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WARFARE: Our Main Bi-Weekly Show Mickey Kinkade
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Mickey Kinkade Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Women and gay men

(physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes)

03-05-2021, 05:24 PM

[Image: 8149e9af159ced159554592591044054735ce5a0.gif]


In-Ring Name: Mickey Kinkade

Wrestler's Real Name: Michael Mir

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: Currently portraying Clint Fatwood

Wrestler Date of Birth: 2/13/91

Height: 5'11'

Weight: 207 lbs

Hometown: Stockton, California

Personality: Mickey is living life to the fullest with the one thing that matters in this world; money. He's a cocky playboy with an enormous ego and background in amateur wrestling, claiming that the wrestling world can't get enough of him. Boos are cheers to him, and he thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread. Flashy in fashion and charismatic, but avoids most difficult challenges and keep himself safe .With sex appeal and amateur wrestling skills, he's the total package and then some. He's brash and cocky, thinking less of the "ugly fucks" that he competes against. With an arrogant aura too him, he's only interested in winning, not making friends.

Looks Description: With a six pack that could grate cheese and a deadly set of eyes that can woo any man or woman, Mickey is tanned and jacked. He sports a pair of long black and pink colored wrestling tights while wrestling objectivley ugly oppenents. He wears a Gucci jacket to the ring and some sunglasses.

Ethnicity: Caucasion.

Pic Base, if any: Roderick Strong

Strengths: Incredible cardio, expert mat wrestling, GREAT looks. Has a big dick, you can check.

Weaknesses: Overconfident in ability and keen to avoid most other styles not wrestling based.

Entrance Theme Music: "Bitches" by Mindless Self Indulgence

Special Entrance (if any):

"Bitches" by Mindless Self Indulgence, hits the speakers much to the displeasure of the crowd. As the song ramps up, talking about how much bitches love the man about to appear, "The Kink" Mickey Kinkade walks down the entrance ramp with a slow pace, taking up the extra time just so you...yes, YOU, can have more quality content on your screen. A vibrant smirk is on Mickey's face as more and more people boo. He laughs in an oh-so confident fashion, grabbing his delectable sack with one hand before thrusting it in the direction of whatever fat mark is booing him, blowing kisses to him and everyone else in the process as they hate him.

Announcer: Residing in Stockton, California, weighing in at 207 pounds, he is "The Addictive One", "The Kink" Mickey Kiiiiiiiiiiiiiinkaaaaaade!

Mickey yells "That's Me Bay-Bee!" as he slides into the center of the ring, heading up to the second turnbuckle to undo his Gucci jacket, showing off the goods with six pack, which he counts out one by one, before stepping down and getting ready for the match-up.

5 or More Commonly Used, Standard Moves:

1. Sweep Single Leg Takedown

2. Slap

3. Snap Suplex

4. Clothesline

5. Abdominal Stretch

6. Chinlock

7. Rope Held Foot Choke

8. Standing Elbow Drop

9. Camel Clutch

10. Backdrop Suplex

Trademark Move(s):

1. Wrestling Style Double Leg Takedown Slam

2. Urnage

3. Rolling Elbow

4. Bronco Buster

5. Pop Up Spinebuster

6. Stockton Slap

6. A straight up slap to the face, stockton style. Famously innovated by brothers Nick & Nate Diaz.

Finishing Move(s): Kinky Slam!, LamerTamer
Description(s): Olympic Slam that has the oppenents head and neck hitting the mat, Boston Crab with the back of the knee on the oppenent's neck

Favorite Hardcore Attacks/Spots: NEGAN DRIVER = After getting The BFG (Beautiful Fuckin' Guitar), a bright pink guitar with the name "MICKEY" written in white on it, Kinkade waits for the opponent to be on their knees knees, yelling at them to suck his dick, before lifting his guitar high up in the air AND SMASHING it over their head.

[Image: 8vYg8YQ.jpg]

Overall W/L/D Record: 1-2-0
XWF W/L/D Record: 1-2-0
Last Match: vs. Ash Quinn in an Xtreme Rules Match (Warfare)
Upcoming Match(s): vs. King Doc Battle Royal (MAYDAY! At Ye' Ole' Commune!), vs. Jordan Knoxville (Warfare)
Titles Currently Holding: N/A
Titles Held: N/A
Accomplishments: 1x Quote Of The Moment (3/13/21), Told Chris Page to Suck My Dick (4/7/21)

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