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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Anarchy Boards » Anarchy Results
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Anarchy - 2/11/21
Author Message
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

02-12-2021, 08:58 PM



Solace Tatum
- vs -
Joey Oddjobs

Referee: MARTY

- vs -
Ash Quinn

Referee: HoloRef Dot Gif

(Tommy Wish & John Black)
- vs -
Arkin Blackwater & Brian Storm

Referee: Chaz Bobo


[Image: Fis8.gif]


Big Money Oswald
- vs -
Scarlet the Hunteress
- vs -
Savannah Knightley
- vs -
Mini Morbid
Idaho Spuds Match!

The entire match takes place in a gigantic ball pit filled with genuine Idaho Potatoes! Winner is the last one inside the tater pit!

Referee: Mister Referee

"Notorious" Ned Kaye
- vs -
"Big Puddin'" Herschel Kiss

Referee: Virginia Hymen


[Image: tumblr_ly9lajuhGG1qc6jkio1_500.gif]


Kenzi Grey
- vs -
Miss Fury
Last Woman Standing!

Whoever is down and cannot answer a ten count will lose this match!

Referee: Ari Silverstein

Sarah Lacklan
- vs -
Billy "Bass" Ackwards
Five Count Match!

A typical three count won't do - it's gotta be five!

Referee: John X

Anarchy leaps onto the airwaves, blinding you with its EXCELLENCE and also its super bright pyro!

The music is blaring in IDAHO as fireworks and lasers shoot off every which way... until we find "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane at his ringside desk!

Vinnie Lane: "GUYS! We are..."




With a red spotlight shining down from the rig up top, Vinnie is cut off as Sarah Lacklan walks onto the entrance ramp. Wearing a red and green dress with sleeves puffy enough to hide Oswald’s epic beard and coated in sequins bright enough to cause pain to a blind man, the Anarchy Commissioner brandishes her Billion $$$ Smile, which is WAY more valuable than that of her sister’s, and brings a microphone to the lips painted to match her eyes.

Sarah: HIIIIIII-iiiiiiiii!

As per the usual, she receives a mixed reaction from the Idahoans. She nods as if it were nothing but cheers, of course, and the ridiculously large and fluffy feather atop her wide-brimmed hat waves like the pride of any Kentucky Derby party.

Sarah: This is your reason for being, the object of Tommy Wish’s podiatric fantasies, and YOUR Anarchy Commissioner, Sarah Lacklan, and I wanted to be RIGHT HERE to welcome you all to a NEW beginning for the BEST brand of XWF content there is...Thursday Night Anarchy! I’m here so that all of you beautiful baby birds can bask in God’s glory and understand what TRUE wrestling is about: Two competitors fighting one another to a clean finish while observing all of the rules!

The positively small albino grimaces.

Sarah: ...though not necessarily tonight...since this show was still booked by Vinnifred Bethany Lane. Yep, LOTS of dumb stips tonights. But that WILL change! Especially since ALL of my rules are in effect tonight and there WILL be fines for any infractions! Let’s bring up those rules, in case anyone missed Snow Job:

Sarah gestures to the VinnieTron behind her and, just like at Snow Job, the new rules and guidelines for behavior flash onto the screen via her slideshow presentation:
  • No Flippy Stuff (You MAY jump off the top rope ONCE per match, but without flourish, spin, twist, or rotation)
  • No pottymouths! (aka, The Ruby Rule)
  • No Weapons/Hardcore wrestling (God loathes that garbage!)
  • Must be at Anarchy events at least two hours before opening bell (To be early is to be on time!)
  • Must stay for entire show (You can't improve without watching stars like me!)
  • Must provide ALL required promotional material (No one likes a Silent Sally!)
  • No outside interference (Win your matches when I defeated Roxy for the UGWC Global Championship!)
  • Must attend pre-show slide-show presentation (there will be a test!)
  • No making fun of Ruby (That's MY job!)

Sarah: Now, we all saw some of my EXCELLENT administration abilities as Snow Job, and you’ll see even MORE tonight! Because tonight, despite the ridiculous and insane match stipulations which will NOT be featured EVER again, you get to see Solace Tatum (whom I really like!) beating up Oddjobs; Ash Quinn showing Boris how stupid he is; the T.H.U.G.S. getting one of their pity victories; Liza FREAKIN’ Minnelli bringing the HOUSE DOWN with some showtunes; Mini Morbid giving a military press to Oswald on top of both Knightley AND Scarlett before pinning all THREE of them simultaneously; Nedward providing us all with a segment to take a nap during; some words from the NEW Anarchy Champion, Ruby Debauchy; my Beloved smacking down a chick that...well...I STILL think might be Vita Valenteen, despite supposed “video evidence;” and the crowning of a NEW Number One contender, as I face my gravest, most difficult challenge EVER...Billy “Bass” Ackwards!

Now, enjoy the show, everyone. Enjoy the amazeballness that is me, Sarah Lacklan, as YOUR Anarchy Commissioner! And remember:




Vinnie Lane: "Man... let's just get to the ring."

[Image: gR8affl.png]

Solace Tatum
- vs -
Joey Oddjobs

Referee: MARTY

We go to the ring where Joey Oddjobs has already removed his leather jacket and is ready to go. The last few notes of Billy Joel’s “Scenes From an Italian Restaurant” fade away as the crowd mills about, mostly getting refills.

Vinnie Lane: “Pretty awesome that we’re getting a debut here on Anarchy tonight! And actually, ALL THREE individuals in the ring right now are new to the XWF! New Jersey blue collar working man, Joey Oddjobs has THREE matches in his entire career! Not to mention our brand new referee, straight out of Stop n’ Shop… MARTY!”

MARTY the supermarket robot beeps and boops and slides back and forth across the canvas with a customized official’s shirt stretched over its robot body.

Vinnie Lane: "So cool. And, of course… Joey’s opponent!”

The fans start to pay a little attention as the music blasts and the lights go low. Solace Tatum appears from the entrance ramp and slowly walks to the ring, looking determined.

Vinnie Lane: "Solace here is from China, and is apparently NOT related to Channing. That’s a total bummer, because I wanted to practice my Magic Mike moves!”

Solace Tatum gets in the ring and MARTY makes a weird noise.


The bell sounds and Solace circles Joey. Oddjobs looks for a lock up by Tatum quickly switches into a rear waist lock. She transitions into a headlock, then runs forward and drops Joey with a bulldog!

Oddjobs struggles to his feet but catches a boot to the gut. He then gets planted with a twist of fate! Tatum plays to the crowd a little, getting some respect from the Idahoans in attendance, then she snags Oddjobs by the ankles and cinches in a figure four!

Vinnie Lane: "Oddjobs is stuck, but he’s kinda close to the ropes!”

Joey Oddjobs manages to drag himself to the bottom rope and he grabs on, which makes MARTY start beeping and flashing different colors. MARTY bumps into Solace Tatum over and over until she lets go of the hold.

Both opponents get to their feet with Oddjobs limping a little. Tatum heads to a corner and scales the turnbuckles, leaping backward in a moonsault that flattens Joey Oddjobs! She then grabs him by his duck-butt hair, yanks him up, then drops him in a facebuster!

Vinnie Lane: "She calls it the Tatum Bomb, and it looks like she’s setting up for her signature move here!”

Solace Tatum looks pumped as she gets up and smiles, nodding. Grabbing Oddjobs by an arm, she pulls him to a vertical base once more and wring his arm before grabbing him in a collar and elbow… AND SHE LANDS AN INVERTED SWINGING NECKBREAKER!

Vinnie Lane: "And there’s the SOL SEARCHER! Oddjobs is OUT!”

Oddjobs is flipped onto his back, and Solace Tatum slides onto him with a lateral press.

MARTY vibrates and counts in a mechanical voice.




Winner by Pinfall - Solace Tatum

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- vs -
Ash Quinn

Referee: HoloRef Dot Gif

Purple lights flash as Icon for Hire’s Demons starts playing. Ash walks out crouched, eyes sweeping the crowd. As the music picks up she runs down to the ring sliding under the bottom rope. Jumping up on the turn buckle she pumps her fist to the beat. The crowd has a fairly mixed reaction while she hops down and leans against the turnbuckle. She mouths off a bit to some of the fans in the front row while awaiting her opponent.

Vinnie Lane: "Alright dudes and dudettes here we go, the wildcat Ash Quinn about to take on the one and only Boris!"

Slav King by DJ Blyatman hits and the crowd actually pops as Boris comes dancing out to the ring. He smacks his belly a few times as he makes his way down to the ring while the fans cheer him on. He dances his way up the steps before entering the ring. He points over to Ash who just rolls her eyes in return. HoloRef Dot Gif glitches and blinks a little, then calls for the bell and the match is officially underway!


They meet in the middle of the ring and go to lock up but Ash hops back and sends a swift leg kick on Boris.

Boris does an odd hip thrust before Ash hits him with several more quick leg kicks. Boris finally gets annoyed and tries to shove her back but she catches him with a drop toe hold. Ash pops up and races to the ropes. As Boris is trying to get back to his feet Ash nails him with a running drop kick to the side of his head. He rolls over and then gets back to his knees. Ash slaps him across the face and then hits a hard kick across his chest. She hits a couple more kicks before Boris catches her leg and holds on. Ash spins and brings her free leg up, leveling Boris in the face. She falls on top for a cover.



Kick out by Boris!

Vinnie Lane: "Ash with some hard strikes using those educated feet!"

Ash gets back to her feet and yells at Boris while he rolls over again, trying to get back up. She hits a stiff kick to his ribs before running to the ropes once again. She comes racing back but Boris leaps forward and surprises her with a vicious clothesline, turning her inside out. The crowd responds to the sudden impact while Boris makes a cover.



Kick out by Ash!

Vinnie Lane: "Damn! Boris almost took her head off!"

Boris gets to his feet while Ash crawls over to the ropes. Boris slaps his belly and starts dancing while Ash pulls herself up in the corner. Boris suddenly charges, looking for a big splash but Ash shifts out of the way. Boris slams into the corner while Ash immediately starts drilling him with hard kicks. She backs off while Boris recovers and then she runs, does a cartwheel followed by a back flip and tries to hit a flying back elbow only for Boris to catch her. He launches her over the top rope with a t-bone suplex and she crashes to the floor.

Ash lies on the floor rolling around in pain while Boris argues with HoloRef Dot Gif delaying any type of count. Boris exits the ring as Ash tries to slowly get back up. Boris drops her down with a big clubbing arm across her back. He grabs hold of her and hauls her up for a power bomb. Ash punches the top of his head and then hops out before he can drop her. She goes for a spinning heel kick but Boris catches her leg, spins and slams her into the steel steps in a nasty sequence. Boris rolls back into the ring and yells at HoloRef Dot Gif to start counting.

Vinnie Lane: "Ouch! How is Ash going to get up from that landing!?"




Ash stirs.



Ash pulls herself up with the apron now.



Ash is back to her feet and trying to get back into the ring when two hands grab her foot from under the ring.


Vinnie Lane: "Wait a minute what the heck??"


Ash struggles but can’t break free as the count reaches its peak.


Winner by Count Out - Boris

Vinnie Lane: : "What the crap just happened!? Ash looked like she got stuck or something and couldn’t get back in the ring..."

Ash stumbles backwards and falls, looking absolutely furious while Boris celebrates in the ring. Ash is about to check under the ring when Lycana lifts the apron from underneath to show herself hiding under the ring. She smiles sadistically and waves at Ash who shakes her head and turns to leave. Lycana cries out for her to come back and play while Ash storms off wanting nothing to do with her.

Vinnie Lane: "Lycana playing mind games with Ash Quinn here. Boris reaping the benefits...look at that dancing fool!"

[Image: gR8affl.png]
The camera cuts backstage to Commissioner Lacklan’s office, were Lacklan is sitting behind her desk, watching the evening’s proceedings. After a few seconds, the door to her office opens, and in walks Centurion.

Lacklan: Hello Cent.

Centurion: Hello Sarah. You’re looking....

Centurion stops as he just looks at Lacklan, and Lacklan, in turn, stands in silence. After a few seconds, Centurion speaks up again.

Centurion: ...anyway, you summoned me?

Lacklan: Yes! I want to talk to you about your role on Anarchy.

Centurion: I...don’t have a role on Anarchy.

Lacklan: Um, OBVZ! That’s the point.

Lacklan pulls out a folder from inside her desk and tosses it over to Centurion. Centurion opens it up and looks at it, confused.

Centurion: What is this?

Lacklan: It’s my bylaws!

Centurion: have bylaws?

Lacklan: Try to keep up, old man. Things around here are changing, and one of the things I won’t be allowing is random people just showing up and doing whatever they like without contributing to the show. You’re always here with Trash Panda, and you go out to the ring, but you never wrestle on this show. So I’m making you a deal – you’re either going to be banned from future Anarchy shows, OR you’re going to wrestle every now and again.

Centurion looks over the papers and grins.

Centurion: Sarah, if you wanted to spend more time with me, you could just say so.

Lacklan lets out a fake gag.

Lacklan: I can’t think of anything more gross. If you want to hang out around here, then you need to put in the work. You need to get in the ring once and a while. So, I booked you a match for next week.

Centurion lowers his arms in frustration.

Centurion: Oh God, what are you doing to me?

Lacklan: What do you automatically assume this is anything bad? I’m just going to be booking you in a match against one of our new talents, The Aroostook Strangler. Big guy. Real scary. I think it could be a fun match!

Centurion: ...that’s it?

Lacklan: That’s it.

Centurion just kind of shrugs his shoulders before turning to walk out the door. Before he is able to, however, Lacklan speaks up again.

Lacklan: AXLY! There are a few things I forgot to mention. Since you’re part of Ruby’s team, then you need you act more like Ruby. So you can only use her moves in this match. No Fall of Rome, no Slams, nothing like that. Only Ruby moves. OH, and remember, no flippies!

Centurion: No flips? Most of her moves are flips!

Lacklan: You can figure something out. Oh, and you have to coordinate your outfits better, too. You need to be dressed up like the Banana Lime Blur.

Centurion: You gotta be kidding me.

Lacklan: Do I look like someone who kids?

Centurion lets out a slight growl before tossing his papers on the ground and walking out of the room. Lacklan frowns in response.

Lacklan: Well that was just rude.

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(Tommy Wish & John Black)
- vs -
Arkin Blackwater & Brian Storm

Referee: Chaz Bobo

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Winners by Embarrassing No Show Beatdown 2HOT4TV - THUGS

(Sorry, I spent the time I would have spent writing this match fixing the site from childish hack jobs instead.)

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Vinnie Lane: “Ladies and gentlemen, it’s my absolute pleasure to introduce the darling of stage and screen… entertainment royalty… LIZA FREAKIN’ MINNELLI!!!”

Folks there is not a dry eye in the house after Liza performs. Vinnie is openly weeping, because he loves the THEATER!

The crowd continues to applaud the legend of the stage that is the one and only Liza Minnelli when the lights go dark…

The live crowd is taken aback as Liza starts looking around the theatre and off to the side of the stage…

[Image: tenor.gif?itemid=17827654]


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A spotlight hits the stage right where Thunder Knuckles in all of his glory walks out onto the stage where he is followed by the XWF Universal Champion… “CHRONIC” CHRIS PAGE.

Liza looks on center stage with her arms crossed, tapping her foot as this party has just been crashed.

Ole’ Thunder Knuckles walks right up to Liza and slaps the taste out her mouth nearly sending her dentures into the orchestra! Page passes Thad’s version of the Universal Championship to Thunder Knuckles before driving a boot into the midsection of Liza Minnelli doubling her over! Chris under hooks the arms of the icon before hoisting her up into the air and driving her down violently into the stage with a Page Plant!

With his music still playing Chris gets to his feet, dusts off his jacket before taking the Universal Title back from Thunder Knuckles where he throws it over his right shoulder and the two walk right back off stage from which they came. They’re passed by some EMT’s who rush over to tend towards the fallen Liza Minnelli; and as people try to press on Page and Thunder Knuckles for their actions all it draws is a middle finger in passing from both TK and CCP.

Vinnie Lane: “Holy crap… why did they do that to Liza!?!? She’s a national treasure!!”

Oswald's servants begin surrounding Liza Minnelli. Her bodyguards come running up, only to find themselves beaten down by the wave of shadows collapsing upon them. Oswald comes across from the back of the stage, fixing the cufflinks on his suit as he steps up to her. No words, just a smile and a straight punch to her stomach before grabbing her, and throwing her straight up into the air only to DELETE!!! her. Standing up, he smacks away any particles upon his suit, brushing himself off as she lay there, bleeding.

The shadows converge on their Master as he soon disappears, only to appear backstage before his match is about to be announced.

[Image: gR8affl.png]

Big Money Oswald
- vs -
Scarlet the Hunteress
- vs -
Savannah Knightley
- vs -
Mini Morbid
Idaho Spuds Match!

The entire match takes place in a gigantic ball pit filled with genuine Idaho Potatoes! Winner is the last one inside the tater pit!

Oswald starts coming through the curtain, white smoke billowing from the player’s entrance to the football field. As he walks out with an ornate cane, with images of skulls in gold and silver, as money falls from a blimp with BOB branding overhead. The money having faces of himself. He walks forward with his cane, not even really needing it, simply using it as a prop just to show his "status" to the world. His hair tied into a tight bun laid against the back of his skull. He flips his cane in his hand, holding the base and swinging the topper from left to right as the crowd chants "MAY-HEM, B. O. B.! MAY-HEM, B. O. B.! MAY-HEM, B. O. B.! MAY-HEM, B. O. B.! " The topper of the cane is shown to reveal a platinum skull with horns literally made of onyx attached to the forehead of it. As he walks to the steps he smirks and says to the crowd as they continue to chant MAY-HEM, B. O. B. until he gets into the potato pit located inside of the endzone on the field outside of the dome with residual chants happening. He walks to his corner, he takes off all of the top portion of his suit, from jacket to dress shirt including his tie, leaving only his pants, soon placing full attention onto his opponents.

Eye of the Tiger plays and from the back steps Scarlet The Hunteress Donaldson. She kneels down at the top of the stage, and acts like she is looking for footprints of her opponents. Then the Misfits Manager Antony The Jerk joins her, and they both head to the endzone. Antony The Jerk stands outside the potato pit while Scarlet hops into it.

Savannah Knightley walks onto the field wearing a very revealing cheerleader’s outfit. The crowd looks on in arousal as she jogs over to the potato pit. She strikes a sensual pose before getting into the pit.

The lights go out…the crowd screams with anticipation for who is to enter! The rhythmic drumming sounding like a battle march gets louder. The lights slowly come on turning the arena red. Mini Morbid is inside the pit. At least, you think he is. The potatoes reach a height of four feet and four inches inside the pit.


Mister Referee looks down at the action from atop the crossbar on the field goal as the bell rings. The fans have come outside and packed the bleachers to watch the four anarchy talents duke it out inside of an elevated pit filled with just over four feet of potatoes. The potatoes in one corner of the pit seem to be stirring, but no one can tell why. Knightley makes a few suggestive remarks towards Oswald, telling him to go after Scarlet for some party favors after the match. Oswald doesn’t take the bait. Instead, he charges at Knightley as Scarlet Donaldson dives under the potatoes to try and find Mini Morbid.

Vinnie Lane: Heh….they’re fighting in a pit of potatoes.

Knightley ducks out of the way of Oswald, enraging the man. He reaches out and tries to grab the women by the hair, but she smacks his hand away. She scoots back another few feet, but Mini Morbid suddenly pops out from behind her! Mini Morbid grabs her by the hair and drags her deeper into the pit! She disappears beneath the potatoes. A few seconds later, The Huntress pops out from the potatoes behind Oswald! She hits him with a reverse DDT onto the potatoes! Meanwhile, a lacey blue underwear set is thrown out of the pit from deep inside of the potatoes!

Vinnie Lane: Oh man, I wonder what’s going on down there!

Oswald grabs a potato and hits Scarlet over the head with it. Scarlet reels back before grabbing a potato of her own. She chucks it at Oswald, but that nimble giant ducks out of the way! The potato goes flying towards Mister Referee! It hits him hard, sending the little puppet flying way way way far away!

Vinnie Lane: I paid good money for that puppet! Damn it!

Savannah Knightley pops out from the potatoes with Mini Morbid on top of her shoulders, pulling her by the hair! Her clothing looks disheveled, but her cheerleader’s uniform is back on! She’s screaming as Mini Morbid tells her that SHE is going to die inside the pit! Oswald punches Scarlet in the face, knocking her against the wall of the pit. Oswald looks like he’s setting up for a clothesline, but he winces as Mini Morbid and Savannah’s screaming rings through his ears. His face cringes as the pair of them go on loudly with Knightley running around the ring while Mini Morbid digs his heels into her shoulders and pulls on her hair. Oswald does a damn near superhuman jump out of the potatoes before landing back down on the surface of the spuds. As soon as his feet touch potato he moves with damn near superhuman speed, charging across the surface of the spuds in a Naruto-style run! As he nears Knightley and Mini he jumps high in the air again! While six feet above the pit, Oswald brings his boot back and punts Mini Morbid in the face! The midget fucker goes flying through the air, clearing the goalposts on the other side of the field before flying off some more into the distance!

Vinnie Lane: That’s a home run! Or a three pointer! I don’t know!

Oswald keeps flying through the air, getting dangerously close to eliminating himself before landing on the wall of the pit. As soon as his feet touch the top of the wall the nimble giant kicks off of the wall and does a backflip, landing firmly in the center of the pit! The crowd goes wild for the big man!

Knightley and Donaldson look at each other. Knightley mouths a few words to Scarlet and the misfit nods her head. The two of them come charging at Oswald from different angles! They move a bit slowly through the spuds, but they’ve still got some heat on their sprint! Oswald looks around, notices what’s happening, then does ANOTHER backflip at the last second, leaving the two women to smack their heads against each other! The two women go reeling back.

Vinnie Lane: Look at the big man go!

Oswald reaches out and grabs Scarlett by her hair. He toes to toss her out of the ring, but he hangs onto her hair too hard! All he does is pull some hair out of her head! She looks pissed. Meanwhile Knightley is shaking the cobwebs out of her head. She yells at Oswald, calling him an outdated slur. He looks confused at her. This is just the opening Scarlet needed! She steps up to Oswald and starts hitting him with a wicked combination of lefts and rights! Chest punches, body punches, arm punches, her combinations don’t end! Oswald is standing upright and taking every punch, but his body is clearly bruising after each blow.

Knightley charges at Oswald, propelling her body out of the spuds just enough to be able to hit him with a running dropkick to the gut! Oswald goes flying through spuds. His body lands with a loud UMPH against the wall of the pit. Scarlet helps Savannah up. Scarlet whispers a plan to Knightley. The two girls give each other a heads up before charging at Oswald, looking for a double clothesline! They’re slowly and clumsily making their way through the potatoes!

When they near Oswald he ducks underneath the women, grabbing each of them by their thighs and using their own momentum to flip them over the wall! Both women land on their heads as they go flying out of the pit! Their necks bend at awkward angles as they lay still on the football field just outside of the pit. Oswald grins as he looks out of the pit. Poor sock puppet Mister Referee is nowhere to be found… he must be buried in potatoes!

Vinnie Lane: “Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I don’t think we need the ref to call this one……...BIG MONEY OSWALD WINS!”

Winner by Potato - Big Money Oswald

Vinnie Lane: “UHold on… who is that rushing toward Oswald now??? OH MY GOD IT’S LIZA!!!!”

Liza Minnelli sprints across the stage and absolutely WRECKS Big Money with a steel chair! Oswald collapses in a pool of blood and Liza stands over him cackling, her vengeance fulfilled.

Vinnie Lane: “Wow. Only in Idaho, dude!”

[Image: gR8affl.png]

"Notorious" Ned Kaye
- vs -
"Big Puddin'" Herschel Kiss

Referee: Virginia Hymen

We see Herschel "Big Puddin'" Kiss in the ring, firing up the crowd with his sweet dance moves. The Idahoans in attendance LOVE him!

Vinnie Lane: "These guys LOVE the Kiss! But I'm betting his opponent is planning on breaking this crowd's heart!"

The entire stadium goes black as the song begins. Slowly, the X-Tron begins to show scarce, glowing embers, the light of each one illuminating smoke growing at the entrance of the ramp. As the song continues, more embers are seen until a large fire is displayed on the screen. The ramp then glows Ned's famous blue, revealing a silhouette in the smoke. Slowly stepping from the fog is none other then Notorious Ned Kaye. He stops for a moment, calming himself in front of the clamoring crowd. He lifts an arm, eyeing the stands to watch the many audience members who follow suit. With a single smile, he drops his arm and rushes towards the ring, slipping in from under the bottom rope, picking himself up immediately.

Vinnie Lane: "Ned Kaye ladies and gents! He just had a heck of a match at Snow Job and came up short, losing his Hart Championship to R.L. Edgar... and I'm betting he's going to take that frustration out on poor Puddin'!"

Referee Hymen motions for the bell as the two men stare each other down. Ned is clearly eclipsed by the much larger Kiss who cracks a smile as the bell rings.


The two approach each other as Ned gets into a stance, trying to see any immediate avenue of attack. As he rushes in to try and slip around Herschel, Big Puddin' catches Kaye by the hair before lining him up for a big knife edge chop! Ned clutches his chest in pain as Kiss lines him up and lands another disgusting chop that sends Ned back into the ropes! As he moves toward Kaye to deliver more punishment, Ned slips by, launching himself off the opposite ropes to do a sliding dropkick on the knee of Herschel! Falling to one knee, Ned looks to try and capitalize by locking in a headscissors on his kneeling opponent!

Herschel gasps for air as he tries to pry Ned off of him, getting to his feet as he reaches for the smaller man to no avail! In a split second, he grabs Ned's legs and twists him around before bucklebombing Kaye! Finally free from the headscissors, Big Puddin runs in for a lariat to Kaye in the corner, causing The Notorious One to crumple! Herschel yanks him closer and goes for the pin!



Ned instinctively propped his foot on the bottom rope! Kiss gets to his feet, annoyed at Ned's quick escape and forcing him back into the corner for some stomps! After softening Kaye up, Herschel goes for a cannonball into the corner, only for Ned to slip out of the ring at the last second, leaving Kiss prone on his neck! Ned climbs onto the apron and leaps up to the top rope before hopping off to grab both of Herschel's legs for a pin! Referee Hymen goes for the count!




Ned is launched to his feet by the force of Big Puddin's kickout! Sensing an opportunity to put the match away, Ned watched Herschel's movements, waiting for him to begin to get back to his feet. Seeing his chance, Kaye rushes forward to hit The Notorious Knee on Kiss! Herschel's head recoils from the strike as he crawls away from the turnbuckles trying to get an opportunity to stand! Ned jumps up to the top rope and leaps off to hit a double stomp directly to Herschel's back! Ned climbs back to the top for a shooting star press, but gets by the recovered Big Puddin who drives Ned's back into his own knee, stretching Ned as he presses down, trying to break Kaye into two!

Ned won't tap! He screams in agony, but he won't give up. Angered, Big Puddin tosses him away and starts heading for the top turnbuckle! Herschel wants to live up to his "high flying" persona! But Ned recovers! He dashes to the turnbuckle where Kiss is climbing and gets his legs over Puddin's shoulders! Ned's trying to hit The Ego Crusher on a man three times his size!

The crowd watches with bated breath as Ned tries his hardest to hurricanrana Herschel Kiss!





Suddenly, the lights in the arena begin to shut off, starting with the audience seats farthest from the ring until only the lights showing the ring are visible! Ned looks around, loosening his hold as the final set of lights in the arena go out, leaving everything pitch black!

After some commotion is heard from the ring and about half a minute of darkness, the lights finally come back up! Ned and Herschel are both knocked out in the ring, neither covering the other. After checking on the two, Referee Virginia calls the match to a cavalcade of boos at the unfulfilling sight!


Vinnie Lane: "What the heck just happened? How do all these people keep getting into my shows? Is this COVID? Is it the Proud Boys!? Stand back and stand by!"

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[Image: tumblr_ly9lajuhGG1qc6jkio1_500.gif]


As the show returns from commercial for the world’s most heroic super cereal, y’all know which it is, the familiar tune of the NEW Anarchy Champion starts to play!

The fans get up on their feet to greet the Banana-Lime Blur, who is shot upwards from a hole in the ground. Contrary to expectation, she does NOT perform three somersaults and a corkscrew like she usually would, but remains stiff as a board. She lands on her feet with a superhero landing, bending the knee and pounding her fist into the stage before looking up and smiling.

Vinnie Lane: “Whoop whoop, it’s the sound of the champ!”

Ruby runs down the aisle and slides into the ring, where a pedestal and microphone await her. But Ruby takes the microphone out of its holder and climbs one of the corners, lifting the Anarchy Championship above her head with one hand.

Ruby: “Moscow! WhassssuuuuuUUUUUUPP!”

She gets a huge ovation from the Idaho crowd, and she tips her imaginary hat in appreciation.

Ruby: “Whoa! Thanks so much, my flippies! I gotta say, it’s aaaaa HYUUUUUUUGE honor to be standing before you as the Anarchy Champion again. Looks like the polls were right, for once! ‘Cause ya girl beat the odds at Snow Job in the Match of the Night! And after the Раз, два, три, as Boris would say, we finally have an opportunity to once again, bring ORDER! TO! ANARCHY! I’d like to thank all of my opponents for a great match, and all of the XWF for such a fantastic event. We once again showed why the XWF is the place to be, and it took a bit of luck and a bit of skill, but eventually I got the Anarchy Championship back where it belongs.We motherflippin’ did it, my dudes, because I could NOT have done it without your love, support and unrelenting faith in my abilities.”

Every cheers, from the youngest star-struck toddler to the oldest weary smark.

Ruby: I gotta say, my people, before you stands a happy camper. Because I got my mans in the back, my title on my waist, and the future has never looked better. Because JOINING me in my quest to bring Order To Anarchy is none other than our newest commish! Sarah Lackersnackers of all peeps! Can you believe that? I was as surprised as anyone, I had barely heard from her ever since she sent me an autographed copy of her self-help book, but she made it clear that she will strive for a BETTER Anarchy, after coming up with a very clear set of rules that will make life better for everyone. GO Rules! Who knew she’d make such a great sidekick to yours truly, eh?”

Ruby grins as the crowd whistles and cheers.

Ruby: “I think I’m doing fine so far, you know. I got here THREE hours before first bell, just to make sure, and I left a copy of my speech on the commissioner’s desk before coming out here. Now, I’m not sure if she had time to read it, but it was never specified HOW MUCH in advance we had to hand in our promotional material! And the pre-show slide presentation? Oh wow, I recorded it all on my Go-Pro so I can watch it again right before bedtime. So all in all, I think I can say I’m leading by example! GO examples! I hope this will inspire others to do the exact same.”

Ruby hops off the top rope, without flourish, twist, spin or rotation, and drapes the title belt over her shoulder.

Ruby: “That was my ‘once per match’! I know, this technically isn’t a match, but it’s an appearance, so see it as a sign of goodwill, eh. Now, on to the future! I know all of you can’t wait to see me defend my title successfully. As you all know as well, the number one contender to the Anarchy Championship will be known tonight. And all i can say is that I can NOT wait to defend my baby against the legendary Billy Ackwards! I will DEFINITELY stay here and watch that match until the very end. After all, them’s the rules, right?

Again, a major thank you to all of you who made this possible. As I’ve said before, Anarchy’s the top show, and we’re only going to get better from here on out. I hope certain people will have learned their lesson, being that crime doesn’t pay and that strength in numbers means nothing, because you’re only as strong as your weakest link. But you can all be certain that the quest to eradicate the Bobbies and the Nelson Flanders flagship store marks will be successful in the end.”

Ruby raises the Anarchy Championship once again.




Once again, the red spotlight shines down on the entrance ramp as the 5’2” Commissioner of the show makes her way down to the ring. Ruby smiles...though it is clearly and obviously of nowhere near the level of monetary value as that belonging to the host...and claps for the Bosslady. Outside the ring, Sarah frantically waves towards some of the random crewmembers lounging around, her sharp face contorted in her usual brand of forceful instructions, until a couple of them get down on their hands and knees. Sarah walks up the new man-made ladder, the heels of her spiked boots digging into the smalls of their backs and napes of their necks, until she stands on the apron. She slips into the ring, making sure to ignore an inappropriate slew of whistles and catcalls at the momentary view of the skirt-covered, yet still infamous, #SquatBooty, and joins Ruby in the middle of the ring. As Sarah takes the microphone from Ruby, she can’t help but smirk at her rare, yet still miniscule, height advantage over the 3-time champion.

Sarah: “I, YOUR Anarchy Commissioner, is pleased as triple-organic-certified strawberry-melon-lemon punch that YOUR Anarchy Champion appreciates all of my perfect and amazeballz rules and regulations! It sounds like I won’t be needing to hand out ANY X-Bux fines to a certain geriatric-loving (almost) best buddy of mine!”

Ruby’s face goes flat and Sarah giggles.

Sarah: “Indeed! I bet all of the grandmas in the audience are holding onto their husbands, as we speak! That’s right……..RIGHT HERE in MOSCOW, IDAHO-”

…...Sarah pauses for the expected pop from the crowd……

Crowd: [Image: xmyEZti.gif]

Sarah’s pale face turns bright red.


Crowd: [Image: xmyEZti.gif]

Next to the fuming Commissioner, the champion leans forward into Sarah’s microphone and clears her throat.

Ruby: “.....Moscow, Idaho…..”

Crowd: [Image: XrJhi7J.gif]

Sarah lets out a very, very long sigh.

Sarah: “…….whatever…….N-E-Ways…...I’m out here, not to interrupt your much-deserved speech, ol’ buddy of mine. Nope! I’m here because, even though you are OBVS going to be staying until the VERY end of the show tonight-”

Ruby: “Literally already said I was, Lack-to-the-Snack.”

Sarah: “-but I wanted you to know who your next challenger is ASAP! Which means that THIS crowd of Baby Birds gets to see THE thing they have been waiting for right now. Me, YOUR Anarchy Commissioner, going one-on-one with THE gravest challenge of my career! The Stalwart Kentucker, the Beattyville Horror, the progenitor of the Mint Julep Massacre...Billy “Bass” Ackwards!”

As Sarah points down the aisle, the drawling voice of the King gives a light step to the large man. With a trucker hat atop his head, a checkered shirt straining against a massive gut, and a pair of blue jeans worn on the inner legs from some serious chaffing, the Beady-Eyed Beattyville Bomber smiles his way to the ring, exchanging high-fives with kids, parents, and Ruby-weary grandmas.

Sarah: “, Rubes? Can you give me a hand with all of these buttons? Kenzi helps at home, obvs, but, ya know…”

As Billy waddles his way to the ring, Ruby dutifully helps Sarah out of the voluminous dress, revealing the Commissioner’s wrestling gear underneath. Wearing Kenzi’s favorite outfit, the bodysuit which cuts off at the thighs to highlight her powerful quads, Sarah looks a tad bit plumper than the last time she was in an XWF ring, but still appearing in great shape. After a few instructions to Ruby about how to properly hold the dress, to which Ruby nods and follows to the letter, Sarah takes back the microphone and pushes herself up to the closest turnbuckle and sits down upon it.

Sarah: “Now, if you all don’t mind, I would like to save everyone here the pain and anguish of listening to Vinnifred Veronica Lane’s so-called ‘commentary’ and, instead, present you with REAL commentary.”

Sarah smiles and waves the microphone in her hand as John X slides into the ring...less than pleased about his match starting half-an-hour early...and calls for the bell.

Sarah Lacklan
- vs -
Billy “Bass” Ackwards
Five Count Match!

A typical three count won't do - it's gotta be five!

Sarah: “Now, as you ALL are WELL aware, my accolades within the XWF ring are beyond measure. Mind you, I would NEVER talk about them as if to BRAG or anything, because you ALL know how much I LOATHE when people go on and on about themselves, but I’m walking into this match with a record of twenty-eight wins, six losses, and two of which was to a certain 3-time champion, I might add...and while Billy has an insane career traveling across the globe for decades upon decades, he’s making his XWF debut tonight. Naturally, his long-standing success have earned him this right to face me, YOUR Anarchy Commissioner, for the #1 contender HEY SLOW DOWN WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!”

Even as he is being praised by Sarah, Billy rushes forward, his gargantuan feet plodding on the mat with a surprising speed. As he rushes towards Sarah, his arms outstretched and looking to slam down with The Double Coalminer’s Fist of Hammer, Sarah scoots off the top and slips behind him, leaving him to crash his chest into the turnbuckle. Turning on her heels right as she lands, her eyes a little wide at first, Sarah’s smile returns as she spins to face his back.

Sarah: “Wow! What speed this fierce competitor has! It’s no WONDER that the XWF Championship Committee...which may or may not just be Vinnifred Denise Lane taking shots and sending a blind-folded Taco the Pig towards a board with random names on it...chose THIS man to be considered for Ruby’s first title defense! He’s a wrestling machine!”

Billy tries to shake away the cobwebs and turns around. He lunges forward with the relative grace of a one-legged bear caught in a trap and shoots in for the [b]Mammoth Cave Spear
, but the former Universal/Anarchy/Tag Team Champion (alongside Kenzi “Best Butt” Grey!) /Queen of the Ring/24-7 Briefcase Holder/March Madness Winner/Tag Tournament Winner is able to avoid his lumbering leap.

Sarah: “My God! Sweet Baby Jesus, Himself! The tenacity of his man! It is insurmountable!”

Billy, after having found himself face-first on the mat after his failed spear attempt, pushes himself up to one knee. He takes a deep breath...already somewhat winded...gets to his feet and again goes after Sarah, this time with his arms out wide.

Sarah: “Oh noes! He’s looking for the Fort Knox Bear Hug….OF DOOM! How will I ever hope to counter?!”

As he moves forward, the albino deftly slips behind him, leaps up into the air as he loses his balance, and wraps her arms around his head. With a swing of her hips, she pushes herself back down, the weight of her heavy legs and rear catching Billy by surprise, and slams the back of his head down into the mat with the Abyss Reverse DDT.

Sarah: “Desperation counter! How did she EVER dig deep enough to pull THAT out?!”

Sarah nonchalantly plants that infamous #SquatBooty atop Billy’s flabby chest as the referee hits the mat.






Winner by 5-Count Pinfall: Sarah Lacklan

Sarah gets to her feet, but pulls away her hand when John X tries to raise it. Instead, she smiles down at Ruby and waves her in. With a cheeky smile and roll of her eyes, the Anarchy Champion climbs back into the ring and raises Sarah’s hand into the air before Sarah takes to the mic a final time.

Sarah: “And there you have it! In one of THE most DIFFICULT matches EVER in my career, I have, by the skin of my perfectly straight and bright white teeth, SURVIVED Billy “Bass” Ackwards to become THE #1 Contender! But, as I am ever in search of the next challenge, in search of what this company and business NEEDS to progress, I will not rest upon my laurels. Oh no, no no. I want Ruby’s defense to be THE match we ALL need! So, next Thursday Night Anarchy, I will be putting my title shot, my ability to call myself THE #1 Contender, on the line! That’s right, in the MAINER EVENT next edition, you will see Sarah Lacklan, YOUR Anarchy Commissioner go one-on-one with perhaps the MOST DIFFICULT opponent of my ENTIRE life….

Bridget "Big Sky" Bullet!

So tune in next time, and remember:




[Image: gR8affl.png]

Kenzi Grey
- vs -
Miss Fury
Last Woman Standing!

Whoever is down and cannot answer a ten count will lose this match!

Referee: Ari Silverstein

Ladies and Gentleman the following contest is a LAST WOMEN STANDING match!

”Introducing first, representing both BoB and The Left Hand… she is a former XWF Anarchy Champion, MISS FURY!”

Miss Fury emerges out to the top of the ramp decked out in her full body black leather cat suit. She starts to walk towards the ring not paying any attention towards the booing fans. Miss Fury reaches ringside where she slides into the ring under the bottom rope and waits for her opponent.

” Her opponent, about to make her way to the ring… KENZI GREY!”

“Gimme Your Applause” by Lady Gaga, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera begins to play as bulbs flash all through the arena. Kenzi Grey walks out with a confident smile for the fans as an explosion of pyro erupts and she strikes a pose for the cameras. She pauses to adjust the heavy black brace on her right knee, then heads down the aisle slapping the outstretched hands of the fans. At ringside, she climbs onto the ring apron and pauses again for the flash of the cameras, kneeling there with a smirk. She climbs the turn post and gives the fans one more photo opportunity as she sits atop the turnbuckle, still blowing kisses and posing for the fans. She hops down, finally entering the ring as she readies herself for her opponent.

”Your referee in charge, Mr. Ari Silverstein.”


Vinnie Lane: “ What a way to cap off tonight’s events than with a tubular Last Women Standing Match between Miss Fury and Kenzi Grey!”

Kenzi and Miss Fury stare across the ring from each other as the live crowd starts to get into it before a single blow is exchanged. The two circle each other before looking to lock up only to see Fury with a cheap shot to the midsection with a boot! Fury starts unloading with right hands to the jaw of Kenzi before transitioning into open handed chops across her chest. She takes Kenzi back into the ropes where she sends her sailing across the ring, Kenzi bounces off the nearside ducking under a clothesline attempt from Fury, Kenzi bounces off the nearside delivering a Shotgun dropkick that sends Fury crashing to the mat where she rolls out to the floor.

Fury rolls out to her feet, Kenzi is back to her feet where she runs forward with a baseball slide dropkick to Fury! Fury is send crashing backwards into the security railing as Grey slides out to the floor followed by Ari. Kenzi comes towards Fury swinging with a right hand, Fury blocks and counters with a knife edge chop across the chest before gouging Kenzi in the eyes to a roar of boos from the crowd. Fury takes Kenzi by the hair before sending her crashing into the steel steps right shoulder first. Ari starts laying the count to Kenzi.






Kenzi starts to stir getting to one knee.

Vinnie Lane: “ Shockingly Ari can count to five folks!”

Fury comes forward where she picks Kenzi up and hurls her back into the ring. Fury tosses the ring apron back pulling out a steel chair! Fury slides back into the ring with the chair in hand as she gets to her feet and makes her way towards a neutral corner where she wedges the chair in between the top and middle turnbuckle before turning her attention back towards Kenzi. We see Fury pick her up off the mat by the hair where she looks to send her crashing face first into the chair, Kenzi reverses at the last second sending Fury smashing into the chair! Ari is forced to start laying the count to Fury.






Fury starts to stir as Kenzi steps over her body and snatches the chair from the corner. Fury gets to all fours before Kenzi cracks her across the back with a vicious chair shot that echoes throughout the building.

Vinnie Lane: "The Chair Women of the XWF is reigning supreme for the moment!”

Kenzi drives a second chair shot into the back followed by a third that knocks Fury back down to the mat which causes Ari to once again start laying the count to Miss Fury, notably slower than the first.






Fury rolls towards the ropes and out to the ring apron before rolling out to the floor landing on her feet to break the count. Kenzi tosses the chair to the mat where she comes towards the ropes. She sling shots over the top rope looking to crash down on top of Fury with a flying cross body block! Fury side steps Kenzi at the last second causing her to crash and burn on the floor! Fury uses the moment to pull a table out from under the ring where she opens the legs on each side before flipping it over and setting it up. She reaches down snatching Grey up by the hair before driving her face first into the table.

Fury looks to drive her face first into the table a second time only to see Kenzi put on the breaks before delivering an elbow to the ribs which breaks the grasp of Fury. Kenzi drives Fury face first off the table before looking to position her for a Powerbomb! Kenzi hoists Fury up in the air but before she can drive her through the table we see Fury pull forward towards Kenzi’s forehead where she starts biting her! Fury slips out of harms way landing on her feet where she drives a boot to the midsection of Kenzi doubling her over! Fury positions her before hoisting her up in the air and driving her through the table!

Vinnie Lane “Kenzi Grey just got some wood!”

Ari starts to lay the count to Grey!







Kenzi starts to stir from the debris of the Table.



Kenzi reaches one knee.


Kenzi steps up to her feet breaking the count to a huge roar from the crowd.

Vinnie Lane: “Grey narrowly gets back to her feet to keep this Last Women Standing match alive.”

Fury hurls Kenzi back into the ring where she climbs up on the ring apron. She immediately makes her way towards the nearest set of turnbuckles to the top rope. She looks down at Kenzi before setting sail where she looks for a flying elbow drop! Kenzi rolls out of the way at the last possible second sending Fury crashing down into the mat!

Both competitors are down leaving Ari to count both participants out.






Both Kenzi and Fury start to slowly shown starting to stir, Kenzi more so than Fury.



Kenzi is the first to her feet followed by Miss Fury. Kenzi picks up the chair before throwing it in the face of Fury! Fury catches the chair, Kenzi charges delivering a V-Trigger knee strike to the chair sending it smashing into the face of Fury! Fury is sent sailing back into the ropes where her arms are tied up in the ropes!

The crowd roars as Kenzi points over towards Fury who is trapped in the ropes!

Kenzi bounces off the far side getting a full head of steam where she delivers a double knee strike to the exposed sternum and chest of Fury! Kenzi pops back up to her feet still seeing Fury trapped in the ropes! Kenzi delivers a Superkick to the chin that knocks Fury free, sending her spilling through the ropes and out to the floor! Ari is forced to start counting Fury out.







Fury reaches up taking ahold of the ring apron and pulls herself to her feet. Kenzi reaches over the top rope picking Fury up by the hair bringing her back up on to the ring apron where Fury counters by dropping back down to the floor hanging Grey neck first across the top rope! Fury manages to slide back into the ring where she reaches her feet. Kenzi starts to get to a seated position in the ring where she’s met by Fury who lands a double knee strike to the face of Grey sending her backwards back to the mat.

Vinnie Lane: “Fury and Grey are delivering a classic!”

Ari starts laying the count to Kenzi.








Kenzi now rolls towards the ropes where she starts using the ropes to pull herself back up to her feet.



Kenzi reaches her feet breaking the count to a roar from the crowd. Fury comes up from behind looking to deliver a back stabber! Kenzi latches on to the top rope blocking the move while sending Fury crashing down to the mat! Kenzi spins around with fire in her eyes. She sizes up Miss Fury who rolls over to her chest and starts pushing herself up. Kenzi bounces off the ropes where she delivers the WALK OF FAME!

The crowd roars as Kenzi falls back into a neutral corner as Ari starts to lay the count to Miss Fury.





Suddenly Ari claims his arm is cramping! He stops his count for several seconds, conveniently waiting for Miss Fury to start to stir before he picks up his count.




Miss Fury reaches one knee when we see Kenzi picks Fury back up off the mat. Kenzi looks to shoot Fury towards a corner, Furry reverses and Fury whips Kenzi into the corner, but Kenzi holds her grip and pivots, reversing the Irish whip and sending Fury into the corner instead! Miss Fury's back hits hard and she stumbles out of the corner before getting floored by a running knee from Kenzi!

Vinnie Lane: "She calls that Seeing Stars because after getting hit with that medically enhanced knee, that's exactly what Miss Fury is doing!"

Miss Fury is out on her feet and only staying verticle through sheer chance as she stumbles and falls into the ropes. Kenzi moves into position as Fury tries to shake the cobwebs. With a kick to the back of Fury's leg, she drops down to one knee. Kenzi grabs her arm and hooks her leg across Fury's shoulders before planting her face first with a leg drop DDT!

Vinnie Lane: "That's gotta be it! It's Over right here!"

Kenzi struggles to push back up to a verticle base. Both women have been through hell, but despite it all, Kenzi is a fighter who never surrenders. She pushes up to her feet and cuts a stern look to Ari who hasn't begun the count on Fury. Ari begs her off for a moment before finally beginning his ten-count!





Vinnie Lane: "Is time slowing down here or is Ari just counting each second slower and slower?


Ari just stops counting at five. It's really jarring to see and takes away any doubt that may have remained that Ari isn't calling this thing fair. Kenzi, frustrated, begins to argue with the unethical official. She backs him into a corner, displaying her physical dominance over him. Ari is begging for his life, but all Kenzi wants is a fair count and she tells him as much. Ari tries to argue that he is counting fair, keeping Kenzi distracted.

Vinnie Lane: "What in the!?! There's two of them!?!"

Sure enough, another woman slides into the ring wearing the same black catsuit and cape as Miss Fury! She pulls the KO'd Fury out of the ring and rolls back in taking her place on the mat all without Kenzi noticing!

Vinnie Lane: "Miss Fury just pulled the switcharoo and Kenzi is none the wiser!"

With Fury in position, Ari begs off Kenzi and agrees to count straight.




Miss Fury grabs the ropes and acts like she is having a hard time getting to her feet even with the ropes to assist.



But at the last possible second, she pushes up to her feet before falling back into the ropes. Kenzi moves in and grabs her wrist for an Irish whip, but the fresh Fury springs to life on an unsuspecting Kenzi Grey and locks in the Black Widow (Octopus Hold)! Kenzi yelps out from the pain, but Fury has it locked in giving the fatigued Kenzi no hope for escape!

Vinnie Lane: "I don't know which of these two ladies is the real Miss Fury! Everything this woman does is so confusing, but right now there's no mistaking it, she has Kenzi Grey in a vulnerable spot!"

Fury rocks and torques the hold, violently applying as much pressure as she possibly can in a desperate attempt to not lose her advantage. It seems to work as Kenzi begins to fade out from the immense pain! Fury suddenly releases the hold, causing Kenzi to drop to the mat like a lump. Fury then backs off into the corner, keeping her eyes on the dazed and pained Kenzi as she struggles to get back up. As soon as Kenzi pushes up from the mat, Miss Fury makes her move! She rushes in and leaps into the air, bringing her right foot down onto the back of Kenzi's skull!

Vinnie Lane: "Curb Stomp by Miss Fury! Kenzi calls it The Walk Of Fame, but tonight Miss Fury is using it to step over "The Face Of Anarchy"!"

The devastating blow leaves Kenzi down and out as Ari begins a much faster count than before.











Winner by KO - Miss Fury

Ari raises Fury's arm, but Fury snatches away as she turns her attention back towards Kenzi Grey!

Vinnie Lane: "Wait a minute! You have to wonder what evil plan is on her mind now! The match is over Fury! Just leave!"

Fury doesn't leave though, instead, she reaches into her catsuit and retrieves a pair of brass knuckles that she methodically slides onto her fist as she glares at the downed "Face Of Anarchy"! Fury crawls on top of Kenzi and grabs her by her long dark braids as she draws back her loaded fist.

Vinnie Lane: "Miss Fury isn't satisfied with her stolen victory! She's looking to remove the competition permanently! SOMEBODY NEEDS TO STOP THIS!"

Almost as if it were on cue, Ruby's theme hits!

Miss Fury turns her attention to the ramp as Ruby comes running down and slides right into the ring without fear of the self-professed super villain! Ruby and Fury begin to argue, with Ruby telling Fury that she's gotten what she wanted, and to just leave. Fury doesn't leave though and instead rushes in with those brass knucks, swingingly wildly at Ruby's head!

Fortunately for her, Ruby ducks the loaded shot, grabbing hold of Fury's wrist as she charges by and yanking her back towards her to hit the...


The knuckles fly across the ring as Fury is planted into the mat!

Vinnie Lane: "Oh no, behind you!"

As Ruby stands tall over the fallen Villain, she doesn't seem to notice that the OTHER Miss Fury who started the match is now back in the ring and behind her with those brass knuckles! Noticing the crowd's reaction, Ruby turns around just in time to catch the loaded fist to the temple!

Vinnie Lane: "Oh my God! What is going on here! Who is this second Miss Fury, and which one of them is the REAL Miss Fury!?!"

This Miss Fury helps the other to her feet and checks on her, making it obvious that the Fury who laid out Ruby just now isn't the actual Miss Fury. As the real Miss Fury clears the cobwebs, the one that started this match notices Kenzi Greyt trying to get to her feet. She begins to stalk Kenzi as Kenzi struggles up.


She jumps back to her feet and stands over Kenzi Grey before removing her mask.


Miss Fury and Osira embrace in the ring and celebrate their victory tonight as the Copywrite info flashes on the screen!

Vinnie Lane: "That's it for this week's edition of Anarchy! Hopefully, we can get to the bottom of this next show!"
[Image: gR8affl.png]


Big Money Oswald
Sarah Lacklan
Chris Page
Ned Kaye
Charlie Nickles

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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[-] The following 13 users Like "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post:
(02-13-2021), ALIAS (02-13-2021), Atara Raven (02-13-2021), Chris Page (02-13-2021), Corey Smith (02-13-2021), Lycana (02-13-2021), Marf (02-13-2021), Miss Fury (02-12-2021), Mr. Oz (02-13-2021), Ned Kaye (02-12-2021), R.L. Edgar (02-13-2021), Ruby (02-13-2021), Thunder Knuckles™ (02-13-2021)
Marf Offline
THE Marf

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

02-13-2021, 07:56 AM

Another fun little show! Good work everyone!

2x Xtreme Champion
2x Television Champion
2x Freestyle Champion
5x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Member of Charlie’s Carnies
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Lycana (02-13-2021)
Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

02-13-2021, 11:02 AM

Oswald, after getting fixed up from the chair shot, right after his match, smirking slightly.

"Seems like the old bat still has life in her. Good."

He then looks at the cameraman

"I told you three what would happen, did I not? You three lost, yet again, but this time you were graciously granted your loss by the Benevolent Benefactor of B. O. B.! You should be happy! However, that should instill in you more, should it not, the will to do what's best for yourself and your career?

You know what you must do, right?

Join B. O. B.

Play the fuckin' video."

He snaps his fingers and every t.v. begins to see the same B. O. B. entrance video when more than one of them are on a team.

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (02-13-2021)

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