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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Anarchy Boards » Anarchy Results
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Anarchy - 5/6/21
Author Message
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

05-07-2021, 04:44 PM



Dean Rose
- vs -
Lord Raab
X-Treme Rules!

Referee: Mister Referee

Tommy Wish
- vs -

Referee: HoloRef Dot Gif


[Image: wm23pJ.gif]


Big Money Oswald
- vs -
Soul on a Pole Match!

Unclear, but we're hanging Mini Morbid from a pole! We'll figure the rest out later...

Referee: Ari Silverstein


[Image: tumblr_n9qyadAt1Y1rjn473o2_500.gif]


Thias Watts
- vs -
Maria Salvatore

Referee: Richard Wang

The Disintigrators
- vs -
Terry Borden & Clint Fatwood
Bunkhouse Brawl!

Each team will have a bullrope and a coal miner's glove Anything goes! Win by submission only!

Referee: Chaz Bobo

(Ruby& Centurion)
- vs -
(Miss Fury & Osira Themis)

Referee: Mika Hunt

[Image: gR8affl.png]


You know how much the Anarchy crew loves pyro. There’s a whole budget set aside for bribing local fire marshalls so that they look the other way.

The Anarcho-Tron lights up as thrashing music fills the PA and fans fill the stands in Sheboygan! Hey who’s that over there?

[Image: tenor.gif?itemid=4967947]

Oh heck yeah, that’s Steven Avery from Making A Murderer! He must have gotten a day pass to watch the show! Someone should keep an eye on him, though, that guy totally did it.

Anyway, look! There’s Vinnie at his desk surrounded by a swarm of hovering CamBots!

Vinnie Lane: “Hey HEY! It’s THURSDAY NIGHT and you know what that means, don’t you? That’s right, it’s time for ANARCHYYYYYYYYY!!!”

More pyro. Holy crap that’s got to be a record.

Vinnie Lane: “Tonight is a doozy, folks! We’ve got a SOUL ON A POLE match, which I have been told is basically a regular hardcore match but with some dude hanging off a pole! Gnarly! And we’re also in store for a BUNKHOUSE BRAWL between the Disintigrators and the Dream-A-Maniacs! That thing’s gonna be WILD!”

One last pyro. Vinnie just couldn’t help himself.

Vinnie Lane: “And in the main event, we’ve got the XWF’s own IT couple, Centurion and Ruby, facing off against the Baddies of BOB, Miss Fury and Osira Themis! But before we get to those huge matchups, we’re getting things started with a NASTY X-Treme Rules showdown between two rough and tumble hardcore connosiuers, Dean Rose and Lord Raab! Let’s hit the ring now, because THE ACTION NEVER SLOWS DOWN!”

[Image: gR8affl.png]

Dean Rose
- vs -
Lord Raab
X-Treme Rules!

Referee: Mister Referee

Vinnie Lane: “Here we go, folks! This is gonna be a BARN BURNER I can just feel it!”

Dean Rose’s music continues to play but no one emerges. The crowd starts to get quiet as they wait for something to happen.

Vinnie Lane: “Hmmm… probably just a technical issue… let’s run that back again!”

Once more, Dean’s music hits but there’s no Dean. The crowd gets antsy and there are even a few boos, before…

Vinnie Lane: “That’s BOB’s music, what the heck is going on… HEY! WHAT IS THIS!?”

Miss Fury storms out from the back with Andre Dixon, Herschel Kiss, Atara Themis, and Big Money Oswald flanking her. The four Non-Furies drag with them the unconscious bodies of Lord Raab and Dean Rose!

The BOB crew get to the ring, where they toss the blacked out competitors into the ring, and Miss Fury climbs in with a microphone, holding up a VHS tape in her free hand. Outside the ring, the other Baddies block the ramps, ensuring no one will come interrupt.

Miss Fury: "Hey LOVERboy! I’m tired of waiting for my shot! You OWE me, Vinnie, and this show isn’t happening unless I get what I want! Give me my Anarchy Title shot at Leap of Faith!"

Vinnie stands from his booth and holds his arms out, as if asking what Fury wants from him.

Miss Fury: "I demand you give me my shot, and if you don’t, then I’ll have no choice but to show the world THIS!”

Vinnie’s face then goes white and he starts shaking his head back and forth rapidly. He grabs his tabletop mic and brings it up to his mouth.

Vinnie Lane: “Whoa whoa whoa, hold on now, dude! You don’t have to go that far! It just so happens that we DO need a challenger for the anarchy Championship at Leap of Faith! And your name is right at the top of the list!”

Fury smiles, and she waggles the tape at Dixon and the others outside the ring, mouthing “told you it would work.”

Vinnie Lane: “But dude! I can’t just HAND it to you like that… but I tell you what I can do. Tonight, you and Osira are already booked to face Centurion ond the Anarchy Champ herself, the Super Dear-O Ruby!”

The crowd pops at the mention of Ruby’s name.

Vinnie Lane: “So! How about we make it simple? You and Osira win? You get that title shot at Leap of Faith!”

Miss Fury: "BULLSHIT! This tape gives me a free pass! I don’t need to beat anyone, I’m already the number one contender and I have been for months!"

Vinnie Lane: “Fury. Girl. Come on. Do you really want these fans to look at you and think that you’re in a championship match that you never earned? Are you really that worried about being able to win tonight?”

Miss Fury: "OF COURSE NOT! I’ll beat your little champion and her geriatric boyfriend at the same time in tonight’s main event! I accept your stupid stipulation!"

Fury then tosses the mic down onto the mat with a thud and leaves the ring. The rest of BOB follow after, still dragging the bodies of Dean Rose and Raab along with them.


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Tommy Wish
- vs -

Referee: HoloRef Dot Gif

Vinnie Lane: “Well, at least we still get to start this show off with a solid match! We haven’t seen Tommy Wish much lately, rumor has it he’s been healing up and working on his technique… but he’s here tonight!”

On the X-Tron, it shows a Heartless symbol that shatters into pieces, then the camera cuts to Tommy who's standing on the entrance way with his Pink Kendo Stick, which he raises in the air. Then as the beat drops, he walks down to the ramp and gives some fans some high fives in the process, then he stands at the apron and rolls into the ring. Then he raises his stick in the air, and then he leans on the corner while waiting for his opponent.

Vinnie Lane: “I hear that Tomy’s kendo stick is to raise awareness for Susan G. Komen!”

Boris jubilantly jigs down to the ring as his theme music plays. He looks like he’s been hitting the borscht pretty hard.

Vinnie Lane: “And here’s Boris, another face that’s been absent from Anarchy rings for a while… though we’ve seen some interesting developments in his personal life during his and Tula Keali’i’s sabbatical!”

The holographic referee instructs Tommy Wish to throw the pink kendo stick out of the ring before the match can begin. Tommy argues with her for a bit before throwing his hands up in annoyance. Tommy softly tosses the pink kendo stick against the ground outside of the ring as Boris plays to the fans on the other side of the ring. The holographic girl refereeing this bout calls for the bell!

Vinnie Lane: “We’re all set for a real fight tonight as one of our very own homegrown THUGZ takes on the greatest wrestler I’ve ever heard of from Eastern Europe!”

Tommy and Boris stare each other down from across the ring as the audience cheers. Competing chants of “TO-MMY” and “BOR-IS” echo throughout the venue as the two men start circling each other. Tommy Wish is the first to make a move! He charges towards Boris, running across the length of the room in what seems like half a second! Before Boris even knows what’s happening he’s hit with a running forearm from the thug. The running forearm smacks right against Boris’s head and sends the slavic man tumbling into the corner. Tommy follows up with a very stiff jab and a left hook. Boris slumps against the turnbuckles, still standing, but only with the help of the turnbuckle pads.

Vinnie Lane: “Tommy’s got Boris backed up like a handful of taco bell burritos!’

Tommy looks out to the crowd as he lifts his right hand up in the air. A few seconds go by before Tommy starts delivering chop after chop after chop to Boris’s chest. The slavic moan groans with every chop to the chest. After the fourth harsh chop the referee tells Tommy he’s hit his limit! Tommy looks to the referee, then back to the still standing against the posts Boris. Tommy headbutts Boris and sends the Slav falling to his booty. The referee tells Tommy he’s on thin ice but he just shrugs before stomping Boris’s midsection a couple times. The slav grabs his stomach as he rolls out of the corner.

Vinnie Lane: “Tommy’s on a roll! Boris needs to get some offense in if he’s going to turn the tides of this one!”

Boris starts to crawl away from Tommy Wish. Tommy simply walks behind the crawling man for a few paces before stepping on his back and holding him still. Tommy lifts the boot that’s holding Boris down only to bring it slamming down onto the man’s back a moment later. Boris hollers in pain as Tommy follows up with another boot. Tommy takes a step back to appreciate his handiwork. Boris goes to push himself up to his feet only for Tommy Wish to sit on his back and lock in a boston crab! Tommy Wish sinks into Boris’s back as he cranks the slav’s legs back!

Vinnie Lane: “This looks gruesome! Boris might have to tap!”

Boris raises his right hand. His hand shakes from side to side a few inches above the ground. Boris screams in pain as the holographic referee asks if he wants to give up. Boris looks set to tap out, but he’s holding back just barely! The man’s right hand shakes wildly as he tries to fight through the pain of the boston crab! Tommy Wish sinks the hold in deeper as he hears the screams of his opponent!

Vinnie Lane: “Tommy’s trying to rip Boris’s legs off!”

The holographic referee asks Boris once more if he wants to tap out...Boris screams NO! With the force of a thousand slavs Boris flings his legs away from Tommy Wish! Tommy holds onto the legs, only to be theatrically thrown off of Boris’s back! Tommy is thrown off of Boris’s back and lands with his upper chest laying on the second rope! Boris somehow scrambles right back up to his feet! The crowd is going nuts! Boris screams at the top of his lungs while pounding his chest with his hands. Chants of “BOR-IS” are so loud and forceful that they cause the whole venue to vibrate!


Boris stomps down on the ground twice before placing his hands on his knees. He brings his hands together in a clapping motion before swiftly breaking into a naruto style run! Boris charges straight at his opponent, who is still mingled up in the ropes. Boris delivers a NASTY dropkick to the back of Tommy Wish’s head! An audible crack is heard from the man’s skull as Boris’s irregularly large boots slam into the back of Tommy’s head! Tommy rolls off the ropes and Boris is quick to hook his legs for a cover. The referee starts to count!




Boris hits Tommy in the head a couple of times before picking the Thug up. Boris kicks Tommy in the midsection and brings him back down to the mat with a DDT! Boris hook the leg for a cover!




Vinnie Lane: “Neither of these men want to lose this match! No one wants to lose their spot in the pecking order!”

Tommy Wish flings a wild shoulder up just in time! Boris rolls his eyes in annoyance with the wily American, but no one can see it beneath his mask! Boris stands up off of Tommy and trots over to the corner. The small slav squats in the corner as he waits for his opponent to stir.

It takes a while, but after some chanting from the audience Tommy Wish is slowly able to push himself to his feet. The man looks disoriented and a bit out of it. Boris charges at him for the spear!



Tommy hooks the leg as Boris lays still on the mat!




Winner by Pinfall - Tommy Wish

Vinnie Lane: “WOW! Huge win for Tommy Wish! But up next is the best part of tonight’s show!”

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Vinnie Lane: “Hey everyone! You know, I always loved the really awesome movies of the 80s, especially the ones with the two Coreys! They were a lot of fun. License to Drive was the best, and I had a crush on Mercedes. Guess what? WE GOT HER! She’s gonna whisper some stuff because people on the YouTubes are apparently into that these days. Next time I’m gonna try to get Marisa Tomei!”

A curtain opens and there she is! It’s Heather Graham! She’s been in tons of stuff like Boogie Nights, The Hangover, and Austin Powers, but apparently Vinnie only knows her from the one movie, guessing by the theme song he gave her.

Heather waves and immediately gets to work near a stack of microphones which are set up to pick up miniscule sounds that are calming and comforting. Like skin!

[Image: 76a268721b12c52b0277e0ee650c03c44c25ecb5.gif]


[Image: 3yMd.gif]

Wet hair!

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And the internet’s apparent favorite - eating!

[Image: DizzyMemorableBarasinga-size_restricted.gif]

Vinnie is loving it! Like WAY too much, you know? But then…

Oswald is seen picking up Heather Graham, and throwing her away from her seat as she does the ASMR break, and begins to speak into her microphone.

"For too long, I have been overlooked, overthrown, overshadowed by the other members of BOB. It's time for you all to witness my rise. You people have only seen me as a joke, 'HA HA! HE HAS A FAKE BELT!' I'm a FORMER HART CHAMPION! A FORMER TWO TIME XWF X-TREME CHAMPION! Yet you people belittle me! You look at me as none of the other wrestler's equals. You look down upon me as if I am a nobody when I HAVE DONE SO MUCH FOR THIS COMPANY!"

He begins pacing back and forth, one of his servants grabbing the camera and following him as he growls in anger, seething in his rage

"Because of this, I am saying to you all right now: At Leap of Faith, the God of Fates and Destruction, Big Money Oswald, WILL be a part of the Leap of Faith match!"

He looks down the camera, growling heavily

"Those in the match, prepare yourselves. Prepare for the end of your careers. Prepare to worship your God."

Vinnie Lane: “Dang it Ghost Tank! Stop ruining everything all the time! Let’s go to stupid commercial I guess...”

[Image: gR8affl.png]
[Image: gR8affl.png]

Big Money Oswald
- vs -
Soul on a Pole Match!

Unclear, but we're hanging Mini Morbid from a pole! We'll figure the rest out later...

Referee: Ari Silverstein

Vinnie Lane: "Here we go! It's time for the soul on a pole match, and Mini Morbid is our poor unfortunate soul! I mean not as poor as all those slaves he has back in his Carpathian mansion, but whatever!"

Mini Morbid emerges from a fiery pit at the top of the ramp to heavy applause. He sacrifices a virgin and then makes his way to the ring while several manservants unravel hi lengthy cloak behind him. When he gets to the ring he is immediately grabbed up like a little baby by Ari Silverstein and hung from a pole which then telescopes until it is high over the ring. Mini looks pretty pissed about it.

Oswald starts coming through the curtain, white smoke billowing from where he is emerging. As he walks out with an ornate cane, with images of skulls in gold and silver, as money falls from the rafters. The money having faces of himself. He walks forward with his cane, not even really needing it, simply using it as a prop just to show his "status" to the world. His hair tied into a tight bun laid against the back of his skull. He flips his cane in his hand, holding the base and swinging the topper from left to right as the crowd chants "MAY-HEM, B. O. B.! MAY-HEM, B. O. B.! MAY-HEM, B. O. B.! MAY-HEM, B. O. B.! " The topper of the cane is shown to reveal a platinum skull with horns literally made of onyx attached to the forehead of it. As he walks to the steps he smirks and says to the crowd as they continue to chant MAY-HEM, B. O. B. until he gets in the ring with residual chants happening. He walks to his corner, he takes off all of the top portion of his suit, from jacket to dress shirt including his tie, leaving only his pants, soon placing full attention onto his opponent.

Vinnie Lane: "The Billion Dollar Man is here and he looks ready to go to war! After what he just pulled he better make it up to me by putting on a five star classic! This should be an awesome bout between a true veteran of the XWF and a very recent megastar with limitless potential..."

The music hits as Demos steps onto the entrance ramp. The crowd pops, but boos are mixed in with the cheers. The masked man gets halfway down the entrance ramp before stopping and turning to his side. He turns his head so that he is looking behind him. Demos stands still for a few moments, then, he starts yelling at the air behind him. Demos point an accusatory finger at nothing in particular before abruptly turning around and making his way to the ring once more. Demos walks up to the steel steps before gracefully ascending them. He ducks underneath the top rope as he steps into the ring. Demos plays to the crowd for a few moments before walking over to the corner. He stands still in the corner as he directs his gaze at his opponent, waiting for the bell to ring.

Vinnie Lane: "Demos has made such a splash in the XWF, all in less than a year! A former TV Champion and a perennial challenger for titles across the board, this guy very nearly changed the landscape of the XWF when he won the Second Chance Battle Royal not long ago!"


The bell sounds as Oswald and Demos walk out towards the center of the ring. Mini Morbid hangs like a piñata from a pole attached to a far ring post. The scrappy little bastard swings trying to fight the air surrounding him. Demos is clocked with a sucker punch from Ozzy! Ozzy kicks him in the guy before landing several clubbing shots across the back eventually dropping Demos to one knee. Ozzy bounces off the ropes where he looks kick Demos head off! Demos tosses his head out of the way at the final second before stepping back up to his feet where he hammers away at Ozzy with a series of right hands before kicking the right knee! Demos bounces off the ropes where he runs into a Side Walk Slam from Ozzy!

Ozzy gets back to his feet as the crowd boos intently towards the ring. He shifts his eyes towards Mini Morbid before starting to walk across the ring pointing and laughing at him hanging upside down on a pole. Demos starts to work his way back to a vertical base where he charges up behind Oswald jumping up on his back locking in a sleeper hold! Mini Morbid points and laughs at Oswald! Demos locks in the sleeper as the referee asks Ozzy to surrender but instead he locks his arms around the legs of Demos before taking several steps backwards before falling backwards smashing Demos down into the mat!

Vinnie Lane: "Big move from Big Money! That’s got the former TV Champ stunned!”

Ozzy begins to get back to his feet where he stomps away at Demos! He picks him up off the mat before shooting him towards the ropes, and as Demos bounces off the ropes he latches on to the top rope. Ozzy charges towards Demos looking to clothesline him over the top rope! Demos drops down out of the way yanking the top rope down which sends Ozzy spilling out to the floor! The crowd pops huge as Demos steps out to the ring apron where he makes his way back into a neutral corner, and as Ozzy spins around Demos runs down the apron leaping off with a rolling Senton that sends Ozzy crashing into the security barrier to a huge ovation! Demos gets back to his feet where he comes forward snatching Ozzy by the hair as he takes him towards the ring steps and bounces him face first off the steps before he starts biting Ozzy in the forehead!

Demos takes Ozzy and smashes him into the ring post!

Demos rolls into the ring where he makes his way across the ring where he starts climbing the turnbuckles up towards the hanging Mini Morbid! The crowd responds huge as Demos releases Mini Morbid and catches him in his arms. We see on the floor Ozzy is getting himself up and to his feet where he rolls back into the ring as Demos climbs down with MM in his arms where he scoops Morbid up over his shoulder and as Ozzy gets to his feet Demos fires MM like a lawn dart at Ozzy! Ozzy catches MM in the air before taking MM by the feet and swinging him at Demos like he’s a baseball bat cracking Demos with MM!

Vinnie Lane: "That’s a shot to DEEP right field! Ha! Baseball references ensure Thad Duke tunes in!”

Ozzy slams MM violently down into the mat before making a cover on Demos.




Demos kicks out of the near fall to a pop from the crowd! Ozzy cuts his eyes towards the referee before stepping back up to his feet. Ozzy makes his way over to Mini Morbid who is groggy. He picks him up off the mat and they hoists him up with a Gorilla Press Slam. Demos starts to work his way up to his feet and as he stands Ozzy looks to throw MM on top of Demos but MM thumbs Ozzy in the eye before managing to escape and free fall down to the mat. Demos drives a boot to the midsection of Ozzy before delivering a swinging neckbreaker!

Demos gets back up to his feet where Mini Morbid runs over to him. Demos uses Mini Morbid and powerbombs him down on top of Ozzy! Mini Morbid rolls to the side as Demos lands a running elbow drop before making the cover.

Vinnie Lane: "This could be it!”




Ozzy kicks out with authority! Demos is back to his feet where he and Mini Morbid start to stomp away at Ozzy. Demos reaches down picking the monster up off the mat where he takes him back into the ropes and fires him across the ring, Ozzy reverses and Demos bounces off the ropes and into a scoop up over his shoulder as he looks to plant him with a running powerslam only to have Mini Morbid hit a low blow on Ozzy!

Vinnie Lane: "Mini making his presence felt! Demos is going to win this with an assist from the Minis Champion!”

Demos slides down the back of Ozzy where he shoves him forward into a neutral corner chest and sternum first! Demos turns towards Mini Morbid who runs towards him and it’s Demos who hoists him up with a Gorilla Press position and as Ozzy spins around Demos chucks Mini Morbid at Ozzy who catches him in midair. Demos charges forward, eating a boot to the face that sends him crashing down to the mat for Ozzy to deliver a running powerslam squashing Mini Morbid between himself and Demos where he executes the cover.




Winner by Pinfall - Big Money Oswald

Vinnie Lane: "I can’t believe it! What a huge win for the Billion Dollar Man! Demos can’t believe it!”

Ozzy gets his feet where he stands tall over Demos and Mini Morbid. Demos is staring at the referee holding three fingers up in disbelief!

Vinnie Lane: "Looks like it’s back to the drawing board for Demos, and I bet there’s a PRETTY big match that Ozzy’s going to be involved with that might offer an opportunity for redemption to the man formerly known as Charlie Nickles!”

The scenery fades out and melts into the image of a crowded barroom for the show’s next segment...

[Image: gR8affl.png]

[Image: tumblr_n9qyadAt1Y1rjn473o2_500.gif]


Behind the bar whipping the wood-grain surface with a towel is none other than “Loverboy” Vinnie Lane. He flings the towel over his shoulder, snaps his finger and points at the camera,

Vinnie Lane: “Aye! I’m here too! Gotta love pre-tapes!”

An off camera studio audience laughs on que, as in walks R.L. Edgar!

Vinnie Lane: “All the juke joints in all the world, you had to walk into mine! What’ll it be, Edgar?”

Vinnie asks as R.L. smiles behind and busted lip and makes his way over to a barstool and sits.

“How about a mulligan on that Universal Championship match I just lost?”

The off-camera studio audience laughs,

Vinnie Lane: “Well, you KNOW I can’t do that, dude.”

Edgar playfully nods, rolling his eyes.

Vinnie Lane: “But hey, man! You’ve got nothing to be ashamed of... I haven’t seen Page have to work that hard to put someone away in a long time.”

”Ah, hell. Thanks, Vin.”

Vinnie Lane: “AAAYE!”

more studio audience laughter,

”Tell ya what, how bout’ one of them Summer Ales? I can at least pretend that it’s nice and warm out, even if you’ve got us booked here in the perpetual Winter of Sheboygan.” the audience laughs again,

Vinnie nods and works a glass up to the beer tap and drafts Edgar a perfectly poured brew. Just a nice layer of froth on the top spilling down the side. Just looking at it makes you want one right now. Edgar guzzles down half of the glass and holds it up to the camera.

”Half full, folks!”

Studio audience laughter,

”Listen XWF Universe, I know I might have came up just a hair short of beating Chris Page last night, but I’m going to let that stop me-”


Chris Page, with the Universal Championship over his right shoulder makes his way into the bar as RL Edgar appears to be confused by the appearance.

Vinnie Lane: “AAAAAAYE!”

Laughter still, as Vinnie finishes his Fonz impression off by bumping a jukebox with his butt. Nothing happens.

[Image: giphy.gif]

Page starts walking towards the empty barstool next to Edgar. RL scans around Page, looking to see if he’s brought any of his BOB Elite buddies with him,

”Flyin’ solo, Captain Kangaroo?

” Hold up man there is no need to look around because BOB Elite is not here tonight to attack you or make an example out of you; because clearly I did that last night on Warfare.”

Edgar tightens up and stands from his bar stool. Page holds out a hand to pause Edgar, giving him an unsure smile,

” I am also not out here to take up a lot of your time but I felt the need to come address you tonight, personally.”

”Well, you’ve got my attention, Page.”

Edgar says folding his arms,

”I am not here to fight you, I am not here to drag you through the mud; on the contrary, I am out here tonight to applaud you, Mr. Edgar. You see it is not everyday that someone is able to test me the way that you did last night. You walked into your opportunity the biggest underdog but you did not allow that to conflict with how you handled yourself last night on Warfare.”

There is a brief pause from Chris before he continues.

” Which brings me to why the fuck I am here. Under normal circumstances I would be okay with robbing you of ever being able to challenge for the Universal Championship ever again; but considering the fight you put up last night made me realize that you are not like the other fucking trolls like Corey Smith who just HAS to stick his nose in everyone’s business that is OUT SHINING him on every day that ends with a “y”. You have passion and you have ability that warrants me to retract my stipulation.”

RL is seemingly more shocked at what he is hearing as Chris continues.

” I am here tonight to hereby revoke the stipulation that you can never challenge for the Universal Championship.”

Chris takes several steps towards RL while he states.

” Do not make me regret it.”

“Hold the hell on...” Edgar says with an aggressive sounding bit, clinching

”I owe you something, Page.”

Page stops in his tracks and turns around to meet Edgar face to face.


Vinnie Lane: “AAAAYYYE?”

Studio audience laughter, as Vin holds up a pair of thumbs.

”Pour the Universal Champion a beer.”

Vinnie get’s Page a cold beer that looks exactly like the one he poured for Edgar along with a fresh one for the star patron of the bar tonight. Page looks on at Edgar who raises his glass, Page raises his as well. ”Thanks for the good match.” “Likewise” The glasses clank as the two men power their brews down.

Page nods at Edgar, and Edgar nods back as the Universal Champion sets his empty glass on the bartop and walks out.

”Half empty?” he says looking at the glass of beer from before, ”Nah. See, people in my position could find a million reasons in the world to NOT do something. Like not buy the man who defeated you a cold one. Like not pull yourself back up and prepare to go at it again.

But I look at the glass differently.

I’ve accomplished in just a few months more than I ever dreamed of, and I’ve only gotten better… even in defeat. Talk about half full, my glass has been spilling over.

But there’s one last thing RL Edgar wants to do in the XWF before it’s all said and done, and that’s to go up against the VERY best. In spite of what CCP thinks of you, Corey Smith? You’re that very best that I want to face.

I heard you challenge me to the Leap Of Faith match...

Challenge accepted.

[Image: gR8affl.png]
We cut to a scene of Demos roaming through the backstage area in a rage.The masked man is intermittently ripping hair out of his head and ripping posters off of the wall. Other members of the roster and backstage production crew stay out of the madman’s way as he tosses aside everything in his way.


Demos punches the wall with his right hand. He seems to immediately regret it as he pulls his hand back with a yelp.

Demos: SHIT!

Demos kicks the wall before briskly turning away from it and flipping over a random table. Out of the corner of the frame a woman with brightly colored hair walks into the scene. Rel Dixon looks cautiously over her shoulder before tilting her head to look at Demos.

Rel: Hey there big fella calm down, would ya? Some of us are trying to keep a low profile here!

Demos: Calm down? HOW CAN I CALM DOWN?! I just keep FAILING! Everywhere I go, on every single show, I JUST KEEP FAILING!

Rel: Woah there big man! Don’t get too down on yourself…..

Rel looks the masked man up and down before licking her lips.

Rel: I know someone else who could go down for you instead!

Demos turns away from Ariel as he places one forearm on the wall. The masked man leans against his forearm as a few pained tears stream down his cheeks.

Rel: Oh don’t be sad, sweetie! You’re too hot to be sad! You’re my favorite XWF wrestler, you know that? I hope you enter the Leap of Faith Match. I’d love to see your tushy climbing that ladder? Say….you aren’t going to make a girl’s dreams come true, are you big boy?

Rel approaches the masked man and wipes the tears off his cheeks.

Demos: Of course I am going to enter the Leap of Faith! Even if I am bound to fail time after time, I will suffer the endless walk of shame to fulfill my oath to all of mankind. The ne’erdowells and fiends can not rest easily, even on the moon! I will bring my sword down upon them if it’s the last thing I do!

Rel: Why don’t you come show me that sword you’re so proud of.

Demos: It’s a metaphorical sword...I don’t really have one.

Rel: Oh sure you do!

Rel Dixon wraps her arm around Demos’s arm as she leads him out of the frame.

Rel: wouldn’t happen to have a problem with leaving the arena through the sewers wouldya? I’m trying to keep a low profile and stay away from the 5-0.

Rel Dixon is seen leading Demos down the hall arm-in-arm as the camera cuts away.

[Image: gR8affl.png]

Thias Watts
- vs -
Maria Salvatore

Referee: Richard Wang

When we get back to the action, we see Anarchy newcomer Maria Salvatore already in the ring awaiting the next match.

Vinnie Lane: "This is going to be a battle of the Anarchy newbies, as both of these competitors won pretty handily in their debuts on the last episode of Anarchy! Maria Salvatore handled Valerie Vladivostok without breaking a sweat, and her opponent dismantled Billy “Bass” Ackwards in record time!”

Vinnie Lane: "And here comes the towering man known as Thias Watts! A man of very few words thus far in XWF, but when you’re as tall as a friggin’ building you can keep your mouth closed as much as you want, I guess…”

Thias ducks his head under the base of the AnarchoTron and steps out onto the ramp. Shirtless and wearing only black jeans and black boots, Thias scans the crowd mean-mugging everyone. He ignores the boos from the crowd and walks to the ring, reaching the top rope from the floor and pulling himself up onto the apron before stepping over the top rope.


Vinnie Lane: "And this match is underway! Salvatore doesn’t look scared of the huge man, she is running right up to him and OH MY GOD!!!”

Watts claps his hands together on either side of Maria Salvatore’s head, and she crumples to the mat, lifeless.

Vinnie Lane: "Salvatore is DOWN! And now Thias Watts has her in position… GET SLEPT! MARIA SALVATORE JUST GOT SLEPT!”

For visual reference, please see this:

[Image: 200w.gif?cid=82a1493b0xrdriaoqhfi25d609b...w.gif&ct=g]

Salvatore quivers on the mat as Watts leans down and places a single finger on her chest for a cover!




Winner by Pinfall - Thais Watts

Vinnie Lane: "Holy crap! He barely had to even try! This Thias Watts is a monster! We uh… look, we have too much time left to burn here, how about another commercial?”

[Image: gR8affl.png]
[Image: gR8affl.png]

The Disintigrators
- vs -
Terry Borden & Clint Fatwood
Bunkhouse Brawl!

Each team will have a bullrope and a coal miner's glove Anything goes! Win by submission only!

Referee: Chaz Bobo

Vinnie Lane: "Up next, a Bunkhouse Brawl between The Disintigrators take on The Dream-A-Maniacs. Each team will get a bullrope and a coal minors glove, and you can only win by submission! I can't help but wonder what kind of shape Terry Borden is going to be in after that vicious assault from Chris Page and Miss Fury last week, and Clint Flatwood, has anyone heard from him lately? One thing's for sure. If the Dream-a-maniacs aren't at 100%, The Disintigrators could easily steal this one!"

Clint Fatwood and Terry Borden emerge together in matching blue jeans and cowboy boots, and each of them has a bill bullrope with a cowbell strapped to it! Borden swings his bell overhead like a helicopter rotors while Fatwood pushes his meaty hand into a coal miner's glove, and the pair march to the ring with intensity!

Vinnie Lane: "The Dreamies look ready to rumble here tonight! I'd be terrified if I ran across these two in a honky tonk! Up next, the Disintigrators, who almost didn't make it here tonight after causing a 23 car pile up on I-90! Luckily for us, these boys know how to ride those bikes!"

Suddenly an unfamiliar theme begins blasting over the PA!

Vinnie Lane: "Wha... Who is this guy!?"

Just then, Bama T walks out onto the stage, all smiles, waving at the confused crowd before bring the mic up to his face.

Bama T. "How we doin' tonight SHEBOYGAN!!"

Surprisingly, Bama gets a nice cheap pop!


Vinnie Lane: "Hey dude, we're in the middle of a match! Get this guy outta' here!"

Bama T: "Hey listen baby, I know y'all wondering why I'm out here right now."

Vinnie Lane: "Damn right we are!"

Bama T: "What y'all don't realize is that ole Bama T goes WAAAAAY back with Dave and Johnny, yeah baby! When we broke into the business, The Disintigrators weren't just a tag team, OH NO BABY!"

Suddenly the roaring rumble of twin Harley's drown out, well everything as Dave and Johnny rev their bikes backstage! The crowd pops as The Disintigrators roll out onto the stage and pull up beside Bama. As their engines quieten to a low rumble, Bama continues.

Bama T: "We were a GOD DAMNED TRIOS OF ASS KICKING BAD MAMMA JAMMAS! And since MY BOYS knew I was around, they insisted that I add some color to the proceedings!"

"Dangerous" Dave Mustang and Johnny "Twisted" Steele begin pumping their fist and wooing!





Vinnie Lane: "Oh no... NO, NO, NO!"





Bama looks over to Lane with a grin. You notice he has an earbud in. He's been able to hear Lane the entire time!


The Disintigrators noticeably cringe. Bama takes his place at commentary and the music hits!

As Megadeth shrieks through the arena, "Dangerous" Dave Mustang and Johnny "Twisted" Steele roar down the entrance ramp on their twin Harleys. They circle the ring once and then park their bikes on either side of the ramp and strut to the ring, giving each other a massive high ten once they are on the apron together. Mustang gets in the ring first and waits for the match to start.

Terry and Clint enter the ring as both teams prepare for the match.

Vinnie Lane: "Both teams are being given their bull ropes and coalminers gloves!"

Bama T: "You ain't even gonna welcome me to the desk? That's rude baby!"

Vinnie Lane: "Ugh! I didn't invite you out here!"

As The Dream-A-Manaics discuss who's going to start first, Dave and Johnny rush their corner on the offensive!

Vinnie Lane: "Hey what the hell!?"

Dave and Johnny knock Terry over the top with a double clothesline! They then turn their attention to Fatwood and hammer away in the corner. It's impossible for him to fight back!

Bama T: "OH YEAH BABY! It feels like old times watching my boys bruise up a couple of fa-"


Bama T: "You're kidding right?"

Dave and Johnny wrap the bull rope around Fatwoods neck and toss him over the ropes, hanging him inches from the ground as Dave and Johnny both rear back on the rope. Chaz Bobo pleads with the two bad dudes to chill so this match can't start, just "Dangerous" Dave Mustang shoves him away so hard that he rolls back three full times and straight out of the ring!

Vinnie Lane: "The Disintigrators just attacked XWF Official Chaz Bobo! Not cool dudes! NOT COOL!"

Terry Borden recovers on the outside and slides into the ring with the coal miners glove firmly on his right hand. The fans pop as he sneaks up behind "Dangerous" Dave Mustang!

Bama T: "What's that no good coward think he's doing!? Nobody attacks my boys from behind baby!"

Bama tosses the headset and slides into the ring. Terry turns his attention to Bama as Bama rushes in. Meanwhile Clint Fatwood's face is turning a curious shade of blue! Bama rushes in for a football tackle, taking Terry off his feet. Terry hooks Bama's head under his left arm and wails on his back with the coalminers glove. Bama retreats, allowing Borden to recover to his feet. Terry spins "Dangerous" Dave around and clocks him with the glove!

Vinnie Lane: "Dangerous Dave Mustang is out cold after that BIG PUNCH!"

Johnny "Twisted" Steele releases the rope, dropping Fatwood to the floor where he struggles to breath. Borden winds up with a big right, but Johnny blocks it and fires back with a coalminers gloved right of his own! Terry stubbles back as Johnny pushes forward, rocking him with a second, and a third, but Terry remains on his feet in a daze! Johnny rushes in with a clothesline that FINALLY takes Borden down! Suddenly Dangerous Dave and Bama T join Johnny in looming over the grounded Real American. Terry looks on defiantly, ready for a fight despite his circumstances!

Vinnie Lane: "This has gone from a Bunkhouse Braw to a MUGGING! Oh well, welcome to ANARCHY! ENJOY THE SHOW!"

Terry pushes up from the mat, but Johnny, Dave, and Bama assault him with a flurry of heavy stomps until theirs no fight left in him! Bama garbs a mic from a ring boy or something.

Bama T: "Yeah baby! How do you like that, JACK!? Me and the boy's reconvening after all these years? That was no accident Borden! Oh no baby! You know who set this up, and she has a message for ya baby!"

Bama looks to Dave then Johnny.

Bama T: "Tell'em boys!"

Suddenly Dave and Johnny grab Terry by his feet and drag him out of the ring to the ramp! they hold him down as the roar of one of the Harleys being reved is heard. The camera cuts to Bama T on "Dangerous" Dave's bike!

Vinnie Lane: "Oh no! What is he planning?!

Bama takes off on the bike and runs it right over Borden's right knee!

Vinnie Lane: "Oh my God!"

Terry reels in pain as Dangerous Dave and Johnny Twisted are joined by Bama T. They all laugh at their handy work before Bama get's back on the mic.

Bama T: "Miss Fury wanted me to let you know that she wishes you a speedy recovery baby! She also said that you had better not ruin her main event by backing out either!"

Bama digs in his pockets and produces a large wad of cash to The Disintigrators.

Vinnie Lane: "A bribe!? Did Fury pay them off? Was Bama T even a Disintigrator or was this all an elaborate setup!?

Bama T: "Good job boys! Now, how about one for old times sake?"

Dave and Johnny nod and the three of them start wooing together!







Suddenly Dangerous Dave and Johnny Twisted haul off and unexpectedly blast Bama T in the jaw! Bama drops like a sack of potatoes and lays there out cold as the Disintigrators walk to the back counting their money and laughing.

Vinnie Lane: "Serves him right, but that doesn't excuse the assault on Clint and Terry dudes!


[Image: gR8affl.png]

(Ruby& Centurion)
- vs -
(Miss Fury & Osira Themis)

Referee: Mika Hunt

Vinnie Lane: “Up next we have a HUGE main event lined up for this evening. Centrubion, fresh off of their loss to Them No Good Bastards at MayDay, looks to bounce back here tonight on Anarchy against TNGB’s fellow BOB counterparts, Miss Fury and Osira Themis.”

Miss Fury’s music hits the speakers as she and Osira Themis make their ways to the stage. They step out under the XTron to a shower of boos from the fans. Fury laughs wildly smacking at the BoB World Championship around her waist as Themis scowls at the fan. The two make their way to the ring as they await their opponents.

Vinnie Lane: “And here comes the Anarchy Champion! ...and Centurion.”

Ruby and Cent step onto the stage, the crowd roars with approval as Ruby lifts her Anarchy Championship high into the air, the gold sparkling under the arena lights. Centrubion walk confidently to the ring.

Vinnie Lane: “Centrubion has a little swagger to their step. You would never know that they just suffered a defeat. That’s the markings of a GREAt tag team.”

Ruby hands the Anarchy Championship to official Mika Hunt, and Fury PRETENDS to hand her belt over to Mika, instead she pulls the belt away and sets it on the ring steps. Each team finds a corner and Mika calls for the bell.

Vinnie Lane: “We’re starting out here with Fury and Ruby! Talk about a rivalry. The ultimate good, and the ultimate evil set to square off right now!”

The pace starts slow, Fury and Ruby feeling one another out, each taking missing, yet light swipes at one another with their legs. Finally the two lock horns. Fury has a slight strength advantage and pulls Ruby into a headlock. But Ruby is slick. As Fury pulls the two of them into the ropes to put Ruby down with a running bulldog, the banana and lime super hero pushes Fury away, sending her running across the ring. Fury rebounds and comes flying at Ruby. She leaps and grabs the arm, taking Ruby down with an impressive tilt-a-whirl armdrag. Fury keeps a hold of the arm as Ruby hits the mat. Fury stands, planting her feet and wrenches the arm in the wrong direction. Ruby winces and slaps at the arm trying to stand up, but Fury twists tighter.

But Ruby is resilient, she finds a base in spite of the painful hold. Fury goes to kick Ruby’s legs out, but Ruby leaps over her leg. The shift costs Fury some leverage, she tries for a roundhouse, but Ruby ducks, the shift again giving Ruby an advantage as she front flips out of the arm wrench. She lands to her feet. Fury goes to tuck Ruby’s head and plant her with a DDT, but Ruby counters, she shakes away Fury and cracks her in the head with a Pele kick. Osira screams out in anger from her corner as a toothy Centurion applauds.

Ruby covers



Easy kick out by Fury.

Sensing the BoB World Champ getting to her feet quickly, Ruby hits the ropes, she leaps just as Fury stands and connects with a hurricanrana. Ruby flips Fury over but lands near BoB’s corner. As she stands, Osira grabs Ruby’s hair from behind, this gives Fury enough time to charge at Ruby. Osira releases the hair and pushes Ruby into Fury.

Vinnie Lane: “OH! That looked like Kenzi’s shotgun dropkick!”

Ruby’s head whips into the turnbuckle pads and Fury mounts her, punchinging her over and over in the face as Ruby desperately tries to cover up. Fury stands and tags Osira, who comes in and simply replaces Fury with the mounted punches. Throwing shots even stronger, even wilder, and connecting through Ruby’s blocks. Osira lifts Ruby and leans her into the corner… and not spotted by Mika Hunt, Miss Fury has grabbed Ruby’s arms! Rendering her defenseless!


Osira screams and begins chopping Ruby over and over on her chest, swinging wildly and smacking with a hellacious sting. Fury lets go of Ruby before Hunt notices and the hero falls right into Osira’s arms. Osira grabs Ruby’s head and SNAPMARES her forward. Ruby sits on her rear as Osira connects with a mean kick to the lower back. Before Ruby even has a chance to absorb that pain from that shot, Osira cracks her in the back of the head with a running knee. She picks Ruby up from the mat and throws her to the ropes.

OH! On the rebound Osira smashes into Ruby’s face with a devastating running forearm, and now she’s mounting Ruby and beating her face in again!

Vinnie Lane: “This is getting ugly!”

Osira drops down on Ruby and locks in an anaconda vise! She has it fully locked in causing Ruby to scream out in pain.

Vinnie Lane: “This is the same move that put Commissioner Lacklan OUT of commission when Lord Raab used it! Maybe I should ban that move.”

Ruby fights and pulls from her back. She sends her free arm crushing into Osira’s ribs. Ruby cracks Osira over and over as the fans roar helps energize her. Osria cranks Ruby’s harm harder, but before she can capitalize, Ruby sends an absolute haymaker into Osira’s ribs again, causing her to break the hold as she topples in pain gasping for air. Ruby crawls on Osira for the pin.



NO!!! Osira kicks out. Both women are down.

Ruby’s left arm has been damaged badly, first by Fury, and now that wicked anaconda vise by Osira. She shuffles up on her knees and across the ring clutching her arm as she sees Centurion desperately pleading for a tag. Ruby gets to her feet and leaps with her right hand tagging her faithful partner.

Cent hits the ring with fire to a wild scream from the crowd. Osira is almost to Fury! BUT CENT BREAKS THE TAG! He laughs and shakes his head at Osira as he grabs her leg pulling her back. He leaps and sends his knee smashing into the low of her back. Fury sensing danger for her partner hits the ring and goes for a short arm clothesline, but Centurion easily ducks. He grabs Fury from behind and drops her with an impressive saito suplex. Fury rolls under the ropes to the floor as Cent turns his attention back to Osira.

He yanks her up to her feet, goes to irish whip her, but pulls her back into a clothesline. Osira hits the mat, and Cent hits the ropes, timing Osira to get back to her feet. As she does he connects with a Bloody Symphony. Osira hits the deck.

Cent covers!



NO!!! Osira just barely escapes.

Vinnie Lane: “A stunning kick out there by Osira, but Centurion is still in full control of this match!”

Centurion already has Osira pinned into a corner, smashing her in the ribs with repeated shoulder blocks. Osira falls to her rear and Cent capitalizes. He takes off running to the opposite corner, he’s going to smash Osira in the face with a running knee.




Centurion connects his heel right into the jaw of Fury who flies from the apron. But now Osira has recovered! She grabs Centurion from behind for the Discord Driver! But Centurion flips backwards and lands on his feet!


Centurion covers!




A kick to the back of the head flattens Centurion and breaks the pin. Fury lifts Osira up, smacking her around a little trying to get her conscious. She pulls her back toward their corner and steps out onto the ropes. Osira snaps to and tags Fury in the ring.

Fury is on Centurion like the white on his smile. She dives on his back, sending an elbow, a knee, followed by more punches to the back of the head. She puts her hands on the mat, lifts her legs to a vertical base and swings her knees down, planting Centurion in the back of the head. She does it one more time for good measure.

Fury rolls Cent over for the cover




Centurion somehow gets an arm up. Fury lifts Cent she wraps around his waist for a belly to back suplex. But Centurion swings an elbow at Fury’s skull.



Centurion drops to the mat!




Fury screams at Mika Hunt pointing a finger in her face, but meanwhile, Centurion is dragging his way across the ring to a fresh Ruby. Cent goes for the tag! But Fury drags him by the leg, just as he did Osira. But Cent spins around and kicks Fury off. He stands as she rolls back and charges. But Cent lands a standing dropkick to the face. He gets back up, Fury is down, he turns and tags Ruby.

She hits the ring to a thunderous applause. She runs toward the ropes, Fury is up chasing, but but jumps on the middle rope, turns and springboards off with a dropkick that connects. Ruby is up running across the ring again, Fury stands again, a dropsault connects from Ruby! She turns and sees Osira getting in the ring, but rushes her too!


Vinnie Lane: “My goodness! Ruby is setting the world on fire tonight!”

Still favoring her left arm, Ruby gets to her quickly and sets her sight back on a wobbly Miss Fury. Ruby hits the ring and charges! A flying cross body! She turns the landing into a pinfall and covers Miss Fury.



Miss Fury counters and rolls on top of Ruby. A stiff elbow to the temple! Ruby grimaces but punches back even harder catching Fury on the bridge of her nose. Fury turns clutching her face as Ruby stands. Ruby goes for another attack but Fury turns back to face her and spits a horrible looking red mist all over Ruby’s face. She shrieks as the mist burns her eyes.


A blinded Ruby grabs Fury’s arm and plants her with a Ruby Cutter!

Vinnie Lane: “Miss Fury was not expecting that!”





Both crawl back towards their corners. Fury tags Osira. SOMEHOW, Ruby finds Cent. Themis and Centurion charge one another again!


Osira smashes the forearm into Cent’s mouth and starts wailing on him.

Vinnie Lane: “WOW! Osira seems even angrier than usual!”

Cent looks to be out cold from the barrage of punches. Osira covers him!



NO!!! Centurion kicks out. Osira grabs his leg and drags him to the corner. She pulls him up by the arm and shoves him, chest first into the turnbuckle. A punch to the head and Osira lifts Cent up to the top rope. She grabs his waist.



Cent turns and counters! Grabbing Osira and lifting her!


Both Cent and Osira thrash to the mat, but Osira rolls right into Mika Hunt, knocking her down and through the ropes where she takes a nasty spill to the floor! The fans start beating on their bleacher seats. The stadium is going absolutely nuts! Cent struggles to his feet, that move took up most of his stamina. He’s getting older, folks. He wobbles over to Osira.




Fury’s face goes white.

1000 Mile Slam to Fury!



All four competitors lay gassed and beaten down in the ring just as Mika Hunt begins to get to her feet on the outside.

Hunt slides in just in time to see Ruby drape an arm over Themis!




Winners by Pinfall - CENTRUBION

As soon as the bell rang, Miss Fury, true to her word, instigated another attack.

Vinnie Lane: ”Oh come on dude, AGAIN? You just had a match with her! Let me tell you what this ain’t! TUBULAR!”

Ruby was still a groggy mess after their hard-fought contest. Miss Fury retrieved a kendo stick from underneath the ring, and stalked the Anarchy Champion from behind. Centurion was just as out of it as his life and co-operative partner and the leader of the B.O.B. was going to take full advantage.

Vinnie Lane: ”The Champ’s in trouble, again. And with Centurion still recovering himself, he’s not there to save her this time!”

Miss Fury held the kendo stick like a baseball bat, ready to smack Ruby in the back of the head. As the banana-lime blur slowly got back to her feet, the crowd roared, warning her of the impending attack. Fury let loose…

Vinnie Lane: ”SWING AND A MISS!”

Through instinct, and experience, Ruby rolled to the side, as if her Ruby-sense was activated. She turned around, right on time to see Fury unleashing another swing at her, bound directly for her face! But the Super Dear’O grabbed Fury by the wrists, blocking the strike, and put the heel of her boot on Fury’s kneecap. The B.O.B. leader yelped as her knee got brutally hyperextended and from there it was easy to wrest the kendo stick from her grasp.

Vinnie Lane: ”Well, flip! As Ruby would say! You go, girl!”

Osira noticed what was happening and tried to intervene, but as the Themis sister tried to tackle Ruby to the ground, she got a kendo stick smack across the face, leaving a red streak across her cheek.

Vinnie Lane: ”Comeuppance! Don’t worry, Osira, you’re still hot! Errr, is what I think the mainstream media will be saying tomorrow…”

With Osira dispatched, Ruby looked down at Miss Fury and lifted the kendo stick high into the air, ready to strike down on a defenseless adversary…

But as the weapon reached its apex, and the whole crowd was holding its breath in anticipation, Ruby sighed. She planted her foot on Miss Fury’s chest and gave her such a forceful push that the B.O.B. leader got blasted backwards, sliding underneath the bottom rope and landing on the floor. Osira hurried over and started dragging Miss Fury away.

Vinnie Lane: ”Whoa! She had Miss Fury dead to rights! She could’ve whipped the skin off her face if she wanted!”

Ruby asked for a microphone, and one the ring crew tossed on to her. She snagged it out of the air with her free hand, while Centurion finally made his way back into the ring. He looked at Ruby and at Miss Fury. There seemed to be a look of disappointment in his eyes.

Vinnie Lane: ”Something tells me that if Centurion had this kind of opportunity, Miss Fury’s entrails would now be having from the rafters! Or something like that, I don’t know, dude. This is Anarchy, anything can happen!”

Ruby: “Miss Fury, I won’t sink to your level. I never have, and I never will. You may enjoy beating down on the helpless and defenseless, but that’s not the way to win a war. Tonight, I had you dead to rights, but I saw the look in your eyes. They were crying for mercy. Some may argue you don’t deserve any, but you’ve shown me your true colors. You’re a coward. And you’re not worth the splinters of the beating I could’ve given you. Tonight will always be remembered as the day that the Super Dear’O granted you mercy. Remember it. Because everybody else will.”

Vinnie Lane: ”Rubimus the Merciful!”

As the B.O.B. retreated, Centrubion stood in the center of the ring, the last duo standing.

Miss Fury gestures to the back and Atara Themis emerges with a microphone. She hands the stick to Fury, who breathes deeply into it and shouts.

Miss Fury: “NO! NONONONONO!!! Vinnie Lane! Forget your stupid dumb stipulation! Atara, bring that VHA tape out to the boys in the truck and make sure EVERYONE sees the TRUTH about their hero Mister Loverboy!”

Fury shakes with anger as Atara turns to leave with the tape in her hand. Vinnie Lane stands up with his mic again, his face gone ashen.

Vinnie Lane: ”WAIT! Fury, come on! You can’t do this dude! I gave you your chance and you came up short! Fair is fair!”

Fury cackles, and she spins on Vinnie with a sharp finger pointed directly at him.

Miss Fury: “FAIR!? Did you forget who you were talking to, LOVERboy!? We are the BADDIES, and we don’t PLAY FAIR! Atara, go!”

Vinnie Lane: ”No wait! Please! Uh… hold on… you know what? Screw it! Some things are bigger than wrestling matches! I’m REVERSING the referee’s decision, using my authority as XWF owner and Anarchy Chief Executive! You guys win! Fury, you won!”

NEW Winners by Official Reversal - Miss Fury & Osira Themis

In the ring, Ruby and Centurion are baffled. They look out over at Vinnie and plead with him, asking what’s going on.

Vinnie Lane: “I’m sorry guys… seriously… I had no choice! Miss Fury, you’ll be facing Ruby at Leap of Faith for the Anarchy Championship! And it’s going to be a LUMBERJACK MATCH!”

Miss Fury and the rest of BOB celebrate as the camera zeroes in on Cent and Ruby, who look extremely disappointed and let down by their boss. Vinnie Lane appears completely crestfallen as well, as he hangs his head in shame to close the show…


Osira and Miss Fury attack from behind knocking Centurion out to the floor where BIG PUDDIN’ makes his way down with a pair of handcuffs! He cuffs Centurion to the bottom rope while Miss Fury and Osira stomp away at Ruby! Big Puddin rolls into the ring as Miss Fury directs traffic. Kiss bounces off the ropes where he lands a massive body splash on to Ruby!

The crowd boos intently as Centurion tries to free himself but that is a pipe dream.

Miss Fury calls for a second splash on to Ruby as trash starts to be hurled towards the ring. Big Puddin’ gets back to his feet with a huge smile on his face as Ruby lays prone on the mat.

THE ROOF EXPLODES as Terry Borden emerges out to the top of the ramp!

[Image: Entrance%2B2.gif]

Miss Fury dispatches Big Puddin’ who rolls out to the floor and starts to make his way up the ramp as Borden tosses the red and yellow boas from around his neck blocking a right hand! He nails Kiss with a right, followed by a second and then a third rocking him backwards towards ringside! Borden comes forward raking him across the eyes before scooping him up and slamming him down on to the floor!

Terry climbs up on the ring apron where he points over the top rope at Miss Fury! Borden steps through the ropes as Themis charges towards Borden who ducks her clothesline attempt sending Osira bouncing off the ropes and into the BIG BOOT OF DOOM that sends her spilling out to the floor! Borden turns his attention around towards Miss Fury!

[Image: giphy-3.gif]

Miss Fury charges forward swinging with a right hand! Borden blocks, he nails her with a right and then a second, followed by a third before backing her up against the ropes and flinging her across the ring! Miss Fury bounces off the ropes and into the BIG BOOT OF DOOM! Borden bounces off the near side and drops the ATOMIC LEG DROP OF DEATH across the throat of Miss Fury!

Miss Fury rolls out of the ring to the floor where she is picked up by Big Puddin’ and Osira Themis. Terry Borden picks up the bWo World Heavyweight Championship and hoists it up in the air for all to see to a roaring ovation from the crowd! He takes the belt and tosses it over the top rope and the to the feet of Miss Fury before turning his attention to Ruby who is still motionless on the mat.

Borden cuts his eyes at Miss Fury who is being helped to the back, and Anarchy fades from the air!

Miss Fury
RL Edgar
Chris Page
Ghost Tank
Encyclopedia Brittanica

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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[-] The following 11 users Like "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post:
ALIAS (05-08-2021), Charlie Nickles (05-07-2021), Chris Page (05-08-2021), John_Black (05-07-2021), Lycana (05-07-2021), Marf (05-07-2021), Miss Fury (05-07-2021), Mr. Oz (05-07-2021), R.L. Edgar (05-07-2021), Thaddeus Duke (05-07-2021), Thunder Knuckles™ (05-07-2021)
[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post!
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A No Good Bastard

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

05-07-2021, 05:50 PM

MAY-HEM, B. O. B.! MAY-HEM, B. O. B.! MAY-HEM, B. O. B.! MAY-HEM, B. O. B.!

[Image: newtngb.png?ex=661f68da&is=660cf3da&hm=6...9be1b4b4b&]
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[-] The following 2 users Like Thunder Knuckles™'s post:
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Charlie Nickles Online
TITLE - The TV Champion

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

05-07-2021, 06:18 PM

What. A . Show.

Ozzy- great shit. Keep that up man that promo was an absolute banger, i look forward to reading your leap of faith stuff!

vinnie- stop autoplaying music lol that's the worst.

that main event was wicked, loved the finish

[Image: Jdsm6ZU.png]
Reigning, Defending, Bloodletting
[Image: jtHw5j1.png]
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XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

05-07-2021, 06:23 PM

(05-07-2021, 05:50 PM)Thunder Knuckles™ Said:
MAY-HEM, B. O. B.! MAY-HEM, B. O. B.! MAY-HEM, B. O. B.! MAY-HEM, B. O. B.!

Oswald grins as hears TK chant


Oswald chuckles as he gets ready after showering, servants hurrying to put his clothes on. Once he stands fully, he fixes his tie before looking into the camera

"I told you, Charles, didn't I? I told you that I was going to win. Ramesses is my soul, and because you wanted him so badly, I'm going to put him to work.

I am the God of Fates and Destruction. I put myself on that faithful path to win and what happened? It came to fruition. Come back if you ever want to have me sending you empty-handed with tail tucked between your legs.

Join BOB.

Become great again.

I will guide you towards winning again. Maybe you'll regain the T.V. title. Maybe you won't. Maybe you'll get bigger titles once Page decides to be tired of the Universal Championship All depends on what you choose.

Will you join BOB? Or will you keep on the path of failure?

This is your last and only chance to heed my words.

As for the rest of you, I will see you at Leap of Faith."

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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[-] The following 4 users Like Mr. Oz's post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (05-07-2021), ALIAS (05-08-2021), Miss Fury (05-07-2021), Thunder Knuckles™ (05-07-2021)
Thias Watts Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

05-07-2021, 06:41 PM

LITTLE Money...

Ready to get SLEPT?!

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[-] The following 1 user Likes Thias Watts's post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (05-07-2021)
Miss Fury Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

05-07-2021, 06:51 PM

Holy shit! This show was an overbooked mess!


Good job everyone!

[Image: 1invQS6.jpg]
[Image: BOBClub.png]
#JoinBOB #JoinbWo
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[-] The following 3 users Like Miss Fury's post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (05-07-2021), Charlie Nickles (05-07-2021), Mr. Oz (05-08-2021)

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