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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The blood’s on the wall so you might as well admit it and bleach out the stain
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Marf Offline
THE Marf

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

06-22-2021, 07:23 PM

I'll chain you to the truth,
for the truth shall set you free.
I'll turn the screws of vengeance and bury you with honesty.
I'll make all your dreams come to life,
And slay them as quickly as they came.

Smother another failure, lay this to rest.
Console yourself, you're better alone.
Destroy yourself, see who gives a fuck.
Absorb yourself, you're better alone.
Destroy yourself...See who gives a fuck!

We open to the gentle breeze drifting by our four unique campers. It’s nearing sundown and Marf is standing, impatiently waiting on Damien who is carrying a stack of wood over to make a camp fire. Damien drops the wood in around the rocks Marf set up. Damien pulls out a box of matches and lights one before tossing it onto the logs and sticks he dropped. The match of course goes out before it even lands and Marf scoffs at what he just watched. Annoyed, Damien turns and faces Marf with a look of disdain.


What? Have you honestly never been camping or at least sat around a fire at night?

Damien stares at Marf with resentment.

...No. I have better things to do with my time than you do clearly.

Oh yeah, and how’s that been working out for ya bub?

Damien is unable to respond and looks about ready to grab one of the bigger pieces of wood and crushing it over Marf’s head. Instead he simply stays frozen in his spot, glaring at Marf who just smirks at him.

That’s what I thought. Look, at least set the damn wood up properly. You can’t just drop a match at random and a campfire poofs up.

Well if you’re such an expert why don’t you show me how it’s done smart guy?

Want me to hold your hand to?

Damien shoves Marf who slowly starts to chuckle before shoving Damien back. This begins to escalate into a shoving match when suddenly Reika’s head pokes out of her tent.

What are you guys doing!?

Marf and Damien immediately grab each other in an awkward bro-hug and turn towards her.

Marf is just teaching me how to make a fire!


They both beam with giant smiles while Reika eyes them carefully.

Okay be careful and listen to Marf he knows what he’s doing Damien!

You bet!

Reika’s head disappears back into her tent while Marf stares at Damien with a defiant grin.

You know, I can be a role model to you, it’s never too late Damien.

I can’t wait to punch you in the face while you’re sleeping tonight...

Hey! That’s my line! What’s your problem man you’re as unoriginal as those two idiots Lycana and I are facing at Warfare!

Damien clearly gets his back up while Marf stands in front of him. Lycana is somewhere spraying far too much bug spray on herself.

What’s my problem? I’m stuck here with you! Who the hell actually enjoys sleeping outdoors?

Dumb it down all you want, lots of people enjoy it!

Damien rolls his eyes while Marf looks ready to slap him upside the head with a fire log now.

Uh huh and do you enjoy it Marf? Do you enjoy anything? Hell, you can barely stumble through a conversation about how you truly feel about Lycana, I’m shocked you have the ability to like anything else. Marf with more than one feeling, minds will be blown!

Marf looks more than unimpressed with the sarcastic response and interrupts.

Whatever you can go back to being a silent grump-ass now, thanks.

No seriously, you never talk about your feelings mister strong and silent. What the hell could you possibly enjoy?

Marf stares at Damien in silence for a moment. Damien is the one smirking now as Marf seethes at first but then seems to suddenly calm down a bit. A strange, borderline sadistic look crosses his face and Damien takes a step back.

You wanna know what I love?

Marf steps right up to Damien with that crazy look in his eye. Damien braces for what’s to come.

I’m gonna tell ya what I a song...


Marf suddenly breaks into song and dance to the horror of Damien. Lycana and Reika walk up together and stand in awe.

Well there’s a new thing going ‘rooooound.
People sleeping on the grooooound.
Throwin’ the toooooools away, uuuuuusing rocks and sticks.

We’re hanging a sheet to keep out rain.
Nothing to eat, livin’ innnnn pain.
And if it’s fun to do, then we’re not dooooing it!

Everyone is frozen still, mesmerized by Marf’s unbelievable performance. He continues on while it seems dozens of birds have perched on the nearby trees to watch.

And that’s called campinnnnnng,
Let’s go campinnnnnnnng!
Do ya wanna go campinnnnnng?
Can’t wait to go campinnnnnnng!

Even if ya hate campiiiiing,
ya still gotta go campiiiiiiing.
That’s the point of campiiiiiing,
that ya gotta hate campiiiiiing!

Lycana rubs her eyes and watches in disbelief as Damien has somehow joined in the wild dancing routine, somehow syncing up with Marf perfectly. Reika also looks on shocked but also excited at the display.

I wanna live like an animal, but not in a sexy way.
More like a...poor person...Covered in filth and caked blood.
Checkin’ my hair, for lice and ticks...

Damien finally snaps out of it and turns to look at Marf in disgust.

What the fuck!?

This seemingly ends the incredible performance as everyone stops and looks at Damien.


Sorry! Sorry, I didn’t mean it!

You owe the swear jar money when we go home tomorrow morning!

Damien sighs and nods while Marf kneels by the camp fire and seems to get it fired up in seconds while acting like nothing just happened. Lycana and Reika join them by the fire with hot dogs and and a bag of marshmallows. Marf hands them all sticks for roasting and it isn’t long before Damien’s catches fire and Marf has to put it out for him. The girls can’t help but laugh at Damien’s misery. Lycana looks over at Marf and waits for him to make eye contact.

So are we supposed to just let that little performance go by without discussing it?

Marf looks around the campfire with shifty eyes and then back to Lycana.

I have...been watching far too much Disney channel with a certain someone.

He turns and winks at Reika who giggles.

Marf’s favourite is the Muppet Movie!

Yes it is, and I stand by that!


Lycana and Reika both shoot angry glances at Damien who quickly lowers his head. They finish off their food and of course laugh at the multiple marshmallows Damien loses to the fire. He gives up and retreats to his tent for the night. Reika has Lycana tuck her into her bright tent as well. Marf puts out the fire before heading to his and Lycana’s tent. He climbs into the massive sleeping bag as Lycana enters their tent. She zips up the tent before crawling into the warm sleeping bag.

She lies down next to Marf and he turns over to face her. The sleeping bag made it weird to roll over so now he’s very close to her face. He feels awkwardly close but it’s too late to change positions now. Lycana stares into his blue eyes and smiles at him. Marf gives a small smile back in return. He decides this is a good a moment as any and begins to close the gap between their lips. Just before they touch though the zipper to their tent flies up and open. They both sit up abruptly as Reika enters their tent and jumps into the sleeping bag with them.

I don’t wanna sleep alone!

Of course.

That is fine, we’ll just all cozy up in here, no biggie.

Reika seems delighted and cozies herself up to them both. Marf and Lycana exchange exasperated but also amused looks before laying back down to go to sleep. After such a busy weekend they all drift off to sleep fairly quick. We fade out to the crickets of the night warming up for their songs.

Any...way...the wind blows...

Marf awakens in the locker room. He’s all alone and it’s pretty dim due to the lights being half out. The only one remaining on is flickering as Marf stands up. He feels like he’s in a daze and calls out for Lycana. He can feel the overwhelming solitude and leaves the room. As Marf slowly makes his way through the halls of the arena he isn’t seeing anyone else around. He calls out a few times but already knows nobody is going to bother answering him. Mainly because he knows nobody is actually there.

Marf continues through the halls and to the gorilla position before stepping out to the stage. As he steps out from the curtains he is met with a deafening silence. Goosebumps infest Marf’s skin as he slowly walks towards the ring, looking around at the dark, silent arena. He shivers and starts to realize it is really cold in this place. As he nears the ring, a light snow begins to trickle down and Marf stops in front of the ring. Inside, laying in the middle face down is a body. He doesn’t recognize it and there’s a large pool of blood surrounding it.

Marf starts to climb onto the ring apron as the snow begins to thicken and fall with more speed. The body looks like a female with long, bright silver hair all around her face down head. The snow is quickly beginning to build up on and around her as it has practically turned into a blizzard. Marf inches towards the body to see if she is still breathing or not when he hears a voice and can’t figure out if it was inside his head or not...

...Time is running must...come home...soon...

The fuck are you going on about!? Just show yourself!

Marf stumbles back as the body on the mat twitches. One arm pops up from the mat and then slaps back down. Marf watches in awe as the body slowly begins to rise. The silver hair is draped in front of her face. A large, red circle is on her chest indicating a serious wound. Marf leans forwards to move the hair from her face but as he does this, there is no face. Just pale skin and two sunken in darkened sockets. A paralyzingly loud shriek rips through Marf’s head and he drops to his knees in pain holding his fists against his temples. will come home...all good boys march home after Warfare...all good boys...march home after...Warfare...

There’s a painful flash of blinding light and the feeling of being frozen before Marf awakens in the massive sleeping bag. By some kind of miracle he didn’t wake Lycana or Reika up. Marf watches them for a moment while he quietly calms himself down from the odd dream. He wipes away some sweat from his forehead and lies back down.

Shot sometime after the camping trip is over...

We open up to Marf pacing back and forth. He looks up and stops pacing. He raises a finger and is about to talk but stops still for a moment. He looks like he has a lot to say and it’s all ready to burst out. He takes a deep breath suddenly and smiles while raising his arms welcoming us all.

Oh how perfect, we’re switching up the game now I see Robert. Instead of bragging about the almost wins that are still losses but we leave that last part out, you’re bringing up what you helped someone else achieve, very classy. Taking credit for Alias winning the Universal title, Lycana retaining the Xtreme and even Corey winning the TV title. Now even to a guy like me that’s just subpar work. Taking that Plain Main insult a little too seriously I see. Tell me, since you’re so mighty, hell since Apricks is so godly, where’s your titles? Where’s the championships around your waist?

And when I ask that, I mean right now. I’m not asking you to bore me to death with another one of your lame history lessons of what you did before. I’ll just throw my own shit right back at you, like how I’ve had a title around my waist eight times since showing up back in October. You show up after nursing your precious head injury and get handed a Universal championship opportunity against pothead Page and a chance at redemption to boot. And what did you do with that opportunity? You...cost Chris Page as you put it...but didn’t actually defeat him. In fact, he was the better man and walked away with a victory over plain Main.

I don’t think you’ve washed all that makeup off your face you fucking clown. Lycana defeated Page and you think it’s all part of your ingenious plan? What exactly is that, to go around costing people matches? Fucking brilliant, that should at least keep up a light schedule for your part-time ass. How long a break after the next pay per view loss, six months? Or will we miss you until the next Snow Job? Don’t bother answering, I don’t fucking care so shut your pug ugly mouth your breath smells like fucking cat food.

Marf shakes his head in mock disgust.

Speaking of people needing to shut the fuck up, Jimbo knock off your pussified version of hyena cackles in the background. Your flakey ass can’t even be considered a part timer at this point. Hey if you take the loss at Warfare does that mean the Caedus Revival Tour gets rescheduled for the summer of ‘25? Or will you finally fuck off for good? Guess what, much like your clog gobbling partner I’m going to tell you the same thing. Don’t bother with some halfassed sexually charged response, I don’t give two shits what you have to say for yourself.

Just about everything you spout off in your feverish rants is complete garbage and digging yourself further into a grave of nonsense. I mean you even threw in the old “we break bones” threat which is about as fresh as two month old bread. What else you gonna do to us, ya gonna make us bleed too? I fucking dare you two quivering, misshapen ball sacks to try and break my bones. Go ahead and give it a shot since you think it’s so easy, watch what fucking happens! It is unreal the pathetic preschool shit coming out of your mouths.

Honestly, dispatching the Dissentients for good eh? Oooo what a clutch phrase, a powerful promise! Super original too. You fucking toilet water soaked wad of used tampons think nobody has ever made that threat before? There’s barely enough talent left between the two of you to charge a hand me down Roomba, how the fuck are you going to do what absolutely nobody has been able to so far? Practically the entire roster has made the claim they will be the ones to stop us once and for all. The Dissentients are still here, and we’ll still be here after Warfare when we’re done whipping your asses.

The fuck are you idiots going to do when you step in the ring with us and realize you can’t breeze by with a few flashy moves and crowd support? The Dissentients are going to rip you two apart piece by piece and beat you down until you refuse to get back up. We don’t fuck around once that bell rings, your move set means shit. Your history means even less. We take your best shots with a smile and then beat you sillier than your redneck daddies used to. It’s time to up the violence come Warfare, otherwise the audience will be napping or taking a piss break due to plain Main and Dim Jim. Speaking of whom...

Marf looks to start pacing again but then stops short and turns right back to the camera and shakes his finger.

Now hold up there Jimmy, did you just call us the cowards? Are you trying to get me to laugh even more at you? You think we’re cowards meanwhile you tip toe around using some pieces from our opening promos in your own cold opener and act like that’s some shining act of chivalry, gimme a fucking break. Oh sorry, was I not supposed to mention that little sneak? Fuck off, if we’re cowards why did we accept your foolish challenge? Or anyone else’s for that matter? All the Dissentients do is rise up to challenge after challenge. Not all of us can have title defenses against those twats the Disintegrators and act like it’s impressive.

It’s exactly why we’re coming for your asses. Some of the other dipshits here might actually bow down to your bullshit and call you some high and mighty team but that’s not happening here. I think you over the hill fuckwits are walking directly into an eye opening beat down. Don’t worry though we’ll use proper etiquette while we grind your scarred faces into the mat. Hilarious stuff though, discussing etiquette and then spit roasting my partner in the same promo. I mean, you did that on purpose right? Y’all can’t be that god damn stupid and hillbilly...

Marf stops himself and looks directly at the camera while a smile creeps out onto his face.

Oh, right. We’re just a tad late on that aren’t we? I mean seriously, spit roasting? Who’s mother’s basement did you two neck beards crawl into so you could come up with that? I’m supposed to sit here and accept you two summer camp assistant director drop outs are intelligent and have all these clever traps for us when you drop wet farts like that on us? I get you pathetic worms haven’t been laid since the creation of YouTube but ease the fuck up it’s getting tired and sad. Just like you two fucks. Tired and sad examples of broken down men. Holding themselves up with past accomplishments and old glories. Stumbling their fragile egos and bodies across modern failures. Too stubborn to realize their threats are falling on deaf ears. Too ignorant to understand just how much trouble they’ve gotten themselves into.

You’ve accomplished nothing with your silly words but pissing me off. I was content with just beating you fucktards and moving along before. But now, you’ve annoyed me enough to warrant using my energy to absolutely demolish you pair of flaccid dinks. I brought up what I did to Graves before not to brag but to give you a warning as to where this can go. Of course you two flickering fucking lightbulbs missed the point entirely while you were too busy prematurely ejaculating on each other. But here we are, you wet dicks are now the thorns in my side I intend to bloody all over Warfare.

And once the dust settles and the blood has painted the canvas some fantastic new colours we will see what’s left. If you are lucky, I will simply leave you lying in a bloodied heap. But a breathing one, at least. Then you two are free to take another hiatus and lick one another’s wounds for months at a time. And you can tell everyone within earshot about how you almost beat the Dissentients. Who knows, maybe one day you’ll find two idiots as gullible as you fuckboys that will give a shit about it. Until then, see you at Warfare where I promise you both nothing but pain and sorrow.

Marf crosses his large arms across his massive chest and glares forward at the camera with determination as we fade out.

2x Xtreme Champion
2x Television Champion
2x Freestyle Champion
5x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Member of Charlie’s Carnies
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Atara Raven (06-22-2021), JimCaedus (06-22-2021), Lycana (06-22-2021), Robert "The Omega" Main (06-22-2021), Theo Pryce (06-23-2021)

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