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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Relentless Day 2 RP Board 2020
Dethroning The Queen and stopping the newbie - Everything is key
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Scarlet The Hunteress Offline
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XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

09-18-2020, 12:28 PM

It all starts at this one point in time.
It all starts to become serious, way more serious, at this one point in time.
Everything leading up to this one point in time is just a leadup, it's just a start.
But this is when everything becomes interesting.
This is my first PPV match here within the XWF, and I get placed in
a title match.

Am I ready for a title match? One can only ask.

I won one match and lost three or four others since debuting on Anarchy.
So I ask again Am I ready for a title match?
Some may say no.
My opponents would say no.
But others would say yes, it's not a problem.
But I say..... hell yeah I'm ready for a title match.
Let the hunt begin.

The XWF is on fire
because people go about destroying one another
The signs are there
Heck look at what happened to Mastermind
The leader of the Misfits.
My Misfits who I am now a member of.
The so called lionheart destroyed Mastermind last Warfare
and we haven't seen hide nor hair of Mastermind since.
But we did hear from his wife
and she's not in a very good mood.

I haven't met Maria, but apparently she is co-owner of the Misfits with her Husband
Both have never been to Misfits Training Center in Miami, Florida, yet they set it up
Thanks to Antony the Jerk, who runs the place at least you think he knows what he is doing.
I'm part of the Misfits. But we are just a joke. Because we lose all the time.
But I say that is about to change. Because what Misfits wants are titles.
But I'm a Hunter, and what I want is prey.
But I've found my prey.

I'm a hunter, and I'm on the hunt.
Looking for wins and forgetting about the losses
I'm a hunter, and I've been given a shot at Relentless.
I will not relent.
I will be the one to cause most damage.
I'm a hunter, and when I hunt I smell certain smells.
I can taste the spoils.
I can cause havoc.
I can cause chaos.
I can cause upsets.
I am the one who will cause an upset.
Because I am a hunter.
not just any old hunter
but the Hunteress.
I am Scarlet The Hunteress Donaldson.

I stalk my prey until I'm ready to catch them
I catch my prey and they can't react fast enough
My prey my victims are the ones who don't know what's hit them.
I'm hungry for a win.
One might say I'm hungry like a wolf.

I hide, because I stalk
I stalk, because I hunt
I hunt, because that's what I'm good at doing.
I hunt, because I'm the hunter
I'm not just a hunter.
I'm the Hunteress,
I am Scarlet The Hunterss Donaldson.

When you know you have your prey all ready for the capture
The heart inside you goes boom boom boom
because you are there stalking your prey
and you just need to know when the right timing is
so your heart beats faster and faster
but at least your prey can't hear it.
But then I make my move
and then the prey don't know what's hit them
it's all over.
Because I am that good
Because I am the Hunter
Not only the hunter but the Hunteress
I am Scarlet The Hunteress Donaldson

Before I start the hunt my prey is lost
No one but me can find my prey
I search and I look
I search and I hunt
and then I find my prey
I sense my prey before I find my prey
I pick up on their trail
I follow the trail
I find the prey
I get ready to kill
I make the kill
Because I am the Hunter
Not just any Hunter
I am the Hunteress
I am Scarlet The Hunteress Donaldson.
And who are you?
You are my prey.

So here I am ready for my first Pay Per View in the XWF, and like I said before I get put into a title match. I'm aware I am not ready for this kinda shit, but hey I'll make do what I need to do. I'm not going to be making up the numbers. So I have to be focused, I have to stay calm. I have to just be ready to take my chance when it comes.

So here are my next two victims.

[Image: avatar_1860.png?dateline=1497599099] [Image: 4cb1ed9a3e738a0c2ece441bc80ba13f.jpg?dat...1599764181]

The one on the left is the so called Queen of Chaos. She calls herself a Queen but yet I've been told there are 3 so called Queens in the XWF.

There's the Universe Chump Sarah Lacklan whose wife Kenzi is her lackey. She calls herself the Queens of all Queens. Why because she's a lesbian? I don't buy it, nor will I go and put myself into that kind of controversy.

Then there's the true queen of the XWF, because she proved it to everyone and well she was awarded the title when she won the King of the Ring earlier on in the year. So I've been told. I'm only new here. But Madison Dyson won King of the Ring to become Queen. But hey if I'm not mistaken going on the history of the King of the Ring in the XWF, last year's winner also became King of the Ring, and the official Queen of the XWF, the Universe Chump herself Sarah the aforementioned Lacklan. So that's make's her lackey wife Kenzi a court jester?

Everyone knows that you can't have two queens. That's why Sarah is the dominant one and is the true Universe Champion. But I'm not supposed to be talking about Sarah and Kenzi, or Madison, I need to be talking about the new Shooting Star Champion, Jenny Myst.

Before I do. It has to be funny when both Madison and Sarah won their KIng of the Ring titles, because before the end of their reigns, they both shat their pants and lost titles.

Lacklan was the Anarchy champ last year. Theres only so long you can keep that title plus the title of Queen of the Ring, and it got all too much for her, and she ended up wasting away. She needed time to come back. And boy when she did came back she made a statement.

Now hang on, I did say I was over talking about Lacklan and Dyson but I'm building up to something. So bare with me.

Now Dyson won the Queen of the Ring this year, and held it so long, before she became tired and after winning the Shooting Star Championship she couldn't take it any more and well she lost last Savage to Jenny Myst. Now Jenny is holding up the title and she has called herself a Queen.

See where I am leading?

Do you see?

Does any one see?

I can see. And I can smell it too.


I can smell desperation on Jenny Myst. She has been trying to prove for a number of years that she is the best. She couldn't do it with her former flame Chris Chaos, so she broke out on her own and has been trying to do it ever since with her boring chat shows. What yawn fests they are Jenny.

You're a yawn fest Jenny.

You reek of desperation. You are desperate to hold onto this new coveted title of yours that you do anything to keep it.

I smell your fear. I can feel it a mile away Jenny.

But like all prey when I smell them, I can pounce and take them down and kill them.

You may have just won this Shooting Star Title Jenny, but it's not going to be yours for long.

Stop being so desperate to prove yourself, Jenny. Because it doesn't make you look or sound good. Your no queen. You haven't won the King of the Ring, so you can't say you are a queen that way. Your no queen of the talk shows because they are literally a snooze fest. Everyone turns off of them within seconds of you coming on.

I'm going to be taking your title Jenny. Whether you like it or not, your desperation is what I can work on.

Now onto the newbie Ash Quinn.

What I can smell of you is fear. Fear because you are an unknown quality, and fear because you don't know yet how to compete against these so big personalities. Fear because you don't want to make yourself look bad.

You reek of fear Ash, just likes Jenny reeks of desperation.

I'll tell you what I am going to do Ash.

This is a ladder match.

The person who climbs to the top of the ladder and retrieves the Shooting Star Title will become the new Shooting Star Champion. It won't be Jenny because her desperation will get in the way and she will make a whole heap of mistakes.

It won't be you Ashy. Can I call you Ashy? Too bad I am. Ashy? Your fear that you don't know what you are doing amongst big personalities will continue. I will take you outside the ring, and show you the way to the back, and then you can do two things.

First - Be a good girl and know's when enough's enough, and just leave.

Don't let the fear get to you. So leave.

Just head to the back and stay in the back.

Or two. I beat you down so severe that you won't be able to climb back inside the ring, let alone climb any fucking ladder.

What would be worse? Admitting you can't do this and be shown the door literally. Or two being beaten into submission that you can't climb anything worth while and that you become a laughing stock.

If I were you Ashy I'd go with option one, and then that fear of yours will leave so quickly that you won't be a laughing stock. Jen will become the laughing stock.

So Jenny the desperado Myst, Ashy I'm too afraid of the big personalities Quinn, that's what's going to happen in a nutshell. I'LL be climbing the ladder. I'LL be taking what's mine..... The spoils of dealing with prey like you, and then I'll be Shooting for the Stars as a champion Misfit that I am.

I'm hungry to win a match.
I'm hungry to win a title
I'm hungry to take out two prey at once.
I'm just hungry to compete.
I'm hungry like the wolf.

I'm going to take this match to the both of you, and show why you both are not worthy are being anywhere near me. You two are just prey. I take out prey.

I have one last thing to say:




Liam Roberts - Thursday Night Anarchy - 23rd July 2020

[Image: misfits.png]
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