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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Growing Up and Playing With Dolls
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Ariel Dixon

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06-29-2021, 06:13 PM

The little girl was sitting on a bench outside the courtroom, looking down playing with the hem of her dress. She looked up at all the people walking up and down the hallway, locked in their own world. The woman sitting next to her slid closer wrapping an arm around her rubbing her back to try and calm her. The girl scrunched up, not liking to be touched, but smiling anyway.

“Honey, Ariel will be here soon, you know her five minutes late is on time.” The woman leaned down on an eye to eye level with the little girl. She touched her knee when she heard the little girl squeal and smile making the motion to be picked up.

“ I’m here, baby girl this is way too important to miss right?” The little girl bounced, reaching up to be picked up. Ariel scooped her up hugging her tight.

“Did somebody forget something?” The girl looked around smiling as Ariel pulled the stuffed bunny from her bag, smiling.

“Bun!!” The little one squealed, hugging the doll tight, giving it kisses. She stuck it out toward Ariel so she could kiss it too. She covered the bunny in kisses and the little girl too. The girl giggled, wiping her face.

“Rel you are so freakin 'cute!!” Ariel chuckled, holding her tight as she started to squirm. She looked at the other woman who nodded. “It’s time to go baby girl.”

The three of them made their way into a small courtroom. Ariel sat Rel in the seat next to her. She immediately started bouncing, trying to spin the chair smiling ear to ear. Meanwhile Ariel pulled her seat up close to the table the advocate sitting on the other side of her.

Everyone stood up as the judge stepped up on to the bench and called the court to order.

“Please be seated, we are here today to discuss the matter of the adoption of one Ariel McGuffin, by Ms. Ariel Dixon. We may begin,”

The little girl bounced, smiling and laughing when she heard her name.

“Me!!” she squealed.

“Yes baby he’s talking about you isn’t he?” Ariel said smiling, holding her hand. Rel hugged her bunny as a police officer walked up to the bench to swear in.

“Hi Hi!!” Rel squealed as she saw the policeman.

Just about a year ago now Ariel’s parents were found murdered in their upscale condo. Rel was found alive and well next to her dead mother. The paramedic Ariel Dixon took her to the hospital to get any care she needed as well as to collect any evidence. The detective related all this shuffling through his notes.
The young girl was taken in by the paramedic who from that day til this took care of her like her mother would. The judge nodded,making notes of his own as the detective stepped down.

Next up was a doctor who had observed little Ariel in her preschool class. She was able to present findings on the little girl’s behavior and interactions with others at the school.

“From my observations of Ariel, it is apparent to me she suffers from autism as well as some form of developmental delay. She is 3 years old and exhibits the behaviors and cues of a child around 18 months of age. The learning program she is enrolled in is excellent in working with children on the spectrum. Furthermore, I feel that Ms.Dixon has done her very best to learn about the younger Ariel’s conditions and how to deal with them.”

The judge made more notes and nodded for the psychologist to step down. The next one to step to the chair was the advocate for Ariel and Rel.

“As far as the relationship between Rel and Ariel is concerned, it is one most parents and children dream of. Even though Ariel works long shifts, she spends as much time with Rel as she can. She has provided a roof over her head, food in her belly and love. As I said before Ms. Dixon works long hours, but she is sure to provide Rel with the best care in the preschool she attends as well as her mother. She is also more than capable of raising the girl on her own with the developmental issues mentioned before.”

After her statement she stepped down and the judge retired to his chambers to review the information he was presented. The courtroom was quiet as Ariel, her mother and the advocate discussed the case. Little Rel feeling ignored tugged on Ariel’s top and grunted whispering Shh, trying to climb on her back, tugging her hair.

“Rel, it’s ok hun, we are talking. Come here.” She pulled the little girl on her lap. Rel leaned against her smiling as she played with the pendant on her neck.

“Ladies. I have come to a decision in this matter. In this court’s opinion Ms. Dixon is fit beyond any doubt to take custody of young Ariel. It is amazing that Ariel was able to find someone like this young woman to take her in. Not only is she well taken care of but loved as well. It is the decision of the court to grant full custody to you Ms. Dixon.”

The ladies cheered hugging each other and Ariel scooped up Rel holding her tight. Rel bounced in her arms clapping and squealing Yaay!! Ariel sat Rel on the table and bent down looking her in the eyes.

“Do you wanna go get ice cream and play with Fluffers at the park?” she held the little girl’s hand that was folded in her lap.

“Uh huh. Go!” Rel jumped into her momma’s arms and they hugged as they all left the court room…

Rel woke up shaking her head, eyes wet as she stretched looking out the truck window at the new day. It was raining softly against the window and Rel looked at her reflection in the glass. She wiped tears from her eyes as the driver’s door opened and Billy, her new best friend and driver of the truck, pulled himself into the cab handing her the breakfast he bought her.

“Here you go Miss,” he joked, handing her a bag. “A pack of powdered donuts, the big ones not the gems, and a jug of red Hawaiian Punch. They actually had the red this time. I know orange is not your fave is it?”

Rel spoke unintelligibly through a mouth of powdered donut. Taking a swig of punch she smiled.

“Nope that stuff is gross,” She giggled bouncing in her seat, stuffing donuts into her mouth.

“Oops gotta pee!” She jumped down from the cab skipping into the truck stop.

Billy watched her go, her multi-colored hair bouncing behind her. He knew something wasn’t quite right with her. She acted like a child but was at least early 20s, he thought. It doesn’t matter, he thought. After losing his wife a few years back a “family” isn’t so bad. He knew she would be leaving soon though. He could tell when she constantly looked around her or got skittish when they saw cops on the highway. He didn’t know what she had done but it felt like she was on the run from something. She came bouncing back climbing back into her seat bouncing, smiling as she grabbed another donut.

“Hey girl, when are you planning on leaving me?” Billy asked as he put on his ball cap, “I figured it was gonna be soon. I picked you up in Kansas and we are in Virginia now.”

“ I dunno I kinda like ya, even though your smokes are stinky and you fart when you eat onions, and I do mean fart.”

She made a gagging noise laughing.

“Besides, who would remind you to take your pills?”

He took pills for his heart ever since a blockage caused a heart attack a few years before. His wife used to remind him and now Rel reminded him like clock work. A breakfast consisting of coffee and cigs probably didn’t help the situation he thought. He hated to tell her that he felt like crap more often than not anymore and could feel another widowmaker on the way. Shaking off the thought he looked over at Rel and smiled. She smiled ear to ear, her lips covered in powdered sugar.

The cameraman panned the dimly lit basement and heard the howl and giggle he was hoping to hear. He found Ariel hunched over in a Playskool play house with a couple dolls talking to herself.
She grabbed a baby doll stripped of her clothes but still wearing a diaper and a broken and well used GI Joe figure, complete with Kung Fu Grip. She sat them on a table giggling.

“This is Betsy Wetsy and Marf!! Marf has a funny name; it sounds like barf! This baby doll is Betsy!! They call her Betsy Wetsy cuz if you put water in her sippy and she drinks it she pees herself!!

“The guy from upstairs came down the other day and said I had to fight with a girl named Betsy and that Barf dude! I immediately asked him if she was like my Betsy and he shook his head and left. That guy shakes his head and talks to himself a lot, he needs a doctor. I talk to myself sometimes but the doc at the asylum gave me a big blue pill every day and now I just hear me in my head. I’m hilarious by the way!”

She giggled while playing with the baby doll…

“Betsy the person is kinda like this old doll if you know her. She lies around not doing much, then someone pulls her out of the box with that irrelevant word on it and decides to play with her. She should have one of those strings that make her talk and her eyes light up because all you hear is blah, blah, blah and then there are shiny lights and she pees herself when someone like that Wonder Woman looking girl looks at her! That reminds me of baby huey. He was a big duck on the tv cartoons, he was real dumb like her and wore a diaper and baby bib.”

She giggled, slapping her hand on the plastic table muttering things about baby Huey and Betsy.

“Then there's this guy. He’s all broken, but still wants to be tough, see?”

She makes him move his arm up and down and dive on the table making growling and grunting noises like the doll was wrestling.

“This is Barf. He got his cutie booty whipped last week with the doggie girl. I actually feel bad for him. All he wanted was to play and those guys beat him and they said something about him owing them money. Weird right? He usually is kinda creepy and flirts with girls like Betsy n me. He is only a good guy when the blue haired doggie girl is around. Otherwise, he is a lot like Gi Joe. He looks cute but falls apart when it's time to play. Kinda lame right? Well the guy with the camera and lights says I gotta do the goodbye part of the show. So until next time girls n guys remember to hug your bunnies n Mommies oh and most importantly… Fuck BoB!! Oops, I said a naughty word. Shh don’t tell...Buh Bye!!”

A scroll crawls across the screen….

“The previous promotional video was brought to you by the coalition to have sexual relations with BoB, where we ask….Have you fucked BoB today??”

A logo lights up the screen

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