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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » 24/7 Federweight Championship
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The studious and the stupid
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R.L. Edgar Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

12-08-2020, 09:42 PM

Reginald reviews the invisible Raison d'être of the Federweight Championship and proceeds to pop his cherry all over Tommy’s face.

'Say some slick shit about Tommy Wish.'



Firstly, it's kind of difficult to pin this down because there's nothing really slick about you. Sure, you cut-off the old doody caked dreads and now you look like the Russian version of Fuzz, but whatever. To each their own. I'd prefer not to look like such a generic, rape-conviction-bound douche bag, but keep doing you.

Or doing him?

Fuck it.

Ya'll are both real shady in my book anyhow.

See, you've been running around these Federweight sewers for years, and I'm just trying to figure out why. Is the competition stiffer? Say than your jock anytime some questionably male-sounding female pops up in the XWF booking offices?

It can’t be that, just look at the fucking clown you bested for this, Tommy Wish’s 30th ‘sun-shining-on-a-dog’s-ass’ of a title reign. Charlie Nickles is merely Tommy Wish with 25% more brain power, yet 100% less likely to fuck a tranny because he’s a newly minted incel.

So what is it?

Is there a certain tang of bitchery down here that's anymore unique from say, trying to actually do something worthwhile in the XWF? I mean I get it, the XWF is full of cunty, insecure blow hards who will all, at one time or another, flex their utmost deepest desires to be appreciated at the expense of looking like a total jackass.

But that’s not it either, because no matter how many times you’ve shifted your role over the years, hoping that playing dumb might be mistaken for actually being dumb, you’ve never shown an inkling of a hint that you might drag up out of these sewers and spread something unforgiving on a locker room toilet seat.

Well I’ve got to know. Just what is it that makes being a stupid piece of edgy-wigger garbage who half asses everything he does so desirable? What is it about spitting raps slightly worse than Jellyroll at every new XWF wrestler who tries getting their feet wet in these sewers so enticing?

What’s it like to be a lazy, stupid piece of shit?

Guess I’m about to find out.

Reggie backhands Tommy and rolls him up for the pin...



[Image: nSPgiDy.png]
-Thank you for the banner Atara Themis-

1x Hart Champion
1x Federweight Champion
April 2021 RP Of The Month Still Waters Run Deep
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Tommy Wish Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

12-08-2020, 10:10 PM

With the power of "I Just Don't Give A Fuck" plays in his earbuds, he kicksout out of RL's attempt. Then he pulls one ear bud out, and speaks with this hickest man in XWF.

Well well well, if it isn't a reject Will Forte who decided to come out of his lazy horse ad, I thought your head exploded with all that nosense you be dribbling on about around these parts, maybe you need a blanket to show where your father mentality abused you, to make seem so sympathetic when in reality you arne't nothing more than a regular man with no sense of direction.

Comparing me to Fuzz to a convicted rapist sounds cute, that means you are basically Jim Jimson's clone of being the king of unrequited Job Guy who know's who won't last long in that ring, maybe that isn't my most slick way of seeing you, but that's how it is when I smell you crawling out of the sewers. Maybe TL Hopper needs an apprentice, because you sure don't need to learn a damn thing here.

How does it feel to be a guy who coast in this place?...

It's simple, not being all so suck up and stuck up like you RL, you even had the nerve to void your own godarn attempt for the X-Treme title, due to how you can't even pin a motherfucker right. I'm shocked you managed to roll me up without having to reference my own thoughts, because they will make your brain melt into Charlie's fist in a meat grinder.

Plus, the more I half ass this shit... the more fucks less I can spare to waste my time with a hick, ignorant, slimy, grimy, piece of jerky like you. RL, I wish you ended up back in the woods with Dana Carvey after his failed relaunch back into movies, maybe you both can survive in the wilderness as everyone forgets your names, and continue living on with their lives not knowing who the fuck an RL Edgar is.

So Edgar, go play with your mother, because I know she don't want her little baby boy being hurt by an adult...shit your the reason why she shoulda drink ya hick ass long ago.
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R.L. Edgar Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

12-10-2020, 04:39 AM

Oh shit bro.

Okay, ummm...

In the spirit of random actor, and movie references that no one understands, please allow me to allow the one, THE ONLY, Mr. Jim Downey to summarize what we were all just subjected to...

[Image: 403jdu.jpg]

I mean what in the actual fuck did you even say?

There’s no way I really backhanded you that hard, Tommy. But maybe I did, because somehow, someway, you’ve ascended beyond your run of the mill special ed banter to full on lobotomized drool gargling. It sounds like you’re drowning in the shit.

Maybe I am a hick, but at least I don’t look like I have infantile jaundice. Maybe that has something to do with your lack of brain development.

Edgar rolls Tommy up for the pin again...



[Image: nSPgiDy.png]
-Thank you for the banner Atara Themis-

1x Hart Champion
1x Federweight Champion
April 2021 RP Of The Month Still Waters Run Deep
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Tommy Wish Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

12-10-2020, 06:35 AM

Tommy simply kicksout of his second attempt, then he simply walks away from him, but before he goes further, he turns around to say more gibberish unto him.

Este cinturón significa más de lo que puedas imaginar, tal vez deberías perseguir a Charlie. Si no sabes lo que dije, entonces estás en un idiota, and you should just not even bother trying to convince yourself that you have chance against me. Memes from an older movie that maybe you've watch'ed might convince Vinnie to give you the strap, but that doesn't work onto me.

Why are you thinking, believing that your backhand game was strong, when your hand is weaker than limp dick like your old man upstairs?

I mean, I could just pull my simp card and give you the belt, but man... but hey, you wouldn't understand a word I say. So, at this point... RL, while I have a lack of brain development, and will admit to infantile jaundice... you seem like a guy who couldn't go beyond an eighth grade education, with how you tried to say so much shit, that even non-hick couldn't even bother to comprehend it.

RL, in shorter terms..... Dis merr beltz an yer can't huer vit, nan nana na!
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

12-10-2020, 08:12 AM

Ha ha. He called your dreads DOODY.

Winner and NEW Federweight Champion - R.L. Edgar

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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