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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
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Tommy Wish Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

06-15-2021, 08:42 PM

[Blah, does it matter where it opens with this underachieving man? Fine, it simply opens up to a montage of Corporate Chaos and Flamin DOCK’s promos, where it shows them in the most positive light. Then in between it, is Tommy is holding something that resembled a cross, but the letter U in some street on an afternoon. Back to the promos, it cuts back to the key moments that referenced him, with each of them looking definitely at their own respective camera, then it cuts back to Tommy being thrown trash and hurled insults along the way to some unknown pathway. As he reached to the hill of some sort, he tosses the U over the hill, then it shifts to Tommy sitting at some basketball court bench at night with no one in sight.]

“Ghost”: Truth be told, I am not the same hard hitting man that I was once was. I have this sense of, falling out of love in this thing called wrestling, I mean shit I managed to fall into this thing by mistake. I already knew what I had in stake, I knew that a man like me isn’t going to make it far in it. Truth be told, I kinda want to say, fuck it and leave behind a legacy that isn’t going to be remembered fondly. Dare I say, I’m not in the league of these two people i’m taking on this Saturday from now.

I know you fans at home, expected me to continue with the Borp Bhris thing, but isn’t going too happen since I got heat for it from the net. It was fun, but for now I can’t be in the mood to be funny, since I can’t be like Jamie Kenndy on the twos like him. I want you all to know this one thing about me, and no it isn’t that I have a thing for Jenny… that itself been dead. I am a man of action, and action is what I come to do this Savage week from now. While Dock can crush some moon rocks, and Chaos can procure a deal of some sort that’s worth up to millions and billions for corporate stocks and bonds… all I can do is sit back, and just watch them from afar, and clap for them.

[Tommy then claps for them, albeit in some kinda sarcastic kinda way.]

“Ghost”: Chaos and DOCK, while I may have little respect for Chaos and his ways I can admit he manage to do what most people would dream of in here, and now he’s reaping the benefits for his own gain. What gain will he get? Only time will tell for him, but I know for me, when I see him all I want to do is warn him of his path of resistance of being screwed over; but when that day comes, i’ll be laughing in the studio, as I write my next set of diss tracks about him. It can lead off with the hit “No Vaseline (for the corporate one)”, and put it out there how much of a once former, respectable universal champion he once was, before his little vacation came into place.

Chaos, from what you have established is that we have had some prior moments with one another, and I know for a fact that you came over me in one of those stand offs. At least, you didn’t go the “Hogan’s Card” route where you demanded me to lay down, and give you little to no offense if we ever had any matches prior to your hiatus. While you say it’s just business...

I find that statement to be kinda bullshit my friend, like so what if it’s purely a business stand point of you beating me or DOCK in this thing? More clout, more notoriety, more money, more sense of being the MAIN EVENTER in shows and PPVs that these fans would immediately turn the channel AWAY from. You got what I like to call, the Double J effect, where everyone around you hates your guts in and out of the ring, while the big boys are seeing potential of a guy who’s nothing more then just a one hit wonder like Billy Ray Cyrus.

While you are amped up to take me on, I find that to kinda a blessing since I don’t normally have anyone who wanna fight me, be so giddy on it. It’s like a hater getting a tweet, and them responding back with a “thank you” with little to no repercussions on their end, since they know that they don’t have any power over them. Chaos, you don’t have no power over me, just like how I have no power over you… unless you count those power bottoms in your shareholders meeting after dark, then I guess YOU DO have the power then. So my friend, Chaos, I want you to know this… you can’t stop me from taking you off your pedestal that you established yourself with, and come face the reality that you nothing more then a corporate jock ass, when time comes you—

[The it cuts off, and it shows an image of Chaos and Theo from one of the main shows prior, then a distorted voice said “Chaos IS GOD” and “!mottob rewop a si saohC” as the next picture shows of him at his meeting. Then it cuts off again, and we see a bunch of kids wearing Chaos’s shirt, all singing and chanting his name in unison in a creepy way in a circle. That also abruptly cuts off, and now we see Tommy in his old Freak mask, talking to a lifeless doll dressed up as DOCK.]

“Ghost”: Hello my old friend, it’s been awhile since we have spoken. Ever since that day I had that cease and desist letter from an unnamed person, I had to change my own style for them to feel comfy with. I didn’t want these fans to know that we are one of the same, so I had to sell you off to my own dead friend, Eric, who wanted to go the Great Freaky route with you, it barely took off but… it was whatever though. You and I had hell of chemistry, but it died when I couldn’t do it anymore.

So now, here lies a dead friend, a dead “gimmick” as you will. Who’s now in a better hands of a better wrestler. A better man, who broken more chicken necks in the ring longer than Chaos could even dream of. The man who now called DOCK, which has a right ring to it. Do you remember Sting’s early 90s theme, “THE MAN CALLED STING!!” well now, I can call it what I told you. I know you happy as hell for him to don your style in his burnt perfection. So burnt, that those green flames from hell couldn’t even burn his skin off.

Now speaking about DOCK, I know he’s a man who isn’t type of guy I shouldn’t mess with in the match at all, shit I let him take out the wanna be Corporate God of XWF, let him take all his anger and rage on him. Maybe, I could antagonize him to the point Chaos will end up in the punishment as I stick on the sidelines. Since those two are the main stars, i’ll even sit back in the stands as DOCK is going to rip him like a sheet of papers, with no weapons at his own disposal. I know he had plenty of history with Chaos, that it’ll be the ultimate opportunist shot of me just coming right into the ring and wipe him out, and pin Chaos and walk away knowing that corporate had just screwed out of his own match.

But truth be told, he’s right on one thing, and it’s being known to take out a guy like Chaos, which would cause the whole scene to be surprised and shook to know that a ghost like myself, has done the unthinkable. But that doesn’t pale to if I manage to take out DOCK at his own game too, he might play the coy and possible passive role, but I can see a mile away from the bullshit. DOCK, he might want to play the innocent route but i’ll make sure i’ll expose his truest nature in that three way to hell. DOCK, while you are in space, when ever you arrive to the arena in your DOCKin ship, I will make sure to greet you with an ass beating that I know how, while others fear you, and/or worship the ground you walk on…


Far a shock I know, but DOCK, you might be the legend of this shit, but at some point I want to take you off your game. I want to be one, to tell these people, that a man like you will suffer the same fate as others come before and after against a man like myself… in order to show you and Chaos I have no fear…

[Tommy gets up from the bench, and he pulls out a match, he finds a half tank of oil and pours some of the doll on the ground. Then he lit up some few matches, and set it on fire. As some people saw this, they all ran off or stayed to see this doll burn. Then he walks away from the doll, then he turns back around to see the doll burn away, and he speaks for the last time.]

“Ghost”: Maybe this coming Savage, before my tag handicap match on Anarchy, might make me want to feel alive again. This match might be a true testament to how much, that I can bring the pain to those who stand in my view, and I can’t lie to encounter Chaos and DOCK at the same time, is what I didn’t expect in my time here. But I don’t want them to assume, that I won’t pull my weight around in the match, because I fucking will. If I win or lose it, it’s just all the same at the end of the day. While those two will be the centerpieces of what is a XWF wrestler supposed to be, i’ll view on the side lines just come in to bash people’s brains in for a paycheck.

Maybe… even get so far enough to idk… just beat up these two popular people up bad, that they will forget that the match even happened at all.

Quote the Tommy… forever never more.

[While the doll is still burning, Tommy walks away, and it as it slowly burns we see the images of DOCK and Chaos being burned off the screen, as the scene fades off in pink.]
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