Greggo is not an actual competitor (except when he's there to job out, or try and cost someone a multi person match) but he will manage you if you need a manager or insurance policy! In some situations, a manager can even RP once on your behalf and that RP will help boost your own work for that week/match by a small amount. Greggo on rare occasions may also accept tag team matches if somebody specifically wants him as their partner. He'll also manage a tag team if they need him. Sometimes he gets assigned to be someones manager by "mysterious parties" that he claims are XWF GoDz, and sometimes those assigned clients don't necessarily have any say about whether or not he helps them, promotes them, and loves on them real good.
As a manager and insurance policy, Greggo is currently dedicated to the following star(s): Sarah Lacklan
While the true nature of their relationship remains largely a mystery, it's become quite clear over the months that Greggo is very instrumental in helping his client in an "off grid" manner as to not discredit her name or devalue her wins
on screen. He has taken a bullet for her on more than one occasion, but usually he's not SEEN with her during a show. Meanwhile, he promotes the living fuck out of her any chance he gets when he's on social media or rambling in the 24/7 halls.
It's worth noting that Greggo has some association with Madison Dyson as well, but it hasn't been announced in any official capacity. Greggo
does occasionally refer to her as one of "Greggo's Gurls". It seems at a glance as if Greggo actually enjoys himself when he's working with Madison, while on the other hand with Sarah Lacklan it's all business and uber professional.
Greggo is currently accepting additional clients as he looks to build his "Greggo Fam" stable with Sarah leading the charge as the flag ship and top draw. Who will be the next member of the Greggo Fam? Will it be YOU?
In-Ring Name: Greggo
New to XWF or a returning roster member?: Always lurking. Claims to be a former champion in tons of feds but strangely can't produce any evidence.
Hometown: He'll never tell
Squirmy and touchy-feely but also pretty sick in the head. He will seem timid... until you realize his hand is on your thigh, or notice him chewing a goat liver in an anything but timid fashion. If he's on certain drugs, he may be aggressive and outlandish. He can often come across as a very unlikable scumbag if you pay attention to him and his day to day behavior. He's the kind of guy that almost always seems like he's just there to make things uncomfortable for everyone. He's the guy that makes you suspect a troll job even when he's saying something nice or doing something good. He could be donating money to a charity and you're going to just KNOW "something is up" and somebody is being hurt, or made fun of, or otherwise targeted. Even Shane

stopped talking to Greggo before he died. Hired Gun won't return Greggo's calls. It's takes a sick fuck to NOT be tremendously turned off by everything Greggo says and does.
Physical Build Description: Not very built. Doesn't work out in any traditional sense that XWF would recognize as legitimate training. Animal products are used in certain rituals.
Ring Attire: Casual dress of any kind. Sweat pants or ripped jeans.... nothing... whatever works.
Out Of Ring/Casual Attire: Same as above, except even more likely to be the "nothing" option. Lately he's been far more likely to have shit covered hands and clothing (if any).
Ethnicity: Possibly some Spanish and he claims there is African American in his blood...
Wrestling Style: Grungy and dirty. Sometimes slimy. Poor execution but relentless in his attempts to gain control and hurt someone enough to stop the match. Cheap as possible because he knows how unskilled and vulnerable he truly is in that ring.
Strengths: Affectionate, loving, caring. Sometimes that translates into him being too slippery for an opponent to grapple, or just too disgusting. His overwhelming perfume and body spray combo (to mask the shit smell) can really bother some people and once made a man pass out! The fact that he usually has an erection throws off some foes. His attempts to make out with an opponent can sometimes get him out of an otherwise tight (in the way he
doesn't like) spot.
Weaknesses: Can be sloppy, possessive, selfish, stalkerish, gayish, and downright creepy. Sometimes believed to be

. Can dip back and forth between sounding coherent and sounding like he's got ten dicks in his mouth. Sometimes he fakes random accents and every now and then pretends to speak other languages.
Entrance Theme Music: If he's coming out alone and warrants individual theme music being played, he'll use whatever theme is currently his top client's theme, because you don't remember Paul Bearer coming out to his own snappy jazz tune; he came out to his Undertaker's music.
Entrance Description: Greggo's client's theme plays over the speakers as Greggo makes his way through the crowd, occasionally stopping to make out with or grope various people in the audience; both male and female. He is wearing one of the cheap free face masks they give out at stores, so he's definitely being safe about this. The fans seem mostly disgusted by his attempts to molest them, but for all we know that could be due to Corona concerns. (spoiler they've always hated when he does this)
Top 15-20 Commonly Used, Standard Moves: All the moves of Disco Inferno, Kwee Wee, Norman Smiley, and The Young Bucks combined. Often weak delivery/impact.
Trademark Move: Testicle Tuner
Description: A targeting of the groin with inanimate objects, or his teeth
Primary Finisher: SEX
Description: Greggo starts dry humping the opponent and tries to have sex with them, but the success of this attempt depends on many hidden variables
Secondary Finisher if applicable: Ode To The Father
Description: Small Package Rollup Pin
Favorite Weapon if any: Sex
Additional notes: If you want Greggo in your corner, send a PM or make a public IC post asking for him. Greggo will do his best to help you win your match and keep you relevant with constant promotional marketing and random social media posts, along with possible interference and/or distractions when it comes time for the match!