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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
BOBTube Exclusive - Sit down Interview With Miss Fury!
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Miss Fury Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

02-19-2021, 09:17 AM

" Hello everyone, this is mother fucking Thunder Knuckles coming at you with BOB's very own YouTube channel where you can go ahead and hit that fucking subscribe button now, because thanks to Miss Fury's efforts, YouTube has agreed to pay Ole Thunder Knuckles in, YOU GUESSED IT! XBUX!!!"

[Image: 1.jpg]

" BOOM YEAH! Pretty fucking impressive if you ask me, but don't ask because our first episode is going to instead focus on the wonderful woman who made it all happen, Miss Fury! Let's welcome her to the show!"

An applause track that sounds ripped right out of some old 70's sitcom plays as we cut to a shot of Miss Fury in an obviously different location, mocking reacting to the applause track.

[Image: 2.jpg]

" Aw, thank you TK! You're such a sweetie!"

" And who cares how I did it? Let's just soak in the fact that my efforts have gifted the world with what they didn't know that they needed until now, YOU on YouTube! give it up people!"

“ Yeah, and you’re also giving ME the first exclusive sit down interview!”

” I know a lot of what’s been happening lately has been pretty confusing for our dear fans, and I thought to myself, you know what? I think that it’s high time that I “Set The Record Straight!”

“ And you’re absolutely right! The best part about it is that since YOU thought it up first, anyone else who were to try and, oh I don’t know, completely and shamelessly try to fucking ripoff this brillaint idea of an exclusive sit down interview with the most polarizing star in the XWF today would look pretty fucking Lame!”

” Naturally that is why Mr. Lane booked a similar segment on Anarchy after learning about our plans for the YouTube show.”

“ Yeah, for those of you not in the business. Not only is Vincent Lane a nonpaying slave driver who withholds all of the xbux for himself, but he forces us to clear any third party ventures through him first!”

” But it doesn’t matter, because we’re still doing it first!”

“ And a Hell of a lot better! Fucking cheers!”

[Image: 3.jpg]

" Alright, now let's hit you with some fucking hard-hitting questions! What did it feel like stomping Kenzy Grey's face into the mat at Anarchy!?"

[Image: 4.jpg]

" Well TK, I'd love to sit here and tell you how great it felt to make that statement live on Anarchy. Kenzi Grey claim's to be the face of Anarchy, a brand that, let's face it, BOB built! Nobody cared about Anarchy before BOB, even when they had Sarah Lacklan is their main attraction, the numbers just weren't there. Nobody was watching. That all changed when BOB came onto the scene. We ran off the goofy cartoon characters and brought the action and excitement that the audience craved! So stepping over Kenzi last week was defiantly me making the statement that Anarchy is my show, and it's only a matter of time before I'm standing atop the mountain again, but as good as it should have felt, the sad truth is that this business is a risky one, and every time that you step into the ring, you risk injury, or God forbid, even your life. One such injury took place during that spot, and I would be lying if I didn't say that it had me questioning whether or not I made the right decision, but at the end of the day, despite me springing my ankle on Kenzie's hard head, I believe it was totally worth it, just to show the audience exactly who the face of Anarchy ISN'T!"

[Image: 5.jpg]

" Fucking right it was, but let's talk about this injury. How bad is it, and will it play a factor in your round one match for March Madness?"

[Image: 6.jpg]

" It's pretty bad TK, pretty bad, but if I've proven anything over the last year, it's that I'm a fighter. No matter what obstacles are thrown in my path, I always overcome them. Remember that off-brand Superman that Lane threw at me when BOB first revealed our presence? Where is he now? Dealt with, that's where! What about Tula Keali'i? Time and again she came after BOB. She knew that taking out BOB would be a big win for her career, but unfortunately for her, she just wasn't clever enough to get the job done, and now she's laughing it up behind a padded cell!"

" Actually I think she's facing Barney for the Internet championship next Anarchy."

"Well good for her. I'm genuinely happy for her to have not only recovered from her psychotic break but also settle into a role more becoming of her talents. If more people in this company were able to come to terms with their inferiority, it sure would save us a lot of time. Instead, we have to constantly swat away little flies like Kieran Overton and remind these imbeciles that they belong at the bottom of the card!"

" Speaking of Karen OverAton, have you listened to the guy talk? You should listen to him talk."

" I've sampled both his matches, and a few of his promotional works, and I have to say, I'm not impressed. Rarely do we find someone so devoid of talent and brains that we at BOB don't make them some sort of offer to join the ranks. We had Micheal Graves in the group. The Thugs, Barney Green, who may I point out, is a champion now thanks to BOBs tutelage. Think about that too TK. If a guy like Barney Green who is an industry veteran can learn and improve by being in my company, a literal "green rookie" then what does that say to my natural talents in that ring? I'm already the face of Anarchy and a former champion. Three months ago you could have booked Barney Green vs Keiran Overton, and it would have literally been a toss-up on who would walk away victorious, but book that same match today, and there's no doubt that Barney Green takes the cake before Keiran can get his chubby paws on it!"

" One-Fucking-Hundred! And the chances of Karen OverAton moving onto anything but the losers battle royal are zilch to none since they drew the most unlucky fucking draw he could have when the two of you were paired up! By the way, did you know that he fucks dogs?"

Seemingly caught off guard by TK's comment, Fury places her hand to her chest and seems stunned.

"Or geez, I didn't! Is that a thing?"

" Absolutely! The dude fucks dogs and has even admitted to it in the past!"

" Really? I've never heard about this before. Do you have any evidence?"

" Of course I fucking do! Look here!"

[Image: 7.jpg]

" Oh, that's sick!"

" Sure is, and they're making you climb in the ring with that fucking freak! The XWF should be ashamed at some of the people they let walk through those doors! Anyway, let's move away from such awful and disturbing fucking topics and lighten the fucking mood, shall we?"

" Sure, what did you have in mind TK?"

“ WORD ASSOCIATION!! Let's start with an easy one! Thunder Knuckles!”

" Legend!"

“ Vinnie Lane!”

" Simp!"

“ Bobby Bourbon!!”

" Always hungry in and out of the ring!"

“ Kenzi Grey!”

" Hasn't appologized for hurting me!"

“ Bitch! Big Money Oswald!”


“ Ruby!”

"Beacon for dopes."

“ Vita Valenteen!”


“ Tula Keali’i!”

"Somehow even more irrelevant than Vita."

“ “Chronic” Chris Page!”


“ Ohhh, somebody has a crush I think! Sarah Lacklan”

" Great woman who has accomplished so much in her time here and garners nothing but respect from me, but hopefully she is smart enough to stay out of BOB's way."

“ Karen Overaton!”

" I can't get that image out of my head..."

"I'll say it, Dog Fucker! Anything to add to that Miss Fury?"

"Yes actually."

Miss Fury looks directly into the camera as if to deliver this message directly to Keiran Overton.

“You complain about your position on the card, yet lack the understanding as to exactly why you are there.”

“You expect the world to be handed to you, not realizing that you must reach out and take everything that is yours!”

“You’re angry and frustrated. Your career in the XWF isn’t what you hoped that it would be. I understand the anger and the driving force that it can be when properly utilized. It’s a great motivator, and in the right hands, anger can drive a person to accomplish more than they ever dreamed possible, but in the hands of an imbecile, anger only works to blind them to the truth. The truth in your case Mr. Overton, is that your anger does nothing more than distract you inside of that ring. You’re so concerned about looking like a badass, that when you are made to look foolish by a superior opponent, you meltdown, make poor decisions and ultimately fail. The key to weaponizing your anger is to focus it, and then control it. You fail to do either. Instead, you’re content with being the grumpy loser who beats people with sticks and cries about being underutilized.”

” He also fucks dogs! Anyway, that's all for now! We'll have to save the hard hitters for our part two, assuming there even is a part two! Speaking of, you fuckers hit that subscribe button right now if you even want a part two to this! I don’t work for fucking free, ask Smoking Bob!”

Next Video?

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[-] The following 8 users Like Miss Fury's post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (02-19-2021), Charlie Nickles (02-19-2021), Chris Page (02-19-2021), Lycana (02-19-2021), Marf (02-19-2021), Mr. Oz (02-21-2021), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (02-20-2021), Thunder Knuckles™ (02-19-2021)

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