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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » March Madness 2021 PPV Board
Heavy is the head that wears the crown: Chapter Five
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Chris Page Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

03-25-2021, 03:26 AM

The hardest day of my life was upon us as the scene fades into the funeral home in Las Vegas, Nevada for Robert’s funeral. The sounds of “Simple Man” by Lynard Skynyrd can be heard playing over house speakers as the pews inside of the funeral home are packed. One section has a group of bikers, all dressed in black jeans with matching black biker vests, there is a section of friends from Robert’s past before leading up to a family section which is where we find Chris Page sitting next to Kayla and Dewey Main.

Chris Page is in a second all-black suit, black tie with a grey dress shirt. The music over the house speakers starts to fade away which causes Dewey to nudge Chris with his elbow. Chris stands up from the front pew before walking around Robert’s open casket to a podium that overlooks the rest of the room.

” Good afternoon everyone.”

There is some minor feedback from the microphone causing Chris to adjust it before he continues to introduce himself to the rest of the room.

” Good afternoon everyone, for those who do not know me; my name is Chris Page, and my relationship with Robert started within Professional Wrestling, which is where both of our passions lay. I only had the opportunity to know Rob for about two years, and he would have been the first to tell you that when we were introduced he despised me.”

Chris takes a moment as all eyes in the room are on him.

” He had every right to because at the time I was an outsider being brought into his federation and immediately put in a program, or storyline with him without having to start at the back of the line, but that mentality he had quickly disappeared the first night we shared a twenty foot by twenty foot squared circle. When we touched it was magic, there was something there and everyone felt it. It was on that night in twenty nineteen that the hate we had for each other; because I assure you all, it was a two-way street. “

Chris’s eyes draw towards the open casket before shifting them out to the massive crowd gathered.

” Robert and I set the Xtreme Wrestling Federation on fire in front of the cameras while becoming very good friends behind the scenes. He and I were islands to ourselves; success is frowned upon in our line of work, and in his case, he had dominated the scene for what seemed like forever, it was that friendship that forged between us that lead us to make a lot of money, but what drew us closer together was what he did behind the scenes. We were in the middle of our program when the company pulled a switch and took the belt of Rob. We both felt it was a stupid move, and time proved us right. When this went down I was ready to go ahead and take off, but had it not been for Rob coming to me and talked me into staying, not only staying but forming a team together; which we did, and we dominated.”

Chris takes a breath before continuing.

” Robert did not have to do that because he could have written his ticket, but the fact that he saw so much in me that I had forgotten even existed and he put his plans on hold just to keep me around. He was selfless in that regard to the degree that he helped open my eyes to a bigger picture, and truth be told I would not be standing here as the XWF Universal Champion today had Robert not taken me under his wing and helped guide me through the rough waters that are the Xtreme Wrestling Federation.”

Chris starts becoming choked up yet he continues to push through his eulogy.

” Robert is one of those one in a million kind of guys. If he cared about you, he cared super hard for you, and you were absorbed into his family just like I was, and am. Robert is survived by his mother and father Dewey and Sandy Main, his sister Kayla Main and his brother Oliver Main. Over the last week or so I have had the opportunity to get to know his parents and his sister, they have been very good to me while welcoming me into their family like a son or a brother they never had. I wish that I was half as strong as they have been throughout this entire ordeal.”

Chris takes another second to gather his thoughts before he states.

” Losing someone you love is never easy, and as I stand before you all today, I can say that unequivocally that everyone in this room loved Robert in some form or fashion, he brought a ray of sunshine into the lives of whoever he may have touched. I know he did when it came to myself, and I know he did when it came to dealing with other people. Knowing Robert was probably the best thing that could have happened to me at this point in my life even if I am twenty years older because it just goes to show that nobody is too old to learn… and nobody is too old to succeed. Robert would want us all to live our lives the way we want to live them, he would want us all to break out of the box of normalcy and step into the box of extraordinary for he truly believed in his heart of hearts that everybody is special in their particular way.”

There is a very brief pause before Chris states.

” Robert, I love you, and I will carry your memory, cherish our time together that we had in this fucked up world that we all now live in since you have departed it.”

With that Chris steps away from the podium as this portion of our scene fades to black.

[Image: 840845-graveside.png]

Our scene re-opens at the gravesite of Robert Main where we find Chris Page tucked away behind a tree under a large shade spot while the rest of Robert’s family and friends try to get close to the casket that is nearly ready to be lowered into the ground. We can hear the graveside sermon off in the distance as Chris lights up a joint. He takes several pulls while retrieving his cell phone from his back pocket.

Chris exhales some smoke before peering around the tree where he snaps a picture of the ongoing service before texting it to an unknown recipient. Seconds later Chris’s cellphone starts buzzing as it is on vibrate; what asshole does not silence their phone at a Funeral? Dean Rose that is who! There is a smirk that comes across the face of Chris Page. He looks around making sure there is nobody eves dropping and once he sees the coast is clear Chris answers the call putting it on the speaker setting while he adjusts the volume lower so that no one within one hundred feet could remotely hear any of the conversations.

” Tell me that is right now mother-fucker!

The ever-familiar voice of Thunder Knuckles is heard on the other end of the phone as he laughs methodically.[/red][/b]

” Yeah that is right now. They are about to lower him into the ground.”

” Mission goddamn complete!”

” I would not say all that yet, just because one problem has gone away does not mean that we still do not have one standing right in front of us. We have to find out who Anarchy is and what he knows or this whole thing is going to get blown the fuck up.”

[i]Chris watches on as the sermon at the gravesite is reaching its conclusion.

” The fact that you have been outed makes me think that he or she might be on to something, and know that this thing with Robert has gone mainstream there is no way in hell the cops do not come calling wanting to have a pow-wow with you.”

” You let ol Thunder Knuckles worry about the fuzz because I have something for them that leads them right back to Oliver. We are going to be straight homie!”

” Something about it just does not feel right, and usually, my gut does not steer me wrong.”

” Stop being so goddamn paranoid because everything is going to be fine hombre.”

Chris takes a toke from his joint as he notices everyone over at the gravesite rise. The casket starts to ascend into the ground as Chris then states.

” I am not being paranoid, I am being human. I am older and wiser than you could ever dare dream to be… if it comes out about my involvement we are going to have a lot more to concern ourselves with. Listen; is everything else ready to go?”

” Fury, Bobby, and I have taken all the necessary precautions. We are ready for whatever is thrown our mother fucking way.”

Chris takes notice that the funeral is starting to break up as friends and family start to gather around the Main family.

” Let us hope so because we cannot have any other hiccups.”

” Fury wants to know what the fuck is up with that other guy you have been talking about?”

” Let her know that I am working on that on the backend, but it is looking promising. If everything goes according to plan everyone is going to be sitting pretty in short order. Tell her that I can lead a horse to water… but I cannot make it drink.”

Some of the funeral-goers start to filter in Chris’s direction.

” I got to jet.”

Chris ends the call as Dewey Main glances over in Chris’s general direction. Chris waves using his right hand while placing his phone back in the left pocket of his slacks. The scene fades.



Our scene picks up exactly where our last one left off.

” Regardless of who “Anarchy” is or is not, does not change that since you won the Universal Championship we have seen a lot of clips playing at just about every appearance you have had on Warfare or Savage. I know you have been outspoken about his use of cutting clips to build some sort of narrative. Do you think he or she is convincing people that maybe you are involved?”

” I am sure whoever this is has convinced plenty of people that I am somehow involved in the events surrounding Robert Main’s death. I have spent plenty of time covering all of this on television over the last several weeks as everything this person is showing us is nothing more than pointless propaganda that a halfwit can cut and play to form whatever story he wants to try and tell. My story has not changed and it will not change because I have nothing at all to hide. I have openly asked for “Anarchy” to meet me face to face for weeks upon weeks before he finally revealed himself, albeit briefly.”

” What did you think when you turned around and he was in the ring with you?”

” The first thing that ran through my mind was how loud the stench of fear that exuded from his pores and invaded my nasal passage. Sure, the fucker did not stick around long but he stuck around long enough for me to size him or her up; come on, it is a he unless it is a super flat-chested she. What is going to suck is when he does not pony up the goods and back his play come March Madness, then and only then will I be completely vindicated to the degree that I will be able to tell all of the masses that ate up that spoon-fed horseshit to fuck off when they are crawling back with apologies while looking for Title handouts.”

Chris smirks before continuing.

” What is going to happen here is this character is going to show up looking at this as his big break, his huge opportunity to try and create some relevance for himself at my expense like so many others have tried and failed with. This story does not end well for “Anarchy” or anyone else for that matter whose name is attached to what happened to Robert Main. I have been one hundred percent transparent only to have it taken for granted. There’s not going to be taking anything else for granted when March Madness comes to a close.”

” What would you say to “Anarchy” who seems to be under the impression that you are running yourself crazy wondering who he is?”

Chris breaks out into mild laughter under his breath as he simply shakes his head while he composes himself as he stares across at Steve and asks in the calmest of tones.

” Does it look like I am running myself in circles wondering who he is? Do you see me frantically trying to guess his identity? Or do you see me sitting here simply counting down the minutes until the opening bell of this fight tolls? Listen, “Anarchy” needs me to question him, but he is not getting what he wants which explains why he feels the need to continue to try and sell it. He says this is not about titles, right? So he would not mind if I pull the title defense from the equation then, right? I mean if it does not mean anything to him why should he be granted a shot? More importantly, why isn’t someone that has put in some work like Lycana or Demos getting to try their hands against perfection in its purest fucking form? Why am I wasting my time and energy on someone whose big reveal is going to pack as much of a punch as a dry fart.”

Chris now shifts his attention directed towards the camera.

” “Anarchy” I am going to need for you to wake the fuck up and pay real close attention because when I tell you that the last thing I am doing is sweating you or your identity you can take it to the goddamn bank. Did you take the Corey Smith approach to cut a promo or what? I thought he and Thad were the only ones that played that ‘I know how you feel” or “I know what you are going to say” routine so holds as much weight as a sandbag that has been punctured at the bottom. If you were not such an attention whore there wouldn’t be any speculation from the masses; which you have seemingly thrown me in the category of. You can be one of the many individuals that have been guessed by the masses but to me, it does not and has not mattered.”

There’s a brief pause from Chris before he states.

” What sucks to be you is how you are trying to use your defenses as a way to try and play some sort of offense. Look at how you have come out playing into it with the deliveries of your promos if you need further proof in that pudding. You have the opportunity of a lifetime to become the XWF Universal Champion but yet you are too enthralled in some sort of “who did it” that already has an answer to the question. Now let us take it one step further by saying you are indeed right. Let us say that you do not care about the title or the opportunity to leave with mine, let us pretend that you are fueled by just wanting to kick the shit out of me… Why only two promos?”

Chris turns his gaze back over towards Steve as he asks.

” If someone REALLY wanted to get their hands on someone else do you think they would do the bare minimum to ensure that happened? Or would you be going balls out to prove beyond any shadow of a doubt that the words you are speaking can be taken as the gospel?”

Steve appears to be about ready to answer Chris only to be cut right off without muttering a peep.

” Rhetorical Steve, rhetorical.”

Chris shifts his attention back towards the camera as he stares into it with a blank gaze in his eyes while he states.

” See what I think is that you started on this little charade under the guise that you would be able to say or do whatever you want without any repercussions, but when I started challenging you it started to sink in with just how fucked you have become within the grand scheme of things; hell you did not even accept the challenge, Thunder Knuckles did on your behalf… so what the fuck does that say without saying a single fucking word? It says you are gutless and it says that you are in so far over your head that the light of day is nonexistent. We are just mere days away from all the speculation that YOU required will be coming to an end, and much like I have said on more than one occasion when it does and you have nobody else to rely on but yourself you shall then realize just how fucked you are.”[green]

” Chris seems this has gotten incredibly personal for you over such a short period…”

[green]” Wouldn’t be personal if someone constantly tried shitting on your name while trying to throw you in the mix of being behind what has happened to Robert? Steve a man lost his life over this, and if you think that repercussions are not coming you and everyone else are sadly mistaken and you are goddamn right that I am taking this personally because I know just like Anarchy knows he is holding an empty bag. He is selling himself on using March Madness to crush my reputation while trying to cast this net of doubt that I have not been anything more than supportive of Robert throughout this entire ordeal. It is just a load of bullshit if there ever was such.”

” The fact that this is a No Holds Barred match has got to be weighing in the back of your mind.”

” Steve I do not walk into any situation without some sort of plan, you and everyone else should be well aware of that. This situation is not any different. I asked for this to be No Holds Barred because I am going to remove any excuses from whoever “Anarchy” turns out to be when all of this hype falls flatter than a Centurion title shot. No rules, nothing stopping me from shedding his blood and breaking his fucking bones. I am glad he is coming to March Madness for a fight… because that makes two of us…”


- 2019 Heel of the Year
- 2019 Locker Room Leader of the Year
- 2019 Feud of the Year w. Robert Main (you’re welcome)
- Former
[Image: OW3ycxe.png]
[Image: fMJwa5h.png]
Robert "The Omega" Main
[Image: OZdvB4F.png]
XWF World Heavyweight Champion
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[-] The following 7 users Like Chris Page's post:
(03-26-2021), ALIAS (03-26-2021), Dean Rose (03-25-2021), Lycana (03-26-2021), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (03-25-2021), Theo Pryce (03-25-2021), Thunder Knuckles™ (03-25-2021)

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