Chris Page
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XWF FanBase: Very random (heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)
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Joined: Thu Apr 25 2019
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09-23-2020, 02:18 PM
The callous came for the soul, the very thing Cataclysm could never regain. The Beast and The Omega came to take innocence and feel the diabolic euphoria rush through their veins as they sunk into the filth of numbness. Our Tag Team Champions were the zombies of the apocalypse they created in 2019, hardwired to annihilate others to feed their selfish addictions. Suddenly a muffled voice cries out…
” Please… I’ll… I’ll do anything… Chris, I’m… I’m… sorry… I’ll never betray you again…”
Barker struggled against the zip-ties holding him to the chair as uncongealed blood ran over the translucent plastic, crimson on white. Adam’s nose inundated with the nauseating scent of the sack that covered his head… His eyes strained for some sign of what was to come.
” Now you pay for your trespasses…”
Silence fills the air for a moment…
” Chris? Please…”
” I’m not Chris.”
Barker felt The Beasts fingers dig into his cheek before the plastic bag was ripped off… After all The Beast’s preparations, he felt like he'd earned his treat already. The abduction of Adam Barker itself was going perfectly. Cataclysm had been observing the dishonest double-dealing bastard for months, they knew Adams routines, where he lived and what was going on behind the scenes…
” Let’s bleed him out slowly…”
The Omega clenched his fist, the upward blow connects right underneath Adam Barker's chin… Barker slumps over in the electric chair as The Beast leans in lifting Barker back into a seated position…
” Oh, Adam we’re not finished…” He shouts. ” WAKE UP!”
Barker, groans in agony as the sweet taste of blood begins leaking around his pearly white teeth, and down over his cold lips… The Omega struck Barker once more this time in the stomach…
” Looks like our dear friend Adam has sprung a leak…”
” COUGH… COUGH… COUGH… Please… I’m begging for mercy… Don’t do this…”
” You want mercy? You should have gone to church…”
Barkers lip was mangled beyond repair; his shattered nose was caked in dried blood. The now browning blood had drizzled down Barker’s face… As the life fluid drained out of him in its garish red, his skin began to take on the complexion of a corpse. Barker's stomach felt sick as every muscle in his body seized, struggling to recover, to repair all the damage that had been dealt… He becomes unable to move with grace as his movements became jerkier by the second. Then one by one he lost control of his limbs until finally, his head slumped to one side. He could still hear Cataclysm, but he could no longer control his body.
” Looks like Barker’s out…”
” We’ve got plenty of time to deal with him… Let’s start the gutting of the flavors of the month shall we…”
In the background Barker begins to come too as Cataclysm watched the purple and yellow blotches scattered across his face like a disease… The bruise that had begun as a lavender stain above Adam’s eyebrow had sunk into the socket itself, and so now it had the appearance of a black eye. An ominous snicker is heard from The Omega… The Beast then proceeds.
” Why do they continue to make this so unchallenging for us?”
The Beast glances towards The Omega who offers a straightforward answer.
” I guess paying attention isn’t common practice in the XWF anymore. I mean this is Centurion and Ruby after all… I wouldn’t consider either of them savants by any stretch of the imagination… But here we are playing chess, and these two airheaded are play checkers… We all know if Cent doesn’t get his daily dose of Geritol things to get a bit discombobulated upstairs… And Ruby doesn’t know her ass hole from a hole in the ground… ”
” It’s like we’re dealing with children.”
The Beast is none too pleased as The Omega begins to speak but is interrupted by Barker who utters.
” Gurgle… God, please help me…”
The Beast leans in whispering into Barker's ear.
” He can’t hear you… Pliers.”
” Pliers… Why… Wait… Wait… I’ll pay back everything that I’ve ever taken from you…”
Omega tosses The Beast a pair of rusted needle-nose pliers…
” Damn right you will…” Hold his hand Omega…”
” With pleasure…”
Omega holds Barker's hand in place as The Beast uses the pliers go grab a fingernail…
” No… NO…”
Barker tried to struggle… Off came one fingernail… As Barker screamed… It was the kind of scream that made the blood run cold.
” Can you do two things at once? The Beast nods dropping a fingernail to the floor. “ Okay, where do you want to start? Because this thing is a freaking whole Centurion, Ruby thing is a complete fucking mess…”
” I can’t wait any longer to eat Rubes soul after hearing what she had to say; and I can’t stress these next few points enough… Because it’s this amateur hour horse shit that completely explains why she’s jockeying the Main Event scene on Anarchy and not playing with the grown folks.”
The Beast pivots away from Barker slightly glaring into the camera ripping another one of Barker’s fingernails off as he speaks directly to Ruby.
” Disappointed doesn’t begin to describe how I feel about you. After I finished that polished turd you called a promo, I felt like I had a concussion. Everything that you said, translated into jack shit… You’re supposed to be using this as an opportunity to show your worth and shut the mouths of guys like us who look at you in that costume and laugh our asses off… Why… Because you are a fraud portraying yourself to be a hero on an every other week basis…. And what the fuck did you do? Buried yourself. Do us a favor, stop off and get a shovel, so that we can just toss the dirt in and call it a day…”
” Listen, you two are neck deep up shit creek… In your world superheroes exist… In our world darkness always overcomes the light. We are degenerate super villains and in this clash of good - vs - evil… We win every time… While you have been over there on the bush-league show, we’ve continually raised the bar. Yet, you have the fucking audacity to say that we’ve done nothing. Bitch you need to wake up and take a real look around, your issue is that we’ve raised the bar so God damn high you or Cent can’t reach it. But to be fair… Centurion could never reach the brass ring to begin with…”
” Can we stop pretending that Ruby knows the first fucking when it comes to the two of us; they still think they’re dealing with Chris Page and Robert Main.”
” Let’s try this one more time so that everyone can catch up and understand what’s going on with Cataclysm since we’ve already determined that paying attention isn’t a strong suit of anyone in this company. Chris Page and Robert Main are NOT showing up on Day Two of Relentless to successfully kick the shit out of the lame-ass duo known as Centurion and Ruby; The Beast and The Omega are the XWF World Tag Team Champions and have been the World Tag Team Champions the night we dethroned The Sick Cunts to claim our straps.”
” The Beast and The Omega is a deeper, darker personality altogether, and you would know that if you halfway paid attention to, I don’t know… Anything we’ve said in the past? This is the kind of oversite you’ve all made since day one. You all prepare for Chris Page and Robert Main, and fail to prepare for The Beast and The Omega… Watch the bouncing ball guys… This is something I’d expect from Chris Chaos… Now back to your simple-minded garbage… Therefore, we steamroll people like you… We work as a unit, and we do our research…”
” Something else this stupid empty-headed had to say; Chris gave her a run for her money at Leap of Faith… How? Chris didn’t compete against her at Leap of Faith, he removed himself from the match WAY beforehand when refusing to give Theo Pryce the Television Title, or did your lack of exploration miss that shit as well? “
” We all know people love to make up any, and everything in an attempt to throw us underneath the bus, but this shit is by far is the worst of the worst, and to think we initially thought Centurion was going to be the weak link… We might need to re-evaluate that. But then again you two can speak a few more times this week, so, I’m sure who is the bigger moron will fluctuate… Ruby you talk about the Anarchy Championship like it means something around here… Like you did something immense… There is nothing extraordinary about anything that you have done. That belt is like winning a game of corn hole at your uncles’ shitty barbecue, no one gives a shit… Or getting a lap dance from the stripper serving sloppy Joe’s at lunchtime… Sure people talked about it, everybody walking God’s green Earth cherishes an underdog story… Congratulations you’re the XWF’s very own “RUDY”… Look at the clout queen of the Twitter-verse ladies and gentlemen, while you were over there establishing order… We were racking up Championships and wrecking shop… ”
” Rubes, I want you to go back and re-watch your Leap of Faith Ladder Match, and then I want you to come back to us and explain how a guy that wasn’t there gave you such a run for your money… To spark enough interest enough in that feeble little mind of yours to fucking say, FUCK you’re . Another slight dig she tried to take was how Cataclysm hasn’t done anything with the Tag Titles…”
” Wow, shocker there… It’s like Déjà vu or some shit…”
” I mean having an open contract that anyone can sign at any time wasn’t enough… But when you are on top of the mountain, it never is… They always uncover something to nitpick at… We’ve waited for folks to come to the grown-up table and take a seat with us… No one has… Now we’ve had to go out and force people to sign it. Listen up little cunt, let’s spell this out one more time for you… Do yourself a fucking favor, and smarten yourself up. You’ve been around since we won these straps back at March Madness and it took you six months to grow a pair and put pen to paper. What’s that say about you? Let’s take it a step further; not only have we had an open contract on the table that NOBODY has bothered to sign; and not because they didn’t want too, but because they’re afraid too… It wasn’t until here and now with you two, twats that someone has stepped to the plate and challenged… Then again, you’d know that if you paid attention to your surroundings.”
” Now let me backtrack for a second if I may… There were a few jackasses that tied to get a match… Well in on this one… See they thought the writing was on the wall… Everybody thought Cataclysm was an untroublesome target… We were double booked defending two, championships a piece… What they assumed was we’d be easy marks… Well, they thought wrong… See, we are not uneducated, we’ve been around the block a time or two… Adding another team or two to the mix would have stacked the odds against us… Not saying we couldn’t overcome the odds or anything, because we all know we’ve done that our entire careers… Plus rumor had it, you two wanted the match… That’s why we choose the ladder… A supposed legend and a want to be the hero everyone loves… That right there puts asses in seats, makes money, and adds to what we have been doing…Then come to Graves and Thunder Knuckles out from the shadows they’d been hiding in because they thought there was blood in the water… These two clowns assumed they’d hop in on this little party, pulling a quick one… These two minnows don’t have a clue… They know even Stevens we wipe the canvas with their asses… Plus they do nothing for us… Besides, add to the body count… That is it… We’ll get them soon enough… And after we defend against them, like everyone else they’ll have an excuse… Just like you two will… Now then Ruby if going undefeated as a tag team since November 2019 isn’t doing something then what is? Tell me, please… Is triumphantly defending the titles against any and every one the front office has thrown in our direction not doing something? Winning War games 2020 isn’t doing something and if snatching all the focus of any, and everyone within the federation isn’t doing something… Then I don’t know what is.”
” Chalk this shit up to inexperience when taking a seat at the grown folk's table because she gave me all of this in a twenty-second GoPro clip so imagine how I’ll rip her pussy apart when she gives me some real material to sink my teeth in.”
The Omega releases Barker's hand leering downward at his own hands covered in sticky scarlet… Omega makes as fist watching as the blood flowed over his fingers, the color etched into his mind as a sickness crawled inside him… He then steps away towards the camera… Barker again pleads for his life as The Beast tears off another nail…
” Ruby, this isn’t a dream, it’s not a fantasy… This is an unholy obscureness that’s going to consume you the mere moment you step off that boat and on to this island. While you and Centurion are off with your thumbs up each other’s asses we are here at Alcatraz becoming one with the unsympathetic playground that has been selected for us to dismember your bodies and snuff you out.”
The Omega steps back and the Beast steps forward handing The Omega the pliers soaked in blood.
” Do yourself a favor and instead of pretending you know what the fuck you’re talking about… Know what the fuck you’re talking about. This is some Peter Gilmour style of senselessness, and we’re just getting started. Anymore monumental fuck ups on your behalf will officially put this more out of reach for you than it already is. What you fail to realize is that when you step to us you must be on point, or it’s not even going to be close. If you’re trying to step out of the Anarchy spotlight and step into a greater one, you’re going to have to do a hell of a lot better than what you’ve done thus far… Because the mentality you’re showing is speaking volumes.”
” The look on her face when she realizes jumping into the deep end of the pool wasn’t the best of ideas is going to be priceless, it’s going to bring joy to my heart to hear her squeal, to smell her fear when she’s beaten to a bloody pulp.”
” It tells me; we’re leaving The Rock as we’ve entered…. Tag Team Champions.
” This is going to smoother than we thought… When we have the uneducated Ruby teaming with the wallow in his own self-pity Centurion.”
” Not sure why it’s so hard to believe he’s having a hard time for being one pathetic disappointment, but it’s not information people haven’t already given him. He watches his failure to Warstein and thinks to himself that he’s the greatest to never hold the Universal Title… When the dude made a run at beating fucking scrubs for months allowing that false sense of confidence build-up that he’s untouchable… And just like that…
The Beast snaps his fingers before he states.
” It’s gone.”
” Don’t feel bad about it Cent, you were simpleminded enough to believe your propaganda and it backfired on a grand scale… One of the biggest fuck ups of your career on one of the greatest pay-per-views of the year… What you should have never done was pretended that you could compete on a world-class level when the month before at War games Warstein skunked you just like I skunked him. My mind tells me that if you can’t beat the living daylights out of Shawn what makes you think you’re going to be able to touch The Omega? Robert thrashed Shawn in that Captains match and The Omega mutated Shawn at Wargames; both personalities you couldn’t touch with a ten-foot fucking poll… Even if you decided to get out of bed early and down an entire bag of Werther’s Originals in the process.”
” Maybe you’ll understand when your older when you’re wearing house slippers and watching a few episodes of Murder, She Wrote… I can see it now Centurion housing infinite amounts of Jell-O staring at his wall calendar… Yet, the guy thinks he’s in his prime… You know what doesn’t make a whole lot of sense?”
” What’s that?”
” On the one side you have Rubes saying we’ve not done anything with the Tag Titles and on the other side you have HER PARTNER saying that Cataclysm is so dominating and teams HAVE REFUSED to face them; which one is it? How can we do nothing as a team AND have teams scared shitless? Jesus Christ do these two greenhorns not know the emphasis on the word TEAM? You know, be on the same fucking page while reading the same book… This shit is stated within the first fifteen seconds of your promo’s.”
” Talk about a glaring error! But hey they wanted to make sure they covered both sides of the spectrum… Talk about having your cake and eating it too…”
The Beast watched the blood fall from Barkers drenched hands oozing from where each of his fingernails used to be… Droplets that looked like rubies floated freely off his fingertips hitting the concrete floor below revealing its deadly beauty…
” Let’s not forget that even Centurion thinks he’s dealing with Chris and Robert…”
” I’m not rehashing that shit again. We all get it these two haven’t been paying attention… Water under the bridge man…”
” Agreed… They’ve both shown us already they’re not smarter than a fifth-grader. There’s nothing typical about what lays before you old man, and the sheer fact that you tried to spin Cataclysm not doing their homework on you is almost as funny as the notion you think you’re going to pull off some elaborate upset… Who the fuck you think you’re getting into a fight with boy? Tony Santos? Where exactly is he anyway?”
” Oh, I don’t know? Dude fell off the face of the fucking Earth… Better yet… Who the fuck cares!”
” My point exactly! Face the facts, Centurion, at one time you might have been good at best, but you never reached the tippy top because you’re just NOT good enough. The proof to that statement rests within you thinking that we’re going to underestimate you and your partner to the degree we would allow it to cost us the dynasty we’ve been building. Not hardly, see all we’re doing is pointing out the facts that you and Rubes are bringing a knife to a gunfight and you don’t even know who you’re dealing with.”
” You can never expect to rise above all the other victims when you’re making the same mistakes. Neither of you could wrestle with Robert or Chris for that matter and you damn sure aren’t going to be able to step into a no rules rough and tumble prize fight with the single most dominating force in the wrestling business…”
” That’s a fact.”
” Both of you had better get together, and get on the same page and do it like right fucking now… Your safety depends on it… You are already neck-deep and shit and each time you two open those mouths, it just gets deeper… As it stands right now you look like a couple of jobbers trying to convince the world that this dog and pony show you call underdogs is going to overcome an insurmountable challenge is a thing. Centurion if you believe for a split-second that slight tingle between your legs means anything because this match is at Relentless, you’re an idiot… I’d go get checked for dick cancer if I were you… What’s next you going to wish upon a shooting star? Maybe hit the local Dragon Hut and crack open a fortune cookie and take the advice seriously? Your only chance in this entire thing is to run like Bartholomew Henry Allen… Oh, that’s The Flash by the way… The problem we’re GODSPEED and REVERSE FLASH…”
” You two will not outrun us or hide.”
A brief pause from The Beast as he tosses the needle nose pliers off camera.
” No more fingernails… Now what?”
” We could break all his fingers, and then pull out his teeth one at a time…”
” Better idea… Let’s just flip the switch and get it over… I want him awake though… He needs to know what’s coming…
Omega nods slapping Barker several times… Then begins locking Barker in place with the leather straps attached to the chair… He chuckles to himself…
” I always knew there was something off about you… For nearly twenty fucking years you rode Chris Page's coattails… You took the limelight away from him, you stole from him… Everything that you have ever attained in your pathetic life was because of him… Now, time to finish this…”
” God please help me… I’ll never use someone again… God, please, if you hear me come to my aid…”
The Beast and The Omega make their way over to the control panel to the electric chair… The panic in Adam Barker begins to rise, building like an unstoppable boulder in the pit of his stomach. He cannot concentrate on anything else other than what Cataclysm is doing. The next step in his heart begins to beat stronger and accelerating by the second, adrenaline levels rise, his balls try to crawl up inside his body, and his brain starts to fire out every contradictory thought like a machine gun. The sweat starts beading up all over his body. The negative thoughts keep coming as the misunderstandings in Barkers become rapid and so unnerving that his brain once again shuts down his body. The Beast reaches for the lever to the electric chair then goes after Centurion and Ruby once more…
” You’re both lost causes and with each word, you spit you further hammer that point home. Our eyes are firmly open to whom we have to stand before us, and we welcome your challenge to take away our titles with open arms… But that’s where it ends. We’re going to do unto you like we’ve done unto so many others before you. You’re both about to find out that we aren’t anything nice to play with and in the process, you’re going to be forced to realize that neither of you is fooling anyone. You’ll both continue down the road of failure when faced with a legitimate fight. We aren’t playing under the thumb of confinements such as Anarchy and while things might be more “relaxed” to put things in Centurion's favor I certainly don’t see it.”
” What we do see are two individuals in the infancy of becoming a team, we see two, people that have never teamed before and who are not on the same page… We see rookie mistakes being made… This shit is comedy gold and amateur hour to boot… Your first opportunity as a team has landed you in the crosshairs of the most threatening team in the wrestling world since The Kings… Or dare I say Dr. D'Ville and Unknown Soldier… You two have a long road to travel to come close to reaching our level… Honestly, the two of you are not even on the level below us… The two of you don’t have the first fucking clue what awaits you on this Island.”
Barker begins to pray and The Beast begins pulling the lever.
” For all those out there watching I want you to take a good long look at what Centurion and Ruby have done, and do the exact opposite because this level of failure belongs down in the bush leagues… then again, so do the both of you. Relentless Night Two the both of you are going to arrive on this island, and there’s a very good chance that you’ll both be staying on it as well. We are Cataclysm! We are the XWF World Tag Team Champions! We, are going to fucking own you!”
” And we’re going to leave Alcatraz still the World Tag Team Champions.”
” There’s pretty much nothing either of you is going to be able to do about it.”
” Run…”
:::::To Be Continued::::