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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » March Madness 2021 PPV Board
Astral Feast Part 1
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Charlie Nickles Offline
The Nickleman

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

03-27-2021, 07:18 PM

Demos set out to impress Pasha Pryce and Emperor Lane as soon as Pasha's letter reached him. Demos found it uncouth and uncordial that he was forced to prepare a banquet for wrestlers he thought to be his inferiors, but nevertheless he knew it was unwise to disappoint the men who booked the grand showcases.

Hosting the tournament dinner provided the perfect opportunity for Demos to score favors with the old guard. Demos had been given a lot in this federation, but still he knew there was more space on his plate. He had been carrying the television championship with him for almost half a year- far outpacing anyone else in recent memory. As the television champion Demos had headlined numerous shows and successfully defended against the likes of Jenny Myst and former universal champion Azrael Erebus. Demos had cherished the golden plate every moment that he had it.

But still, despite his passion for the television division, there was a nagging thought lingering constantly in the back of his mind….

What if the Demos was meant for more?

What if this record television reign must end for something far greater to begin?

Demos shook his head free of the intrusive thoughts. Whether or not he could stomach trading in his precious television championship belt for the biggest cow in the company wasn’t a thought he wished to ponder. Either way Demos knew currying political capital with the ruling figures was a task worth seeing through.

The champion’s ivory kilt swayed in the breeze pushing in from the open windows of the grandiose banquet hall. His sand stained sandals tracked dirt and dust on the marble flooring. Sweat ran down his bare torso like tributaries of the nile. Beads of sweat collected upon the leather strap of the golden belt slung around the champion’s waist.

“It’s all ready for the banquet, my liege!”

Demos nodded gruffly at the tiny servant boy. The small child scampered off as Demos looked over the tables of prepared food. He walked the empty rows between the tables, closely inspecting each dish.

“Okra with garlic coriander sauce, feteer meshaltet, lentil soup, buffalo catfish nuggets, cheeseburgers…..”

Demos stopped as he got to the end of the table. He leaned in closely to inspect the beverages at the end of the line. His eyes drifted from the water, then to the lemonade and the beer, before settling on the red wine placed out in a punch bowl. Demos looked up for a server.

“Take the wine away!”

“Yes, my liege!”

A young female staffer scurried to the wine, quickly packing the bottles away before trying to figure out the easiest way to discard a full punch bowl.

“What was wrong with the wine, Demos?”

Demos narrows his eyes at the red wine in the bowl.

“It is unsavory and absolutely unsatisfactory.”

The female staffer nodded before murmuring softly in confused agreement. Demos turned away before walking across the hall to inspect the seating area and dance floor. Everything was quite satisfactory to the champion, which came as no surprise to him since he had spared no expense in the preparations for this impromptu arrangement.

Demos approached the bar and snagged himself a bottle of fruit flavored rum. He walked over to the far side of the seating area, plopping his ass down onto a folding chair as he settled in for the long night. Demos knew Pasha Pryce just wanted a nice party for the sponsors and the gladiators before the showcase- he didn’t need the champion’s ‘weird vibes’ ruining the pleasant mood. Demos was content to sip his rum and watch the party from the sidelines.

The dwarflike servant boy approached Demos once again, this time with a scroll from a raven in his hand.

“My liege! BWO has just sent word. Miss Fury will not be attending the festivities tonight. They said she is too busy plotting the downfall of humanity to show up to anything that’s not in her contract!”

Demos took a shot from his bottle before wiping his mouth dry.

“I’m glad the wicked wench decided to skip town. Her foul presence would have corrupted the dining hall. She knows the Left Hand is not welcome in my lands. Her treacherous nature would not have earned her a seat at my table. If she had set foot inside this palace her head would be served on a silver platter for the guests to enjoy! She was wise to avoid the Demos entirely. The body of the Demos has laid her to rest before. It would be no great feat for me to do it again.”

“Can you believe she’s ranked thirteenth on the all time top 50?! I was hoping to get her autograph….”

“Such an evil witch should be reviled and treated as an exile: instead, she is embraced with open arms and treated as if she is some sort of ancient power! Power so ancient, in fact, that no one has seen it demonstrated in years.”

Demos rolled his eyes.

“Despite this, her plans with the Left Hand are no doubt an evil of the highest degree. She has been more than content to let me brutalize her cultist compatriots week after week. She has something deeper going on, something more important than the lives of Lycana, Marf, and Ethos. They are not even pawns on her chessboard, they are merely flies buzzing around her orbit that happen to share her dark allegiance.

Fury’s ties to the Left Hand are rooted in a power grabbing scheme like we’ve never seen before. I believe she is intent on unleashing an ultimate evil upon this sleeping world.”

“Oh no, that’s terrible! With oswald’s money and seemingly endless BWO bodies to throw at any mission, she could do terrible things! What can we do?!”

“I’m going to stop her. I will do whatever it takes to stop her schemes before they get off the ground. Even if it means drowning her in her own blood as my iron grip crushes her cervical vertebra!”

“Her what…”

“Her NECK! Have you seen it? I have. It’s so small, tiny, and daint. My hands could wrap around it twice over. I can’t wait to see her hexing eyes pop out of their sockets from the pressure!”

Demos begins imitating neck squeezing as the servant looks on uncomfortably.

“No one could tear me off of her. I can put an end to her insidious concoctions. She’s already shown she can’t handle my body between the ropes. This body was too big, too massive, too strong for her back in January. Nothing has changed now except for the convictions and ambitions of the soul inside this vessel. When I see her I will leave her body a lifeless husk. It would be my honor to serve the people by dispatching of this loathsome witch once and for all.”

“Uh huh...yes, my liege….I, uh, think I’m needed in the kitchen….”

The servant hightails it across the room as the Demos takes another drink. A few minutes of silence roll by prompting Demos to take a few more swigs.

Fuzz was the first to arrive, showing up to the party nearly twenty minutes before it’s advertised start. The once great champion was decorated from head to toe in pelts and hides from mid tier game. A true sheep in wolf's clothing, Fuzz wandered around aimlessly for fifteen minutes before helping himself to three drinks before the party had even begun. Demos turned to a nearby servant adjusting the tablecloths.

“Does he always come so soon?”

The servant looks up inquisitively with a nod and a smile.

‘If Atara is to be believed, yes. Although she may be blowing hot air since Shawn did recently insinuate that she was a whore, of course he was behind a mask at the time….”

“Yeah, behind a mask alright…a mask of narcotics and liquors! Shawn is a weak and insecure man. His kind always find themselves falling off the wagon after a few good months. He could never stay true to a woman looking for commitment and intimacy. He can’t stay true to himself, let alone to a lover!

Shawn is an addict. Before his short ride at the top he was as nasy as they come. The track marks on his arms tell the whole story. He may have a fondness for Atara, but his true love has always been the needle. It is no surprise that he would insult his romance partner as soon as it became convenient for him. He would throw her under the bus for a bag of heroin, no doubt!

It’s a shame what happened to him, isn’t it? I can’t help but feel sympathy for the men caught up in struggles they are so unprepared to handle. When he held that universal championship he felt like he didn’t need to dope. The amazing feeling of being a champion, of being the guy, it’s incredible.

But when he lost that feeling?

He turned to his dirty fix. He went off to some other woman’s house and frolicked in her bedsheets. He roamed the independent circuit, fighting in lesser federations for the easy wins, hoping to heal his bruised ego.

He couldn’t stand the shame and embarrassment of being caught off guard. He couldn’t stomach the idea of coming back to the XWF. He had to mask his feelings with the boozin’ and shootin’. He could only suffer coming back if he could mask it all, give himself a comfortable distance from his own persona. If he won and became champion again he could take the mask off. It would be an epic return of the true champion.

But when he lost it was no skin off his nutsack. His ego was unblemished. He could hide the failure behind the mask. He could remain anonymous, his record untainted.”

“But he told everyone!”

“What choice did he have? The arrogant fool…”

Demos chuckled to the servant as the entertainment walked through the door. Demos had emptied his coffers to bring in some of the best gogo dancers in the region. Betsy Granger, the Themis girls, Champagne the vegas stripper, and Calypso all began to set up their stations in preparation for the soon to be arriving guests. The girls got their tip jars out and climbed up onto their platforms. The orchestra began to play some fine tunes as the women began to grind and twerk. The eyes of the Demos were drawn to Atara in particular.

“Fuzz knew Atara would expose his secrets. He knew that his scorned lover would air his dirty laundry. He had never been faithful to her….so why should she return a favor never given?

That selfish prick tried to undercut her. He wanted to take the wind out of her sails and get ahead of the curve. He let the world know the truth before he let her promotional material drop.

It’s not even like he needs any help getting past the elite eight. Just look at the guy. He looks the type that knows a thing or two about beating women. I’m sure it will be just another typical Sunday night for him when he steps between those ropes.”

Demos narrowed his eyes at Shawn as he shook his head disparagingly.

“If that woman beating toothpick makes it to the finals I will let the fists of justice rain down upon him. He will regret the time that he stepped into the ring with the Demos. The way he treats women is disgusting, yet all too common in our society. Women are degraded, turned into holes and punching bags by entitled asswipes like Warstein. I’m sure Atara’s not the first woman he’s slept around on, lied to, talked dirty on. I’m sure she’s not the first woman to stir his rage.

If I see him tomorrow night I will seek justice for Atara. The way he treats her can not go on unpunished. I will land every blow on him that she wishes she could have landed all those times he cornered her against the bedroom wall and ‘practiced for his big match’.”

The servant gulps as anger flashes across the champion’s face. Demos stares at the servant for a few moments before waving them away. The servant wipes the sweat from their brow as they turn to flee the scene. Demos takes another drink of his sweet nectar as he waits for the party to fill out.

Sure enough the remaining gladiators and wealthy sponsors arrive one by one with only a few exceptions. Doc D’Ville, Emperor Lane, and Pasha Pryce all seem to be running fashionably late to the big bash. While the rest of the partygoers mingle, dance, and goggle at the sexy women performing on the platforms Demos contents himself with sitting in his chair and drinking his fine rum. The orchestra plays a few songs and folks start to settle in when Demos realizes that he’s nearly out of rum! Demos turns to a nearby server to ask for a refill, but the excited servant speaks first. The young girl blushes while pointing to the large ebony man helping himself to the all you can eat buffalo catfish nuggets.

‘That’s the Williamz prodigy! He gave me this when I bumped into him..”

She pulls out a card with the odds and betting information for the battle royale. Demos grabs it from her.

“He says he’s going to make a fortune betting on himself!”

“Gambling is a vice. A terrible ploy by the house to gain the hard earned wages of working fools. But if it wasn't a capitalist scheme, I’d make a fortune. These odds are spectacular.

Betsy Granger over the mind, body, and soul of the Demos incarnate?”

Demos chuckled.

“Betsy can’t beat the slobish and untrained Charlie Nickles...she has no chance of advancing over an ancient warrior of justice taking the same form. It’s the same story with most of these names! Fury, Atara, Kaye...they’ve all fallen beneath my body before! Whoever came up with these odds is blissfully unaware of our federation’s history.

I see how Andre thought he could become the next Mansa Musa with these odds. But he’s putting his chips down for the wrong horse….poor lad. He’s going to get taken for all he’s got. I hope his uncle has the money to pay for him. We all know poor Andre is known for writing checks his ass can’t cash. If his bank account looks anything like his wrestling record, he’d better hope the bookey accepts goose eggs.

Certainly the betting man puts at least a few coins on the kink with these odds.”

“I wanted to bet on Dean Rose, but they said he wasn’t even eligible!”

“Typical. This bookey nonsense is just a half baked bookey ploy to run the tables on some folks with more dollars than sense. You can’t help but shed a tear for the boys like Andre. He’s going to lose his entire paycheck to this foolishness. I hope for his sake he didn’t plan on betting two matches worth of wages….he’s going to walk away from this business a penniless, stumbling bum like Diesel and Terry Borden.

At least it will be easier to toss him over the top rope without deep pockets weighing him down. It will be no chore because the lad won’t even see it coming. He’s so caught up in blabbering on about Corey that he barely even had time to mention the Demos in his last public address. He seems too caught up in wanting to chase Champagne around the ring to pay the Demos any mind once that bell rings.

He’ll undoubtedly have to be my first target once the match gets underway. Fortune smiles upon the Demos, however, as it will be far too easy to land some crippling kidney shots while Dixon is busy trying to get dicks out with little ol Champagne. Turn him around, land a devil hook drop. Pick him up, do it again. After such devastating trauma he won’t offer much resistance when I go to throw his limp body over the rope.”

“But he’s so big! He’s won so many matches! I’m not sure where, he hasn’t told anyone yet, but he definitely has, I mean, just look at him! He looks like the kind of porn star that is paid to fuck white women for cuckold fetish videos!”

“He’s built like a barnyard bull, that’s for damn sure. But brawn alone doesn’t get you very far in a tournament like this. March Madness? Battle Royales? Dixon never stood a chance. This is his greatest weakness.”

“Oh has he lost a lot of battle royales before or something?”



“This tournament is the greatest puzzle of them all. It’s all about position. About location. Where are you placing yourself? Where do you think your opponents will be?

Think about the logistics of a battle royale. By the time you’re done counting all the opponents that made it to the ring your ass will be flying first class over the rope! You need to be focused and disciplined. You need to know where you are and where your biggest threats are...but don’t you dare lose focus of the rest of the pack. If you get blinders on you’re going to walk into a landmine. You have to keep your head above the fray and constantly know just where everyone is at while making sure your fists are hitting the right target at all times.

The whole thing is nothing but a grand puzzle, played out with human parts for the amusement of the Emperor. The bodybuilders and sports jocks never stood a chance in this a-”


Demos and the servant girl both look to the entrance of the dining hall as a loud chorus suddenly rings out in perfect harmony……..

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