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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
To Whom This May Concern
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Shawn Warstein Offline
Blood In Blood Out

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

02-26-2021, 09:01 PM

To Whom This May Concern;

I guess it’s time for me to tell all of you why I’m back. Sure you could say it’s because of Chris Page. You could say that it’s because I want the honor of winning March Madness, yet that’s not entirely true.

I’m not going to concern myself with War Pig this go round. Mainly because I don’t have to. I don’t have to drone on and one about how I’m going to lay waste to him in the middle of the ring. How I’m going to gut him in the middle of the ring like a wild boar. No instead I’m going to sit here and call out the cowards who THINK they hold all the cards.

The people who lurk in the shadows, getting others to do their bidding for them, all because they don’t have the gall to do it themselves. If this point hasn’t hit home just quite yet, well then you’re thicker than I had originally assumed.

Baphomet. You sniveling coward. Usually when someone draws my ire it’s usually because I don’t like them, or if they have said something to garner my attention. I’ve called you out. James has called you out. All for us to be told, you’re not a priority to the Left Hand. We have other people first.


When one of best to ever lace up boots calls you out, and your band of merry idiots, most people salivate at that opportunity. Everyone wants to get in the ring with the GOAT… you didn’t think I was talking about myself did you? No. You see this is and always has been James’ fight. You laid hands on Betsy in a manner that he didn’t care for. This is wrestling after all and there will always be bumps in the road. And while I don’t like you putting hands on ‘sister mine’, even I understand the concept.

You put your hands on Atara, someone I like very much. Someone who I wouldn’t question putting a body in the ground for. Someone who has always had my back. And even THAT isn’t my main issue.

No, no, no. My issue goes deeper than that. You see Baph, I was once like you. A man who thought I was bringing the heat. I was doing my job, getting everyone to hate me…. and I was loving every second of it. I had people follow me too. I was a God amongst mortals.

Then like the Roman Empire, it all came crashing down, and when the dust settled… there was no one around. I had turned into a jaded, power hungry, self loathing asshole. No one wanted to be around me, and if it wasn’t for Noah…. I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have anyone to this day. That includes Atara, James, Jax and Betsy.

I don’t have masses of followers anymore. Hell I’m pretty sure more people hate me now more than ever. Being at the top of so many different mountains will do that. I have those five by my side. They are my family. They are who I fight for. In this industry having more isn’t always the best option…. it’s always quality over quantity.

Like me or not. I don’t give a shit. At the end of the day, I know who is there for me.

Do you?

I’ve already watched your numbers dwindle. I’ve seen your flock lose members. And you also brush them off publicly, but deep down we all know that each one of them leaving hurts just a bit more than the last. Don’t cry Baph, hold it all inside. I’m sure you’ll find someone else to fill bad guy quota number 32.

So here’s what I’ll propose to you Baph. I’ll stay out of your business, all you’ve got to do is keep your creepy fucks away from mine. Keep Atara, Noah, Jax, James, Betsy and most importantly My name out of your fucking mouth.

K? Thx. Bye.

Now on to Bearded War Pig.



I’ve said enough. His story isn’t even good. Man I wish I had someone competent like The Storyteller. That’s something I could’ve worked with. Yet here I am writing a letter because Pig ain’t even worth me actually annunciating words.

This is going to be a fucking breeze.

Yours Truly,

XWF Legend Shawn Warstein

P.S. I hope that in the next round I actually get some competition.

P.S.S. Fuck Centurion! Why? Seems appropriate.

P.S.S.S. Shawn Liked That.

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