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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Origins: Chapter Thirteen
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Chris Page Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

04-26-2021, 01:28 PM


Leaving Three Stages of Hell with the Television Championship was always a part of my plan. Pulling down the Canadian Title before the Television Championship while allowing them time to expire was a part of my plan. The entire goddamn match was put into place to accomplish the goal that I wanted it to in making the stock of Thunder Knuckles rise a few points by just hanging in the ring with me on the go-home show to Leap of Faith. I am pretty sure he was pissed I took off with his belt but it was needed to push things to a different level.

In the months since Cataclysm came together and I infiltrated Robert’s mind with the notions of the company using and abusing him, he had a hard-on to get Theo Pryce and Vincent Lane in the ring. Months upon months of challenges going unanswered by the figureheads of this company; namely Theo, yet he was not busy enough to squeeze in a Chris Chaos program because we all know how entertaining that shit turned out to be. Stealing the Television Championship was intended to get that attention, and just the response from Theo alone was enough to make it a success.

[quote='CCP' pid='157241' dateline='1594574480']
So I noticed on last night's edition of Saturday Night Savage that you did that totally original thing where you steal the title belt to hold it hostage. And I get that's your thing since you did it against Robert Main too but if you could I don't know, opt for something new and original instead that would be just peachy. In the meantime, you have until the beginning of the first match of Leap of Faith to return the title to its rightful owner, or a member of management or consider yourself removed from the Leap of Faith match.

Cool story.

I already knew what my actions were going to be before Leap of Faith came around. Robert was pushing me to return the title and compete in the Rafter’s Match and secure a briefcase because it was a foregone conclusion that not only were we leaving Leap of Faith with another successful tag title defense but that Robert would be leaving with the Xtreme Championship as well. In Robert’s mind, five title defenses are all he needed to control his destiny again and he desperately wanted me to have my case so that I may look out for his best interests.

My mind had other plans altogether.

Leap of Faith was not just about me or Robert… it was about Thunder Knuckles as well.

[Image: kki3O2v.png]




THEO PRYCE: I take it you’re here to be a man of your word and turn over the Television Championship.

CHRIS PAGE: You know something Theo… for almost nine months Robert and I have been calling your name and you’ve tuned us out as if you can’t hear us; not only have we called you out we’ve called out your boy Vinnie as well…

THEO PRYCE: Maybe if you got to the point instead of boring me with this lame preamble I'd have time to answer your challenges, but here we are. Now I don’t have all day… Are you returning the title or aren’t you?

CHRIS PAGE: You know what, fuck your Leap of Faith Match and fuck you too! If Thunder Knuckles or Thaddeus Duke want this title they can come to find me on Savage.

THEO PRYCE: Then you leave me with no choice to remove you from the Leap of Faith Rafters match.”

CHRIS PAGE: Actually I think I removed myself, dumbass.

[white]Walking away from Theo with a smirk on my face knowing what I had just done was more than empowering, but what made it more enjoyable was the conversation with Robert once we reached our locker room.

Chris and Robert entered their dressing room; Chris with the TV Title in one hand and the tag title in the other. Robert closes the door as he enters before popping off at the mouth.

” Dude, what the fuck was that? You were supposed to give him the belt and go on to win Leap of Faith, and you cast that aside for the TV Title?”

With my back to Robert all I can do is giggle under my breath before getting all straight-faced before turning around facing my partner.

” I am not going to stand here and let him talk down to me. That little prick better is glad that he is one of the ones that sign the checks or I would have slit his throat where he stood. I know that you wanted me to grab that Leap Of Faith case while you work on chasing down the Xtreme Title case but I am not the man to allow anyone to think that one thing is MORE important than the game I am running…”

Opps... I realized when I said it that the wording was horribly off-kilt and Robert’s ears went up so fast I had to make a recovery.

” This has always been about YOU getting back to the top under your circumstances while my role has always been to help facilitate that while WE overshadow the XWF as a whole. I do not need a briefcase to hold up my end.”

” I just wish you would have told me you had no intention of turning the belt over, that is all I am saying.”

” Wait for a second brother; I did not know that I have to run every decision I make for me by you because the last time I checked I was my own person. Do not think for one single second that I owe you any explanation. I had every intention of giving him that fucking belt until he thought it was a great idea to be a snarky cunt. Theo, much like the rest of the federation seems to think that I need to be involved, I do not. I can easily sit back and watch the shit show with some fresh popcorn and a refreshing soda while being just as content.”

Robert stands with his hands on his hips looking over at Chris as he continues.

” What we should be talking about is not what decisions I choose to make but more like Theo is the same cocksucker that played his part in approving the cash in that ROBBED you of that longest reigning Universal Title run that kept the Engineer’s name above yours is the same little shit that is going to be officiating our tag title match tonight. They have already fucked you once and this would be a great opportunity for them to do it again.”

Robert drops his hands to his side and walks past Chris without saying a word and heads towards the bathroom in the locker room. He closes the door behind him as Chris takes a look over at a catering table which has a white table skirt with a small silver trough with ice and bottles of water. Chris hears the faucet in the bathroom turn on.

He heads towards his travel bag where he unzips a side compartment where he pulls out a small mason jar with a lid secured tight. There is a clear liquid in the jar as Page makes his way towards the bottles of water. Chris quickly takes one and opens it, pours one-quarter of it before opening the mason jar and filling it back up. Chris does this with quickness as he secures the water bottle and shakes it up before placing the lid back on the mason jar and tucks it away into his travel bag.

Chris walks back over towards the table as he hears the water in the bathroom turn off.

Chris snatches the bottle of water off the table, shakes it one more time before Robert emerges out of the bathroom. Chris turns around facing Robert as he pretends to crack open the seal on the bottle before closing it back while tossing it across the room for Robert to catch. Chris turns around pulling a second bottle out of the ice. He turns and opens it before taking a drink.

” Listen man I am not trying to create any waves here and I know that you and I are not going to agree on every little thing. What you do not need to worry about is me not holding up my ends to accomplish what we have set out to accomplish. Tonight we need to focus on two things; retaining the titles and you procuring the Xtreme Championship.”

Robert twists off the top of his bottle and takes a huge gulp before twisting the lid back on the bottle and setting it back on a round table near the bench that sits in front of a set of empty lockers.

” I know I got a little bent and that is not helping either of us at this moment. I really wanted us both to get cases.”

Of course he did! If we both had cases then Robert got what Robert wanted which is exactly what has happened for the better part of a year by the time Leap of Faith 2020 rolled around. Seeing him get upset over my actions was enough for me to quietly jump for joy because there is nothing more satisfying than seeing him get bent over plans not going according to his plan.

” What better way to continue to solidify us as the marquee attractions than by winning it all as we go?”

” There is also such a thing as being greedy. Collectively Cataclysm has no been beaten in over eight months. We dominated War Games, won it. We have consistently brought the goddamn thunder every time we have been in the ring. Let us not forget embarrassing Shawn Warstein by trouncing him in the Captain’s match and War Games itself to me pinning him in thirty fucking seconds. I think it is pretty safe to say that we have taken everything thus far we have set out to.”

” I know, I know… fuck you for being a voice of reason.”

” I am not a voice of reason, I am just keeping it real. I do not see where telling Theo to fuck off is going to change the sheer dominance we bring to the table.”

” You are right.”

” Let’s prep for Gilly and Chaos so we can toss them to the curb and you can dismantle Carnes and Wrestler 82. It is not like this is going to be hard by any means.”

” What are you going to do with the TV Title?”

” Oh I have some plans, I assure you.”

Not only do I have plans with the TV Title I will be making those plans a reality based on what transpires between Thaddeus and Thunder Knuckles later on in the evening. It is very safe to say that I have an eye on the end result, that is for sure.”


[quote='James Raven' pid='157616' dateline='1595860679']


Robert Main & Chris Page
- vs -
Chris Chaos & Peter Gilmour

Standard Tag Match
w/ Theo Pryce as Guest Referee!

Gilmour starts to get back to his feet while out on the floor Page is shown climbing back up on the ring apron near his corner. Gilmour reaches down picking Main up off the mat where he hammers him with a hard right hand sending Main back into the ropes. Gilmour comes forward as Page makes the blind tag, Gilmour looks for an Irish Whip that’s reversed by Main, and it's Gilmour that’s sent bouncing off the ropes and into a SHATTER MACHINE from Cataclysm! Page rolls Gilmour over making the cover.





Robert and Page get back to their feet before demanding Theo raise their arms in the air. Theo, as the referee raises the arms of both Page and Robert before awarding them the XWF Tag Team Championship. Page and Main start mouthing off at Theo as they hoist the Tag Titles up over their heads. Theo removes himself from the situation by exiting the ring and making his way back up the ramp.

We all knew what was going to happen there so a win was not a huge secrete or even remotely a shock. I mean it is a match against Gilmour for fucks sake. When was the last time that guy was anything more than a joke? Chris Chaos has been owned by Robert Main every time they stood across the ring from each other.

What made this fun was the few moments I had with Theo after the match before he walked away like a skirt.

The first phase has been completed for Leap of Faith. Immediately following the successful Tag Title defense I got back to the locker room as quick as I could.

” What is the goddamn hurry?”

Robert asks as they enter the locker room where Chris walks over towards the oval table where a television remote is laying in the center of the table. Chris takes the remote and clicks it towards the television mounted on the wall of the locker room where we see.


[Image: 8K9Z08s.png]

Thunder Knuckles
- vs -
Thaddeus Duke


” Let’s just say I have a vested interest in how this one pans out.

Essentially Robert rolls his eyes as he shakes his head before going back towards his bottle of water that is still sitting on the table half drank. He opens the twist cap and kills the bottle before crushing it and tossing it in the trash can while Chris looks on watching the Television Title match play out.

” Do not tell me that you actually care about this freaking match?!”

Of course I care about this match, well maybe not the match itself because Thaddeus tends to be on the boring side of the equation. My interests lay in how Thunder Knuckles bounces back after going thirty-plus minutes with me two weeks prior.

” I told you I have an interest in this, just leave it at that. Don’t you got an Xtreme Title match to prep for?”

” Yeah, actually it is next so I will leave you to this.”

” Go get that strap.”

Robert and Chris fist bump before Robert exits the locker room followed by Chris Page.

” I thought you were watching that shit pan out?”

” Change in plans.”

TK can finally shove Von Bonn off the apron. Childs rolls out of the ring. TK turns around.


Duke hits him across the midsection. TK doubles over.






Duke is wearing Knuckles out with the leather strap.

The ref comes to. He sees Duke whacking Knuckles.

He calls for the bell.




PC: The ref sees TK being strapped here, but he didn't see how he got it!! This should be a DQ!!!!!!!'

Duke stops hitting TK as the announcement is made throughout the Tokyo Dome.


Thaddeus shifts his attention towards the top of the ramp as CHRIS PAGE emerges out to the top of the ramp as he is followed out by Robert Main. Both Page and Main have their Tag Title over their right shoulders while Chris has the XWF Television Championship slung over his left shoulder. Cataclysm stands at the top of the ramp as Chris has a microphone in hand.

CHRIS PAGE: Allow me to welcome you back to XWF Pay-Per-View Mr. Duke.

Chris pauses for a brief second before he continues.

CHRIS PAGE: And while beating Thunder Knuckles isn’t an impressive task you beat him for something that didn’t belong to him, it belongs to me.

Chris lifts the Television Championship off his left shoulder and hoists it up in the air as he continues.

CHRIS PAGE: If this is something you want Mr. Duke, you can find me on Savage… I’ll be the guy standing over your body holding up this very Championship.

Chris lowers the Television Championship as he drops the microphone before he and Robert walk back through the curtain.

With Robert turning right back around to compete for the Xtreme Championship I returned to our locker room alone. I took this time to go ahead and get myself a shower and pull myself together. I changed clothes and walked out of the bathroom where I hear the Xtreme Title match still ongoing but when I walk out into the locker room itself there stands…

[Image: Britt-Baker-Interview-e1580676094379.jpg]

Sheer shock is etched on Chris’s face as he sees Jessica sitting at the oval table watching the Robert Main vs Wrestler 82 vs Hanari Carnes Triple Threat Xtreme Championship match.

” Scared the shit out of me!”

Jessica gets up out of her chair as Chris walks over tossing his ring gear in his travel bag. Chris turns around taking a seat on the bench that runs in front of the set of lockers.

Jesscia: I hope was scared in a good way.

” It is never a bad way when YOU surprise me, I assure you.”

Chris gets up where he and Jessica share a hug followed by Chris kissing her on the cheek before drawing away.

” Talk to me about Anarchy.”

Jessica: I am getting closer and closer to getting my hands on the Anarchy Championship. All the lessons you have been giving me along the way are really paying off. I do not feel near as shaky when I am in the ring. It seems like everything is coming together more fluidly.”

Jessica had taken the direction I have given her when we have been training to heart. She had shed the Miss Direction skin after effectively setting Vita up for that role and seamlessly transitioned into Miss Fury while building BOB in the process. It brings a smile to my face being able to take someone like her under my wing and show her how to play the mental game which at times vastly outweighs the physical game.

” Are you feeling close to ready to tackle Ruby? An Anarchy Title reign would look great on the resume on our way to revealing the master plan.”

Jessica: I am feeling more and more confident with every day that passes. I figure within another month or so I will be ready to make that challenge knowing that I will be prepared to take that Anarchy Title off her hands. What’s going on with Robert? Are we closer with him?”

” Robert has no freaking clue which way is up after tonight. I wish you could have seen him when I refused to give Theo the TV Title. He looked like he wanted to cry, it was fucking priceless. The only thing I am waiting for when it comes to Robert is a team to take away the Tag Titles, but that seems pretty nonexistent as it stands now.”

Both Chris and Jessica shift their attention towards the Television as Robert Main has this match for the Xtreme Championship in firm control.

” Robert needs to go ahead and put this one to bed so he can start his track to five defenses.”

Jessica: He wants that case, doesn’t he?

” Of course he does! He wants to be able to dictate his destiny so he can have that card up his sleeve. He wanted me winning the Rafter’s Match tonight to get me a case and in his eyes, we would control the narrative of the Universal Title scene on top of the Tag, Xtreme, and Television divisions. What a fucking glory-hungry prick.”

Unlike Robert I do not have to control all the divisions to be the focal point. Robert has always been a control freak, if you allow him to think he is in control he will start to crumble the moment a monkey wrench is thrown into the mix.

” Once Robert wins this he will be content for a minute; what you need to do now is really work on Thunder Knuckles since he has now lost the Television Championship. Naturally, you know where I am going with this? I am going to give it back to Thaddeus under the provisions that I get the first shot. Let’s be fair, Duke is good but he is not Chris Page. If you need to dangle the carrot of the Television Championship over his head to get him on board then do it!”

Jessica: What makes you think he is even going to be interested in the TV Title again?”

There’s a sly smirk from Chris as he cuts his eyes towards Jessica.

” Championships equals X-Bux and Thunder Knuckles is a whore for X-Bux.”

Chris shifts his eyes back towards the television as Robert Main pulls down the Xtreme Championship winning the XWF Xtreme Championship to a smirk from Chris Page.

” Things could not be coming together any better.”

Chris turns towards Jessica.

” You better bounce. Go see Thunder Knuckles.”

Chris steps over hugging Jessica before the two lock eyes bringing a smile to Jessica’s face. Chris starts to lean forward but pulls himself back…



I did not even have to wait forty-eight hours! GOOD JOB R.L. Edgar for being the best loser out of the bunch that I have squared up against thus far amidst my Universal Championship reign. Thus far we have already taken a look at you in general, we’ve taken a look at your last match seeing you fall victim to a dreaded counter to the deadly inside cradle. If that is not good enough let us now take a look at how you have killed yourself off losing the Hart Title at March Madness, and if that was not bad enough you parlayed it with another loss a mere two weeks later in a return match. Why make excuses for your losses and just own them as you did with Peter Gilmour? I would have more respect for you as a talent if you did that as opposed to blaming Ned Kaye for outsmarting you using DEAN GODDAMN ROSE!

Talk about a fucking turd nugget and yet you have done nothing to avenge it, so that tells me you are okay with being made to look like a fool which is great music to my ears especially when I sifted through that ten pounds of shit in a five-pound bag that you called trash talk. I’ll get to that shortly, I promise you that but before I do I do not want to lose track of where I am going when it comes to your recent failures because there are so many to point out along the way. You walked back into the XWF and skyrocketed to the top of Wednesday Night’s by staking claim to the Hart Title. How many title defenses did you have successfully?


One and fucking done! HAHAHA! Talk about trendsetting!

Fits the mold as an underclassman within the XWF for sure before you got made to look like a joke the last six goddamn weeks! Loss after loss after loss mounts and mounts for a guy that came back and went on a little hot streak to get himself to the title, am I right? You see Mr. Edgar, what happens with guys like you who coast back through the revolving doors and taste the slimmest of success you start to buy into your own hype when you are dealing with those upper mid-card talents; and in case you are not familiar that consists of dealing with anyone in the Hart Division homie. I will be the first to admit that I had my eye on you as someone who MIGHT be able to pose me some sort of threat until you pulled a Demos and lost all of your credibility just a quickly as you garnered it in my eyes. So, the million-dollar question now revolves around if I think you are a worthy adversary? Absolutely not. Sidebar- anyone else finds humor in a member of the Waters clan showing up in R.L.’s first promo released against me? No? Me neither considering I have already called that shot before it happened. Way to fall into the trap face fucking first like a stupid cunt cake.

More on that when the time calls for it, we are not there yet.

Hey, how come there has not been any follow-up with Betsy Granger? Did you guys just off and forget that she approached you claiming that you can be some sort of hero? It would not surprise me if she abandoned that notion looking at how pathetic you have been over the more recent past. Personally, it is just another thing that draws a smirk when I sit back and see just how desperate the federation is, in general, to surround themselves with numbers just to TRY to compete with BOB Elite. It is a sight to behold for sure, and just for the record if you linked up with RMI or Betsy for that matter you would be that fourth-string player that you are now. Nothing changes. Now, this is what I have been waiting for. That one moment to start cramming your words down your throat until you choke on them for the things you have said in your opening piece of business is on some Demos Level of stupidity. Before we get started let me first preface all of this with one simple statement. You have done this to yourself.

The question, why would you go out of your way to air footage of you losing to Gilmour? Did you seriously think I would be stupid enough to jump on that train when that chode is not even here and has not been here for nearly five long months? I mean I get the logic behind showing how far you come from that lowest of lows, and I admit a loss to Gilmour does not get you any lower in this business, but brother that was from 2019 and it is 2021. Please do not think for one second that I am going to slam you over a loss from TWO YEARS AGO when I have WAY more relevant losses at my disposal to slam you on, and already have. Your bait attempt has failed with flying goddamn colors and that was just for the start. Peter Gilmour will always be Peter Gilmour with whatever federation is dumb enough to spend money on his worthless ass. I can understand having an off night but since then have you bounced back and tasted some form of success? Hell your one and done title defense with the Hart Title over Lycana should eliminate that bitter taste from your mouth but the fact that to this day you STILL allow for it to be some sort of crutch for you to fall back on is childish at best, and you should have fucking known better; then again this is also the same guy that LITERALLY said that I, CHRIS PAGE challenged HIM!?!?!

” Chris Page challenged ME to a match for the Universal Championship.”

Listen, dude, whoever the fuck you are talking to that fed you that horse shit just stop now and start the fuck over because this ONE statement slaughters everything you had to say to me or about me in that crap you called a promo. Does it look like I run this fucking federation? Do I look like Theo Pryce or Vinnie Lane? I appreciate the fact that you are dumb enough to think that I have that much stroke within an organization that I do not own and have NEVER been on the “good side” of management. That being said; where the fuck did I challenge you for MY Championship? I was told that I had defenses against Demos and then against you by Theo Pryce the morning after March Madness; March 30th if YOU are keeping track; so where the hell did I challenge YOU at March Madness, dumb fuck? It is kind of hard for me to challenge you for shit when I am told where I am defending and who I am defending against, wouldn’t you say?

I can see why you got run over by Ned now and we are not even five minutes into your babble specifically for me.

You then move forward trying to lay some sort of foundation for my title run circling around to challenging you and Demos? Refer to the above and see how your entire piece of business has already been tossed out this window because the bullshit you are already throwing against the wall is not going to stick. I cannot believe that you are this fucking stupid to base an entire piece of work off the notion that I have enough power to BOOK and sign my own fucking matches. Jesus Christ someone help this kid now for we are just getting started and he is making my job so much easier than it should be. I do not mean to bust your fucking bubble but you are not anything special to me. You are that formality that your partner was and the reason that you have been put in my path is that management thought it would be a funny idea to watch you both TRY so hard to be something you are not and fail. Do you seriously think that Vinnie Lane sees R.L. Edgar as that marquee attraction that can carry this federation at the peak of a booming period? Do you seriously think that R.L. Edgar sells tickets? News Flash, the answer is nope because if you did sell tickets you would STILL have goddamn gold around your waist your arrogant piece of monkey crap!

You are in for a very rude awakening because I am not the lower-level talent you might be accustomed to dealing with, as a matter of fact, your stiffest competition has been Lycana and from where I am sitting you have a win over her and she has a win over you; who is the best there? And no your goddamn six-man is not in the mix because you did not PIN her. Get over it. I am the tippy top for a reason buckwheat, and chewing guys like you up and spitting you out is something that I really enjoy. Like how one second you say Drew Archyle is a “washed up pirate” the next you are giving him an out for losing? Do you seriously understand how this game works? I am asking because this is just completely stupid the entire way around to the degree that I am not even going to point out how amateurish you have come off.

You talk about how I said you “warranted” the opportunity, right?

And yes that has indeed been spoken; said before you shit the bed in Tag Turmoil, said before you allowed Ned Kaye of all goddamn people to outsmart you; but hey man when you are so far behind the eight balls as you already are I would expect nothing less to try and twist anything I have said to fit into whatever narrative you want to TRY and spin to make yourself better than you actually are. Nice try though, just not a good try. Kind of like this entire attempt at doing absolutely nothing but showing just how lost in the woods our little country boy has become. Your drowning in your first promo which makes Demos the stronger of the two of you, goddamn.

What’s Corey got to do with you and me? I am just curious. You name-drop him, again as predicted, when the only thing he has done is beat Betsy Granger and barely got by Andre Dixon over the last few months. The better question, since you have Corey’s cock in your mouth, go ask your boy why he did not enter the Leap of Faith Battle Royale that was OPEN to ANYONE if he REALLY wanted a shot at me. There is a reason he took the route of opting into the Leap of Faith Match at the Pay-Per-View; two words, Robert Main. So please do yourself the favor and keep your friends on the sidelines where they belong because you have once again put that foot in your mouth while taking your eye off the ball against the one guy right now you HAVE to be on point with every step of the way. You are in my world now grasshopper, I am the dealer and I will dictate this pace. Just within the first half of your initial shots fired you have made bogus claims that on the very night that I defeated a washed-up pirate I challenged you and Demos for Championship matches, you used this basis to set up your next set of MISSED shots because apparently I book and sign my own Championship matches to now bringing in one of the members of your kliq but you did it in a way that completely discredits YOU! For fucks sake I still have another half of it to go and you have already given me so much material that I can only imagine what your retract game is going to look like. You have already set the paced for failure and you have done it all to yourself. Are you nervous or something? If this is the direction that you are electing to take I will be beating a dead horse by the end of the fucking week. Oh, for the record you still are
“nothing more than a filler product on XWF shows packed to the brim with incredible talent”. Nowhere on that list of incredible talent will you ever find the name R.L. Edgar because when I am done burying you on Warfare you are not going to want to show your face again.

- 2019 Heel of the Year
- 2019 Locker Room Leader of the Year
- 2019 Feud of the Year w. Robert Main (you’re welcome)
- Former
[Image: OW3ycxe.png]
[Image: fMJwa5h.png]
Robert "The Omega" Main
[Image: OZdvB4F.png]
XWF World Heavyweight Champion
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