a large oval tray in the palm of his right hand.

Jessica: How did I get so lucky?

” I ask myself that question every day.

Power is a beautiful thing to have, but even better when you have someone to share it with. What you’re looking at when you look at Miss Fury and Chris Page is the epitome of a power couple. Not only do we share the power the comes along with BOB with all our members we all enjoy the company that it brings. Over the next week, BOB will once again have possession of the Television Championship, BOB will successfully end the career of Drew Archyle; not that is a huge loss for the wrestling world by any means when I dismantle him on national television, and BOB will continue to pull Thursday Night’s out of the toilet that Vinnie Lane put it in.

Power is what drives the world, and that is exactly what we have that you all want. Best of luck trying to take it away from us, clearly you’ll all need it.

Words from the Stoned One:

Goddamn guys, I didn’t mean to Robert Main you all by taking off a few weeks… but when you have been carrying a federation on your back for the better part of two years, I think a two weeks break was warranted from in-ring competition. While I wasn’t in the ring competing, I certainly managed to wreck some shit along the way, right Drew?

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You’re the small fish in this equation, and I assure you that I am going to get to you in a minute. The first person I am going to address is you… Robert.

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At Leap of Faith, you went on this crusade to take away Championships from BOB, indirectly, as opposed to doing it yourself, why? Simple brother, you couldn’t do it on your own. You pass off your loss to me as nothing special when I put you in the position that I put you in as you wave that white flag of excuses to make yourself feel good for not being so fucking great as you want the world to believe you to be. That crusade has to lead to you being called out, and yet there’s no answer as you sit in the corner trying to figure out how you’re going to spin this loss to Thaddeus Duke in Orlando.

[Image: MindlessCompleteDunnart-size_restricted.gif]

You have become more predictable than a Peter Gilmour promo.

And since you neglected to answer my challenge since you and non-six flags riding midget Jim Caedus elected to stick your nose in Dre’s business while I elected to hit you where I know I will get your attention… that’s where you come into play Mr. Archyle. Question for ya bud, how did it feel to be publicly labeled a martyr in the name of Robert Main? Think about it for a second, any sliver of success you have ever attained Robert Main has been right by your side propping you up like the crutch he is to you.

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I mean for fucks sake you dated his sister at one point, and I fucked her too.


You show up at March Madness under a hood, stating that you wasn’t coming for my Championship, the anticipation was at an all-time high with everyone guessing who is “Anarchy”? And then you took off the mask and you could feel the sense of disappointment sucked out of the lungs of a sold-out crowd and millions of people watching around the world. I still made you look like a threat, I still put on a quality “fight” because that is what you sell yourself on is being batshit crazy while throwing all caution to the wind. Yes, Drew, I know A LOT about you seeing as I have beaten you twice in my XWF career.

[Image: PuHPhZh.gif]

Go back to War Games 2019- remember that dance? It was the night that I officially arrived and put my flag in the XWF soil by eliminating HALF of Apex by myself, Raven, and you. March Madness you look for redemption, you failed there too. Are you seeing the trend here, little guy? At War Games I just beat you, at March Madness I outsmarted you and now here you stand with the balls to challenge me for another encounter? Not only do you throw down some challenge, but you also follow it up after I accepted with an invitation to bring BOB along while you bring along a faction that ranks right behind Avalanche when it comes to bringing ANYTHING to the fucking table? Brother, who the fuck do you think I am? I tell you what buttercup, you bring whoever the fuck you wanna bring while I bring absolutely no one; because unlike you Drew I don’t need a fallback to smack you around while making you my bitch for a third time without so much as breaking a sweat.

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No matter how hard you try, no matter how BAD you want a piece of me THIS time you have to do what very few have deemed themselves capable of… you have to outwrestle me. I knew the moment that challenge escaped your lips exactly what direction I wanted to steer this ship because you don’t care, right? That’s still the same stance you will take because you fit the definition of insanity by doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. I have already proven on two separate occasions that I can outfight the unhinged version of Popeye, so now I am going to outwrestle you while furthering my message to Robert. Your body is going to be my canvass of destruction. Every bone that I break I want Robert to hear your cries, to see you suffer as you have never suffered before; to the point that you want to quit the business and take your ass back out to the high seas. This Drew, this is the role that you have elected to take.

[Image: tenor.gif]

Something you are clueless to even make mention of or even think about is just how critical this night is to Apex in general. I mean let’s face it guys, if it wasn’t for BOB breathing relevance into your bodies you would have failed long before now. The only thing of merit that Apex has pulled together since realigning it a tag win over Lycana and Marf; the promos put out by Main and Caedus came off looking like a fifth-rate Bastards promo to the degree it was and is pretty goddamn obvious who Robbie and Jimmy have been paying attention to. On this night Apex has the opportunity to capture two titles on top of your opportunity to grace the squared circle with God. This one night is critical for Apex as a whole because should you fail your entire group fails. Jim has a shot against Lycana’s Xtreme Title, and I can already tell you he’s made the cardinal mistake that I am man enough to admit I made by underestimating her. Jim came back with all this sizzle and absolutely no fucking pop by choking at Leap of Faith. He is the epitome of the word overrated in every goddamn sense and has allowed the fact his only win of merit since returning came in a match Lycana was a part of but not involved in the goddamn finish. Ole Jimmy NEEDS this more than he’s needed anything else… but let’s downplay that fact.

Or what about Robert Main and Thaddeus? I mean Robert has already taken the broken record route by saying it is not about the title and that if he is victorious he is just going to vacate it. Then WHY THE FUCK IS IT A NON TITLE MATCH? Oh yeah, young Thaddeus Duke ego wouldn’t allow it; but if Robert fails here against a piece of talent that is heating back up like he was at High Stakes this fantasy world that you all live in where he is unstoppable ceases to fucking exist right before one of the only Pay-Per-Views he actually gives a flying fuck about… War Games... and well with you, so I’m just going to enjoy slapping you around for the sake of fun and quality entertainment. I don’t have to like Lycana or Thad to understand that the three of us hold the fate of a crumbling faction in the palm of our hands, and while I will not speak for them I will acknowledge my role in snuffing out the last breaths of Apex. You can continue to play your song and dance that you just want to fight while I will continue to say “cool story bro” while keeping it moving for much like everything my name is attached to I am not walking into this without a plan, and as MUCH as you want that plan to contain BOB you give yourself more credit than you deserve by assuming I need them to mop the floor with you… and don’t you dare be stupid enough to try and call out March Madness for the structure of the rules deemed nothing was broken; however this go around the last thing I am going to do is have them get me disqualified to grant you any kind of validation that you are anything more than a supporting fucking player in this equation. They can give so little fucks about you they ALLOWED you to take a fucking beating, they allowed you to be taken hostage and they allowed you to have a crown of thorns placed upon your head. Let’s get something perfectly straight here little fuck; you have no legs to stand on when it comes to how this plays out for you the moment that bell rings. You don’t care about the win, you and Robert Main share the same playbook in that regard so we all get it… I do care about the win, I do care about putting your goddamn shoulders to the mat one more time for all times sake.

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There is a reason why you have not amounted to jack and shit within the wrestling business, there is a reason why you have clung on to Robert, I more than anyone else know that feeling because I did it my goddamn self, the only difference between you and I, Drew, I was upfront about it while you always seem to come around when your boy is forced to RELY on HIMSELF without the luxury of an entourage for him to fall back on. You are the bastard son of Apex my dear friend, and I am the guy that is going to destroy what’s left of you. The one thing you don’t see in these eyes is fear when I look in your direction; that is not underestimating you because you can’t underestimate someone you’ve owned every time you have crossed paths, You are going to puff your chest out and TALK about what you are going to TRY to do… I’m the guy that’s going to deny you that pleasure. I am a former Universal Champion my good man- I was so great at being the Universal Champion that it took a briefcase to take it away from me; I say that to say if I am that goddamn gifted what in the blue hell makes you or anyone else with half a fucking brain think you seriously stand a chance tangling with the Alpha Fucking Male on this roster? You don’t have to like me, but you got no choice but to respect me for I managed to do the ONE thing that NOBODY; not Robert Main, not Engy, not Warstein, not Lacklan, and not even Thad Duke could do… I redefined the fucking division while making it more relevant than it has been in YEARS. It’s one thing to simply hold it or defend it; it’s a horse of a different color for it to constantly be on the tips of the tongues of all the masses. That ain’t tootin’ my own horn so much as it is a goddamn fact, and it chews the fuck out of a good ninety percent of you. Tough fucking shit! Even without the Uni around my waist, I am the hottest commodity in the company. It’s a big bitter pill for you to all have to swallow, I know, but it is yet another thing that separates me from Drew or anyone else on the roster that hasn’t mastered the goddamn art of being a Professional Wrestler. When you have been in this game as long as I have when you’ve seen them come and go yet remain constant regard of the company I have inked a contract with there’s not a whole lot left that can surprise me. When it comes to the curious case of Drew Archyle he will learn one more time exactly why I was a legend BEFORE I saved this shit hold from obscurity. You know what fuckers, let’s call a spade a spade. The former owner of this company ran it so far into the ground it was never going to come off life support… until my phone rang. You can believe what you choose, you can listen to whoever you want but let me hit you with some serious shit. Chris Page does a favor to buy the XWF a little time back in 2019, and in the process POPS the fucking federation. People look around loving the place they are in from once hating it, and what do people do? Dong worship Vinnie Lane as opposed to telling me Thank You. You want to keep going? After popping the Uni Title division I went after the nothing happening Tag Division, POPPED it too! Look at where it is right now! I have consistently done what none of you can do. I am the reason this federation is where it is when it comes to success or failure.

[Image: tenor.gif?itemid=3476503]

What you are all going to see when I walk that aisle in Orlando is nothing short of the execution of Apex’s sidekick. You will witness me coming into this without the aid of BOB- no Dixon at ringside, no Fury on my arm, no Bastards running around pounding on their chests. Just Chris Page standing in that ring looking for you to show the world just how much you love the taste of your foot in your mother fucking mouth. This is the night in which Apex dies a slow and very painful death while the rest of the locker room points and laughs at the jokes that you have all become. Apex fails here then they come off stupider than the War Games Captains that allowed Miss Fury to scoop up BOB in the draft, and I didn’t think anything would ever be that . When this is all said and done…. When I leave you defeated, again, you will have absolutely no one to blame but yourself for being foolish enough to ever challenge me pretending to be some badass who has legitimately done NOTHING since showing up in March. For over three months you have been on screen… how many matches have you taken? Oh yeah, one… opposite me. The saying that you are only as good as your last match has never rung more true in your instance. I made you then and I shall kill you now. Show all the cute little clips with a look a likes all you want, please keep pretending that it was my shoulders for that is a mere fantasy whereas the record books have the reality which is nothing more than a public record. I am not like you Archy, I don’t have to lie to myself to keep going… I just have to show the fuck up. It’s just oh so natural when you wake up in the mornings and piss goddamn perfection.

I am the guy that will ruin not only your career… I’ll ruin your goddamn life, ask Robert.

When it comes down to you Mr. Archyle, please continue to think that you pose me any kind of threat, please continue to think that you’re on my level, and by all means please continue not to care about anything but revenge… in other words keeps feeding into your emotional state like the fucking rookie you will always be because by doing so only means that what BOB has done is working. Good job bud. In closing I want to reiterate just how much BIGGER Warfare is going to be for the dysfunctional group that is Apex; three of you, each with a daunting task in front of you, and if you all fail you can hang up this fantasy that Apex means anything more than the toilet paper that I wipe my ass with.

Now that the light work is out of the way let us shift gears into just how fucking Corey, Thad, Betsy, and Dick Powers are for allowing Miss Fury to draft Them No Good Bastards and Money Oswald to her War Games Team? Noticeably Charlie wasn’t mentioned… everyone already knows his level of shifts the entire scale, but seriously how goddamn stupid can you be to allow the most dominating faction to EVER assemble under one roof to align when YOU had the opportunity to stop it. What? To say you had some hand in beating BOB at War Games? Or are you all too blinded by your selfish egotistical needs? Eh, doesn’t matter at this point because your fates are sealed as I get to sit back and watch my main squeeze lead OG BOB into War; the question you should be asking yourselves at this point is what do you tell yourselves when BOB reigns supreme? How big is that piece of humble fucking pie you’re all going to suffer through going to taste when BOB, the Long Term Vision of the XWF in regards to the real FUTURE of this company leaves you all fucking laying… and does it without Chris Page.

That doesn’t mean that I don’t have a very vested interest in this event other than watching BOB do what we do best… embarrass the marks.

While they embarrass them at War Games… I am going to be embarrassing the biggest one of them all.


They say Jesus Christ built the dining room table- he built that fucker for me to have a seat at. Our day is drawing near my little pet. I hold the power, remember that. I’ll see you soon.

- 2019 Heel of the Year
- 2019 Locker Room Leader of the Year
- 2019 Feud of the Year w. Robert Main (you’re welcome)
- Former
[Image: OW3ycxe.png]
[Image: fMJwa5h.png]
Robert "The Omega" Main
[Image: OZdvB4F.png]
XWF World Heavyweight Champion
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[-] The following 10 users Like Chris Page's post:
ALIAS (07-12-2021), Atara Raven (07-18-2021), Dolly Waters (07-12-2021), Drew Archyle (07-13-2021), JimCaedus (07-12-2021), Lycana (07-13-2021), Mr. Oz (07-15-2021), Richard Powers (07-12-2021), Thaddeus Duke (07-12-2021), Thunder Knuckles™ (07-12-2021)

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